Desert Dream by Kefrens | ||||||||||||||||
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popularity : 82% |
alltime top: #44 |
added on the 2001-03-06 11:03:30 by OSTYL ![]() |
popularity helper
100% agree. Cool code, impressive music and synchronisation, great graphics, many hidden parts, scene jokes and all that stuff... everything a demo needs. Certainly one of my faves on the A500.
Still a definite classic, but only by certain measures. The music and synching effects to it (my fave: the sawblade!) were excellent, and likely an inspiration for Second Reality. But the effects don't have much lasting power. Even for the time and platform, they were pretty simple. Most are dot-based, and even though they had a few records, they're still just dots. :)
The intro is cool (great opening music), but maybe a little too long. Still, I'm amused by the hints of a Kefrens/Melon Design war. I think prior to this demo, Melon released an intro with a pic of a melon pissing on an ankh, the Kefrens symbol. :)
The intro is cool (great opening music), but maybe a little too long. Still, I'm amused by the hints of a Kefrens/Melon Design war. I think prior to this demo, Melon released an intro with a pic of a melon pissing on an ankh, the Kefrens symbol. :)
a pretty cewl d-mo....only 1mb i required...and today????
Laxity (don't mix him up with the famous c64 musician) did a great job by making the code and the music for this masterpiece.I think this one is one of the best synchronized demos ever.Must have been a killer on the bigscreen...
great music, great graphics. great demo indeeed. as phoenix mentions, the sawblade was cool hehe.
btw: seems like the link points to the first of two disks. some nice stuff on disk2 too..
btw: seems like the link points to the first of two disks. some nice stuff on disk2 too..
as already said above, a classic on the miggy, kickass music, in some parts simple effects yet effective in sync, and funny extras on disk2 - conclusion: amiga own(s/ed) :P
yep.. one of the classics indeed..
everything's been said already, most of the demo is really cool. i personally only dislike the beginning though with the pyramids, that's boring :) get the lofi video here:
robotriot: In '93 that wasn't more boring than pc-demos are nowadays, so what :) It still makes more fun to watch than Spot :)
kicks ass, true true. i dont like intro sequence but i love dots, forever! so i dont care how much are there of these i just ask for more more more!
music... nice, classic amiga demo tune. graphics, cool aye. code? dots!! something more and.. dots!
music... nice, classic amiga demo tune. graphics, cool aye. code? dots!! something more and.. dots!
very good demo, a classic must have must see now!
excellent musics, lots of fun and private jokes, normal and good effects, few novator effects but a good faked mapping
kb_ speak about hidden parts above in his comment, so this is the tips to see the hidden part number 2 (i dont know the tip for the first)
hidden part 2 tip:
boot the disk 2
push and let pushed left mouse button, right mouse button, joystick fire in the same time
and enjoy a true intro with music and effects :)
if anybody knows the tip for hidden part number one, please put it here !-)
a very good prod!
excellent musics, lots of fun and private jokes, normal and good effects, few novator effects but a good faked mapping
kb_ speak about hidden parts above in his comment, so this is the tips to see the hidden part number 2 (i dont know the tip for the first)
hidden part 2 tip:
boot the disk 2
push and let pushed left mouse button, right mouse button, joystick fire in the same time
and enjoy a true intro with music and effects :)
if anybody knows the tip for hidden part number one, please put it here !-)
a very good prod!
force of the pyramids
Compare it to second reality. It puts the latter in perspective and makes you wonder why it was so long on top of the pc scene charts.
One of the best EVER made demos! Killer music/design/code!!
yes! my vote here...
definitely a true classic with asskicking design, code and music...
aaaah!!! the best one! go up you bitch {8 synchro to its max very oldschool flavored but with very fresh air in it! this needs talent and laxity rulez!
Hahaha I remember watching this demo at a friend's place
(he was a lemon guy)
(he was a lemon guy)
still can´t believe this one.
Oh man! This is my absolutelly favorite in AMiga nowwww!
I'm nostalgic again.
I was so young when it came out. This is no demo, it's a part of my past, maybe one of the best.
I wanna live again the moment i watched it for the first time!
I'm nostalgic again.
I was so young when it came out. This is no demo, it's a part of my past, maybe one of the best.
I wanna live again the moment i watched it for the first time!
One of the all time classics on Amiga. Fab music, unbelievable code and nice gfx. A CLASSIC IN AMIGA SCENE DEMOS.
I'll give it thumbs up for the nostalgic perspective and then complain : Why is it that everytime someone makes an amiga-demoshow this one MUST be shown? I agree that it WAS very cool, but today it's just borring and makes the audience fall asleep.
incredible demo with one of the best soundtracks i've ever heard.. :) code, synch and gfx ruleeez!! kefrens holder hele vejen..
Excellent for its time and now legendary. The intro was imho very good and I still shiver at the sound of its music. A party without Desert Dream and Second Reality on the bigscreen is... well... not complete :-)
quit comparing this to second reality already :) They're just different.. from what I've seen, bits and pieces are an inspiration for second reality.. and many earlier than this one.
Laxity=god !
it's so good.
true classic.
funny 'plot' and also one that IMO endures watching over and over again well.
funny 'plot' and also one that IMO endures watching over and over again well.
i remember to have seen it once. i got the modules which rule.
the music absolutely kicks ass, the typical early 90's effects and "storytelling" is classic. the sawblade-"scene" is still one of the coolest thigs i've seen in a demo. ever. :)
The sawblade kicks ass!
very wild, very cool, very classic old-school stuff!
It's good... it's damn good.
Yeah, it's good. (But Second Reality is still cooler, gloom ;-) )
one of the best demos ever!
LAXITY can turn me into gay =)
LAXITY can turn me into gay =)
in my opinion the best demo ever.
anyone knows what laxity is doing/working now?
anyone knows what laxity is doing/working now?
I want to destroy the camera with a blade once...
Desert Dreams is fantastic! And even more if you consider on what kind of slow hardware it was realized!!
who couldn´t agree
This is why I joined the scene!
Simply Desert Dream
Simply Desert Dream
Still amazing after all these years! I used to listen to a broken version of the first mod for weeks and weeks.. =D
Having been part of making this must be a good feeling for everyone involved in it.
Having been part of making this must be a good feeling for everyone involved in it.
this demo rockz
STILL my favourite demo on any format!
ownz mad!!! wish ppl did this kinda stuff today :(
Awesome classic!
There are not good enough words to praise this demo. This demo impressed me more than any any demo has ever done. Even now, 10 years later it makes me shiver. Respect. Also it was big inspiration on my own demo career :)
Very nice indeed. I like demos with a consistent theme or plot.
The best demo ever. What more is there to say?
Desert Dream rules! I got the DivX version from Amidemos and it rocks, so the real version must at least be that good. The music rocks!
What are the three music parts called?
My guess
1.) The Desert Dream
2.) Checknobahnk (I know this one is right, I knew this piece before seeing DD)
3.) His Masters' Rasters
Anyway, this demo is really cool.
And Gargaj, is that why the Conspiracy logo is a sawblade? ;-)
What are the three music parts called?
My guess
1.) The Desert Dream
2.) Checknobahnk (I know this one is right, I knew this piece before seeing DD)
3.) His Masters' Rasters
Anyway, this demo is really cool.
And Gargaj, is that why the Conspiracy logo is a sawblade? ;-)
cp_> To get in touch with Laxity you may try Don't know if it's up to date though...
Crusader: The real names of the mods..
1) Technique Unfail
2) Checknobanckh
3) ? .. Damn, I've forgotten this! But it definitely wasn't "His Masters' Rasters". I'll have to get back to you on this :)
And don't waste your time on any blurry artifacted divx.. If you don't have the real thing WinUAE emulates the demo perfectly enough these days. If you have a fast enough PC, of course.
1) Technique Unfail
2) Checknobanckh
3) ? .. Damn, I've forgotten this! But it definitely wasn't "His Masters' Rasters". I'll have to get back to you on this :)
And don't waste your time on any blurry artifacted divx.. If you don't have the real thing WinUAE emulates the demo perfectly enough these days. If you have a fast enough PC, of course.
Crusader: i'd rather call it a star rather than a sawblade... but yeah we wanted to destroy the camera with it a couple of times but then we figured it was used a zillion times before, thus it would be way too cheesy :)
I prefer the second part :)
I prefer the second part :)
I've only seen a crappy DivX and I wish to be able to see it on a real Amiga some day. Anyway, great music, great design, great effects (for the time...) etc.
great code, great musics!
not bad at all, but quite overrated
True classic
The "perfect" demo, cool fades, perfect design, nice music, lovely code and hell no TMB for sure not overrated...
a true classic. a bit overrated when it was out because there was better productions at this time. but it's like a great song which takes all his quality on stage. this demo is a true killer on big screen. I can't forget the day it was shown on the top quality screen at Saturne party. Everybody became crazy!
Awesome design elements and nice effekkts together with some really kick ass tunes!
I dont reckall this having any revolutionary effects. But the way it is put together, the way the whole thing works, makes it a milestone.
There are still waaay between demos that makes such and impact. and it is properbly the most copyed demo ever.
There are still waaay between demos that makes such and impact. and it is properbly the most copyed demo ever.
Let's demolish some more =)
What??? I haven't voted on this already??? On one of my fave demos ever??? (if not my THE fave one but then followed closely by 2nd Reality ;)
The intro with its music still makes me shiver everytime i hear/see it (2nd Reality intro and Turrican 2 intro music give me the same feeling :).
The intro with its music still makes me shiver everytime i hear/see it (2nd Reality intro and Turrican 2 intro music give me the same feeling :).
Laxity is a megazord =)
THE jawdropper in those days ...
The music in Second Reality was definately copied from Laxity's amazing score ... sorry fans ...
These guys were better
The music in Second Reality was definately copied from Laxity's amazing score ... sorry fans ...
These guys were better
nuff said
great sync, great transitions and some cool efects: a classic.
Sets the stage really nicely. One of the absolute classics in scene history.
Second Reality <======3
Desert Dream <======3
Desert Dream <======3
Download link was broken, couldn't find dl-links for the disk versions so there is a "fixed for hdd" one.
Anyway, good demo with great music, doesn't matter whether floppy or harddisk. :)
Anyway, good demo with great music, doesn't matter whether floppy or harddisk. :)

is really like this one
kefrens forever!
KEOPS = WTF?!?!!?!?
God I love this demo! It was the first demo I ever saw and it instantly got me interested in the Scene. Wow, the memories...I'm so glad it runs in WinUAE. :)
Kefrens rule!
Kefrens rule!
Sorry for the caps, but this demo is a legend.
Thank you Laxity.
Sorry for the caps, but this demo is a legend.
Thank you Laxity.
Thanks for the show Laxity
havent thumbed up:: H0H0!! =)
got me hooked to the demoscene. and was a blueprint for 'second reality' in a lot of ways.
Simply rulez ! :D
cult demo
As a first-hour Amiga demo-coder I appreciate this masterpiece so much.
Although an ALiEN is killed! ;)
Noboby from our 1985-87 H.Q.C., Bitstoppers, BS1, FSW, Sodan, Guru Master and Silents era really could imagine what would be possible on Amiga 6-8 years later..
1985-1987 we were already proud of being able to move hughe blitter-objects, to play around with copper and playfields or to play short samples while loading.
This one is a KILLER!
Taking a peek at 1993's PCee demos makes it easier to comprehend.
ThanX Kefrens for this blast.
Although an ALiEN is killed! ;)
Noboby from our 1985-87 H.Q.C., Bitstoppers, BS1, FSW, Sodan, Guru Master and Silents era really could imagine what would be possible on Amiga 6-8 years later..
1985-1987 we were already proud of being able to move hughe blitter-objects, to play around with copper and playfields or to play short samples while loading.
This one is a KILLER!
Taking a peek at 1993's PCee demos makes it easier to comprehend.
ThanX Kefrens for this blast.
I remeber the time when I watched it for a first time. I was totally stuned.
laxity is not just a great coder but ALSO a great musician ! a REALLY great musician !!
well, just one word -> CULT ! \o/
well, just one word -> CULT ! \o/
Yeah! I keep listening to those marvelous musics on my Hi-Fi... No need to say neighbours are not very happy! :) And the code is fantastic too! My favorite demo, all computers mixed! RULEZZZZZZZZZ!
nice one
Its nice, though I remember other were a bit more impressive.
Cool one!
Simply the best demo ever, period! :)
one of my favourite demos
this is anothr great demo. awesomeness..
Cool! Nothing more to say! :)
Amazing tune, and cool fx.
One of the best demos EVER....
Not bad coding for a musician :-)
one of my favourite amiga demos back, strange i havent thumbed it up till
One of the best demos for the Amiga ever. :)
this really rule
One of the best demos ever, if not the best.
nothing to add, but i feel it's abit overhyped... there are many other great amiga demos on pouet, with only 10thumbs or so...
The daddy of demos IMHO!
Just rocks. One of the best demos ever, definitely!
So good, do soog!
Stingray: "Best demo ever?" Haha. Please. I don't understand what the fuss is about. This demo has nothing spectacular, especially not energy. The musics were quite awful in my opinion and there just simply wasn't anything to look at, listen to or experience. If I made a demo, you could be sure this is something I would never want to produce. Gggh. Avoid. For good demos I recommend Odyssey, Tint, Relic, Love, Mindflow, Pulse .. even Drool This is light years better than this desert dream-demo. And many of the 'facts' in the demo are incorrect too. I wish I never have to lay my eyes on this 'demo'.
Bah, YOU suck! I knew, if there would be one who would thumb down this masterpiece, then it would be you. But what to expect from someone who thinks Odyssey is a great demo... And now leave me alone.
Wouldn't someone make a higher quality video version? I am a poor pc lamer, and wouldn't like to make it work myself on my poor pc. Still I think i could arrange the hosting of some hundred megs of this on
Too bad that I still didn't vote for it. 

Haha Monk, you think Odyssey is a great demo!?! 
It was lamers like you who caused Hardwired to loose to that strange slideshow w. vectors called 'Odyssey'

It was lamers like you who caused Hardwired to loose to that strange slideshow w. vectors called 'Odyssey'
killer attitude. unfilled cube rulez.
Laxity & Kefrens forevah!
just fucking great.
all was said before... ;)
lol i didn't thumb it yet? shame on me. One of the greatest ever. And yes, Steel, Odyssey was a great demo too :)
And yes, Steel, Odyssey was a great demo too :)
Pah boring != great! :)
this is freaking awesome - larger than life with so much passion. Great music. mindblowing effects. always interesting in direction. that saw rocks my world - i love it!
Remember being taken a bit off guard by this at TG. To me, it's better in hindsight now that I manage to look past all its design flaws. Fuuuk. I must be getting soft. ;)
Anyway. A very very important milestone in the demo scene, and even though I've never really been a great fan of RWO's gfx, I've come to appreciate Laxity's music a whole lot.
Anyway. A very very important milestone in the demo scene, and even though I've never really been a great fan of RWO's gfx, I've come to appreciate Laxity's music a whole lot.
Simply classic!
From my first visit to The Gathering back in '93. I loved it then, I love it now. They don't make them like this anymore....
A masterpiece in every aspect.
Favourite demo of all time.
It was the third demo i'd ever seen i think, only a few months after it came out - i was probably about 11 at the time. Loved it ever since.
It was the third demo i'd ever seen i think, only a few months after it came out - i was probably about 11 at the time. Loved it ever since.
Thanx for that production, it was beed added to:, the Amiga-Modfile Podcast and Radio-Stream resource.
yesss. one of the best on amiga.
lots of dots
well done
well done
f... classic.
It's a very fun demo. It's not insanely good for a '93 demo, but the music enhances the feeling.
a true classic
I think it's pretty obvious that I have to thumb it -- amazing I haven't done it before. :-)
My favourite A500 demo. :)
Laxity rules
<insert random rulez-comment>
speachless! - a one man prod...?
One of the absolute AMIGA classics!
Really nice effects and soundtrack! :)
Brilliant of course
One of the best!
great show... 1993, yeah amiga sort of really rocked ;)
Classix !! yeep Evergreen
like it...and.... look this one :
like it...and.... look this one :
A great classic.
not bad, has a plot at the begining and that is kinda rare in amiga demo, but after that it starts to exhibit single effects like in any other shitty demo, dont like that, so that it doesnt rule!
as I'm listening to the soundtrack right now on nectarine... I leaving my unworthy thumb for thine is the utter rulage
Great classic
Of course it's rulez. I listened its musics countless times,
I love this demo, and what really great is, that from the beginning to the end it gets better and better.
I love this demo, and what really great is, that from the beginning to the end it gets better and better.
I interviewed Laxity but did not thumb this up? Better late than never :)
Surely its one of the demos that will be remembered forever, coz it wrote itself into demoscene history!
Totally Rocks :)
But what to expect from someone who thinks Odyssey is a great demo... And now leave me alone.
Odyssey IS a great demo! But not as good as this.
THE Amiga demo.
enough said
Always enjoyed Laxity's tunes but never got my ass in order to watch the demo.. the C64 version of this demo made me finally do it, even if it had to be a crappy vid.. great stuff :)
This is sooo embarrassing. Sorry, Kefrens, here is my laaaate thumb.
Epic. Simply epic.
Awesome! :)
I was at the Gathering'93 Party when this was released - awesome on the big screen with a cool sound system! Really great atmospheric music, tied in well with the on-screen action.
The C-64 remake is damn fine, too!
The C-64 remake is damn fine, too!
oh yeah...
One of the few "oldskool" demos that doesn't bore me.
One of the few "oldskool" demos that doesn't bore me.
The Classic Orginal <3
Wow! One of the CLASSICS!!
It RuleZ!!
It RuleZ!!
this is IT!
timeless. a true classic.
I'd like a high-quality video of this one.
Absolute classic with a killer soundtrack.
music and code for a great thumb up
TMB: overrated?? are you mad? ...
When I watch this demo I am able to totally dive back into my good Amiga scene memories.. all the other good stuff aside, this will forever live in my memory as being "THE" demo of all time :)
When I watch this demo I am able to totally dive back into my good Amiga scene memories.. all the other good stuff aside, this will forever live in my memory as being "THE" demo of all time :)
15 years later and I still wish I saw this one live at the gathering. Anyone have a time machine?
shame over me. i never rated this one....but now, i will !!! yes, this is one of the favourite all time demos on the amiga. as it came out back in 1993 or 1994, it was amazing and even today it is amazing.
perfect tunes, perfect presentation !
perfect tunes, perfect presentation !
first part music is instant classic.
His masters rasters!!!
Greatest demo when it was released and for quite some time after. I watch this one on a regular basis!
Greatest demo when it was released and for quite some time after. I watch this one on a regular basis!
Oooh I almost forgot to thumb this.
Music is the greatest, the rest is super.
Music is the greatest, the rest is super.
Oh noes the music in the intro :X
Some really nice music, good effects, even a bit of story.
Amiga Forever.
Amiga Forever.
Simply: Best demo ever (on all platforms)
This is demo scene history!
Yeah its pretty good but i think i prefer the C64 remake :3
I like the music, but not the gfx.
well well. pouet is new, this is old. so about time I update and give my old favs some thumbs :)
I love the circular saw glitch ^^
Great demo
the best demo ever maybe.
I know it's borderline suicidal to thumb this down on pouet, but here you go...
I'm sorry, but I always hated this demo. I think it's a mess. I think it's cheesy (melon shooting spaceship??!! And yes, I know about the reference...). As good as the effects are, the design is all over the place and the music doesn't cut it for me.
I know the historic value of this one but even back in 1993 I didn't like it. Let's face it, there were C64 demos in 1991 that had a better design and flow.
Just an opinion, didn't want to spoil the party...
I'm sorry, but I always hated this demo. I think it's a mess. I think it's cheesy (melon shooting spaceship??!! And yes, I know about the reference...). As good as the effects are, the design is all over the place and the music doesn't cut it for me.
I know the historic value of this one but even back in 1993 I didn't like it. Let's face it, there were C64 demos in 1991 that had a better design and flow.
Just an opinion, didn't want to spoil the party...
ok, here's the deal: I'll thumb it up so we have a piggy.
I did not exactly hate the demo but it was cheesy and boring (teh blashemy!11).. liked the C64 cover much much better!
I did not exactly hate the demo but it was cheesy and boring (teh blashemy!11).. liked the C64 cover much much better!
Very cheesy indeed. The music's ok, and there's a decent flow... I guess I'd thumb this up if other people hadn't done the service 187 times already. :-)
4-ever Love!
rwo brilliance gfx! great dotten effects! monsterious oldschool demo! 1993 since!!
what? never thumbed this?
how the hell can you think that this is boring and cheesy and then like a *remake* ? the remake is, per definition, just as boring and cheesy.. it's not like the c64 version is a reinterpretation...
Of course. Kill melon.
I like prodigy's cover:
In my opinion, arguably the best ECS demo ever made.
One of the few immortal demo in demoaking history... Always excellent to watch !
Great classic
I love music from this demo.
Absolute classic!
i can't believe thaht i didn't thumb up this one
A true masterpiece must be remembered forever
A true masterpiece must be remembered forever
Pure Amiga classic demo ! And I think one of the most known demo and one of the all time top-5 legendary demos with RSI-Megademo, Mental Hangover-Scoopex, Hardwired-Crionics/Silents and State of the art-Spaceball
At last we made him cold as ice
So he can nomore terrorize
He wanted us to blame the melon
But now he felt us turn the hell on
The alien is now so dead
The skin is falling of his head
Yes still he may be recreated
The rumors have to be defeated
We have a dream - It might come true
This dream we want to share with you...
So he can nomore terrorize
He wanted us to blame the melon
But now he felt us turn the hell on
The alien is now so dead
The skin is falling of his head
Yes still he may be recreated
The rumors have to be defeated
We have a dream - It might come true
This dream we want to share with you...
My favorite demo even in 2010 !
Good stuff.
balls, touching
Stop making demos. No more can be done. Ever.
Awesome! Love the music.
Great demo, great music :)
ehrm, missing thumb here!
there's a pyramid firing rockets in the series "thunderbirds" ep05(the uninvited), jsyk.
One of my favorite demo whatever the platform !
Surprising that I missed to thumb up
Surprising that I missed to thumb up
Can't say I enjoyed all aspects of the demo, but, once the main action started, it got into the groove and became pretty good. It had some of the most creative transition effects of the time, that is for sure. I can now see where some of the parts of Second Reality soundtrack came from, too.
Is it just me, or Amiga demos really did age better than the contemporary DOS ones?..
Is it just me, or Amiga demos really did age better than the contemporary DOS ones?..
Oh! not thumbed up yet!
Demoscene classic!
Demoscene classic!
Still EPIC
Great music, design, and humour!
Even twenty years later this blows my mind, that effort, and tons of content - wow, just wow.
One of my absolute favourites.
To think this just turned 20 years old. Time flies eh?
Break: argh. You're right indeed. Jee...
I was thinking of remixing the first track into an ambient dub-step diskmag theme this morning... then it appears on the comments list.. fate?
:) :) :)
Live at TG93! Youtube. Thanks to the uploader.
Legendary Amiga demo, and it's funny to compare it against Second Reality and notice where the Future Crew got several ideas from.
By the way, seems to be a better recording than the "part 1" and "part 2" clips in the infobox.
By the way, seems to be a better recording than the "part 1" and "part 2" clips in the infobox.
ahhh, this was the very first demo I ever saw! I realize now just how lucky I was to see this one and not something else. Just love this demo so much.
I can watch this demo every day without getting bored...
Still very inspiring demo. excellent music!
Classic Time!
Cool! :)
Top classic !!!
Nice classic demo !
I love the pure symbolism in this demo.....
If only.....
If only.....
sinedots is very osom
A classic, of course. Just can't bring myself to watch this too often, because of the loooong and boring intro :)
I need more than one thumb for this. One of the definite Amiga-classics.
rulez! at least something useful to do with this acc ;)
Great classic demo
Definitely one of the top 10 Amiga demos !! Transtion and synchronization between music and effects were just great, certainly lot of work and polishing were involved. Just watched it 22 years later on my Amiga, and the result is still there !
Oops, never thumbed that. Megaclassic!
First Reality.
Great classic! Would be in all-time top 5 if the music had killer pop melodies like Extension, Second Reality and Dope.
Really awesome! Still rulez and is one of my favourites.
Eternal amiga demo, still source of (often superior) imitations.
One of my first demo addictions: had to watch it at least twice a day in the 90s, or I would definitely suffer from withdraw symptoms. Epic FX and soundtrack.
Canonical. When I put together my talk about Amiga demo effects for NVScene 2014, this was the demo I showed the most effects from. The effects here are so archetypical.
I like oldskool :)
Yep, it certainly did... =) Nothing more to add.
The recipe of amiga demo coolness!
I didn't thumb this yet o.O
Okay, thumb for:
- awesome classic music, especially in parts 2 and 3 (part of many of my Oldskool Mod Mixes)
- damn fine sync for its time
- that it did age that well
Damn, each of the 3 parts would be a solid winner candidate for an Oldskool Compo at a demoparty nowadays
Okay, thumb for:
- awesome classic music, especially in parts 2 and 3 (part of many of my Oldskool Mod Mixes)
- damn fine sync for its time
- that it did age that well
Damn, each of the 3 parts would be a solid winner candidate for an Oldskool Compo at a demoparty nowadays
Best A500 demo ever!!
One of the earliest demos I can think of that is genuinely enjoyably still (though kinda loses steam in the last third). The wonders simple thinking beyond code masturbation achieves. :)
One of the best amiga demo soundtracks ever, especially in the first part, which is almost legendary by this point for the visual content too. That melody is an absolute earworm.
pinnacle of amiga art. well, at least one of them.
Often targetted by vegetables and vandals, due to its influence on sever matters.
Kefrens's best demo, though it wasn't that year's best demo, imo. Still, it's a vast improvement over GD II. Brilliant design here!
Still my favorite amiga demo! Kicks ass :)
What's with the credits here? Fuck those loosers Blizzart & Mellica ... this was Laxity's one-man-show ... HIS masterpiece
Ahhh ... remember discussing that sawblade with Airwalk ... that was a monster effect too ... so not entirely Laxity ... but he made around 85% of that demo
When demos was demos... And this is one of the best. :)
One of my most popular demos back in time... I am Amiga (1200) user since 1994... Nice memories..
Desert Dream is first demo i saw on the Amiga.
Best classic demo with great music,graphics and fxs...
Desert Dream is first demo i saw on the Amiga.
Best classic demo with great music,graphics and fxs...
->.:!!thnk you =kefrens= big classic, immortal and epic!!:.<-
Amazingk demo!
And the soundtrack.. couldn't be any better!!
And the soundtrack.. couldn't be any better!!
Still kicking ass in 2019!
Perfect music and image sync. Music is brilliant in part 2 and 3
One of my favourites
One of my favourites
Somehow haven't thumbed this yet.
incredible. i have no more words
By the way, now that Exchange's music can be found in the tube, the intro track of D.D. sounds really close to this one by them from 1988 (interesting part starting at 37:31) :
By the way, now that Exchange's music can be found in the tube, the intro track of D.D. sounds really close to this one by them from 1988 (interesting part starting at 37:31) :
and never forget Ace of Base
and never forget Ace of Base
Oh, my fave bit from the D.D. 2nd track eh.
(didn't knew that track from AoB, only heard the album release missing it)
Forgotten thumb /o\
It's crazy how well this still holds up. Some modern demos could learn a thing or two from this one's direction and pacing!
Forgotten thumb. So good.
One of the the best demos ever on any platform. It's just so awesome.
Still fantastic! :-) Very enjoyable to watch!
By far the demo I've watched the most times. Still works to this day!
Just awesome.
Still rocks
I love this demo. The fact that it ran on 1987 A500 512kb chip is great. Loved the effects and some of the tunes are bangers.
Forgot to mention thumbs up to Laxity to being an Assembler and Protracker master
An Amiga classic! A wonderful demo in all aspects.
A monument
I was active on the c64 and PC scene, I've never owned an Amiga and basically skipped the 16bit stuff. But I still remember how utterly awestruck and impressed I was when I saw Desert Dream for the first time. It was the iPhone of smart-demos! :P
I've upscaled and remixed this demo to a PsychNerD cover/remix. It's over here if you're interested.
Release notes over there.

I've upscaled and remixed this demo to a PsychNerD cover/remix. It's over here if you're interested.
Release notes over there.

Amiga classic! nice remix linked above.
Just re-watched it after many, many years. What a ride. A very polished
and entertaining show. Could not remember all parts. Shame on me!
Laxity knew the ropes!
P.S. ("Battle of the titans"): As far as I remember Chaos picked holes
into Laxity and the effects (e.g. trackloader at critical location,
inefficient rotozoomer a.s.o.) whereas Laxity responded in an interview
to that with "angry man" and that certain people out there obviously
had serious problems in their childhood.
Quite entertaining to look back at that quibble after all the years :-)
and entertaining show. Could not remember all parts. Shame on me!
Laxity knew the ropes!
P.S. ("Battle of the titans"): As far as I remember Chaos picked holes
into Laxity and the effects (e.g. trackloader at critical location,
inefficient rotozoomer a.s.o.) whereas Laxity responded in an interview
to that with "angry man" and that certain people out there obviously
had serious problems in their childhood.
Quite entertaining to look back at that quibble after all the years :-)
The scroller mentions a secret part. I don't think I've seen that one. I tried inserting disk2 instead of disk1 to see if that would be the secret part, but alas nothing came up but a short flash.
How do you get to the secret part?
How do you get to the secret part?
How do you get to the secret part?
The hidden part is mentioned in a comment above:
boot the disk 2
push and let pushed left mouse button, right mouse button, joystick fire in the same time
and enjoy a true intro with music and effects :)
But there is supposedly a second hidden part, that I've yet to see any info or instructions about. From the scrolltext in
Well, it seems like nobody have been able to find the second hidden part in Desert Dream, right!?.
For the interested phreaks i can reval, that half of the part is located on D.D disk1. And the other half is located in the minidemo D.A.N.E. Nothing Is Impossible here!.
When this came out it was boring and far too long.
dreams can come true!
awesome stuff, I wrote a wall of text for a youtube description but nothing that hasn't already been said here :)
Classic demo!
Commenting here again to say that this is truly ahead of its time.
BTW has any sceners visited the Giza pyramid complex? :p
Desert Dreams on the Amiga 500 is mind-blowing, especially because of the music. The soundtrack is amazing and syncs perfectly with the visuals.
It's one of those ocs demos that leave you speechless with how well it's crafted
It's one of those ocs demos that leave you speechless with how well it's crafted
My favorite overall demo. Killed back in the day, still holds up after all this time.
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This is one of my favoritest Amiga 500 demos! Great gfx and Music. Great Classical Amiga Design (Impressive synchronized Effects with the music everywhere ;)
I love the music&the gfx very much!