We Crave Sustenance by PlayPsyCo [web]
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popularity : 74% |
alltime top: #284 |
added on the 2011-04-26 14:54:35 by datsua ![]() |
popularity helper
rulez added on the 2011-04-26 15:01:57 by Phantom Lord 

not sure if this is the deserved winner but i liked it nontheless.
Fuck yeah !
Great solid prod, I enjoyed it a lot!
and like wysiwtf said :D
and like wysiwtf said :D
Surprised it won, but it's hard not to like the in-your-face factor. :)
This doesn't hit me nearly as much as Phon did. But I'll give it a few more viewings, and I'll see if we can pull out a thumb…
Hell yeah !
In your face indeed.
Crashes in fullscreen mode, win 7, dual core, 9800GTX.
Fucking fantastic.
brainsaw soundtrack!!! :)
sync!!!!! :)
music is awesome as expected, and the sync is brilliant in some places (quadpod) but i'm somehow missing more depth in this scenery - it's just plain grounds with an object at 0,0,0 and other objects approaching.
still, very very solid! :)
sync!!!!! :)
music is awesome as expected, and the sync is brilliant in some places (quadpod) but i'm somehow missing more depth in this scenery - it's just plain grounds with an object at 0,0,0 and other objects approaching.
still, very very solid! :)
do love
yeah !
Straight into ya mothafucking face! Hell yeah!
I didn't find the billboard flowers too aesthetically appealing.
But if such a small detail is worth mentioning, it's got to be a kickass demo :)
But if such a small detail is worth mentioning, it's got to be a kickass demo :)
Hope you guys soon can will begin making ATI-supported demos!
But this is just mindblowing! Love it! :D
But this is just mindblowing! Love it! :D
holy shit this is cool
! but yeah, solid production code/compatiblity please, focus on that for a couple of weeknights.
! but yeah, solid production code/compatiblity please, focus on that for a couple of weeknights.
Failed to load demo
Failed to load demo
space/planet_exp Fragment shader(s) failed to link, vertex shader(s) failed to link.
nice prod, but shouldnt have won the compo
Everything fits with this demo. Really enjoyed it!
To quote Ferris: "That's how you synch to wobble bass!"
Well deserved 1st place in my opinion. Rocks hard!
that's fresh and really deserves 1st place !
Crashes with a generic run-time error here.
Win7 64bit, Q8200@2.33ghz, 8gb ram, GTS 250 w/driver version 258.96.
Win7 64bit, Q8200@2.33ghz, 8gb ram, GTS 250 w/driver version 258.96.
Amazing sync. Loved it on the big screen.
Even though I don't really like this kind of dubstep, this is probably best production I've heard on a demoscene soundtrack ever. Just glorious. Kaktusen must've really dumped his whole bag of tricks on this one. Graphics-wise the objects and effects are quite ugly but the post-processing does a great job saving it. Also, lots of love for running perfectly @ 2560x1600! I liked this. Hence, here's your thumb good sirs.
Very solid production, great soundtrack.
Ran perfectly on w7-64bit with GF560
Ran perfectly on w7-64bit with GF560
I loved this! :D
video please
And this comment is not for PlayPsyco in general but for everyone: precompile your shaders to bytecode prior to shipping your demo, just that, add that databuildstep. Not even a full PAK file format, no, just that. These can't compile shader errors are such a bunch of unnecessary bullshit in my eyes. Though I readily admit to have no knowledge of the OGL innards on non-fixed-platforms.
mixed feeling, it's quite a blast stylewise, musicwise, sync and direction but brrr the graphics are fugly!
beats the shit out of the flt demo if u ask me. but then again, u shouldnt ask me things.
also i like spiders.
also i like spiders.
Very good.
massive soundtrack, nicely synced to
Failed... :(
win7 x64 ati 5850...
all the gathering demo failed this year ???
win7 x64 ati 5850...
all the gathering demo failed this year ???
..\src\rend\Program.cpp Program::compile +124 : space/planet_exp Fragment shader(s) failed to link, vertex shader(s) failed to link.
Doesn't work.
PhenomII-X4, RadeOn HD 6970, Win7 64bit
I'm not a fan of the spider thing but the prod is quite good.
Tip Top synchros, it's remind me aether by mfx in some aspect. But it miss some technical acheivement and some polishing in the rendering to reach the scene orgasm
second prod without ati support
Great prod! And I loved PlayPsyCo before they became cool.
wouldn't listen to the soundtrack standalone but it's really what makes this demo awesome for me.
there is so much content! stunning & awsome work!
bermudatatooine: thumbing something down because you're unable to watch it is retarded.
gfx are good but the music is just meh only last part of it was ok =\
I'm on ati here too, but gonna agree with gloom. Waiting for fix and/or video.
Has its moments due to nice sync, but doesn't feel like a what I would expect from a TG winner demo. Piggie then, sorry.
loved it!
Will not run with my ATI Card...... But the Screenshot looks very n1ce.......
I am sooooooo glad they showed this on the bigscreen at Revision so I was able to enjoy it to its fullest. So damn ace and awesome!!
DIRECTION! Love it. The music had its worse moments, but I bow down to the amount of work you have had to put into this prod in order to make all the syncing possible.
Still, technically-wise I can see very little progress compared to Phon. So next time this happens you are not getting an up-thumb from me :)
Still, technically-wise I can see very little progress compared to Phon. So next time this happens you are not getting an up-thumb from me :)
awesome drive :)
thumbs up for nvidia only and great sync :)
Great demo, especially from a visual point of view, but this glitchy, stuttery stuff is getting real old and cliched now and kinda feels like it's holding back the demo.
Good people of PlayPsyCo, please read the following as constructive criticism:
This demo does not measure up to your good standards, at least as demonstrated in Phon and Camden town and previous intros. For the following reasons:
* It is painfully derivative, a poor man's Ether, The ballet dancer and even Frameranger. The effects in these demos were artistically understated, unassuming and in perfect balance with the surrounding environment. Here is they are just used as a filler in a 3D flyby transition. And to give you a more solid example, consider your walker: in 'dancer' it really feels like it is some sort of an exotic alien that is probably 500 meters tall and is after you as soon as it regains balance. Here it is feeble, with its tiny thin legs, living in an empty environment with no other element on screen to draw a comparison of relative sizes. Without the help of an inspired camera this thing could be squashed by somebody's foot. It is supposed to be a mean machine but I never get this feeling.
* So many objects that have no purpose in the scene other than to add more unneeded visual complexity. For example there are some floating potatoes and wobbling ribbons that intersect and then some weird looking billboarded flowers. In the same scene. For what purpose exactly? what does this try to show? Is this the natural (earthly) world vs the robotic? because to me it looks like a mash-up of routines and shaders for the sake of making it look complex.
* Saturation/Intensity levels too strong. Too bombastic but leaves you with an empty feeling.
* The postprocessing effects are way overused. The visual scratches are probably trying to hide something and the FOV is just blurring out half of the background.
* I find the music predictable and going nowhere but I understand this can be very subjective.
Anyway, almost not a sucks but not a rulez either. But I understand why people had fun watching this. Once.
This demo does not measure up to your good standards, at least as demonstrated in Phon and Camden town and previous intros. For the following reasons:
* It is painfully derivative, a poor man's Ether, The ballet dancer and even Frameranger. The effects in these demos were artistically understated, unassuming and in perfect balance with the surrounding environment. Here is they are just used as a filler in a 3D flyby transition. And to give you a more solid example, consider your walker: in 'dancer' it really feels like it is some sort of an exotic alien that is probably 500 meters tall and is after you as soon as it regains balance. Here it is feeble, with its tiny thin legs, living in an empty environment with no other element on screen to draw a comparison of relative sizes. Without the help of an inspired camera this thing could be squashed by somebody's foot. It is supposed to be a mean machine but I never get this feeling.
* So many objects that have no purpose in the scene other than to add more unneeded visual complexity. For example there are some floating potatoes and wobbling ribbons that intersect and then some weird looking billboarded flowers. In the same scene. For what purpose exactly? what does this try to show? Is this the natural (earthly) world vs the robotic? because to me it looks like a mash-up of routines and shaders for the sake of making it look complex.
* Saturation/Intensity levels too strong. Too bombastic but leaves you with an empty feeling.
* The postprocessing effects are way overused. The visual scratches are probably trying to hide something and the FOV is just blurring out half of the background.
* I find the music predictable and going nowhere but I understand this can be very subjective.
Anyway, almost not a sucks but not a rulez either. But I understand why people had fun watching this. Once.
r0m>out of sync
Great (not to say awesome) "in your face" effect on the first view, but the concept&progression are weak... it's (sadly) not the kind of demo you remember/want to watch asap.
But I'm sure one day PlayPsyCO will release the ultimate demo!
Great (not to say awesome) "in your face" effect on the first view, but the concept&progression are weak... it's (sadly) not the kind of demo you remember/want to watch asap.
But I'm sure one day PlayPsyCO will release the ultimate demo!
Amazing synchro!
The soundtrack and the sync with it is really damn good, but otherwise I feel that something's missing. Still, a solid demo.
Massive sound! Deserves a thumb for that alone, the visuals and great sync just cement it..!
Severely lacking in content and the ending was too abrupt. Liked the tune, but not enough for a thumb.
I liked.
It's pretty ok. I wanted to like it but it left me feeling empty. Btw. come to STREAM ;)
I like the visuals. Small thumbs up for this.
Music is not my kind. Too predictable d&b alike syncs.
Music is not my kind. Too predictable d&b alike syncs.
Solid demo! Looks to me like it referenced MFX?
Yaaaaay \o/ :D. I always love it when they mix those glitchy effects with more mainstream stuff. I adore the PlayPsyCo style :). And I guess you could make a neat little environmental interpretation of it all too, that's cool.
Too glitchy and not as good as Phon, but rulz anyway. A deserved first place.
I liked Phon a tiny little bit better, but this is the deserved winner of the competition. Overall well done. Nice design. Good sound. Entertains me the whole way through! Keep it up!!!
Solid ! What wullon said, though.
What Navis said. Wannabe Ballet dancer and blurred/post-processed to death.
vireo please?
Niiice music!
That transition from the world scene onwards, with the tri's/hexagons, gets me pumped every time :)
that's awesome
no ATI support again from PlayPsyCo, so no thumb. but looks nice.
Was nice in the compo (thought it was supposed to be a 6970 there though..), but NVGL only => no thumb.
It gets pretty boring after a while.
music = instant <3
Great demo. Go Playpsyco.
Rules bigtime! The sync is just amazing, and I love the intro part. Not so sure about the end though.
Nothing to complain about - the perfect PsyCodelic dubstep demo !!!
You guys smashed it, smashed it right up to pieces, love this bad ass demo, Kaktusen you got mad skillz boy, respect! :)
This one is all about Kaktusen and his trusty stutteredit :D
stutteredit is fun to use i have to admit, either way rocking track! :)
beautiful demo, super travail :)
Not my cup of tea, quite boring and I don't like the music either. Greetings part is nice.
Remarkable Work Dudes!!
Fuckings to Kaktusen for the mental images i still get from this demo after his unhealthy comment about it at TG..
keito: use and overuse? :P
gargaj: hey you haven't heard it in any of my released tracks, however i have been using it in my newer productions, especialy the dubstep stuff i'm working on, in general its great for short fills i find and of course more extreme longer glitching of vocals and instrs, its just a fun tool :)
THE Easter production this year. Freaking nice work!
That was some good shit. I missed a bit more animation sync on the walker thing, and it ended too early, otherwise pretty flawless for me :)
Well this was boring
i really like the slinky spider but found the glitching to be kinda overdone
The thumb is mainly for the quadruped thingy.
didn't like the ending and a bit overused glitches, but...
BEST SYNC AWARD! :-D really amazing sick visual which is really avesome synched with an interesting soundtrack.
BEST SYNC AWARD! :-D really amazing sick visual which is really avesome synched with an interesting soundtrack.
Left me cold, probably because of the reasons Navis stated.
Let me write one sentence :
This is BEST demo production of Gathering/Revision weekend for sure !!!! Well deserved first place.
Ususal PlayPsyCo visual quality, great and weird models, tons of well used effects and filters, perfect soundsynch to visuals. Like it lot.
I very like your demos Phoon and Contre Jour, so thank you for another great show, so here is my thumb for you.
This is BEST demo production of Gathering/Revision weekend for sure !!!! Well deserved first place.
Ususal PlayPsyCo visual quality, great and weird models, tons of well used effects and filters, perfect soundsynch to visuals. Like it lot.
I very like your demos Phoon and Contre Jour, so thank you for another great show, so here is my thumb for you.
Fantastic syncs between sfx and anims. A deserved thumb up.
But the sfx hardly sounds like music to me. And what is this eagle at the end?
But the sfx hardly sounds like music to me. And what is this eagle at the end?
Fuck yeah! Great production, yummie sync. I love the music! IDM fans will like. Good shit! =)
Rules so much, kaktusen is the man!
nice (:
Entertains me all way long... A really great production with fantastic syncs... Keep it up!
Nice nice!
At times a little too erratic for me when I'd just like to enjoy the visuals and mood.. and then it glitches and whatnot.. oh well
At times a little too erratic for me when I'd just like to enjoy the visuals and mood.. and then it glitches and whatnot.. oh well
Yes, yes. Music and post processing remind me of Gamma by Outracks.
And a big thumb for GL 3.3, runs smoothly on my 9400 GT !
And a big thumb for GL 3.3, runs smoothly on my 9400 GT !
Enjoyable and different.
Like the direction, the rest is just ok.
PNG: create Texture2D from resource (1024x1024 2)
post/blit: missing texture sampler depth_buffer
post/blit: missing texture sampler glow_buffer
post/blit: missing texture sampler dof_buffer
post/blit: missing texture sampler ssao_buffer
post/blit_ssao: missing texture sampler depth_buffer
post/blit_ssao: missing texture sampler glow_buffer
post/blit_ssao: missing texture sampler dof_buffer
post/blit_glow: missing texture sampler depth_buffer
post/blit_glow: missing texture sampler dof_buffer
post/blit_glow: missing texture sampler ssao_buffer
post/blit_glow_ssao: missing texture sampler depth_buffer
post/blit_glow_ssao: missing texture sampler dof_buffer
post/blit_dof: missing texture sampler glow_buffer
post/blit_dof: missing texture sampler ssao_buffer
post/blit_dof_ssao: missing texture sampler glow_buffer
post/blit_dof_glow: missing texture sampler ssao_buffer
.\Space.cpp : Space::createScene +311
Then crash:
Fault Module Name: WeCraveSustenance.exe
Exception Code: 80000003
Exception Offset: 00092c6d
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Additional Information 1: 0a9e
Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Additional Information 3: 0a9e
Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
ATI, of course :|
post/blit: missing texture sampler depth_buffer
post/blit: missing texture sampler glow_buffer
post/blit: missing texture sampler dof_buffer
post/blit: missing texture sampler ssao_buffer
post/blit_ssao: missing texture sampler depth_buffer
post/blit_ssao: missing texture sampler glow_buffer
post/blit_ssao: missing texture sampler dof_buffer
post/blit_glow: missing texture sampler depth_buffer
post/blit_glow: missing texture sampler dof_buffer
post/blit_glow: missing texture sampler ssao_buffer
post/blit_glow_ssao: missing texture sampler depth_buffer
post/blit_glow_ssao: missing texture sampler dof_buffer
post/blit_dof: missing texture sampler glow_buffer
post/blit_dof: missing texture sampler ssao_buffer
post/blit_dof_ssao: missing texture sampler glow_buffer
post/blit_dof_glow: missing texture sampler ssao_buffer
.\Space.cpp : Space::createScene +311
Then crash:
Fault Module Name: WeCraveSustenance.exe
Exception Code: 80000003
Exception Offset: 00092c6d
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Additional Information 1: 0a9e
Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Additional Information 3: 0a9e
Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
ATI, of course :|
sure, ati... :\ youtube looks great!
Veeeeery niiiiice : nice fx and good music ... what a demo should be.
What s7ing^ATZ said.

what a strange mixed bag. will be forgotten quickly..
I am not totally sure of the "balletdancer vs gay interlude" design choice, plus the "playpsyco" sample in the end really killed my fun. Nonetheless, a solid prod deserving a thumb.
Brilliant sound design, sync, direction, palette! Good modeling.
I also got that TheLastEngine -- Failed to load demo error too with my ATI Radeon 4870 video card (512 MB of VRAM) in my old, updated Windows XP Pro. SP3 machine (i7 950).
Here's my log.txt: http://pastie.org/1851392 when I tried it in windowed, lowest resolution, and 1X.
I watched YouTube video and it looked nice.
Here's my log.txt: http://pastie.org/1851392 when I tried it in windowed, lowest resolution, and 1X.
I watched YouTube video and it looked nice.
nice pastel colors, sync of course, nice soft feeling i dont feel in Phon but that piece can be more considered as megademo and in its variety and IMHO can't be beaten by this release, even it's reusing in audio the same tricks which worked before. ..the plot can be shallow but for me in its genre it's very pleasing hiclass creation i'm ATM consuming at daily basis :)
Entertained me more than once!
WTF! ronkemateriale :)
Windows XP with GTX 280 - no chance to run anyway and on my Windows 7 laptop i got the thelastengine error.
I love it! Just watched it for the fourth time now, and I love the energy and punch throughout. The music is awesome, and the visuals do a great job of conveying the beat through very tight sync. Not completely sure about the credits part, but meh :)
sick soundtrack and awesome visuals!
brilliant to hear some dubstep in a demo, killer sync, very nice work
I watched it three times. Still rules.
"brilliant hear some dubstep in a demo"
dude, have you paid attention to any demos in the past year. so many are this style now, it's overdone. everyone tries to out-glitch-out-wobble-out-noise everyone else without adding actual substance.
dude, have you paid attention to any demos in the past year. so many are this style now, it's overdone. everyone tries to out-glitch-out-wobble-out-noise everyone else without adding actual substance.
If you combine "Gamma", "Frameranger" and "ballet dancer" into a single demo and leave out any kind of soul, you get this one. IMHO this demo is a large step backwards after "Phon" and "Revolver".
Great music and awesome electric robot action!
Yaay! Pulsating flowers! \:D/ The robot Gerridae looks a bit too heavy to stand on water, methinks :3 But then again, maybe it uses some hitech robot powers to do so ;D
I am so sorry! I really really love you guys! But on this demo I feel exactly the same as KeyJ. :(
massive bigscreen-killer, but limited rewatch value. and of course, if you can make your robot crawl, you win the gathering :)
Impressive fight between the four legged springer and the hubba bubba monster!
thumb for visual and sync and soundtrack.
Pretty awesome trip. I enjoyed it both visually and aurally.
like wysiwtf said on the 2nd comment :)
omg, I already commented this one, I'm getting old :D
Crash Windows 7 x64 sp1 Q9550 2.83Ghz, HD4870 11.2 drivers
What Navis said. Basically.
We all remember Ether and Ballet Dancer, compared to them this is rather poorly executed with some very, maybe even too similar details.
Also, textures and the objects were also very "geometrical" most cases (except for the Earth part, honestly, it's the best one I've liked most so far).
Appreciate the lot of work in it tho.
We all remember Ether and Ballet Dancer, compared to them this is rather poorly executed with some very, maybe even too similar details.
Also, textures and the objects were also very "geometrical" most cases (except for the Earth part, honestly, it's the best one I've liked most so far).
Appreciate the lot of work in it tho.
the music standing alone is probably quite unattractive, but for this demo its absolutely perfect, even though it's very cliché (dubstep, stutter glitch retrigger-igger-ger-er-r, glitch, puff, peng!). but hell, you can go for really nice audio/video syncs thanks to these hip things, which you've done really well.
i couldn't say that i didn't enjoy this ride, so... :)
i couldn't say that i didn't enjoy this ride, so... :)
--> DEMO 2011!
--> DEMO 2011!
(dubstep, stutter glitch retrigger-igger-ger-er-r, glitch, puff, peng!)
--> teh demo 2 end all of theze demos! -Y thanx to playPsyKo and to keith303 and to my mon and my dad, my psyKoTherapist and all the ppl who need my PsyKoTherapist and my grandMa nad my grandGrandMa....
laugh already, geekNerd!
--> teh demo 2 end all of theze demos! -Y thanx to playPsyKo and to keith303 and to my mon and my dad, my psyKoTherapist and all the ppl who need my PsyKoTherapist and my grandMa nad my grandGrandMa....
laugh already, geekNerd!
Making it ATI-compatible is not too hard, you just need your shaders to be STANDARDS COMPLIANT!
Not 4 ATI Cards....... I don´t understand.... Why only NV ????
chudik: ...And avoid relying on dFdy giving the right sign-bit when rendering to FBO...And avoid using gl_FrontFacing, GL_LINE_SMOOTH, GL_POINT_SMOOTH. And avoid mixing fixed function and programmable pipelines, and all the other features that has been broken in the recent driver releases.
Yeah, I used to think ATI + OpenGL wasn't THAT big of a deal. Until I got myself an ATI GPU at work, now I know better.
Yeah, I used to think ATI + OpenGL wasn't THAT big of a deal. Until I got myself an ATI GPU at work, now I know better.
Nice. Music and sync were great, visuals were on the edge of being a bit dull at times. ATI support would be great, can't watch it this way.
I must say, this looks really good.
Amazing sync. Wicked tune. Sadly no ATI support so had to watch the vid. Thumb anyway.
lot of sync work in this one and it works ; )
Nice one. MFXish at some points (Golem, Arise & The Ballet Dancer), which is good. :)
You have a good engine, and nice effects. But I don't like the direction, things seem to go nowhere, and I have to agree with Navis. Also, I really don't like the ending.
Still, it's not so bad.
Still, it's not so bad.
massive glitching is not so much fun anymore imo.
just to make it look different from some mentioned demos.. i dunno.
but this is also no piggy material.. ;)
just to make it look different from some mentioned demos.. i dunno.
but this is also no piggy material.. ;)
I liked the visuals (gfx and effects), although i agree, the blurr is too much at times. I don't mind that "its going nowhere", because i think it doesn't claim to. i like it as an effect show. The Sync with the soundeffects is astomishing and the soundtrack itself, i agree, comes along pretty massive. It does its part to make the demo as a whole work. Only thing i do miss in parts is some music.
Finally watched this. ASD meets MFX meets Excess? Not bad.
Impressive visuals and direction IMO. Good work, gentlemen!
Has a lot of good parts, both technically and design wise, but in the end it still misses to catch me. Thumb for effort+ideas anyway!
Cool demo with a great soundtrack!
Made a Highres Youtube Video for it:
We Crave Sustenance by PlayPsyCo (1080p)
Made a Highres Youtube Video for it:
We Crave Sustenance by PlayPsyCo (1080p)
crashes. what about making compatible demos?
The style remembers me Excess' Regus Ademordna. :)
ImpreAssive good Syncro!
and the SIZE!!! 17.9Mb ?!!?!? Hey! this is way too short for the actual standard! </sarcasm> great to see amazing stuff inside a <20Mb zip. in 2011
and the SIZE!!! 17.9Mb ?!!?!? Hey! this is way too short for the actual standard! </sarcasm> great to see amazing stuff inside a <20Mb zip. in 2011
thumb goes up
Not sure this is the deserved winner either, but it's a killer demo regardless, with an excellent soundtrack. Gives off a really strong smell of mfx, though, both musically and direction-wise! Probably for the better, since I love mfx's style. :D
Works for my on my ATI. Went back and checked and they fixed it starting with Cat 11.7.
Incredible to sum it up
i just vote for the awful music.
Stunning. Does just about everything right in my humble opinion. A true work of art.
wow ! awesome
missing thumb fixed! great demo!
THIS IS your best prod, yet. Congrats! Gimme more!
Drugs are bad, mmmkay ?
not bad, but somewhat lacking in substance. Also, the soundtrack...
Awesome one.
Oh I crave.....
Love demos with good music.
Angle changing positions in combination with the music is awesome. Great stuff.
It has some great parts.
Would've been a weak thumb up if not for the "PlayPsyCo" sample which apparently needed to be repeated 1000 times in addition to sounding really awkward. Other than that, solid synch, excellent music production (but please stop doing dubstep now), strange narrative and ugly graphics.
Everything is ok but I especially liked the beginning of this demo.
Music, synch and some ideas... but needs better gfx. Anyway very good demo.
Impressive prod, nicely done!
Hoooly cockballs, that's one brutal track, Kaktusen! Brilliant sync work too. Must have taken like forever to get to this result. If I really have to nitpick, the post processing is perhaps a little too overdone ;)
Evil shit for sure, and I like that. Totally beats the crap out of most demo soundtracks. And the (at times) wonderful direction, is just a bliss. Colors are perfectly insane.
What Punqtured said. Plus the visuals/plot are a bit weird and random, but still nice.
What Navis said. And the ending is also very meh...
Not bad
oh.. awesome
Production values are certainly in place.
It‘s 2019 and this demo still is lightyears ahead of most of the stuff that has been released in the last 8 years.
Rock-solid framerate, highres textures, tons of effects, syncing - very well done.
Rock-solid framerate, highres textures, tons of effects, syncing - very well done.
Not my cup of tea
I like this one, but the music... it feels like music change into sound effects just too often for my liking.
very cool graphics, love the style
well actually I like to rewatch it ^^'
Missing thumb
Nice, but in my opinion, the tubes then murder the autistic flowers because these most amazing kind of flowers (my subjective feeling) remember everything and then would know too much, and especially old tubes dont like to be exposed
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