Desert Dream by Resource [web] & Chorus | ||||||||||||||||
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popularity : 79% |
alltime top: #70 |
added on the 2007-04-08 10:42:13 by tomaes ![]() |
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rulez added on the 2007-04-08 10:43:43 by fragment 

I'm speechless.
Great remake.
a okayish one
Incredible remake ... mad props to Resource & Chorus
oops forgot to thumb
Great demo.
I'm really amazed about this c64-remake and hope it will win the c64-comp.
I couldn't believe it was going to be the *complete* demo while I was watching it in the party. It raised applauses so many times during the projection that I still feel pain in the palms :)
King of Kings!
Fine performance. :-)
tears running down my face
Extremely good work. Makes Smash Designs' Second Reality remake look very cheapish in comparison.
Deserves so many thumbs up for sheer effort invested into the faithful and honest remake for the C64 audience. Thank you guys, you saved the day tonight ;-). I'm proud of you.
best demo in competiontion for sure... really side stuff...
even if it's for sure much of animation things in there...;)
even if it's for sure much of animation things in there...;)
nice stuff of course ;)
Changed the screenshot. Good stuff.
There is some strange aftertaste to this kind of remake, being a sure-fire winnerdemo(tm) and all.
Anyway, pretty cool I guess. An act of love afterall.
Anyway, pretty cool I guess. An act of love afterall.
That one does so rule :) Unbelievable great remake...
Fantastic work.
This demo won the breakpoint07 c64 demo competition! ;)
I'm completely awestruck.
Impressive remake... While I generally dislike remakes, thumbs up have to be handed out for doing these effects on the C64. Resource and Chorus are certainly among the all time top groups on the platform.
I slept while DemoCompo ;) But with my C64! So... unbelieveable!
Simply massive.

What an accurate conversion, very well done, guys!
Whoa. That was pretty impressive. I watched the compo last night through the stream when I was supposed to have gone to the bed already, but there was no way I was going to stop watching.
This is the first prod I've commented for over a year, maybe 2, but when I saw it on the Breakpoint stream I got goosebumps. It reminded me what I used to love about the scene.
Total respect!
Total respect!
The best C64 remake I've seen. Just great.
Crap. :)
Fantastic stuff
i had a boner for like 5 hours afterwards. thanks for this wonderful demo experience. you should get a freakin medal or something :)
AMAZING!!!! my beloved Amiga demo on my beloved C64!!!
This was fckin amazing!
motherfucker. seriously.
Originalityfactor 0, but still a damn fine show
O-M-G !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
not that original but damn!
this is so massive I'm out of words
not that original but damn!
this is so massive I'm out of words
A pleasure watching this live at BP!
very great remake!
this made me cry like a baby. the memories!!
leaves me speechless! megagreat stuff.
As I said yesterday: massive production! My balls would have fallen to the floor if I wasn't sitting!
Insane. Can't describe with words how good this is.
my favourite amiga demo
on the good old "brotkasten". awesome!
please someone make a youtube upload.
on the good old "brotkasten". awesome!
please someone make a youtube upload.
So very impressive. Totally blown away by this, probably just as much as when the original hit my letter box!
good stuff!
worst demo ever! ;)
One of the best remakes ever seen.... keeps my balls falling on the earth
One of the best remakes ever seen.... keeps my balls falling on the earth
I love the ironony of how Oxyron is going to be beaten by their own game. (Remember "second reality")
SDS you mean?
Ups.. true.. shame on me.
Well SDS is going to be third..
Well SDS is going to be third..
.. or even fourth? Still have to watch fairlight
btw.. also some criticism:
-I dont like how most effect were converted to extreme lowres. I could have lived with less framerate..
-The conversion of the music may be somewhat true to the original, but on its own it is not a very enjoyable soundtrack.
-I dont like how most effect were converted to extreme lowres. I could have lived with less framerate..
-The conversion of the music may be somewhat true to the original, but on its own it is not a very enjoyable soundtrack.
simply rocks
compared to second triagelity this is really nice ;)
Very enjoyable remake in every aspect... The routines aren't perfect, but I guess that tend to come with the remake territory.
Well, the colours are a bit pale, but the music makes it all good again. :)
lots of good work here =)
Just Perfect !
"damn" pretty much resembles my opinion ;)
Convert me beautiful!!! :)
I've seen several remakes and updates of Desert Dream, but none as complete or accurate as this. A nice piece of work, to get it to look exactly the same.
about as original as the umpteenth cover of kraftwerk's "the model". technically it's damn good, though.
teh thumb
Unbelievable. Totally unbelievable.
What could I say! :)
It's identical to the Amiga ECS counterpart.
It's identical to the Amiga ECS counterpart.
great job! it may not be original but this one is a truly impressive conversion
Really boring (as the original). And we have enough c64 conversions already, no?
I like extreme demo conversions. This is more a close conversion to the original than the SR128 conversion in terms of how most effects look (even though that's an easier demo to convert on C64 than SR). The music port sounds amazing! Few effects are a bit blocky but run at full frame rate and greatly are the gfx ported too (much better work than the work on gfx conversions on SR conversion by smash desgns). Some effects are amazing cool for speed, zooms, balls, 3d, the several dots I like, great timing too with the music. Best demo conversion so far!
I like extreme demo conversions. This is more a close conversion to the original than the SR128 conversion in terms of how most effects look (even though that's an easier demo to convert on C64 than SR). The music port sounds amazing! Few effects are a bit blocky but run at full frame rate and greatly are the gfx ported too (much better work than the work on gfx conversions on SR conversion by smash desgns). Some effects are amazing cool for speed, zooms, balls, 3d, the several dots I like, great timing too with the music. Best demo conversion so far!
Edhellon's fan #1 since decades.
Like it.
Mow I have a reason to buy an C64 ;) One of the best demos for this system ever seen...
great "re-make"... thanx guyz!
Good conversion, although not perfect. There was a better zoom scroller routine in +h2k for example. The music looping at the very end is also different from the original but the music itself is rewritten almost perfectly! Anyway, amazing work! Thumbs up, yeah.
Absolutely brilliant!
WOW, amazing work! Congratulations!
Totally awesome work, now A500 can kiss C64's ass, congrats mates!
Stefan: being jealous and bitter won't lead you anywhere. You don't have the 10th of the required skills to make such a prod. At least try to appreciate and accept that some people actually have those skills.
Amazingly good conversion! Much respect for the work put into this.
didn't really do it for me - absolutely 0 creativity here. i never really got the "look, the c64 can do this too, just suckier!" hype. maybe get a graphician and a designer next time and do something special with those mad coding skills. pigger.
good one
This is just one insane amount of work. Congratulations guys!
really amazing! desert dream is still my number 1 amiga demo ever made.
i wonder if the c64 demo will work with c64 emus on pc?
i wonder if the c64 demo will work with c64 emus on pc?
phaser: Works perfectly (in Vice at least).
Simply amazing
i don't care very much about the "creativity factor". i think this rocks: perfect conversion, brilliant code. very dedicated!
I second Skrebbel. 0 creativity and I'm sick and tired of covers of demos. Piggie, since the codework is damn skilled.
Wow! Very impressive!
good job
max respect! a very impressive remake!
akkor most johet a nexus7... :D
akkor most johet a nexus7... :D
why you need 7mhz if it works fine on 1mhz???
damn, how many years did you guys work on this masterpiece?
rules for ever!
damn, how many years did you guys work on this masterpiece?
rules for ever!
Awesome work! I'm amazed by these weird people :)
Stefan sux as usual, but this prod owns!
so.. mindmelting..
So can we now finally set the 2nd-reality vs. desert dreams debate now that both demos run on the same platform? ;-)
only c64 makes it possible!
a true blockbuster and masterpiece to, all of us in trs say the same... also very enjoyable the sid tunes that are so close to the original mod files. in my opinion THIS was the best work @ Breakpoint 2007.
I am speechless. Just have my thumb. You guys must have spent quite some time on this one. Respect. Totally great.
technically interesting ... creativity wise its a shame
The best port of anything, ever :)
nexus7 omg plz! :D
Truly great work.
This is just... Keept the feeling from the Amiga and some effects looks even better here... Pure genius...
Weehee! the mad hungarians strike back! :D
totally kewl
incredible!!!! great work!!
great homage. I even begin to like the SID version of the tune more than the original
cool stuff from a technical POV, but utterly boring due to the choice of example
what havoc said.
riszpekt! the amount of work shows...
(and hereby i give the best pouet comment award to... sparcus! :)
(and hereby i give the best pouet comment award to... sparcus! :)
what d0DgE said.
lets rule teh w0rldz0rz
just really really great to see another remake on the c64 platform!
I'd rather have seen something new, really... Already dead tired of Desert Dream on the Amiga.
had great time watching it
This demo is amazing, there's nothing like this I've ever seen on the brotkasten before. GREAT WORK GUYS!
this was really ruling the party!!!
While acknowledging the handicraft put into this I'm quite sad to see such a positive hype over something that is neither original nor filled with extremely hard stuff.
I would rather see an original release from Chorus+Resource. As it is know talent and skill goes to waste.
I would rather see an original release from Chorus+Resource. As it is know talent and skill goes to waste.
Oh shit !!!
Flawless remake even if i expected an original C=64 demo... anyway respects dudes
Flawless remake even if i expected an original C=64 demo... anyway respects dudes
I really understand why you did that. Porting my favourite demos to my 8-bit Atari has always been a challange for me - just to prove it can be done. An this one is done a an excellent way!
Yes Oswald, that would have been very impressive if only you had designed it all by yourself. I promise I would have been more positive about this work if you had given it your own style and concept. Let's see that next time!
- like landing on the moon in a VW, still exceedingly cool though you're not first :)
Well done!
It looked very impressive on the videostream, but checking it at home on a system that doesnt leave as much to imagination it doesnt look as good. Since none of the material is original the only point of this would be to prove what the c64 is capable of, and as i felt i have seen several of the effects before faster and/or in better resolution this feels quite pointless. you did a massive job showing that you are able to make the same effects as someone else did 14 years ago, but that doesnt excite me much.
Off the top of my head...chessboard fpp wobbler in Game Over, x-rotator at the end of Soul (and various demos for higher res), zoomscroller from +h2k are a few examples of what Hollowman means...effects that were either faster or in better resolution. Right?
hmm i didn't know the original
don't really know what to think about it
don't really know what to think about it
I think this is a very good demo!
@Oswald: I hope you realize why you're getting the critique. Don't take it personally, learn from it instead. I'm 100% confident that even though people might rag on this they DO acknowledge the skillz from you. What they simply want is MORE Chorus+Resource stuff and PREFER if it were original. They are actually saying: "Geez, you guys are REALLY good, I wonder what you'll do next? I really can't wait! Next time come up with something of your own and you'll get a 10 from me."
@Oswald: I hope you realize why you're getting the critique. Don't take it personally, learn from it instead. I'm 100% confident that even though people might rag on this they DO acknowledge the skillz from you. What they simply want is MORE Chorus+Resource stuff and PREFER if it were original. They are actually saying: "Geez, you guys are REALLY good, I wonder what you'll do next? I really can't wait! Next time come up with something of your own and you'll get a 10 from me."
Really astonishing for doing this demo on a C64.
FTW Oswald, you missed the mark completely. Game Over even has 8 lines higher chessboard and switches d021 every line. And as for the Soul effect your screenshot kind of misses out on the fact that it's in all borders while yours is not. Hollowman's comment about feeling these effects having been made faster or better-looking elsewhere is pretty valid to me. However, Jackasser is totally right. I'm not saying you lack skill, but that I would have liked to see an original production instead. But sure, keep posting screenshots.
made me wake up in my cosy sleeping bag
Oswald, you're clearly in the mood of a five year old child so I'll let you be. If you can't acknowledge the fact that putting an x-rotator in the sideborder is cooler than switching DD00 once per frame (instead of having the double height of gfx of course) then there's no point.
You're not responding to the point we're trying to make concerning how much cooler an original demo would have been. That's a shame.
You're not responding to the point we're trying to make concerning how much cooler an original demo would have been. That's a shame.
What a lame discussion anyway, you C64 guys are in 2007 doing stuff that people did 15 years ago. There is no innovation at all, except doing the same effects run a little bit faster or make them look a little better, but the demostyle is the same crap.
Fuck the LAME C64 scene :)
Fuck the LAME C64 scene :)
Sheez, why this hate? I can't find any envy in Dane's comment. I love the original Desert Dream on Amiga to death and so I totally dig this remake as well but I can understand the people who prefer to see an original demo as well. You should try to take those comments as what they are meant, some feedback/ideas what to do in your next demo. I don't see any bashing or smth. of your demo in Dane's comments. It's just like with music, some people like cover versions and some just don't. You can't please everyone. :) Don't take everything so damn serious. :) Just the 0.02€ from an Amiga lamer who totally loves this Desert Dream remake. :)
What a lame discussion anyway, you C64 guys are in 2007 doing stuff that people did 15 years ago. There is no innovation at all, except doing the same effects run a little bit faster or make them look a little better, but the demostyle is the same crap.
Even lator can do better.
tomæs: To your information, it was no trolling.
Interpret is as you like, Oswald. But what I find sad is that an Amiga remake is getting halied as the second coming of Christ, which indirectly states there is no value in trying to come up with something original for the c64.
If it was not intended to be trolling, where are the arguments then?
In fact, I think there are plenty of quite refreshing and well done demos to be found on c64 these days. Some pointers:
- the wild bunch
- loaded
- pretending to see the light
- deus ex machina
- cycle
If it was not intended to be trolling, where are the arguments then?
In fact, I think there are plenty of quite refreshing and well done demos to be found on c64 these days. Some pointers:
- the wild bunch
- loaded
- pretending to see the light
- deus ex machina
- cycle
how about seeing it as what it is - a REMAKE! for fucks sake.. this is a remake, and a brilliant one. all the inquieries about "oh come on, be more original", are totally pointless in this context! of course i'd like to see oswald & co. doing another, original, demo now, using all this technical wizardry in an own concept. but this is not the point HERE.
Interpret is as you like, Oswald. But what I find sad is that an Amiga remake is getting halied as the second coming of Christ, which indirectly states there is no value in trying to come up with something original for the c64.
I can not agree here. I indeed find the remake totally cool but that that doesn't mean I don't want to see original stuff on the breadbox anymore. You may not like the demo but you can't deny that it is one the classics from the "golden amiga years" so doing a remake of it on the C64 is totally legitimate I think. Anyway, time to move on, next year I want to see Nexus 7 on the breadbox. :D *runs and hides* :)
haha, should have been *runs and hydes* ;D
yummy goodness ... perfect tribute to a perfect classic
Just to add to the discussion another effect that I have seen better before and was puzzled it was so blocky and slower here. The 5 circles. In Mathematica by Reflex there were 5 cicles (but without translucency and maybe a bit smaller in area but not as much) that moved perfectly and smooth and at 50fps and already in pixel resolution. Of course I don't know if I am missing something, but I always wondered how was that done so fast in the Mathematica demo and so the blocky version in this demo didn't impressed me.
Melon Design attacked on the good old commodore 64.. I give you my thump for that.. :)
Ok ok this is just amazingly done cheers!
Ok ok this is just amazingly done cheers!
Melon Design
magic, quit sniffing glue puh-lease
havoc: i think magic has point in this. it is melon ship at the start of demo who is attacking against kefrens pyramid .. afaik
Thank you Clarence for a more mature reply. Looking forward to see the next thing from you.
Woah on a C64. Impressive.
Compare with original if you use video version. Quite amusing to see the differences. C64 is slower due to disk loads.
And after 10 long years of waiting we finally got our well-deserved payback. Congrats :)
best cover of any old demo ever!
+ i have slept with the coders. all 9 of them!
+ i have slept with the coders. all 9 of them!
Unseen: Still, he could at least spell the name of the group correctly. ;)
it had some cool elements
Melon Design
magic, quit sniffing glue puh-lease
Havoc: Know your scene history! :)
I remember very well I downloaded desert dream from some BBS in 1993. Kefrens made this demo becoz they had this silly 'scene war' going on with melon design.
hehe.. So let this be a lesson for you :)
And is melon deZign :)
optimagic strikes again! \o/

excellent.. my next cdc
One of the party highlights.
What is really special for me is the conversion of the music, fucking excellent job, I really love it, thank's for putting so much work into this.
Having to record it 3 times (due to a bad floppy disk, my bad) this even got better and better in the compo-recording room at BP, with a huge 'w00t' on the bigscreen. Love it for what it is : a great tribute to the original A500 demo and a showoff of the C64s techical capabilities (oh, and those of the coders/musicians/graphicians obviously :) )
respect to Fanta for having strength enough to convert all those boring and unimaginative mods for C64, even if the result sounded a bit thin and spectrumish.
cool remake. I love it.
Greate remake
This one left everybody astonished at the partyplace.
Good work guys! You rule!
Good work guys! You rule!
c64 coders.. maniacs!
Cool*10^6 :)
yep :D
Nice remix.
Ti nem vagytok normalisak :D
elektronik supersonik
this was good and there was obviously a lot of work put into it.. though the concept seems a bit pointless to me.
It doesn't really deserve the hype... makes it a bit harder for me to digest.
It doesn't really deserve the hype... makes it a bit harder for me to digest.
C64 rulez :)
Very nice indeed!
big entertainment during the compo
friggin´ kewl
this remake rocks, even though i dont like demos with nonsensical "plots"
Great transcription, can't certainly be more faithfull to the original. Respect.
absolutely excellent conversion.
SID anywhere plztnx?
Mad props to Resource & The dreams once again ... ups, Chorus
Ah, everybody is a member of 3+ groups these days ...
Ah, everybody is a member of 3+ groups these days ...
I've seen Desert Dream one too many times for this to really punch me in, but Kudos for mad skills :)
Tnx edhellon and cheers to Fanta and Inge =)
*Plays subtune 4*
*Plays subtune 4*
Please make this final version - I want the hidden part :+)
necroyeti: What do you mean 'nonsensical "plot"'?
Please make this final version - I want the hidden part :+)
necroyeti: What do you mean 'nonsensical "plot"'?
I only started looking at the C64 Demoscene. I like what I see....
VEry GOOOD !!!!
fuckin coool demo on C64
Best Regards
Chorus & Resource
and the original Amiga demo:
fuckin coool demo on C64
Best Regards
Chorus & Resource
and the original Amiga demo:
i saw this again and have to stress the quality of the code involved.
it's absolutely impossible that I didn't give this demo a thumb yet. Being a huge fan of the original, my jaw dropped at Breakpoint while my Brainstorm colleagues and I whistled along the tune, sync-precise with every scene and yelled "REVOLUTION" at the correct spot. Greetings to everyone involved in this production. You created a magic moment at Breakpoint!
Unbelivable, but true.
now there is something you have to see to belive it.
Hehe, yeah Axel, it's great to see a remake of a classic ... Resource, The Dreams & Chorus - do Hardwired next :-)
music rulez
I know the original only from a crappy vid, but it's obvious that it's an insanely good conversion!
nice remake!!
dunno why it took me so long to thumb this up.!
Rocked the bigscreen
Great!! I cant get it to run.. or att least not all of it, after the intro credits the screan just goes black but the music continues to play.
The_MorMor: Make sure you have "true drive emulation" enabled.
thumbs up for all that crazy work and really good job on the synchronization. and yes.. that it works on 64kb :)
incredible. love it.
Amazing !
so perfect
Very good conversation.
Amazing C64 prod! I think the music is much better than the original. However I cannot really compare, beacuse I could not even reach up to the table at that age, when the original was released:)
A M A Z I N G ! ! !
The SAME demo as the original!! Nice remake!
I have no words for say how I was impressed by this remake!
The SAME demo as the original!! Nice remake!
I have no words for say how I was impressed by this remake!
I was completely blown away by the first part. All that 3D on a C64! Just awesome! The music is also one of my favourites. Great stuff! When i want to just watch someting for the C64 usually i pick this one :)
totally insane. thank you.
rullllrrrrrr ttllllll
From youtube:
lol, this is a fake!!! since i am a asm coder, and i know that there is no multiplications instructions in c64, that makes it impossible to make fast 3d routines in realtime, unless this was made on an c64 emulator. and there is no big space for precalculations either. not even amiga 500 can do this with it's cpu, who are 10 times faster than C64
A kickass remake of a legendary Amiga demo. Much respect.
at clarence:thanks for the live recording..
Real jawbreaker! Respect!
thx for the live recording!
Simply wonderful !
Woha! Amazing! And the music.. WOW!
Amazing work.
Baaaawwwwwwwwwww works fine in Vice but doesn't want to work on my C64 for reals :-(
Oh wait, it does work, guess its my crappy old floppies letting me down.
Genius work!
hehe, that recording is pretty awesome, albeit not exactly HQ ;)
w00t ! no thumb, yet ?! ..ich glaub es haakt !1
(liked it better than the original, which I found kinda boring back then :) )
(liked it better than the original, which I found kinda boring back then :) )
Oh wait, it does work, guess its my crappy old floppies letting me down. income tax calculator
Very awesome conversion!
Awesome conversion of an awesome demo.
Ohh I forgot to thumb !
A grandiose rendition of the Amiga original.
i got quoted by a spambot :(
OMG! better than original!
I like it when there is a story in it. Great work, fantastic effects and tickling music.
I jizzed in my pant! \:D/
And how!
Imagine the world if this demo had been released in 1982!!
Incredible work even 4 years later.
Wow :) Still great.
Shit, color me impressed! I didn't expect so many effects being up to par of the original! Definitely in my top-3 C64 demos so far.
great remix
Oh, forgot to thumb 6 years ago.
A very noteworthy remake! I even like the SID music better than the original Amiga soundtrack.
Highly polished remake, flawless execution.
Have just been watching the live recording... I wish i were there...
Best hommage to the best demo, ever!
Best hommage to the best demo, ever!
C64 roxxx!!
I believe this demo is a great way to compare the pure performance power of the one and only Commodore 64 with the mighty Amiga....
To put it in a perspective, there were only a few things the C64 version didn't do because of hardware limitations. Example: The stars of 3 colours and the cube vector.
But...... I have to say also.... Thank you, Fanta, for making the soundtrack even more amazing than it already was. [I love you!!!!!!!!!]
To put it in a perspective, there were only a few things the C64 version didn't do because of hardware limitations. Example: The stars of 3 colours and the cube vector.
But...... I have to say also.... Thank you, Fanta, for making the soundtrack even more amazing than it already was. [I love you!!!!!!!!!]
Ah! Sweet!!!
Well done!
(long forgotten thumb)
amazing work guys!!
amazing work guys!!
Watching this again, and still finding it jawbreaking! <3
WOW! If you know the original version on the amiga this one on the C64 is amazing. Great work!
this remake is better than original *)
Hard to compare with the original. Both are obviously very enjoyable, but in large part for different (yet obvious) reasons despite being the same demo as far as content goes. It's silly to say this lacks creativity, as if the concept doesn't apply when it comes to technical prowess as well. It's very rarely enough by itself though—demoscene is not a scientific publication for your latest technical discoveries—but should be augmented by the presentation. Luckily all the technical merits are framed around an already established entertaining demo, so imo it all pans out.
The soundtrack despite not exploiting all the "fancy" SID technical quirks is an excellent rendition.
The soundtrack despite not exploiting all the "fancy" SID technical quirks is an excellent rendition.
I had never seen or heard of the original when I saw this at BP'07 the first time.
Now, years later, having seen both, I still think this absolutely kicks ass, and I'd argue the soundtrack sounds a bit better than the original, in places.
I don't mind remakes. In fact, I really adore and appreciate them if executed well, and this is a prime example of that.
Now, years later, having seen both, I still think this absolutely kicks ass, and I'd argue the soundtrack sounds a bit better than the original, in places.
I don't mind remakes. In fact, I really adore and appreciate them if executed well, and this is a prime example of that.
The amount of work in this demo is just insane. Awesome prod!
very nice reake
Awesome. Some parts of the music sound even better than the original mods.
Wow! I already thought the orig Amiga prod was impressive!
I need to kick my own ass for not thumbing this up yet! :O
This demo started a renaissance in the c64 scene.
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