1995 by Kewlers [web] & mfx [web]
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popularity : 86% |
alltime top: #13 |
added on the 2006-08-06 01:38:49 by bhead ![]() |
popularity helper
rulez added on the 2006-08-06 01:48:16 by wie8 

absolutely awesome! this demo rocks hard!
bring it back!
great just great.
WOW Yes!
rocks, totally! what a cool soundtack. nice visuals as well. and credits in hardwired style. \o/
balances on the verge of extreme cheesyness - not at all times successfully ... but captures the feeling quite nicely. kwl, I hope you're kdding about that 'last demo ever' thing...
omfg! brilliant.
this can't be the last kewlers demo, nooooooo.
this can't be the last kewlers demo, nooooooo.
soundtRack of course =)
This was that cool, I pissed in my pants!
OMFG! I've lost the control of my thumb!
I wish the milkman would deliver my NAPALMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM in the morning...
really nice work....
i am speakless,, top music, top gfx ,, cool work
excellent work, as always
hell yeah. massive effort.
i got the point, i like some parts.. but as a demo, looks like a mix of different styles that doesn't match together :_(
Not very 1995, except for the credits. Very nice, though.
totally absolu-fucking-lutely kick-ass demo! ;)
this was fucking amazing at the big screen but it was even more fucking amazing when i saw it on a computer screen (didn't see the billboards)
great spirit, great soundtrack. and nice to see my asciis getting used. :)
top10 soundtrack.
not as cool concept and visuals - still good fun.
but wasn't this oldschool in 95 already?
not as cool concept and visuals - still good fun.
but wasn't this oldschool in 95 already?
top10 soundtrack.
not as cool concept and visuals - still good fun.
but wasn't this oldschool in 95 already?
kids... [sigh]
not as cool concept and visuals - still good fun.
but wasn't this oldschool in 95 already?
kids... [sigh]
yeah... me likes it :)
rocks! \:D/
Finally a kewlers thing I like. No yawning scenes, no weird music. Whiiieee, this is a nice one!
f'kin' great. loved the fx!
i'd wish this wasn't the last kewlers' demo.. i want more!
i'd wish this wasn't the last kewlers' demo.. i want more!
A fun-filled, worthy swansong that ensured I had a smile on my face from start to finish. This rocks.

Nice concept!
Me like..
Me like..
This product will make you happy
As a casual demoscene observer this demo really impressed me. When watching it from my screen, i kept saying "oh shit, what a music, what a style, what a spririt!". My heart was beating, my hands were shaking. This has potential to reach bigger audience.
I have a new favourite demo.
so this is the end of kewlers ... happy trip back
contains probably the best soundtrack since planet potion. gosh that soundtrack is so great :) happy trip into the unforeseen kewlers, your name will stand among the legends.
wau wau! very refreshing, great tune and excellent effects!
Olihan se semmonen :)
I get 1 fps on my 6 months old laptop.
Music was crap. Waiting for an avi capture.
Music was crap. Waiting for an avi capture.
What a demo! Excellent effects, excellent music, excellent everything...
stylish, and very good feeling of oldschool atmosphere. music is nice too, scene poetry always roxx =)
Great effects , great music . Great demo .. wooww.
great prod, the 90's style rocks
great demo (:
should have won!
kaupallista potentiaalia!
great *
go mfx gooo ;)
go mfx gooo ;)
Whoosh! this one roxx!!
kewlers still suck! ;)
and uncle-x too!!!
and uncle-x too!!!
fucking YES!!! I need more thumbs!
btw, don't you find it kinda amusing that the group whose work was never an example of that gool old demo style that we all know too well, decided to end its career with a plea for the revival of the 90's? and mfx aren't exactly starfields and scrollers aficionados either...
totally awesome sound track + works under wine in linux = rulez
cool demo
The demo is great. Happy trip back, kewlers.
...and svn files in the archive rock too :)
video please, can't wait to see more mfx stuff!
still waiting for a video to surface
dip, your wait is over: ftp://ftp.untergrund.net/users/acryd/videos/kewlers_mfx-1995.avi
\o/ ROXX!!!!!
especially the greetinx part :)
especially the greetinx part :)
after watching it for the second time a defintive thumb up. great effects, music fits perfect, and the atmosphere is great :)
*snif* touching.
"choose effects over 3ds" - WERD!!11
Totally refreshing and with style, once again!
hello Hardwired ;)
hello Hardwired ;)
it's been a hell of a ride, great stuff, not my music though, and yeah, Tortoise started greenlighting the data folder since it still had the .svn metadata in it :)
"choose effects over 3ds"
"choose effects over 3ds"
just rewatched it and must say - this is simply SCENE SPIRIT, as banal and clichée it may sound. i had chills over my skin when the voice set in, and even more when the credit part came up. the visuals are like, maybe i would even hate them in some other context, but in this way of scene self-reflection and overall concept they are great and touching your soul. kewlers, this is really a worthy goodbye present to the scene, THANKS FOR EVERYTHING! and now that you guys can concentrate more on mfx, let's hope it will bear some heavy fruits. :)
kewlers will always suck deep in our hearts.
RIP my beloved! :( thank you for all the fish!
RIP my beloved! :( thank you for all the fish!
I very hearty thumb up! I really enjoyed this one.. Great style!
After the soundtrack was made at least half a year ago, I had huge hopes for this demo.
Sadly enough, in some areas it went a bit down from what it was in the beginning.
But it still rules, and now Arto will finally let me copy that soundtrack to MY computer so I can hear it even more often ;)
Sadly enough, in some areas it went a bit down from what it was in the beginning.
But it still rules, and now Arto will finally let me copy that soundtrack to MY computer so I can hear it even more often ;)
i must admit i expected something better after all the comments, design is a bit messy and it did confused me in some parts of the demo.
greetings is my fav part
still, good work
greetings is my fav part
still, good work
i second Preacher! fukcing rules!
very touchy, oldskoolish, beautiful. just perfect for the latest demo of great group.
... lb sux hard!!! i hate you! king of the demomusic!
awsome, got style and effects - as always
Ruled quite a lot, especially the music
Excellent demo.. Great concept with a super execution
I think calling this demo oldskool is understating its message. Optimus' demo is oldskool. This one is what the oldskool hoped would be futuristic, back in the day.
I love the idea: that old effects can be twisted and made totally modern and inspiring all over again. It just comes down to creativity and cleverness, just as it always did.
I love the idea: that old effects can be twisted and made totally modern and inspiring all over again. It just comes down to creativity and cleverness, just as it always did.
really great one
and someone please put a decent screenshot
and someone please put a decent screenshot
This product will make you happy
This was a very nice trip.
great demo! Music is excellent!
enjoyed it much on ASM-TV...catchy tune.
Hardwired-style credits were cool even without morphing-pixel-font ;)
Hardwired-style credits were cool even without morphing-pixel-font ;)
New leader! How strong and fast he is!
oh, sorry, i forgot my thumb!
i'm sorry... but there is nothing new here... the music is catchy, but the direction isn't... for some reason I was expecting much more.
i'm sorry... but there is nothing new here... the music is catchy, but the direction isn't... for some reason I was expecting much more.
maybe a bit overhyped right now, but it has nice effects+cache music and the design is solid, so here goes:
"cache music"? that's obviously wrong, but how did that happen? weird :)
i meant "great music" or "ace music" or something along those regions ;)
i meant "great music" or "ace music" or something along those regions ;)
very energic direction and music, nice colors
yes! will be a classic!
holy moly, this is great =) very entertaining.
incredible soundtrack, unfortunately all effects arent equally good, but still a great show
a fabulous demo !
the music is absolutely great and the visual amazing !
i want to triple-thumbup that prod :D
the music is absolutely great and the visual amazing !
i want to triple-thumbup that prod :D
I watched it five times again. Three times more are coming! This one has so great feeling, I had to feel such a love for a demo since two thousand. Bring back the old demo art!!! (Now, coup de cour too :)
Bring baaaaaaack... now can somebody get that soundtrack out of my head please?
massive production!
You have totally managed to get the right 1995 feeling in to the demo. And also technically a nice prod. Respect!
Yay, bring back the old times!
kewlers dogma or agenda: dunno, but i totally agree! hope they have fun coding more demos at their homeplanet... :) bring back demoart
This is way cool! Inspiring stuff that really makes the scene of today worth following. 1994 was a better vintage, though. ;-P
This has a great rhythm in it. Progressing all the time instead of five-minute long ambient flybys.
This one rules big time. I don't have the words for it.
great feeling
i love it!
oh yeah!
Definitely way better than the Fairlight demo. To me this demo is what demoscene is all about, seeing something like this makes it even seem worthwhile. The soundtrack is awesome, I don't normally like that kind of vocals but they work perfectly here. And the demo just flows great.
lovely one ! should have got better ranking at party !!
I don't agree with the message in the demo - new demos kick old demos' butt any day (take this demo for example). Lot's of ugly rgb-colors in this one though and an overly catchy scene-themesong - but still a great, great demo!
good, but too short
hornet: read texts again in that demo. i think they're quite right.
the soundtrack touched me very deep! exactly my style! this demo rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great oldskool feeling in this prod. The music is superb as the design. Congrats ;)
vary cool
respect. nice last one.
I watched this at work and couldnt stop pop locking at my desk!!! Good work!!!
Just awesome.
simply the FIRST MFX demo i like !!!
they proove they could do great without only looping 2 FX durring 10 mn on a headfuking monotonal rave tune as in their other demos ....
they proove they could do great without only looping 2 FX durring 10 mn on a headfuking monotonal rave tune as in their other demos ....
what a merry demo. The overlays should maybe have been of scantily clad women instead to better reflect 1995. :) Who cares when the groove is this good. Cool effects for cool effects' sake and completely flabbergastingly good soundtrack.amazingly catchy..release a cd in this style and you'll earn thousands of money. :)
fucking yay!
shame on the font though.
but i still love it. gonna try it louder speakers tomorrow...
shame on the font though.
but i still love it. gonna try it louder speakers tomorrow...
rahow: you dont know their demology.
oh, this is wonderful!
Great demo, great soundtrack. However, it left me with nothing but a black screen and all I could do was reboot. Thumbs up still. :)
rockz :) especially liked the 3d objec-pixelate-extrude-heightmap effect
rockt :D
it's not the musiclies boobies!
nice mixture


interesting. Some good parts.
Best PC demo from ASM06. Outstanding visuals and style and a kick ass soundtrack. I love you!
BEST! BEST!! BEST DEMO 2006!!! Superb! I love this demo!
A demo with soul.
What clarence said.
Phenomenal visuals. Wonderful.
Instant luv!
Finntastic soundtrack. I lubbor thee greetings part.
the only kewlers demo that live up to their slogan in a not so funny way
great stuff!
oh, and the soundtrack definitely rock!
oh, and the soundtrack definitely rock!
So good!
Now let's see if someone heeds the call.
Rocks hard.
very good visual and sound.
very funky one !
very funky one !
hellooooooooo nurse!
Just great!
really cool production
Best production of 2006, should have won and i think many realize that now. Best soundtrack i have heard since a long time, lives up to classics as the Desert Dream theme by Laxity/Kefrens and Second Reality theme by Skaven & Purple Motion/Future Crew :D
An absolute Classic :D
An absolute Classic :D
sorry, i think demo must be on first place
i choose you
This is demo

dunno, if it (the upper '1995') works here...
Havent felt this way about a demo since.. ehm. very long.
this rox...
very nice
very nice
Amazing.....LOVED IT!
This demo is pure, shameless, total crap. And done on purpose, even!
(but I enjoyed watching it)
Fucking great!
a great demo that will be remembered
goodbye and thank you for all the fish
does what it says on the tin.
Easy to thumb up. I like the raytracing effect.
nice one... the music is cool too... ok only the first part the trance thing isn't my cup of tea...
but the refrain is a ear candy...;)
but the refrain is a ear candy...;)
haa fun demo about demoscene. Ironic and appreciative at the same time. Greetings part is tight!!
this super rocks ;) at last a fun demo with style+quality. the music theme is very catchy
^^ cool !
Having watched this a bit more, I've realised it's an instant classic. Wow.
I hate the mid 90s demo style so I didn't really like this tribute.
But the music was excellent and the presentation was great too and for that I'm gonna give this my vote.
But the music was excellent and the presentation was great too and for that I'm gonna give this my vote.
Interesting Music and cool conzept :) Great.
well done but not so impressive as I thought it to be
Ooh pretty. I love the ending credit music.
OMFG!! I almost how massive it is.
:) I forgot the word "forgot"
sniff sniff.
:) nice
So impressive...
so cool, dude!
they had a vision of how all things could be
Guys, that was fucking ace! Would have been an easy compo winner if the competition wasn't so good this year.
Awesome trax
Cool group average demo
demoscene died in 1995, when kwl+mfx released their first demo: "2006"
r.i.p. we're all after you :'(
simply NICE !
Very good music, despite of the fact that, in 1995, the music would be probably a MOD instead of a MP3.
fucking ultra cool! one of the bestest evah!

even though i usually hate this style of music, little bitch always knows to convince.
topnotch production!
topnotch production!
very nice !
a very impressive demonstration, i love this one
top 1995 feeling....but better.
Correct tribute to the old school effects. Perhaps the soundtrack becomes a new hymn for demoscene. I do not believe sincerely that will demo of the year.
I thought the scene died in 1993 :/
cery clever and good enough for a thumb.. but i didn't adore it. thought there's better mfx stuffs...
Really nice music
| | | |
I've enjoyed a lot this last release.
I'll miss you.
Rest In Peace.
I'll miss you.
Rest In Peace.
This was definitely the best pc-demo I've seen in years!
Super demo, great cut and fab music...right in the eye and soul
Original and gorgeous.
Definitely by the people who gave you Variform.
I'm glad the voice synth now sings; that's a plus.
I think I probably would have put the rotating doughnut right before the tunnel, so once you enter the torus you get to the tunnel scene, but eh...
As for 1995... the only 1995-ish things were the raytracing and the first couple moments with the 2d/3d armball thing. Well, that and the style of music.
Otherwise, I'd say Led Blur was much more 1995-ish than this. That said, not having to look at a 1995-style scroller was nice.
PS. Aren't MFX and Kewlers largely the same group of people? Or did you just work together an awful lot?
I'm glad the voice synth now sings; that's a plus.
I think I probably would have put the rotating doughnut right before the tunnel, so once you enter the torus you get to the tunnel scene, but eh...
As for 1995... the only 1995-ish things were the raytracing and the first couple moments with the 2d/3d armball thing. Well, that and the style of music.
Otherwise, I'd say Led Blur was much more 1995-ish than this. That said, not having to look at a 1995-style scroller was nice.
PS. Aren't MFX and Kewlers largely the same group of people? Or did you just work together an awful lot?
ehm, YES!
1995 4 Life!
no wait......
no wait......
pure energy
Excellent flow. But seriously, how 1995 is it really?
its LiLB time isnt it? end tune is the best (-lb-) bb kewlers! great show !
I'm not totally sold on the effects, but there is some good looking stuff, and the music and flow kicks so much ass, so thumb up.
Sound and image are out of sync in the video.
Just so you know...
Just so you know...
Very nice production! Visual and the music is indeed very nice. Keep up that good work...
beautiful little thing
could be.
The soundtrack is amazing, absolutely amazing
solid demo with a funky tune.
Great entertainment! Not sure how 1995 it really is but who cares.. Absolutely massive tracks! Uncle-x appears just as frequently in the credits as The Spy did - well, maybe even more :)
Spectacular! Got a real "bakoversveis" as we say in norway :D. I smell several Scene awards.
Even the End-track ruled, and I really really hate trance music....But I guess the bitchard can make any musicstyle work :)
Even the End-track ruled, and I really really hate trance music....But I guess the bitchard can make any musicstyle work :)
erm, read the credits, end track is by 1in10 :)
Even if it just was a black screen, the zik makes it worth a thumb up.
Ryg: hehe, ok...must have been so excited after watching it that I didnt get that info..hehe...
thumbs up for end credits music.
i mean thumbs DOWN for end credits music.
matt current and traction demos were better
matt current and traction demos were better
best kewlers' demo imo.
yay, rules
Great work... excellent idea, stucture... Perfect music .... Year...
added 2 my iPod playlist... =)
Hmmm.. All my playlist will be consist of music of a scene soon ! :))))
added 2 my iPod playlist... =)
Hmmm.. All my playlist will be consist of music of a scene soon ! :))))
I'm sure this went down a storm at the partyplace. Thumbs plus!
wow, very nice :)
totally rox !
Ei helevetti.
Unkle-X osaa koodata 2D.
Unkle-X osaa koodata 2D.
ehh, cool
expected more from mfx but it's a great prod anyway =)
sentimental super dance!
imho best demo in this year!
music very cool!
music very cool!
Niimpä, valtavirta tyylin demo iskee aina party vote tyyppeihin =)
Mutta seuraavaksi Doomsdayn päivitetty lego hautausmaa?
Greetings part on skenen paras, varsinkin kun pumppaat volumen täysille 5.1 järjestelmään 15 sek ennen kun se alkaa. Henkinen orgasmi tulee.
Starfieldi on loistava, saisko siitä windozen scr version, anyone?=)
Mutta seuraavaksi Doomsdayn päivitetty lego hautausmaa?
Greetings part on skenen paras, varsinkin kun pumppaat volumen täysille 5.1 järjestelmään 15 sek ennen kun se alkaa. Henkinen orgasmi tulee.
Starfieldi on loistava, saisko siitä windozen scr version, anyone?=)
One of my fav!
being the idiot that i am, i translated the bleeps in the beginning to morse. i read them as:
B = _ . . .
P = . _ _ .
so you wanted to release this for BP originally? ;)
being the idiot that i am, i translated the bleeps in the beginning to morse. i read them as:
B = _ . . .
P = . _ _ .
so you wanted to release this for BP originally? ;)
better than all breakpoint '06 releases combined
paniq: I hear those beeps as _... ._...
they came back again and for the very last time
having arrived to the end of their common lifeline
With a message to convey to the people on the scene
looking for some good spots where they all would convene
They had a vision of how all things could be
If all those able minds would be set free
so out they set to pass on their remedy.
to overcome formality with creativity
bring back the only demo art
bring back for me only the old times
For me,one of the best demo ever.
The sountrack is just astonishing...i cannot believe that this gem came 3rd...
The sountrack is just astonishing...i cannot believe that this gem came 3rd...
best demomakers still comes from finland...
uns3en_: Now THERE'S a statement! ;)
absolutely horrible
brilliant nostalgic style, for those who enjoyed old demos 1995 was a great year, 4 years up, 4 years down...when there was no 3d flyby, no hardware show off : just clever effects , techno and FUN!!!!!!
This one looks MUCH BETTER with a good gfx card!!! BOAH!
ROFL ... i had tears in my eyes... you don't do subtle, du you? *still laughing*
1995`ish effects sucks, i rather watch 1992 effects.
nice and clean effects & retro-style
lb, I must admit that I was a bit skeptical about the short pieces I managed to snap up when you where finnishing the tune. But during the music compo it just hit me. It was a great tune and would be perfect for a demo.
Otherwise, great demo. But a fair 3rd place due to the competition.
Otherwise, great demo. But a fair 3rd place due to the competition.
Forgot the thumb
Wonderful. Simply wonderful.
Oh, and the morse code is clearly . ... .-... which translates into
ES (wait 10 seconds)
whatever that is supposed to mean...
ES (wait 10 seconds)
whatever that is supposed to mean...
can you dig it foo
Damn, just watched this again, and it was so good I had to watch it again straight away. One of the best demos ever, and with months of hindsight, should have won the compo!
hot stuff
OMG what a killer. I can't believe this only made 3rd at Assembly. Haven't seen #1 (Amiga) yet, but I cannot imagine that to be better - #2 is not. The soundtrack is a milestone and I even like the credits remix. Speaking of credits: Showing all segments again in a smaller window is SO cool. This prod oozes style.
Mnemo: are you sure you haven't seen credits in smaller windows anywhere else? ;)
dixan, I can imagine that has been done before, but I haven't seen it yet (but I don't watch much). ;-)
noob! nooooob! *points fingers* *laughs* *runs away*
i almost cry every time i watch this :'|
I really really loooooove this...
Amazing... and the music is wonderfull!
Amazing... and the music is wonderfull!
n00b? me? LOL!
What? No scroller? OK, for including all those demo shots, I'll forgive you. ;)
Love it.
fuck yeah!
Oh, my god! Demo is so stylish!
just great!!
p.s. kewlers not dead!!!11 ;)
p.s. kewlers not dead!!!11 ;)
Great music.
cool demo, love music!
Although I think it's not a brilliant demo considering its "hype" and the title,...thumbs up.
you brought back the only demo art 

forgot to mention, works great in wine!
works great in acid too!
This guys RULE!!!!!
more style than david hasselhoff joining the a-team for a drink at chuck norris castle of death!
This demo is one of the best i've seen on the pc platform... Everything is so fuckin' great and it makes my hair stand on end!!! 

it rulez ! and the music is cool
Saw it on big screen at evoke'06. Great tune and nice fx.
p.s.: if any of you plan on another "199x"-demo don't forget to include some rollercoaster rides, plasma, voxels etc.
p.s.: if any of you plan on another "199x"-demo don't forget to include some rollercoaster rides, plasma, voxels etc.
One of the best demos I've ever seen. Catchy music, and a very important message. Wish it was 1995 :/
Anyway, thumb goes up! I just love this one :)
Anyway, thumb goes up! I just love this one :)
1995 was great indeed!
Great effect-centered demo with lots of innovation. "Variform level", though slightly more commercial style :]
I can only sum this demo up in 2 words - FUCKIN AMAZING!!!
How the hell it could only rank 3rd is beyond me... truly rocked and a fitting end to Kewlers career.
How the hell it could only rank 3rd is beyond me... truly rocked and a fitting end to Kewlers career.
what they all said.
+ Best karaoke demo ever :D
+ Best karaoke demo ever :D
cooool! :)
awesome production !
allright allright, fiiiinally watched it :) very pretty. the lyrics are kind of quirky english, but the effort put into the music is still incredible.
*choose* zero polys and shaders!
ruuuuulez :) the voice effects are cool, the gfx aswell and hey, it's great :D
Awesome happy party demo!
WTF?! I haven't thumbed this up yet? Shame on me then. Great demo! :D
This demo rules, the tune itself deserve a thumb up
soundtrack is great, visuals too
thumb to the stars
one of the best! totaly rules!
very impressive ! :)
best fucking soundtrack since unreal] / [PM
i wonder why i havent put any thumb up before.. must be a mistake.. =)
yeah, the old times :D
really nice effects and a great soundtrack!!
thumbs up, definitely!
really nice effects and a great soundtrack!!
thumbs up, definitely!
awesome! I love this
Great demo! Probably one of the best!
Love it!
Makes me smile every time I watch it
you are the best !
Absolutely MASSIVE!
*pant* *pant*
I just watched this demo 3 times in a row :)
I can't believe what I've been missing all my time off.
*pant* *pant*
I just watched this demo 3 times in a row :)
I can't believe what I've been missing all my time off.
Scene will never die.
Excellent demo, with so much beautiful words :)
I don't like demos (as opposed to intros) guys so usually I don't comment. Occassonally though, something brilliant happens like here. This for me is top 3, maybe number 1. Style ,message, fantastic music, great ending. Did I mention the music? Congratulations.
Extreme kewl.
Great demo! Remembers old times...
Fuckin' ace, man!
heartwarming, kewl, brilliant and fun. props for this!
When this was announced as 3rd in the demo compo I screamed 'W00t' ... should have placed higher than 'Track One' at least
I liked the lookback effect, new effects and the music. Excellent Product!
entertaining. But music is superb!!
entertainment on a very high level .. and that music is so catchy
excellent work
Really impressive!
Hmm, ok. Don't get all the fuss, though.
i very like this kind of oldskool demo, so i made a windows screensaver loader, allowing you to use this demo as your screensaver. Check my profile to get the loader.
Oh yeah, wondering where it's at? Thanks kewlers + mfx!
scene u soon, I hope ! That was a nice goodbye.
This music rooocks ! :)
This demo is utter fun from A to Z. I can't get the soundtrack out of my head but I don't mind! All thumbs up! \o/
hehe it's great, very funny indeed
BTW I love the SID-samples in the music :)
This prod gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside.
Apart from being really good all through the music is especially great.
Apart from being really good all through the music is especially great.
This is one of the demos that brought me into the scene. It just rocks so much. Love the visuals and adore the music.
Very, VERY cool!
The music is great and the visuals were awesome!
The music is great and the visuals were awesome!
this prod was the -sensation- of flashparty 2007!
Shame on me...
Even though I wasn't doing demos in 1995 (I was 4 years old :P) I used to do oldschool effects like those...this prod was actually pretty emotional for me and i enjoyed it entirely.
Thanks for the wonderful ride.
Thanks for the wonderful ride.
Forgot to vote, everything has been said already.
I forgot.
and once again i rewatched it and had this kind of chills in my stomach that are only comparable to watching "hardwired" for the first time. what a classic!
Help me please!! When I try to launch the production it returns me this message:
"Couldn't find a supported fragment program profile"
What means? Help me please!
"Couldn't find a supported fragment program profile"
What means? Help me please!
it means must download video! kthxbye.
See ya ! This demo Rockz !
very nice :)
What a Style! Da Music odabasz!
a worthy winner of two statues
Funny effects, great vibe and on of the best soundtracks ever!
Ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja jaaa!
[/url=#]yes yes yes yes yes yes![/url]
[/url=#]yes yes yes yes yes yes![/url]
Are we allowed to vote more than 100 times for one product? :)
First time I saw it, it literally gave me goosbumps. The demoscene is still a huge part of my youth, it gave me confidence, friends, a sense of belonging and so, so many great memories. 1995 was a golden age, and when this demo ended I was left with a real sense of that how hard we may try, that age is gone forever.
This demo is the first demo in a very long time that really touched me emotionally, and it deserves a million thumbs up just for that.
This demo is the first demo in a very long time that really touched me emotionally, and it deserves a million thumbs up just for that.
it made shitload of tears for me at the epilogue.
Cool stuff.
nice oldschool style demo
It's 'roxx du ponay'
The classic figures of the demoscene in shiny clothes! :D
The music is damn great.
Kewlers made the perfect farewell to the scene.
You'll miss us, guys!
The music is damn great.
Kewlers made the perfect farewell to the scene.
You'll miss us, guys!
uhh.. i mean we'll miss you!!!
...sorry for my badbadbadbad english :(
...sorry for my badbadbadbad english :(
Simply Awesome! This demo got the best atmosphere i've ever seen and the soundtrack is "odabasz" ;)
What a great demo! I love the whole thing, but couldn't imagine a more fitting and appealing soundtrack!
Repeat after me:
Yeah! The best prod I've ever seen!
Yeah! The best prod I've ever seen!
this is just so you know
I've liked this demo so much!
:cdc: CDC assigned!
:cdc: CDC assigned!
1995 was excellent demo scene year, I was myself doing a debut at PC scene. This demo really did bring some awesome memories.
And this is excellent production. Amazing design, nice coding, nice music, nothing to improve.
And this is excellent production. Amazing design, nice coding, nice music, nothing to improve.
beyond amazing
This is really cool, and has some cool reference to the history as well, and the soundtrack is just cool!
Already classic :)
"Bring back for me only the good times"
this is just brilliant and unbelievable fucking awesome, everything demos are about is in here. the music is totally outstanding, as are the visuals. only 2 years old and already a real classic for sure. thank you very very much.
whoa, how did I miss this?!
Simply awesome!
Simply awesome!
Can't stop hearing the music :) Really great prod.
Just GREAT !
Excellent music !
Excellent music !
The best demo I've ever seen!
Pure greatness.
Forgotten Thumb.
Timeless Demo with great Music. If u haven't seen yet, do it NOW! :)
This prod rulez! Especially music
This is spectacular. The music carries you through and works extremely well and you can forgive any small issues around the flow. I did like the fx, but the music just blows me away. The credit music is my ringtone now - did I mention the music?
*Bows in respect*
I just ran this demo on an ol' turd of a GeForce 3 ti 200. Okay a few effects & geometry didn't display, but hugely impressive that so much worked - and it ran all the way through.
I just ran this demo on an ol' turd of a GeForce 3 ti 200. Okay a few effects & geometry didn't display, but hugely impressive that so much worked - and it ran all the way through.
Feeling the message here, only I'd like to go back to around 1988/89. That's where it was at its best.
this is definately my most favorite PC demo ever. cool effects, cool graphics, awesome music. <3
One of my favorites!
My favorit demo. Awesome music. Good graphics and effects!
Oh yes. Awesome. Brilliantly executed and the sentiment is is spot on ;)
Great demo! just watched it with Dr.Dick.
I may have already voted on this already, but I can't remember, so I'm doing it again. It's worth 2 votes, at least.
They came back again and for the very last time
Having arrived to the end of their common lifeline
With a message to convey to the people on the scene,
Looking for some good spots where they all would convene.
They had a vision of how all things could be
If all those able minds would be set free.
So out they set to pass on their remedy,
To overcome formality with creativity.
Bring back the only demo art
Bring back for me only the old times
Choose Dekadence, Outracks, Cocoon and Matt Current
Choose Equinox, choose Traction, Limp Ninja and Spinning Kids
Choose Fit&Bandwagon, Portal Process and Lobstarrs
Choose Farbrausch and Unique, choose effects over 3Ds
Choose Komplex, Byterapers, Fairlight and Halcyon
Choose TPOLM, choose Orange, choose Kooma and Accession
Choose CN and CD, Spaceballs and TBL
Choose graphics, design, zero polys and shaders.
Bring back the only demo art
Bring back for me only the old times
Having arrived to the end of their common lifeline
With a message to convey to the people on the scene,
Looking for some good spots where they all would convene.
They had a vision of how all things could be
If all those able minds would be set free.
So out they set to pass on their remedy,
To overcome formality with creativity.
Bring back the only demo art
Bring back for me only the old times
Choose Dekadence, Outracks, Cocoon and Matt Current
Choose Equinox, choose Traction, Limp Ninja and Spinning Kids
Choose Fit&Bandwagon, Portal Process and Lobstarrs
Choose Farbrausch and Unique, choose effects over 3Ds
Choose Komplex, Byterapers, Fairlight and Halcyon
Choose TPOLM, choose Orange, choose Kooma and Accession
Choose CN and CD, Spaceballs and TBL
Choose graphics, design, zero polys and shaders.
Bring back the only demo art
Bring back for me only the old times
They came back again and for the very last time
Having arrived to the end of their common lifeline
With a message to convey to the people on the scene,
Looking for some good spots where they all would convene.
They had a vision of how all things could be
If all those able minds would be set free.
So out they set to pass on their remedy,
To overcome formality with creativity.
Bring back the only demo art
Bring back for me only the old times
Choose Dekadence, Outracks, Cocoon and Matt Current
Choose Equinox, choose Traction, Limp Ninja and Spinning Kids
Choose Fit&Bandwagon, Portal Process and Lobstarrs
Choose Farbrausch and Unique, choose effects over 3Ds
Choose Komplex, Byterapers, Fairlight and Halcyon
Choose TPOLM, choose Orange, choose Kooma and Accession
Choose CN and CD, Spaceballs and TBL
Choose graphics, design, zero polys and shaders.
Bring back the only demo art
Bring back for me only the old times
One of my favourites!
forgot to thumb it when I had to... rules!
bring it back!
ranked : 3rd?
really first place
really first place
one of the best! which I forgot to thumb. Shame on me.
And .|.. Kewlers for going away.
And .|.. Kewlers for going away.
Fantastic demo and fantastic music. Up there as one of my all time fav's
Love this Demo, one of my perennial faves. Bring back the Only Demo Art! ;D
I suppose this is kind of the ultimate self-irony, but also so damn irresistible one at that. Or maybe it isn't. *boogies*
Amazin! Yeeeha.. It's my favourite demo
The first viewing of this demo stands in the tradition of such awe-inspiring moments such as:
1st time I saw the GCS-sprites on the C64
1st time I saw techtech on Amiga
1st time I saw poemtoahorse on pc
1st time I saw thepopulardemo on pc..
Moments where everything just fits together so perfectly it makes you wanna cry out of pure joy that someone was able to bring pure art to us all. Thank you so much guys!
1st time I saw the GCS-sprites on the C64
1st time I saw techtech on Amiga
1st time I saw poemtoahorse on pc
1st time I saw thepopulardemo on pc..
Moments where everything just fits together so perfectly it makes you wanna cry out of pure joy that someone was able to bring pure art to us all. Thank you so much guys!
still the most enjoyable demo ever made. It genuinely makes me happy to watch this every time.
They came back again and for the very last time
Having arrived to the end of their common lifeline
With a message to convey to the people on the scene,
Looking for some good spots where they all would convene.
They had a vision of how all things could be
If all those able minds would be set free.
So out they set to pass on their remedy,
To overcome formality with creativity.
Bring back the only demo art
Bring back for me only the old times
Choose Dekadence, Outracks, Cocoon and Matt Current
Choose Equinox, choose Traction, Limp Ninja and Spinning Kids
Choose Fit&Bandwagon, Portal Process and Lobstarrs
Choose Farbrausch and Unique, choose effects over 3Ds
Choose Komplex, Byterapers, Fairlight and Halcyon
Choose TPOLM, choose Orange, choose Kooma and Accession
Choose CN and CD, Spaceballs and TBL
Choose graphics, design, zero polys and shaders.
Bring back the only demo art
Bring back for me only the old times
3D graffitti group names, explosion in the TV
tunnel, texture mapped, 3D object (hand?) made of white cubes rotating in the tunnel
3D balls made of rectangles, cartoon singing
spikes star object made of blue squares, rotating
4 colorful 3D balls, with mirror textures, reflecting, rotating, explode to thousands of light sprites
tentacles object, rotating and torsionnng, metallic texture
distorted vertical column, made of specular squares, credits
tentacle and toroidal made also of specular particles
well know techno music
tunnel, texture mapped, 3D object (hand?) made of white cubes rotating in the tunnel
3D balls made of rectangles, cartoon singing
spikes star object made of blue squares, rotating
4 colorful 3D balls, with mirror textures, reflecting, rotating, explode to thousands of light sprites
tentacles object, rotating and torsionnng, metallic texture
distorted vertical column, made of specular squares, credits
tentacle and toroidal made also of specular particles
well know techno music
best part is the credit !!!
explosion in the TV
Yes! Especially enjoyed the soundtrack.
Where is my damn thumb up?!
I love this song, great demo.
I love this song, great demo.
A very cool demo with a really great soundtrack !
One of my favorite soundtracks in demovibes!
Didn't work for me.
Scooter, it took you 4 years to do it wrong?!
Music rules!
Music rules!
The music really made it for this one!
Now 1995. There's a year I remember fondly.. we won some parties. Wait a minute, I'll get me keg, pipe and some chips...
Ace soundtrack !
Ace demo !
It's a pity that I can't thumb up twice ! :)
Ace demo !
It's a pity that I can't thumb up twice ! :)
Scooter you suck.
Freaking ace.
I love it, especially the song!! <3
wtf.. how could i miss this thumb?
how could I forgot this one !
Demo art...

just thumbing up great stuff
Stunning prod! Great music, great effects, great gfx!
What can I say. Even I start doing the sing-a-long to this tune. The visuals are perfectly executed, it's perfect - brings back memories even though it's news-school.
Without delight.
Love it.. This one I can play in the background of a party!
since a couple of months, my ringtone :) can't believe I haven't vote for it yet
best. demo. ever.
I love it very much!
no comments
Holy bitfield, what an awesome piece of thing!
Awesome. The credits rock so much too.
They sure don't make them like this any more.
They sure don't make them like this any more.
rulez hard
The song! <3
made me think of asm before the speaker ban. nice
i love the song, and the "cube render" effect
haha, the only top50-prod i never thumbed !
must have been too obvious -> teh thumb !
love it ! ♥
must have been too obvious -> teh thumb !
love it ! ♥
How? How did I ever manage to miss this demo until now? GREAT SOUNDTRACK!
Awesome soundtrack
Still awesome ... one of the kewlest prods ever
oh, I should have thumbed this a long time ago...
Top fucking notch, especially the music.
Great music, great fuckin` everything!
Great in all aspect. I just don't understand why i didn't thumb this one up yet. :)
To this day, probably my favorite demo. And little bitchard is the man.
Brilliant stuff.
great demo
great one
A bit cheesy, but I still end up watching it again and again :O
how the hell did i not thumb this yet.
One Demo to rule them all, One Demo to find them,
One Demo to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.
One Demo to rule them all, One Demo to find them,
One Demo to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.
Very nice, cool music!
love !
Didn't like it quite as much as some other kewlers/mfx prods, but it's cool anyway. Also, LB <3
cool design, music & gfx! loved it.
Love it. Soundtrack has been on my MP3 player non-stop for the last 4 years, too.
love it!
Didn't look like 1995, but great anyway
Absolutely great, colorful show!
Great soundtrack!
oops, maybe the catchiest demo tune out there.
This one is incredible, awesome song and great graphical effects. My favorite part is the "BRING BACK THE ONLY DEMO ART" part. It really has some cool fx and sound. This rulez for sure!
Rulez :)
Simply awesome
Cool demo, cool music. Great!
GREEEEEEEEAT Music!!!!!!!!!
Soundtrack-Link is dread :(
Cooler than the Fonz on ICE!
Can't believe I haven't thumbed this up...
One of the best demo sound tracks I have ever heard. Visuals are great and interesting.. amazing demo.
One of the best demo sound tracks I have ever heard. Visuals are great and interesting.. amazing demo.
This demo is amazing. I get shivers down my spine every time I watch it, and I agree with the message - oh to have those times back again. :-d Thanks for Kewlers and MFX for making this.
The best starfield effect ever. No chance to get it as a separated scr file? Greetings part ruled too, otherwise quite mediocre.
Rocks hard.
still enjoyable! :)
fucking awesome catchy track, stunning visuals and great style. and the twisting thingie at the greetings <3
holy fuck, i haven't thumb up this one
Late thumb-up also from myself, sorry! ;p
I forgot almost all words...
cool stuff
how weird that i never thumbed this one up!
the same
That fucking details one only notices after having seen it for like the 20th time. Just now I saw the tentacle thing morphing into a cube field, something I never noticed before. Loving that 2D graphics, together with the lyrics that make me want to sing along - but my vocoder singing ain't that good.
Speaking of the tune,- I have one CD in my car with a couple of demotunes, along with One Note Cripple this is on it - and I can't even count the days I've rolled down my window - upped the volume and was nodding ahead - that tune never get's old <3
Thanks for making a demo that inspires me up to today,- for making something I still study from now and then - and I bet even in ten years from now I'll see something I have not noticed before :)
Speaking of the tune,- I have one CD in my car with a couple of demotunes, along with One Note Cripple this is on it - and I can't even count the days I've rolled down my window - upped the volume and was nodding ahead - that tune never get's old <3
Thanks for making a demo that inspires me up to today,- for making something I still study from now and then - and I bet even in ten years from now I'll see something I have not noticed before :)
Bring it back with many polygons and shaders! ;)
Seriously though, thumb is so obvious it hurts. In fact, it sticks out like a sore thumb. And yes, there are some subtleties not seen at first glance.
Seriously though, thumb is so obvious it hurts. In fact, it sticks out like a sore thumb. And yes, there are some subtleties not seen at first glance.
Should have won, bring it back!
youtube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=dX-cVUg57EE (better quality)
love it.
holly shit woowww !!
very nice
Nice effects, good music. Overall demo-ish style.
Nothing to say apart from has been already said :)
Kick-ass soundtrack, nice visuals, fantastic pace.
I've seen this so many times I've noticed plenty of flaws in it. What does that say about the demo? I guess the rating can speak for itself.
sweet tunes!
Entertaining. Very good!
Joes ei muuta, niin scenen paras starfieldi :)
10/10 IGN: Best demo ever
This demo inspired me to become a scener.
i've enjoyed it so much over the years, that I forgot to thumb. :))
/me delivers back the creativity and informality
Dat music <3
Just owns.
Unohtunut peukku.
I approve this demo.
Everything just perfect, but the soundtrack should come with a warning: "By listening to it only once, you're guaranteed to develop instant, eternal addiction". :D
Seems not to run on Win7... 64bit is there a fix?
Runs here fine on Win7, 64 bit. Maybe gfx card drivers? I use GeForce.
Bestest starfield effect on an any platform!
No seköse jäi ainoostaan mieleen?
No se.
No seköse jäi ainoostaan mieleen?
No se.
Cool for its time .
Loved this. Effects were eyecandy and music was nice. Respektii.. :)
Funny how time flies... the same amount of time has passed between 1995, the release date of this demo, and today.
great job
I want to live forever ❤️
OMG 11 YEARS !!!!!
Still pretty awesome.
Still pretty awesome.
this has been bugging me for a while now: can anyone confirm for me that there is the mIRC notification sound mixed inside? its the windows "Ding" sound three times. just listen at the end from 04:03 it sounds obvious to me but am i hearing things?
very nice!
The message, the presentation and the details. Truely inspiring, probably timeless.
Seriously rocks!
Forgotten thumb
Fucking awesome
I'm a permanent upvoter and this demo really rules!
Maybe the best PC demo ever!
<3 Listening to this on the way to every demoparty. And on the way back. Cool!
It was using real MRI scans.. to produce voxel human-head thing
great demo, connecting old tradition with modernity, even today.
How did I not thumb this yet? Forever classic <3
Great demo art from the beginnig to an end.
i wish people made demos like that now
Great demo!
Crowd pleaser, Inferno for me this year, I hope the aneurysm imagery isn't trying to explain what happened to one of the group dudes. Demoscene.
This demo aged surprisingly well <3
Extremely pushing soundtrack and visuals. The track for the credits outro is ace.
Kewlers' best one.
is it me as a rank amateur or does it seem like less yes-coding one has to do to get a program running the shorter demos get over they years ... short attention span young man ?
can i use tags? Tho this one certainly is an absolute blast, im not sure where the rift started ? 2012 ? the mayans ? definitely before covid
can i use tags? Tho this one certainly is an absolute blast, im not sure where the rift started ? 2012 ? the mayans ? definitely before covid
How on earth did that come third? It begs the question, what came 1st ?
@Dad1916 You can click on the "Assembly 2006" link in the information section and see all the results from this party.
This demo is 50% older now than 1995 was when this demo was released.
This demo is 50% older now than 1995 was when this demo was released.
There's a lot of nice stuff in here (very few actual weak points), but the music is probably the most memorable for me. Somehow the “retro nostalgia” idea is the one that hits me the least, but it doesn't really matter, given that the execution is so strong.
Love the music!!
Love the music!!
I'm being nostalgic about a demo being nostalgic of past times
sneaky cdcs
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