epsilon by Mercury [web]
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popularity : 77% |
alltime top: #180 |
added on the 2011-12-29 00:59:03 by las ![]() |
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Nice invitro for revision and downloaded, as i always download invitros for parties i should go to :), cya all at Revision 2012
rulez added on the 2011-12-29 01:00:35 by Queen_Luna 

Wow! Super awesome! The bokeh is great even though I think it could be slightly better parameterized, and the refraction was einfach nur Hammer!
Loved this - it really stood out on the livestream. Nice technically, great music, and stylish :)
very good
Scharfe Tiefenunschärfe <3
A worthy invitro in a very worthy compo.
too bad i'll not watch it in realtime soon. it was an excellent trip. even on the stream. had slight eye candy chills. :D
great stuff !! love the shaders
damn it, forgot the rulez button
Awesome prod, loved the glass effect and design - sleek and conscious effort in conveying the information.
IMHO the best prod at TUM 2011
Awesome work! Thank you Mercury! <3
This one i a "Klaus Kinski" would love it Invitro. Very good work and a masterpiece of Art and Design. ;-) rockZ ,-)
and now its time to come to bed, tomorrow @ 5 o clock in the morning, the night ends
and now its time to come to bed, tomorrow @ 5 o clock in the morning, the night ends
great great great psykon ich geb dir ein bier aus!
great intro, great party <3
kicks ass
what a lovely invitro
some effects are just gorgeous, the music+synth is great, and overall the prod if very stylich
BUT the font (hence, the overlays) SUCKS, kinda ruins the neat design imho
anyway, congratz for a great invitro in 64k
some effects are just gorgeous, the music+synth is great, and overall the prod if very stylich
BUT the font (hence, the overlays) SUCKS, kinda ruins the neat design imho
anyway, congratz for a great invitro in 64k
Greetings effect doesn't work here. GTX580/win7 x64.
Otherwise great work \o/
Otherwise great work \o/
A really great intro, probably the best prod from TUM 2011 :)
thumb's up
Super cool :)
Looks great, sounds great! Well done.
Outstanding tune.
Outstanding renderings!
well done
Cool invit! Makes me wanna booking plane tickets. :)
Some awesome scenes and great music in this one!
very cool effects ( bokeh, caustics ...). Thumbs up!
very nice shaders post processing
now do it with more complex models :)
also, nice colors
now do it with more complex models :)
also, nice colors
"Will never work on ATI." that sucks:)
One of the best party invitations in many years (the last good one was Moppi's invitation for ASM`04). As Melv said - already started lurking for some plane tickets :)
cool tech porn.
Quite nice. A tad boring, though.
NVidia only sucks. Everything else rocks. I really hope I'll be at Rev this year.
Really good intro, and good invitation too.
cute stuff, the tech is really good, but i'm not sure about the aesthetics: it's nice that you have bokeh dof, but it's really overshot, almost to a tiltshift level, and you could've at least added a drop shadow / gradient on the fonts. the music tried to be catchy (simple melody ad nauseam) but to my ears it sounded a bit dated.
very nice, a littlebit too blurry at the beginning. reverb sounds a littlebit metallish.
Excellent intro!
Too bad it doesn't work on ATI, and you overused the bokeh dof.
Too bad it doesn't work on ATI, and you overused the bokeh dof.
Crash here. From what i can see on the video you have nice rendering but you don't do anything interesting with it.
Great invite for great party!
Appealing invitation.
LAS!!! i tried to explain some friends of me, that theres a bokeh dof.. but they said it also could be some stream artifacts :) ! can't wait to see the next las prod(s)!
Wow, really cool. Very catchy music, great visuals, interesting fires at the beginning, very very good invtro.
cool invtro, the overused blur works surprisingly well
Crashes here after white screen.
Great invitation and intro.
Awesome rendering, I just miss that spiky ball from las :(
Awesome rendering, I just miss that spiky ball from las :(
Very cool rendering!
Why won't it work on ATI? Are you using CUDA?
xernobyl: watch again, it's there! (with some really nice caustics by the way)
Nice rendering, I just wish it was more consistent in the visual look. The part where the Revision logo first appeared was my favourite due to the ambience in music.
Support for windowed mode would've been really nice, though. You do have a lot of space to spare...
Support for windowed mode would've been really nice, though. You do have a lot of space to spare...
Beautifully polished ride. Rubbercubes FTW!
makes a good feeling and the time to revison even harder :-)
I still don't get what the revision logo is supposed to represent. =)
Mercury is Massive! Looking forward to your Revision 2012 release(s)
Really nice glass crystal objects.
Good one Las.
Good one Las.
very berry delicious (lots of tasty jello-looking stuff).
Also, what is it with hexagons lately . . .
Also, what is it with hexagons lately . . .
This Production is so cute. right on Commander
What LLB said!
..and just when you thought that semi-spiky raytraced-thing couldn't appear in another prod..
Gloom: aaaaw - come on - some traditions should be honoured :) - it's like the amen in a dnb tune ;)
Nippleball <3
Best from mercury ever, and it has nippleball!
Awesome work, plus the nippleball.
the rendering is too good ! nice prod ( even it's only 15 fps on my GTX 280 sometimes but wow )
some nice idea in some scenes. still, rough execution.
i liked it on the stream and wanted to watch it in realtime!
but does not run here in realtime.. arrrr
is it dx11 or smt?
but does not run here in realtime.. arrrr
is it dx11 or smt?
or better: is OGL 3.3 win7 only?
Can't wait for Revision, thx for this nice invite.
yummy :)
Awesome! Can't wait for the final! On my GTX 295 large areas of the screen are black...
@mEDia sENtRy: No, OGL 3.3 is not win7 only. Just make sure that your OGL driver supports it.
@mEDia sENtRy: No, OGL 3.3 is not win7 only. Just make sure that your OGL driver supports it.
Glass-objects great!
some really good stuff in here - flames, scanning beams, the superb rendering quality, the dof (when its not overblown, which sadly it is much of the time). but most of the scenes are so simple and uninspired. grr.
the problem is you obviously had to stick to really simple scenes to get the rendering techniques to work, which kindof limits the impressiveness - if you could do it on content which you had to work smarter with and couldnt just brute force, it'd really be something.
besides, simple doesnt have to mean uninspired - i wish it had been more than "some traditional demo content with nicer shading". the first 3 scenes here are great, and it was shaping up to be awesome, and then.. tunnel. grrr.
good, but so close to something really cool. :)
some really good stuff in here - flames, scanning beams, the superb rendering quality, the dof (when its not overblown, which sadly it is much of the time). but most of the scenes are so simple and uninspired. grr.
the problem is you obviously had to stick to really simple scenes to get the rendering techniques to work, which kindof limits the impressiveness - if you could do it on content which you had to work smarter with and couldnt just brute force, it'd really be something.
besides, simple doesnt have to mean uninspired - i wish it had been more than "some traditional demo content with nicer shading". the first 3 scenes here are great, and it was shaping up to be awesome, and then.. tunnel. grrr.
good, but so close to something really cool. :)
amazing visuals. thumbs up!
Awesome! and the caustics! aaaaarrrhhhggghhgngngn. :)
quality, really impressive
cmr: thx. my gfx card supports ogl4.0, the driver installed also. its cursed!
Really nice rendering, but the intro itself is dull...
it's a great invitro, but the trend to nvidia only starts to piss me off.
mEDia sENtRy: and you're on nvidia too? Guess we just gotta wait for the final.
Very nice visuals ... music is simple but nicely fitting !
i love it.
i love mercury.
trisch: downthumbing because your hardware sucks - sucks more. anyways - i love sucking.
i love mercury.
trisch: downthumbing because your hardware sucks - sucks more. anyways - i love sucking.
cmr: aye. GTX460 here. and i only get a white box. then have to terminate the process.
Nice rendering and music.
Scenes a bit uninspired, but rendering looks really nice. Unfortunately too slow to be really enjoyable now it has to run on the lappy.. (IOW going nvidia only for apparently no good reason sucks - especially for an 'important' invitation).
luvly intro! especially liked ze soundtrack a lot. und natürlich sind wir dabei in Saarbrücken!
wonderful soundtrack!!
May I change my thumb? Relistened to the soundtrack on a proper sound system and man, that was tight.
Nice :)
No, I mean - it's _literally_ the same object, not "another spikeball", but "the exact same las bumpy-ball" :)Gloom: aaaaw - come on - some traditions should be honoured :) - it's like the amen in a dnb tune ;)
nice raytrace and music.
gloom: but then again, the amen also always exactly the same sample, innit? :)
I watched the AVI video capture since multiple anti-malware scanners said this demo. might be infected. It was an OK demo.
Amazing effects, when I first saw it I didn't even realize it was a 64k. The music also helped that a lot, quality stuff.
But, unfortunately I wont thumb this up since it doesn't support the radeons.
But, unfortunately I wont thumb this up since it doesn't support the radeons.
noby: Have you downloaded the fixed version? It runs (well, at 1-2 FPS) on ATI here.
Ah ok, didn't notice it, watched it a couple days ago and didn't work then. In that case I'll thumb it up then :)
too cool!
many eyecandy scenes. great surprise from Mercury.
Download-Link was updated to include ATI support as well as support for older nVidia cards and drivers.
fking beautiful!! love the 6-corner bokeh dof, love the raytracing/marching. Love the whole 64k actually :).
have to add: this intro is very clear, beautiful and versatile at the same time!
very well composed alltogether.
very well composed alltogether.
Loved it at the party, especially that wobbling gelee cube looked really nice. Very clean design.
And most surprisingly it works rather well on my outdated gfx card (9800 GTX+)
And most surprisingly it works rather well on my outdated gfx card (9800 GTX+)
Great invitation. Nice and clean rendering and great soundtrack. The rather simple scenes dont really hurt imho.
Also the spikeball now finally has become a las meme :)
Also the spikeball now finally has become a las meme :)
Very well done (:
The Las spikeball returns!
The intro scene is gorgeous, and the "cinema grade post-processing" is no hyperbole. Dat bokeh! But some of the scenes really fall into the "Rotating Sphere-traced Primitives" school of intro design. I totally agree with IQ that this is getting a bit much. Thats said, they are some mightily well coded primitives. SSS, AO and reflection are tuned to perfection. Can't wait to see what Mercury can do with something a little less spherical.
Oh, and the film grain could do with not repeating itself every 128 or so pixels. Calculating a random on the fly isn't so expensive these days :)
Do I need to mention the music? :)
The intro scene is gorgeous, and the "cinema grade post-processing" is no hyperbole. Dat bokeh! But some of the scenes really fall into the "Rotating Sphere-traced Primitives" school of intro design. I totally agree with IQ that this is getting a bit much. Thats said, they are some mightily well coded primitives. SSS, AO and reflection are tuned to perfection. Can't wait to see what Mercury can do with something a little less spherical.
Oh, and the film grain could do with not repeating itself every 128 or so pixels. Calculating a random on the fly isn't so expensive these days :)
Do I need to mention the music? :)
Much <3 <3 <3 for the ATI compatibility.
Much <3 <3 <3 for the ATI compatibility.
Nice and smooth now (on the 6870), though slightly out of sync.
wow, that was a fast fix.
runs perfectly smooth on my HD 6850 now.
here's your well deserved thumb. slick invitation, really looking forward to revision!
runs perfectly smooth on my HD 6850 now.
here's your well deserved thumb. slick invitation, really looking forward to revision!
Awesome rendering fx in here!
clean, good music, enjoyable.
cannot second the ATI complaints, runs fine on my HD5770
Style.. Benchmark that cube effect ..nice
my hw doesnt sucks, it actually rocks:) and with fixed version it works fine, and it wouldnt even a thumdown, if it would say like "it will work on ati l8r":)
Now it works, and i like it really.
my hw doesnt sucks, it actually rocks:) and with fixed version it works fine, and it wouldnt even a thumdown, if it would say like "it will work on ati l8r":)
Now it works, and i like it really.
HD5700 runs absolutely fine.
Top 3 64ks ever for me. I'm a sucker for cool rendering over massive geometry. Brilliant piece of coding.
Top 3 64ks ever for me. I'm a sucker for cool rendering over massive geometry. Brilliant piece of coding.
<3 runs on ATI
<3 richtig geiles bokeh! Nur zu viel des guten...
<3 flames!
<3 richtig geiles bokeh! Nur zu viel des guten...
<3 flames!
cannot second the ATI complaints, runs fine on my HD5770
awesome invitation! loved the style and the colors. thanks to the mercury-guys for all the work that went into this and for not killing us for nagging them all the time at tUM :-)
cannot second the ATI complaints, runs fine on my HD5770
Doesn't run on mine... maybe it's because I have 2, in crossfire?
Wow, great work with light. Gorgeous bokeh dof, caustics, refraction, a beauty.
Shame that for some reason the synth seems fucked, hitches quite a bit and doesn't seem to quite sync up right, may be multicore issue?
Shame that for some reason the synth seems fucked, hitches quite a bit and doesn't seem to quite sync up right, may be multicore issue?
Brilliant work. Great soundtrack and some really amazing raytracing.
Lovely. Especially flame logo and the jelly cube at the end.
Sweet rendering. Looks better on video than in real-time, though ;)
Extremely nice! Stunning design. Can I buy greetings?
Confirmed working on a GTX 295 now too!
@Insectetutor: I noticed that too, I assume the light beams are supposed to come out of the object synched to the bassdrum?
@Insectetutor: I noticed that too, I assume the light beams are supposed to come out of the object synched to the bassdrum?
Sweet and smooth!
5 fps on nvidia 9800. I didn't think it would run at all.
I'd rather have 50% resolution and 20fps
clean visuals, great music, thumbs up
I'd rather have 50% resolution and 20fps
clean visuals, great music, thumbs up
Wow, why didn't I watch this one earlier? This is excellent. Ran a little slow on my GTX 260 -> probably time to buy new graphics card.
Missed this before. Good show - lots of nice stuff in here and the rendering is excellent, although the music didn't quite push the right buttons for me and I agree with smash a bit too.
The mirrored balls at the end were interesting. It looked like the ray didn't have enough bounces where the balls touched, and instead of just taking the current colour/light value you just left it black - and that actually worked well! It somehow looks quite natural. Also, the flame was cool, the field of flames even more so (though less visually appealing).
The mirrored balls at the end were interesting. It looked like the ray didn't have enough bounces where the balls touched, and instead of just taking the current colour/light value you just left it black - and that actually worked well! It somehow looks quite natural. Also, the flame was cool, the field of flames even more so (though less visually appealing).
Nice one!
what a smooooooooooooth operation.
there's alot of gegriesel in the intro, but otherwise its really nice. I hope the party will be at least as nice as this intro!
Wow, the soundtrack is really really good! Looking forward to the revision-jingles now :D
Awesome stuff! Those shaders look incredible!
sucks! was made by a team instead of just_one_man ;)
(yes, urs, i remember what you said :p still love you tho ;) )
nah! ofcourse has a lot of kewl stuff in it! i really really like it. what others said about basic geometry etc applies ofcoz tho.
but lets pretend its this way: we need better shader-compilers to do better intros ;) (what? better graphics-cards? who needs em? ps3_0 is all we need!)
(yes, urs, i remember what you said :p still love you tho ;) )
nah! ofcourse has a lot of kewl stuff in it! i really really like it. what others said about basic geometry etc applies ofcoz tho.
but lets pretend its this way: we need better shader-compilers to do better intros ;) (what? better graphics-cards? who needs em? ps3_0 is all we need!)
happy cutting while making the jingles for Revision btw, whoever is responsible for it :)
(introduce some unwanted compressor maybe, it could get fancy this way, haha -> see Tunnel! !Angst)
(introduce some unwanted compressor maybe, it could get fancy this way, haha -> see Tunnel! !Angst)
kicks ass !!!
las mag das
Nice music!
Links are updated with the final version shown at Tokyo Demo Fest 2012!
ugly and horrible music.
ihatemylsef: you surely live up to your handle...
The intro worked really well for me - only letdowns for me are the graph overlays and the mercury logo with many flames.
The intro worked really well for me - only letdowns for me are the graph overlays and the mercury logo with many flames.
5k bottles + long walk = ??? :)
I really like the final version - nice attention to details!
a good one! and congrats for winning this year's bc - mercury battle :)
i like it
very nice design..
runs! but only windowed.. ;b
For people having problems with it, try disabling MSI Afterburner.
Great demo!
Great demo!
Watching it the 2nd time did the trick for me. Really catchy tune and sync. But why 5k of beer? Didn't they read the compo rules? They should go an pack it into 4k!
Had some really really weird framerate jumps, and the content wasn't amazing, but there was some REALLY nice rendering on some scenes. Bokeh is cool too :) The music bugs me though; was like a cheap mix of electro house and 90's psytrance.. but I guess it fit well enough :)
What Ferris said.
Loved it!
Pretty good! Bonus points for 64k; everybody seems to concentrate on 4k nowadays...
enjoyed the transparent objects :) but waaaaaay too much DOF, all is blurred :( nearly ruined it for me
love it
I really like that one :) And the greetz in it of course ;)
super slick, super nice sounds!
Perfect stuff!
cool soundtrack!, and design
Thumb for the kick-ass music.
Well done!
beautiful all over
somehow unthumbed but totally loved!
great job ! I just love the opening scene it's so beautiful... Music was spot on if you ask me :D overall, amazing job guys!
Very solid.
i was talking with fizzer about it, one minute ago.
[02:27:09] <@iks> just watched it again
[02:27:20] <@iks> really clean design, love its way of showing informations too
[02:27:36] <@iks> that's short, clean and definitely enough :)
[02:27:09] <@iks> just watched it again
[02:27:20] <@iks> really clean design, love its way of showing informations too
[02:27:36] <@iks> that's short, clean and definitely enough :)
What iks said! Where has my thumb been all year? I love this demo.
Love <3
is it possible to run this intro in a custom resolution. i would like to give a shit on fps and see it in native res. :)
i forgot...
i liked the visuals, but too much blur.
Nice looking glass-objects and "realtime raytracing" feeling! :)
There's some pretty clever rendering there for a 64k, that's for sure. Nice track too!
By the way, does Mercury have exclusive rights to hexagons? :)
the flames at the beginning rather suck.. but the rest is cool
Mind blown.
Great design!
Great bokeh, great dof, great fire, great marching, great godrays, great 64k and great invitation!
(And would thumb it up again if possible ;))
(And would thumb it up again if possible ;))
I really like the crisp look and sound of this (except the flames at the beginning, which in design look like an ugly odlschool screen)!
kind of annoying music :)
for reasons, i find this is the best revision theme to this date. very much love. <3<3<3<3
False positive from Security Essentials. It doesn't usually do that. Er, yay??
v cool stuff, music had some awesome moments.
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