Texas by keyboarders
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popularity : 82% |
alltime top: #40 |
added on the 2008-08-27 11:15:14 by Quarryman ![]() |
popularity helper
awesome! i think even tho theres no screen shot and i havent looked at it yet ;) but first post
rulez added on the 2008-08-27 11:16:08 by stuey 

So this is the 4k intro which loads it's music externally from Vista? Better not watch it on XP than :)
Better not watch it on XP than :)
...good idea:

xp port plz i refuse to install vista.
Bah. Video?
\o/ squirrelz
wtf you used gnu rocket for a 4k?? cool!! :D
now, video plz! cant wait to see this!
now, video plz! cant wait to see this!
Tested on Vistax64 SP1 :
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: kbd_Texas_720p.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 38a66ae8
Fault Module Name: kbd_Texas_720p.exe
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 38a66ae8
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 00020524
OS Version: 6.0.6001.
Locale ID: 2057
Additional Information 1: fd00
Additional Information 2: ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160
Additional Information 3: fd00
Additional Information 4: ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160
i hope you do as i'd love to check it out :)
except from the music, this was an awesome experience! Absolutely brilliant and scary.
.... wth w/ dxd10 -_-;
As a lightning out of nowhere, the Norwegian inquisition strikes back with the best 4k the world has ever seen! I'm down on my knees in the dust licking your shoes. New world order! All hail the new kings and popes!
video or didn't happen
best 4k ever! awesome experience on the bigscreen!
It was basically the best 4K I've seen. Ever.
i dont know if you guys are joking or serious! video or it didnt happen!
video plz. it's not for my x800gt =)
It must be good. loaderror is on it. I would even thumb it up just because that :) What's with the d3d10? Does it mean that this only runs in Vista?
smash: It's not a joke, this was insanely cool.. also, what Duckers said, minus the gayness. :)
Same crash as keito's on Vista SP1.
despite the fact that it uses 3.5 seconds a song included only in vista, i liked it
Really stunning on the big screen, caused multiple crowd outbursts. My favorite 4k of the show, and there was immense competition. Hope they fix it up so people can watch it.
trace:DX10 is vista only . -_-;
Best fucking 4k ever! Will anyone dare to try to top this?!
What should I install?
What should I install?
Didn't run on Vista for me... but my PC has a gfx card which is not exactly a GF 8800 so I'll blame it on that ;) I'll just wait for the video.
By far the finest 4k intro ever. It will give me nightmares and I will still love it.
arg need vista, video plz
texel: get directx 10 from the microsoft website (just google "directx"), didn't give that error for me anymore after installing it
This of course get my thumb, it's well deserved!
Very very slick visuals, and a really nice feel to it all! I also bow in the dust, and now we really have to figure some good shit out to beat your norweigians asses :)
However I can't hide that I'm quite disappointed that you used parts of a song that is stored in vista. Not that much fun when other people use hours trying to create that "perfect" sound for some music :) To me this is the closest you will get to the border of cheating, without crossing it.
Very very slick visuals, and a really nice feel to it all! I also bow in the dust, and now we really have to figure some good shit out to beat your norweigians asses :)
However I can't hide that I'm quite disappointed that you used parts of a song that is stored in vista. Not that much fun when other people use hours trying to create that "perfect" sound for some music :) To me this is the closest you will get to the border of cheating, without crossing it.
What preacher said :) (If you don't have Vista this is on demoscene.tv 4k compo video.)
puryx .. you gotta remember .. they use crinkler, like almost everyone else, so they couldn't make it happen without a touch of denmark ..
.. visuals are the next generation of 4k's to come .. but still a thumb down for the vista sound trick .. to me, you have a toe placed over the line... but nevertheless
.. visuals are the next generation of 4k's to come .. but still a thumb down for the vista sound trick .. to me, you have a toe placed over the line... but nevertheless
enjoyed this really much on the stream !
Coolestest 4k EVER! You guys rule the mostest!
Looked amazingly good on the stream!
Oh man, this was way too cool :)
Judging from the stream: AWESOME!!!
A massive 4K attack from the city of mustaches!
puryx, nonsense! a legal cheat is not a cheat! especially if you consider how well it's been used it's just all coolness.
as such, thumb up for the vista sound trick! and for the awesome intro too, of course.
as such, thumb up for the vista sound trick! and for the awesome intro too, of course.
Just aweinspiring. Excellent story, too. O was sad to see the orange guys lose. ;_;
skrebbel: where did I say that they cheated - I said they were damn close to the BORDER of cheating ;)
video pleaz!
No I finally have seen the intro..
Breaths massiveness.. Trick with the music will make party orginizers adjust there rulez :)
Breaths massiveness.. Trick with the music will make party orginizers adjust there rulez :)
i just watched the stream capture of the compo on demoscene.tv ..
man! this is awesome!
man! this is awesome!
This one ownz, at least on the stream. Could someone explain the vista sound trick ? I watched the intro twice but I don't have vista so nothing strange in the sound for me...
Not working yet, after installing directx :(
Msk`: it looks like if they use samples from a song included on Vista
Msk`: it looks like if they use samples from a song included on Vista
Fucking sweet. Deserved to win.
Congratulations for winning!
Everything is so well done in this intro, especially direction. Only the windows sound ruins the prod for me. Even so, a deserved first place.
I guess you are doing screenspace AO or fake AO, and then posteffect for glow.
Everything is so well done in this intro, especially direction. Only the windows sound ruins the prod for me. Even so, a deserved first place.
I guess you are doing screenspace AO or fake AO, and then posteffect for glow.
Amazing rendering, stayed with the same scene a bit too long though. And the music was so-so, even with the trickery ;)
woa, good one.
For some reason David Lynch decided to enter the scene. He then produced the best 4k ever so that he could beat the second best 4k ever.
Minsten har blitt voksen!
Minsten har blitt voksen!
This is not only the most awsome 4kb I have seen so far -- I would adore it, even if it would have been an avi. (Well, since I am not going to switch to vista soon, it actually is.)
Since I don't have no clue if this is cheating, I can't give a thumb.
Since I don't have no clue if this is cheating, I can't give a thumb.
yeah, this rocked pretty hard.
fuck me! awesome.
Absolutely wicked and crazy...
... even as a demo.
Works fine on Vista64 btw.
... even as a demo.
Works fine on Vista64 btw.
video plz.
awesome, dx10 :( MS needs to backport that shit asap since half of the XP userbase has no plans to upgrade
the visuals are massive and the sound fits it very well.
but using parts of soundtracks from the os somehow leaves a bad taste for me cause it saves you so much space which you can use for your visuals.
nevertheless its fair enough to use it, since its part of the os.
good thing though that this only happens once per new os version and song :)
but using parts of soundtracks from the os somehow leaves a bad taste for me cause it saves you so much space which you can use for your visuals.
nevertheless its fair enough to use it, since its part of the os.
good thing though that this only happens once per new os version and song :)
I Guess You're Right.wma
One Step Beyond.wma
One Step Beyond.wma
too bad about DX10, but hell, this is one mother of a 4k!!
nice artistry..
unbelievablely cool.
a true masterpiece of art.
fy faen ebbe!!! pils til deg!
Must be the best 4k I have seen.
Must be the best 4k I have seen.
Heilt rått ebbertn, eivind & co! Congratulations with the first place! :D
Just saw the video but...
This is pretty massive lads. Well done in stepping up a notch! (and the sample trick is just brilliance :))
damn it that was good :)
best prod of the whole party hands off !!!
and best.
4k intro.
and best.
4k intro.
you broke something. (good thing)
what archee said.
looking forward the video capture :)
looking forward the video capture :)
Doesn't work on my vista/dx10 laptop (1280x800). There's sound and a very small window (but the rendering looks kinda ok in those few visible pixels).
Wow just from the DTV screener
PHEW! That was some intense shit. Fuckin hell!
wow effect in 4k !
A life changing experience.
Im also amazed by this demo, and I'd like to give a thumb. But with hesitation, since it'll only run on a smaller percentage of PCs.
Awesome visuals!
Fokkin awesome!
brilliant combination of (what looks like)ssao and cubes, and great direction.
best 4k evah! (maybe)
best 4k evah! (maybe)
Best use of geometry shaders since sliced bread!
this 4k rules, but imho using external audio is not okay, though in this case I see the argument for it... even if it IS a little thin. Still. Thumbs up, an awesome viewing experience!
don't run....
what gopher said !
rulez massively !
rulez massively !
Best visuals I've seen in a 4k so far so thumbs up.
(But the use of external audio is not cool..)
(But the use of external audio is not cool..)
blueberry - I disagree! Sliced bread was better us of geometry shaders! Amazing intro though! The sound really made this prod, well done guys ;)
Slick, indeed very slick.
MASSIVE. Great use of colors and lighting. Atmospheric and just massive massive.
Trøndere rules! :)
Trøndere rules! :)
Uhh, stunning. And nice sampling trick :)
what remage said
wow, this one sends shivers down the spine.
excellent atmosphere due to ace direction and music.
places an impressive mark.
excellent atmosphere due to ace direction and music.
places an impressive mark.
Just saw it on the party stream. Holy fuck! Video?!
I've just seen it on the stream... I really want to see the hq video soon... this one is... is... is... WOW!
It deserves a place in the all time top 10!
It deserves a place in the all time top 10!
Best 4k ever. Totally crazy.
awesomeness on wheels
nice, but you get a piggy for ripping music and using vista.
Stunning 4k
It's a pitty I need vista for this. I have seen it in the video and it definitely rules though.
Thumbdown for Vista-only and music-ripping, but double thumbup for making one of the best (if not the best) 4ks in the world. Net effect is a thumbup. :-)
doesn´t work here: Vista 32 Bit, ATI 2600XT 256MB
watched it at demoscene.tv, looked pretty BA. external music eh, guess you got lucky because the visuals were so good
HD video anyone? :)
Crash on Vista SP1, Geforce Go 7700, 7.15.0010.9802, DirectX 10.
004204EB push 0
004204ED push 430124h
004204F2 push 0
004204F4 push 0
004204F6 push dword ptr [esi]
004204F8 push 0
004204FA push 1000h
004204FF push 420C58h
00420504 push 0
00420506 push 0
00420508 push 421D14h
0042050D push dword ptr ds:[421616h]
00420513 push 420C70h
00420518 call dword ptr ds:[43007Ch]
0042051E push 0
00420520 mov edx,dword ptr [esi-3Ch]
00420523 push edx
==> 00420524 mov edx,dword ptr [edx]
00420526 call dword ptr [edx+30h]
00420529 mov dword ptr [esi-38h],eax
0042052C popad
0042052D leave
0042052E ret 0
00420531 add bh,bh
00420533 and eax,430014h
00420538 add byte ptr [eax],al
0042053A add byte ptr [eax],al
0042053C add byte ptr [eax],al
0042053E add byte ptr [eax],al
00420540 enter 80h,0
00420544 pushad
00420545 mov edi,421CF4h
0042054A mov esi,430160h
0042054F push 0
00420551 push 0
00420553 push 0
00420555 push 421680h
edx : 00000000
esi : 00430160
No video capture yet?
video plz ..
Wade: check demoscene.tv, 4k intro compo :)
Geforce Go 7700 - No DirectX10
The 4k Rocks. Amazing
Geforce Go 7700 - No DirectX10
The 4k Rocks. Amazing
Amazing wild demo!!! :)
Holy Cow, this was impressive.
No thumbs down yet for such a pathetic trick? Let's get it started!
pete: What trick? I'm still waiting for the video. ;)
extremely cool shading techniques - really like the whole thing ...
Nice looking, but too slow for my taste. Still, thumbs up for wobbling stuff :P
Hey, it's running on my XP machine!!!! Unbelievable!!!
Just kidding, sorry ;-)
Just kidding, sorry ;-)
Dx10? Wtf? What's wrong with amos 3d? Thanks for the video..
nice but it's not the new parsec
possibly the best 4k ever. so far.
What parsec just said.
I mean what src said about parsec. :S
Awesome job, guys!
IMO this is the best 4k intro ever.
IMO this is the best 4k intro ever.
Sound trick or not this bloody rocked!
I detect some seriously well good size coding.
I detect some seriously well good size coding.
Remarkable experience!
And can someone please explain me what's with that trick?! :S
thumbs up for not using a pig in your production.
Remind me 3D real time demo wannabe by Maxon !
Install Vista and check folder "C:\Users\Public\Music\Sample Music" beautiful remix!!!
WHAT?!?! I don't think I've been this impressed by an intro since Heaven 7 or The Product! It's so utterly beautiful!
I understand it uses some Windows music, but demoscene coding has always been about these kind of tricks, right? But even with the music aside, this is gorgeous!
I understand it uses some Windows music, but demoscene coding has always been about these kind of tricks, right? But even with the music aside, this is gorgeous!
Remind me 3D real time demo wannabe by Maxon !
The same thought hit me too. Uses a very similar colourscheme.
absolutely stunning !!! respect !!!
Gosh, it's frightening in every sense. And it rulez h4rd.
Don't mess with Texas ! =)
Don't mess with Texas ! =)
best 4k ever. so far.
now, the mzk thingy is a real pity. even if the song file is on the OS, it's not like gm.dls. With gm.dls everybody can build a different song (what consumes a precious kilobyte btw), while with this trick the competition has no chance, only ONE intro can use the song (the first ones to figure the trick, but demoing is not about being the first, but the best).
Ok I stop bulshitting, the visuals and direction are fucking cool, this probably deserves to be named "the best 4k intro ever so far"
now, the mzk thingy is a real pity. even if the song file is on the OS, it's not like gm.dls. With gm.dls everybody can build a different song (what consumes a precious kilobyte btw), while with this trick the competition has no chance, only ONE intro can use the song (the first ones to figure the trick, but demoing is not about being the first, but the best).
Ok I stop bulshitting, the visuals and direction are fucking cool, this probably deserves to be named "the best 4k intro ever so far"
no comment...
awesome! not quite Receptor though, but close :)
B E S T E V E R !
What that guy from Trailer Park Demos said ;)
I think my eyes popped out of their sockets while I was watching it on the big screen...
iq: sometimes being the first is being the best..
Like in the olympics \o/
Like in the olympics \o/
putain de sa mère.
Simple and _very_ well done. Without it, the whole 4k-compo would be a ~flop in my opinion.
Video is missing the last few seconds!
Having just listened to the original song, I see no reason why it can't be used again to make a totally different song. The remix for texas is TOTALLY different from the original, actually I'm more impressed by this than with the gms.dll stuff. If they'd just replayed the original, yeah it would be a dirty trick, but this I can respect.
Also, after watching the proper video, I'd like to say that it's just as good or better than I expected from the party stream. Best 4k ever.
Also, after watching the proper video, I'd like to say that it's just as good or better than I expected from the party stream. Best 4k ever.
Cj: that's a quite impressive statement, what are you expecting from 4k, since this saved the compo in your opinion?
AVI: invalid chunk detected at 204636114
look extremely nice for a 4k. wave movements are so smooth (if you have the proper hardware)
Puryx, nowadays I expect from 4ks things like in Atrium, Candystall, Parsec to mention a few ones.
Doing something small is not enough anymore when it lacks in creative ideas.
See the complete 64k section, Panic Room was after a very long time the first one which maybe sets a "new" 64k-standard.
Don't release something under the "new" 4k/64k standard or you will fail. It doesn't mean that it is bad, but not enough to get attention.
See yourself, just 3 from 19 prods from the whole NVScene 2008 pc 4k compo got more attention on Pouet, the rest is just average and below.
Doing something small is not enough anymore when it lacks in creative ideas.
See the complete 64k section, Panic Room was after a very long time the first one which maybe sets a "new" 64k-standard.
Don't release something under the "new" 4k/64k standard or you will fail. It doesn't mean that it is bad, but not enough to get attention.
See yourself, just 3 from 19 prods from the whole NVScene 2008 pc 4k compo got more attention on Pouet, the rest is just average and below.
top notch awesomeness.. the colour scheme, atmosphere and everything else is ace! If it fits the compo rules, who cares? visuals are stunning.
wtf indeed. the sound was awesome. 100 points on synctracker being an internal tool? =)
dalezy, no its public, just never marketed except when we're drunk. search for "gnu rocket"
Wow, those were some epic kilobytes. Extra points for such shamelessly nasty trickery on the music :)
... krass ...
Evil trick but nice none the less.
now that i scrolled back up through the other comments - what's that talk about ripped/borrowed music here? i only watched the video version, as i don't have vista running, anyone care to shed some light on this? i was especially fond of the sound, so don't spoil it for me now =)
it is discussed in this thread
a little universe put into 4k. unbelievable
For the breathtaking visuals...
This was definitely good, but I like Receptor better. It actually has a second scene, good synching and good music too. I also like the screen-space effect...
Soooo, I don't really understand why people jerk off to this sooo much...
Soooo, I don't really understand why people jerk off to this sooo much...
This was definitely good, but I like Receptor better. It actually has a second scene, good synching and good music too.
Absolutely. The music in Receptor is pure awesomeness, for me the best 4k soundtrack so far. All in all, Receptor is a winner of the compo for me. :)
Technically impressive, gave me little to nothing neither visually nor sonically.
The random fades in and out from/to black seems misplaced, and the dramatic moments in the soundtrack is not reflected by the visuals.
Obivously a good 4k, but not to my tastes, I'm afraid.
I do appreciate the audio trick though :D
The random fades in and out from/to black seems misplaced, and the dramatic moments in the soundtrack is not reflected by the visuals.
Obivously a good 4k, but not to my tastes, I'm afraid.
I do appreciate the audio trick though :D
really nice :)
looks great... ok music doesn't count somehow... but anyway ... ok cheating or not... others do not have that idea...
so where cheating starts ? ...using gm samples is cheating too ? anyway the result counts and that was in this case great...;)
so where cheating starts ? ...using gm samples is cheating too ? anyway the result counts and that was in this case great...;)
Great work! Certainly has a compelling mood with interesting world...I really want to know what those spikey things are doing. I really don't see this as "the best 4k ever" though. For me, should have been 2nd behind Receptor.
Cheating is what Lamers scream when they didn't think of the trick themselves.
This is just plain well directed.
This is just plain well directed.
fuck... mistake!
wow I'm speechless. massive prod also if it only uses some ambiente noises.
Lovely use of Big polycount. Quite suggestive.
(also: nice "Vista sample Music"-sampling hack :])
(also: nice "Vista sample Music"-sampling hack :])
Your mom is boring too!!!111
the music does not fit and otherwise it's also not too exciting. biiig thumb from the technoligcal point of view, though. ;)
Thought about it.
What TRUCK said.
Sleeping very soundly on
a Saturday morning
I been dreaming I was Al Capone
There's a rumor going round
Gotta clear outta town
Yeah, I'm smelling like a dry fish bone
Here come the law
Gonna break down the door
Gonna carry me away once more
Never, I never, I never want it anymore
Gotta get away from this stone cold floor
Sleeping very soundly on
a Saturday morning
I been dreaming I was Al Capone
There's a rumor going round
Gotta clear outta town
Yeah, I'm smelling like a dry fish bone
Here come the law
Gonna break down the door
Gonna carry me away once more
Never, I never, I never want it anymore
Gotta get away from this stone cold floor
Cheating is what Lamers scream when they didn't think of the trick themselves.
Do you think sportsmen who take performance enhancing drugs are 31337 then?
just, wow!
incredible sound and visuals
Massive Dope Shit !
By far the best 4k I've seen to date!
Tough decision but I'm giving it a nice piggy for now as it won't run for me (using WinXP) aside from loading the Vista sound, which I also dislike very much.
Tough decision but I'm giving it a nice piggy for now as it won't run for me (using WinXP) aside from loading the Vista sound, which I also dislike very much.
Everything has been said already.
awesome! weird and moody
hmm... pretty simple 64k..... =)
This was a 4k???????????????????????????
boring 1 effect 4k... nucleophile is better as 1 effect 4k
Take it to the stage! Very nice and 4K! Yep
Had to watch the video version. Man, that was trippy.
the real thing is even better than the capture. realtime-HD rules over AVI.
this one has atmosphere, and that's the difference between just a 4k and a demo in 4 kilobytes.
sooner or later, there will be a switch to DX10/Vista. face it: in 2010 you'll have to switch, may be even in 2009. fuckings to microsoft for not making dx10 available in XP, but what do you expect?
the music-trick sucks, as it distorts the competition in an unfavorable direction. we will need very clear rules about which files are installed at the compo maschine, since we can expect that the selection of tunes will grow with new service and feature packs. worst case: windows 7 comes with a completely different set of songs, and texas will be silent forever.
these are just my random thoughts about the wonderful intro.
this one has atmosphere, and that's the difference between just a 4k and a demo in 4 kilobytes.
sooner or later, there will be a switch to DX10/Vista. face it: in 2010 you'll have to switch, may be even in 2009. fuckings to microsoft for not making dx10 available in XP, but what do you expect?
the music-trick sucks, as it distorts the competition in an unfavorable direction. we will need very clear rules about which files are installed at the compo maschine, since we can expect that the selection of tunes will grow with new service and feature packs. worst case: windows 7 comes with a completely different set of songs, and texas will be silent forever.
these are just my random thoughts about the wonderful intro.
outstanding 4k with very atmospheric soundtrack.
What chaos said. Except that I have judged it only by the video version. I'm still running XP at the moment.
Awesome work! I have no issues with the remix trick but maybe you can release a version including the mp3 file used, in case the file is not available on future windows versions.
Awesome work! I have no issues with the remix trick but maybe you can release a version including the mp3 file used, in case the file is not available on future windows versions.
Releasing the 4k with the full mp3 sounds like a thing not to do (copyright violation)
Ah shit, you are right. What about the remixed version used in the 4k? The videos contain the same track, no copy right issues there so I suppose that shouldn't be a problem?
ohhh hell...
fuckings to d3d10, though
fuckings to d3d10, though
Yes, this one rulez - but a second place should have been enough !!!
cool shading etc.
Damn! It really rocks, who's next? :)
looks really promising on videos...
unfortunatly i was not able to run it
first it requires two dll dx10_33 something and second (thx for let me searching them on the web) second there is only 2 resolutions which means people with native 1440x900 or 1650x1080 screens have it in their a$$. have a 24",projector, lcd tv or die...
next time try have better hardware compatibility abd at least give 1024x768 (which works for everybody) or windowed stuff
and using vista songs directly as music is just like using os wallpapers as textures for an intro. i hope will never see "new killing 1k demo (requires microsoft vista pack plus 2009)"
unfortunatly i was not able to run it
first it requires two dll dx10_33 something and second (thx for let me searching them on the web) second there is only 2 resolutions which means people with native 1440x900 or 1650x1080 screens have it in their a$$. have a 24",projector, lcd tv or die...
next time try have better hardware compatibility abd at least give 1024x768 (which works for everybody) or windowed stuff
and using vista songs directly as music is just like using os wallpapers as textures for an intro. i hope will never see "new killing 1k demo (requires microsoft vista pack plus 2009)"
That's wonderful, Tigrou. Go make a demo about it.
It gave me chills down my spine :D
Awesome, and relaxing 4k :)
Wow. Great direction and atmosphere.
So it uses a VMA-track from the operating system for music, then I guess it uses a VMA decoder library from the OS as well, and I guess the 3D-geometery calculations are made in an OS library, and the polygon renderer is an OS library.. Perhaps there are even polygon mesh creation functions in in OS library these days, who knows.
The fun in 4k has gone.
The fun in 4k has gone.
So it uses a VMA-track from the operating system for music, then I guess it uses a VMA decoder library from the OS as well, and I guess the 3D-geometery calculations are made in an OS library, and the polygon renderer is an OS library.. Perhaps there are even polygon mesh creation functions in in OS library these days, who knows.
..and doing all those dirty tricks in 4k is still impressive!
wow!! übermench strikes again!!
I thoroughly concur with evil. Have a look at the comments for The Produkt where fr members are defending the use of OS libraries *only* for using the GPU. At least they have some dignity...
That's wonderful, parapete!
"holy... fuck!" was my first impression
great production overall. best of nvscene08 compo imho.
Wow. Only thing that would've made it better would've been a more interesting soundtrack.
Holy. Shit. The bar has been raised again.
I liked the TBC entry more, but this is massive for a 4k also.
[youtube]The fun in 4k has gone.[/youtube]
The times they are a-changin'
- Bob Dylan
The times they are a-changin'
- Bob Dylan
wow, how about fucking up bb-code!
lot of spikes for a 4k
HUAAAAGGHHH!!! The uber awesomeness of 4k:ness.
wow! Great. Athmosphere is perfect! Rulz
Complete video, please? The ending is missing.
Lord Graga: the video in the video-link was updated several days ago with a full capture including the ending.
This got to be the best release NVscene had to offer. Mindblowing 4k, in all aspects - also what is not easily achieved in this format, with proper flow and building up the tension to the very end.
As pretty much all the demos that leave permanent marks to the demoscene history, this one is creating controversy from th
As pretty much all the demos that leave permanent marks to the demoscene history, this one is creating controversy from th
Mindblowing! Fanastic stuff and really great colors and sound design to make everything fit nicely together.
They said this is the best 4KB intro.
If you want to create the best 4KB intro, my friend, create four kilobytes of hard code generating something wonderful, not four kilobytes of crinklered invokes of some nice goodies, watchable via video.
Right is the man who said that fun in 4k has gone. For me any 256B from Digimind is much more impressive and exciting than 4KB intros from NVScene all together.
Fucking great thing anyway, visuals and atmosphere are crunching.
Check first word in read_me.txt.
If you want to create the best 4KB intro, my friend, create four kilobytes of hard code generating something wonderful, not four kilobytes of crinklered invokes of some nice goodies, watchable via video.
Right is the man who said that fun in 4k has gone. For me any 256B from Digimind is much more impressive and exciting than 4KB intros from NVScene all together.
Fucking great thing anyway, visuals and atmosphere are crunching.
Check first word in read_me.txt.
Holy Shit! Even with the soundtrack controversy, it's fantastic!
all been said.
"simple" effect but oh so wonderful!
Come to think of it, this has sort of a h-plus feeling to it.
WOW, maybe my next cdc 
but fucking dx10!!

but fucking dx10!!
This thing is NUTS!
Really cool, but it's a shame most people won't be able to run it. Video is still cool though.
Vid looks pretty sweet. But exe crashed on my PC. Vista SP1.
cool shit. i got reminiscence of chimera, while watching this and this is good!
This prod is so insanely great it made me think about upgrading to Vista.
actually it pretty much looks to me that it could be done with d3d9, but requiring d3d10 is a really convenient way to make sure the ominous music files are in place :D
wow! minus points for vista only though
Great but vista only music :D
Watching this (along with this other prod ) was the only positive experience i got from these shitty days i'm passing throught now.
and i forgot the thumb... sorry. i got brainfucked.
I am thinking along the same lines as Gargaj here - is the DX10/Vista really necessary or only a way to make sure the music is in place?
This sure looks great, but not great enough for me to install Vista.
I won't give it a thumb up since I can't see it running in realtime and watching a video can sometime make rendering look more impressive than it really is by introducing some blurriness due to the compression.
Still, from what I can see this looks like a major leap forward in the world of 4k intros! Awesome looking rendering and brilliant, disturbing atmosphere with the abstract 'spike-world' combined with the dissonant music.
This sure looks great, but not great enough for me to install Vista.
I won't give it a thumb up since I can't see it running in realtime and watching a video can sometime make rendering look more impressive than it really is by introducing some blurriness due to the compression.
Still, from what I can see this looks like a major leap forward in the world of 4k intros! Awesome looking rendering and brilliant, disturbing atmosphere with the abstract 'spike-world' combined with the dissonant music.
it definitely looks like it makes heavy use of geometry shaders (which is dx10+ only). that doesn't mean you couldn't do it without them of course, but it's probably smaller and most likely faster like that.
I still thumb it for the atmosphere and smooth animation (although it's hard not to be smooth when using... what looks like sine waves and such to make a lot of movement)
Although the required vista is... hmmm, controversial? I use the word very little, but yeah, Vista with it's dx10 exclusivity is gonna screw wth some heads for a while until it eventually consumes us all.
Although the required vista is... hmmm, controversial? I use the word very little, but yeah, Vista with it's dx10 exclusivity is gonna screw wth some heads for a while until it eventually consumes us all.
Any chance of a XP/DX9 conversion? I really wouldn't care if it's size amounts to 8 MB or something like that...it would still get a nice and cozy place in my "Favourite 4k" folder.
people should try this:
awesome, even though i dislike the idea of using vista music
this thing can cure AIDS.
No thumb cuz is Vista. :(
*Yawn* ... puts me to sleep
Sucks for only vista support I prefer - http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=51450
I'd like to watch it, but DX10 = piggy
Oops, posted before I saw the video links. As an animation, thumb, but I stand by the pig.
I'm a bit unsure if I like creative use of a song incl. in Vista. But the DX10 part will happen at some point anyway.
Haven't seen it mentioned but there seams to be a new version out:
All in all a great 4k.
Haven't seen it mentioned but there seams to be a new version out:
All in all a great 4k.
Superb prod, capped.tv to the rescue!
the spiky cubes remind me of the cheap carpets that would rasp your shins if you slid on them. the music is only moderately nightmarish. to summarise i enjoyed this demo
De la démo qu'elle est bien pour impressionner les filles (à condition d'avoir Vista, DX10, une carte graphique de la mort qui tue et tout ça quoi. Bon, en fait il n'y a que le 4k qui est petit dans l'histoire)
Mais c'est beau et l'ambiance est magique.
Mais c'est beau et l'ambiance est magique.
look on demoscene.tv the 4k nvscene competition.
You will see people reaction.
iq and chaos : Make more rulez. it's clever...
You will see people reaction.
iq and chaos : Make more rulez. it's clever...
Simply Insane. Best 4k. Ever.
WTF??? :o
odd, dreadful, depressive but simply COOL :)
odd, dreadful, depressive but simply COOL :)
Honestly, this in 4k? Bloody hell...
outstanding, jaw dropper! instant CDC!
very impressive !
new fav 4k
Really cinematic feeling from this production. It's outstandingly well polished.
great mood
goose pickles!
Why is the zip file 3mb?
truly disturbing.... amazing!
speechless. just amazing.
more please, from you three as there's some magic there :)
more please, from you three as there's some magic there :)
d3d10...judging from the video it looks overrated anyway
TS: you vote "rutebyen" as "rulez", but "Texas" only as "OK"...
I really love the style/mood if this one. Best 4k ever.
mindblowing. best 4k 2008!
One of my all-time favourite demos.
Man, I would love it if Keyboarders would create a music visualisation for the PS3.
I'm assuming that such a feat is within the grasp of most demogroups.
Man, I would love it if Keyboarders would create a music visualisation for the PS3.
I'm assuming that such a feat is within the grasp of most demogroups.
Me likes it.
Amazing 4k.
texas suxx...was worth the thumb-up tho !
brain-receptors liked some other 4k way more tho ;)
brain-receptors liked some other 4k way more tho ;)
btw: only rate texas if you watched it under vista in realtime...dont rate if you just watched the video...its SO MUCH BETTER in realtime ! ( any demoparty you visit will show it atleast once anyway ! )
Incredible the technique used in this one!
We can say was of pair technique of elevated!
We can say was of pair technique of elevated!
Can't believe I haven't yet thumbed this :)
@C0c00n: Can't be as good as it was at NVScene ;)
@C0c00n: Can't be as good as it was at NVScene ;)
Great effect, reminding me of ferrofluid. Fabulous!
texas it is
Completely surreal ;D. That was an interestnig experience. I like it when there is some weird, dreamy "story" to a demo even though it might be up to each and everyone to interpret. The sound was incredible! It was more than the standard subtractive synth sounds one has come to expect from 4k. The sound textures were not the kind you'd expect to be easily generated from a 4k synth. Strange that this won though since the style is definitely artsy and maybe not something that everyone would appreciate.
holy sh*t !
unc/quite hit it pretty well. Admittedly, I've only watched the video, but since it will only improve live, I think it's safe to rate it.
i've just seen this masterpiece at the VIP 2009. It's blow me away. The best 4K I ever seen before ( and one of the best demo prod either imho ).
... how did i NOT thumb this up before? rulez
YT video removed...
just barely seen this. awesome.
I can't get this to run on any machine I've tried, Vista or Win7. Using 8800GT on my current machine.
one of my most favourite 4k's!
Absolutely amazing! Geometry shaders? ('cause DX10 required) But that still doesn't explain half of what is going on there... Love it.
Nice mood and amazing code.
heheh doesn't work in windows 7 anymore.
Could have been a bit more action packed with a more clear storyline... Still deserves a thumb though.
Not bad, altough i like other 4k much more as that, also saw only the video, but anyway, here my thumb
<3 <3 <3
Fantastic atmosphere, direction and the music exploit was a nice hack!
quisten: na-uhhhh. 64 bit it doesn't here.
erm, my mistake, safe folder. Although I had to open it with windows explorer, then copy it to a safe folder in order to keep my firewall from exploding :S
gorgeous :)
Really impressive.
A missing thumb. Fucking awesome.
about time I thumbed this one
It looks amazing and the soundtrack, being a nice little hack, is really good.
great stuff!
It looks amazing and the soundtrack, being a nice little hack, is really good.
great stuff!
Still have never gotten this to play.
Well, this is cool.
Well done!
still awesome
i want moar keyboarders prods
Windows 8 fix would be nice. :)
is there any way to make this (extra-safe or otherwise) run on Windows 7?
Intelligent Design
Great athmo.
that thumb must have been up my ass because this is freaking awesome ofcourse, oh and radman: works fine on windows 7 if you run the rel2 safe versions
How to run on Win 7 with latest Nvidia drivers in 2 steps:
1- Recompress the 4k with crinkler 1.4 or better (http://www.crinkler.net/crinkler14.zip). Previous crinkler version crash with recent Nvidia drivers. Command line is: "crinkler.exe /recompress demo-name.exe". This trick works with many other demo.
2- This demo use 2 songs from Windows Vista sample music folder located in "C:\Users\Public\Music\Sample Music". The name of the songs are "I Guess You're Right.wma" CRC32 of 90310408 and "One Step Beyond.wma" CRC32 of 0598159b. You must copy them to your Win7 folder "C:\Users\Public\Music\Sample Music". If you don't have access to vista, this is the link to get them: http://www.mediafire.com/download/whdimpey53a9ktu/Sample%20Music%20Vista.7z
1- Recompress the 4k with crinkler 1.4 or better (http://www.crinkler.net/crinkler14.zip). Previous crinkler version crash with recent Nvidia drivers. Command line is: "crinkler.exe /recompress demo-name.exe". This trick works with many other demo.
2- This demo use 2 songs from Windows Vista sample music folder located in "C:\Users\Public\Music\Sample Music". The name of the songs are "I Guess You're Right.wma" CRC32 of 90310408 and "One Step Beyond.wma" CRC32 of 0598159b. You must copy them to your Win7 folder "C:\Users\Public\Music\Sample Music". If you don't have access to vista, this is the link to get them: http://www.mediafire.com/download/whdimpey53a9ktu/Sample%20Music%20Vista.7z
@ramon: Checked your Win7 fix out. It works :)
Seriously, massive rulez for great atmosphere and visuals, along with the soundtrack. Seriously, using Vista music for samples? That's pretty ghetto. Still, it's stylish and massive.
Seriously, massive rulez for great atmosphere and visuals, along with the soundtrack. Seriously, using Vista music for samples? That's pretty ghetto. Still, it's stylish and massive.
Awesome. Too bad fraps doesn't work with this to make screenshots to use certain parts as a background for my computer
Kinda scary feel to this. I like the concept and colours used.
it sounds like "karsh kale - one step beyond (2001)" coincidence ?
Tigrou: Not really, that track came as Sample Music with Vista and the intro specifically samples it in realtime :). Somewhat novel idea, promptly banned in pretty much all consecutive compos I believe.
Beautiful and athmospheric
moar!!! This iz one of those I prefer :P
Before this intro, I believe there still were intro compos where "using data files from operating system is not allowed" was not explicitly stated.
Still fantastic!
Still rules!
Clever to sample the sample music. Original 4k synthesis will still get more respect. :) Works fine in Win10 x64 with Crinkler recompress and the WMAs provided by ramon above.
1 - does this prod require sample music to be copied across? I do believe it ran on my Win7 without copying anything
2 - general question but would like you folks to comment. After moving from Win7 to Win10 loads of prods stopped working for me. If it because of Win10 or the new Nvidia drivers?
3 - what setup would you recommend to be able to run anything what was runnign well on W7, without actually migrating back to Win7? I would like to stay on Win10 (especially that I'm planning to buy Ryzen which is not compliant with old Win). What is be the best solution? Is there any free VM with 3d acceleration which can be used as Win7 ultimate demo machine?
Tks for all your comments.
2 - general question but would like you folks to comment. After moving from Win7 to Win10 loads of prods stopped working for me. If it because of Win10 or the new Nvidia drivers?
3 - what setup would you recommend to be able to run anything what was runnign well on W7, without actually migrating back to Win7? I would like to stay on Win10 (especially that I'm planning to buy Ryzen which is not compliant with old Win). What is be the best solution? Is there any free VM with 3d acceleration which can be used as Win7 ultimate demo machine?
Tks for all your comments.
This is genius if you ask me. Remove the category restrictions! It's not cheating if it's dead clever smart like, innit!
I think some of you have figured things out as I (eventually) managed to but if not, save yourself some trouble and READ MY GENERAL GUIDE FOR RUNNING OLD 4K DEMOS IN WINDOWS 10.
I think some of you have figured things out as I (eventually) managed to but if not, save yourself some trouble and READ MY GENERAL GUIDE FOR RUNNING OLD 4K DEMOS IN WINDOWS 10.
This is why i love the demoscene. This is intro is a total masterpiece. and be honest, its wild like it's name.
Goddamn this is 9 years old already!
Still baller af after all these years..
Still baller af after all these years..
Can anyone please share the Vista Sample Music so it can run on win10 please? Tks.
ok, this is really the best!
Hasn't aged at all. Still magnificent.
jeez, why safe version asks to copy it to sample music instead of parsing WMA from exe dir? and anyway using OS version-specific stuff is a shame :)
apart from that, very nice show! :)
apart from that, very nice show! :)
Awesome use of those 4k!
This is rock solid even by today's expectations. I feel amazed.
this aged extremely well
yes :O
This intro is fucking 13 years old..
I phrased that unfortunately
okkie: don't worry, the 's' is in the correct place
Very cool! Sound and visuals are so well coordinated
what a banger, still runs with ramon's fix under win10
Wait, how haven't I thumbed this up yet?
Also it kinda makes me wish back 4ks that do some rendering with polygons instead of "just" using one big pixel shader. There's still potential in my book.
Also it kinda makes me wish back 4ks that do some rendering with polygons instead of "just" using one big pixel shader. There's still potential in my book.
Very nice!
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