fr-063: Magellan by Farbrausch [web]
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popularity : 83% |
alltime top: #36 |
added on the 2010-12-29 01:49:22 by kb_ ![]() |
popularity helper
amazing quality, GOD DAMN!
rulez added on the 2010-12-29 01:50:31 by substrate 

simply "unglaublich" geil ...
Also, YouTube
Best demo ever!
...At least on the blurry low res stream it was the best demo ever.
...At least on the blurry low res stream it was the best demo ever.
most impressive
Damn you, Farbrausch!
Thank you, Farbrausch
Wow your designed has evolved a lot. Much closer to video game look and feel I'd say. Also nice to see attention on the font.
On the technical side, well I have no clue how hard is it to have that kind of physics, but seems state of the art.
Obvious thumb.
On the technical side, well I have no clue how hard is it to have that kind of physics, but seems state of the art.
Obvious thumb.
Very Nice
Very nice and detailed. Awesome gfx, and a lovely soundtrack.
Just... stunning.
Realtime mandelbulb... how do they work?
kickass ;)
Ganz, ganz großes Tennis, Farbrausch!
Slendid prod with great physics and very cool idea with the greetings, nice space graphics (with this "Mass Effect" touch) and good music.
Was totally worth staying up untill 2am on a worknight :)
I don't know when will this run in realtime on my computer, but I don't care :) This is easily among the best things I've seen this year.
Nice. Unfortunately, it looked a little too good with the stream-haze, so I was a bit let down when re-watching :P
But the code is really cool, and most of the graphics is ace. The music didn't work that well for me, but I guess that's mostly the fault of choosing a horrible genre ;)
But the code is really cool, and most of the graphics is ace. The music didn't work that well for me, but I guess that's mostly the fault of choosing a horrible genre ;)
shit was tight!
endlich :)
Great visuals and a nice use of color!
I need to watch this in full resolution again at some point. Could someone do a 1080p or a 1920x1200 capture? :)
I simply can't run anything above 480p smoothly in youtube.
I need to watch this in full resolution again at some point. Could someone do a 1080p or a 1920x1200 capture? :)
I simply can't run anything above 480p smoothly in youtube.
You shall be helped: 1080p video
Got everything that rove was missing!
Ich pack das dann mal in die Sammlung. Werd's wohl später mal in Echtzeit kucken können. So far it looks realy good.
this just looked amazing on the bigscreen. i love it.
cheesy theme but goddamn, that was beautiful
pretty as
n1 indeed
nice one! it's got space cheesiness!
Well, this was beautiful. Those clouds. <3
Didn't really grab me at the beginning, but the particles with physics + bulb sections, WHOA!
How is the bulb rendered? Looks like it gets converted to a mesh then rendered as part of the scene as normal. Impressive :)
How is the bulb rendered? Looks like it gets converted to a mesh then rendered as part of the scene as normal. Impressive :)
Indeed, didn't feel so special (more like a realtime rendered intro scene from some modern game) at first, but the ending with mandelbulb was really impressive somehow. I think you could've built more around the fractal worlds theme, but .. well, it was a very good demo anyway. Nice musics too!
nice modelling and atmosphere
that's really cool. fantastic work. you know how to make an effect look top quality.
what h2o said!
It looked more HD on the stream.
It runs somoothly here except on the cloth scenes. It crashes when the first mandelbulb apears.
It runs somoothly here except on the cloth scenes. It crashes when the first mandelbulb apears.
cool thing how the same things happen on the ship's simulation thingy as well as outside, like music/rendering too, shoryuken
oh btw the vid is super compressed but still good to have it
oh btw the vid is super compressed but still good to have it
infinite thumbs up for the code and game like graphics.
a few thumbs down for this being story based which happen to find borring ...
last scene kinda makes boxplorer obsolete :-)
a few thumbs down for this being story based which happen to find borring ...
last scene kinda makes boxplorer obsolete :-)
Mass Effect is not game enough and this is not demo enough.. Nah, good code, some nice gfx and nice soundtrack (dunno if it fits that well, though) = thumb up!
I finished Final Fantasy X last night.. Looks like I wasn't the only one playing it recently.. Most of the demo look like some video game intro. (Some might take that a compliment, but I'm still looking for more abstract stuff when I turn to demos..)
Some pretty decent stuff in here nevertheless :)
Some pretty decent stuff in here nevertheless :)
I really like the path that farbrausch is going nowadays, rove was great and this is better. Keep up! and nice font btw.
What Rasmus said. Rules, but feels more like commercial intro than a demo. And that's not a compliment :)
nice in-ship demoplatform and impressive ending!
Beautiful. Felt like it was cut short just when it got going, though.
Has high production value on all fronts, but to be frank, the presentation bores me. It's all getting to a point where it comes really close to prerendered CGI quality and though I must admit that is impressive, it *does* somehow make me "forget" to judge it for it's real-time qualities. I'm not sure if I'm getting this point across right but well.. it doesn't really "tickle my demo bone" (go right ahead and make jokes about boners now).
Still, at the end of the day: a job well done. Respect.
Still, at the end of the day: a job well done. Respect.
Loved the cinematic feel of it, nice particles and 3d fractal planetscapes are always a nice thing. Once again pushed closer to that movie feel you seem to really aim for! :)
Reading back now I sort of agree with Pommak and Rasmus. The word I was looking for just now is "sterile". Farbrausch has obviously made landmark demos but some of them, this one as well, jut looks a bit too clean to evoke certain feelings while watching it. But I did however decide that a thumb is in order :)
Ok it rock very hard... cool graphics
Cool visuals, cloth simulation, blob physics, nice music. That's enough for me.
It's crashed when the mandeldub appear on the screen.
Solid production indeed.
Solid production indeed.
nice mix of scifi and demoscene elements.
Enjoyed it from start to finish. A tech demo done demoish.
Superb stuff, nothing more nothing less. Chaos & Tron \o/
I'm forced to thumb up because of the overall visual quality that is pretty stunning but come on :(
FUCK!!! Best Effects ever.
Also, good use of the mandelblub. No more "hey look, here is my mandelblub" but used in a real life context, as a planet surface.
Big difference to rove. Coderpr0n inside plus very nice graphics ...and this time finally... a halfway decent font for the credits ;)
And yes, very good use of a mandelblub. I think the late great Monsieur Mandelbrot would have appreciated that natural context :)
And yes, very good use of a mandelblub. I think the late great Monsieur Mandelbrot would have appreciated that natural context :)
wow!!! need faster machine!! damn. :D
Extremely impressive, a new standard in demo quality. I would really love a making off.
Wow. Fantastic Look. Too bad i couldn't make it to tum this year, to Watch this beauty on the bigscreen.
So beautiful, great code and gfx. So coherent. I like that it has at least a small story to bind the effects together. Pure enjoyment.
Finally something great by Farbrausch again! Great sci-fi style with nice effects. Gorgeous music and graphics. Just super awesome. Woo.
Best of the year O_o--b
I was very much mass effected by this prod
nice to see some effects again!
music strikes me as being terribly gay though...
overall a nice demo
music strikes me as being terribly gay though...
overall a nice demo
+ what bk237 said. :D
good quality coderpron - liked the blob routines and the way you integrated a mandelbulb into the scene with lighting etc.
that's a god damn motherfucking awesome demo!
At first I was like :I then I was like :/, then I was like :) and finally :O
At 2560x1600 it kinda killed my computer, but those fractal landscapes.. oh so purdy.
At 2560x1600 it kinda killed my computer, but those fractal landscapes.. oh so purdy.
For the fractal scenes.
Music was... adequate. I didn't really like the physics that much, but they were fun.
I shat myself during the fractal flybys though.
*goes to change pants*
Music was... adequate. I didn't really like the physics that much, but they were fun.
I shat myself during the fractal flybys though.
*goes to change pants*
Oh and the music is really too cheesy for my taste. But guess everything goes as long as it isn't ADHD progrock.
:O Awesome show of effects!
The modern spacedemo!
It has the first mandelbulb made up from triangles?
It has the first mandelbulb made up from triangles?
Very nice demo, loved to see effects inside - gives some old spirit.
Thanks for the lovely effect show!
Physics frenzy ! But i definitely lost my jaw at the mandelbulb part :O
Very impressive stuff - from the technical-AND optical aspect
Aahhww! Finally a great demo by FR *__*
Impressive. Very impressive.

A bit after Haujobb-sphere-logo appears. ç___________ç
E8400, 8800GS TOP, Win7 x64.
mindblowingly beautiful! You guys rock.
Mindblowing trip, although a bit short. @Wayfinder: Is there a longer version of the soundtrack available, because it says »party version«. If so, please release it. :)
A great demo!
The final scene with mandelbulb-like landscape is mindblowing in all aspects!
Code, graphics and music are all really good, I like the way you showed "classics" demo effect in the same way as a short-movie, it's a story-demo with a perfect balance between the words "story" and "demo" :)
The final scene with mandelbulb-like landscape is mindblowing in all aspects!
Code, graphics and music are all really good, I like the way you showed "classics" demo effect in the same way as a short-movie, it's a story-demo with a perfect balance between the words "story" and "demo" :)
how can this not rule? :) great stuff.
However I did like Rove a lot better. but I think that was the soundtrack that catched me. This time it failed to do so.
However I did like Rove a lot better. but I think that was the soundtrack that catched me. This time it failed to do so.
dx error 8876017c (380) during loading :(
Technically impressive, as always. But that's exactly it: It felt too much like a tech demo for some game engine. I'd appreciate more storytelling instead of a mere stringing together of (good) effects. And more 2D pixel graphics :-)
Great coder pron! Very professionally put together although a little more time on the particles wouldnt have gone a miss.. and I felt it was a bit too short also. Other than that, great way to see the year out and an inspiration of things to come, keeping people motivated for the new year! :D
uffz uffz uffz!
yay! Commander Shepard approves!
vectirballs come back!
technically great
lovely direction
beutiful effects
but, seems to lack something I can't quite put my finger on...
oh - and bit of a system killer isn't it!!!
technically great
lovely direction
beutiful effects
but, seems to lack something I can't quite put my finger on...
oh - and bit of a system killer isn't it!!!
What Futuremark is to the game industry, Farbrausch is to the demoscene: Giving good reason to buy new hardware. ;)
Cool :D
Physics simulation and fractal were pretty awesome, but it seemed to be lacking polycount and texture resolution in the rest a bit (guess I'm spoiled after being absorbed in Mass Effect 2 for a few days)
As it looks impressive from technical point of view, I pressed stop in the middle. Nice, but forgettable. Just a piggie from me.
breathtaking, epic, mass effect! you rule!
finally, a mandelbulb used properly
Lacks a bit in soul but technically quite nice. Well done!
Crashed a couple of times, same dx error as above, and once during the mandelbulb bit, but worked in the end (win7 issues still).
But quality, thumbin' dis.
But quality, thumbin' dis.
that shouldve been "win7 issues still?" as a question, not a statement of fact :-p
Cheesy coderporn. But gooood coderporn.
Fluids-particles-mandelbulb + farbrausch style, 1337 stuff !
Fluids-particles-mandelbulb + farbrausch style, 1337 stuff !
that was really good. space theme done solid is always worth a thumb :)
Cheesy but in a good way!
Holy shit!
into space!
What Rob said
Awesome !
The Vectorballs & the Mandelbulb 'ze best !!
The Vectorballs & the Mandelbulb 'ze best !!
The Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics parts use too few particles. Probably about 3000. This would be normal in a 4K intro, but today its possible to do 128000 particles real time. Some techdemos have already been released. People should get such code for future demos:) People should get such code for future demos:)
Lovely bulb and blobs!
great show, lovely music and awesome polished fx, rocks hard and will be a joy to watch again :)
That was phat!
Oh My.. yes!!!
Very impressive :) Truly powerful one, And a good way to slowly end this year :D
Ubersharp visuals buy my thumb, but I'm too much involved with CFD, SPH and DEM packages jobwise to find this kind of coder porn entertaining.
What can I say? Truly Magnificent, Breathtaking, an experience the likes of which I've not seen since the last Farbrausch demo.
How do they do it? They are consistently awesome! If I knew how to CDC, I'd CDC it too!
How do they do it? They are consistently awesome! If I knew how to CDC, I'd CDC it too!
The demo, for the most part, feels a bit more like a tech demo then an artistic one. The last part though (with the hardware lit fractal), makes it one of the best of all time. Wish a bit more was done with that... Also the greetings were quite original but very slow (you would think an i7 950 6GB AMD5870 would be enough at 1080p)
Just tested it at home with my HD 5850 Win7x64, it crashes here as well when the mandelbulb first apppears.
WOW ! like the planets surface
The theme is cheesy - but the execution is superb!
i dont like camera-work, is that german or swedish? :P. and there are some parts with incoherence (due to hurryness maybe). i watched it on a big lcd-television, it looked great but i think the wholeness of the demo is not the best ive seen. rove was much better.
xTr1m : it works on my ATI HD 5450, maybe use the Catalyst 10.9 driver (source)
Runs perfect on a quad core here!
Still trying to restore from the shock!
Still trying to restore from the shock!
Nice prod, some very beautiful colours and interesting scenes.
HD4870 Win7(x64) runs perfectly, a bit slow with antialiasing though ;)
HD4870 Win7(x64) runs perfectly, a bit slow with antialiasing though ;)
Awesome! Music is great. Chaos&others you rule!
Finally, a FR demo with some real effects.
(btw.. someone played way too long EVE online :)
(btw.. someone played way too long EVE online :)
Great demo!
Me likes! Physical particles effects are always fun to see...
+ Lights
+ Physics
+ Music
+ Physics
+ Music
wow :)
Felt a little like watching variants of the same effect over and over, and the music was underwhelming and didn't fit the "grandness" of the visuals. But hell yes a good show overall :)
superb demo.
A bit too reminiscent of Mass Effect and other such candy-scifi games/movies. However the effects were pure awesomeness, and i also kinda enjoyed the soundtrack.
Run'd perfectly smooth until the mandelbulb part, where it just crashed. No matter what, you guys made my night better.
chaos + tron = instant win. but i didn't like the music style much...not enough "punch".
prod rulez.. and atoms gfx kicks like his work on c64 many years ago.. and chaos,tron and wayfinder did a great job, too.. elitehaus ftw..
I'm torn.
This looks good and all and I too like the 3d fractal thingie. You surely have the technology but where's the soul? Check 2nd place for soul.
This looks good and all and I too like the 3d fractal thingie. You surely have the technology but where's the soul? Check 2nd place for soul.
was excellent! still impressed!
Orange and teal saves the day again! :D
Great direction and music.. but for effects that require four 3GHz cores to run smooth, they look like a couple hundred vectorballs to me. :)
Great direction and music.. but for effects that require four 3GHz cores to run smooth, they look like a couple hundred vectorballs to me. :)
i kinda like how this turned out in the end. :)
Magellan's expedition of 1519–1522 became the first expedition to sail from the Atlantic Ocean into the Pacific Ocean (then named "peaceful sea" by Magellan; the passage being made via the Strait of Magellan), and the first to cross the Pacific. It also completed the first circumnavigation of the Earth, although Magellan himself did not complete the entire voyage, being killed during the Battle of Mactan in the Philippines.
Yes, i know this because i'm a Portuguese like Fernão de Magalhães ... every Portuguese know this... :P
Magellan's expedition of 1519–1522 became the first expedition to sail from the Atlantic Ocean into the Pacific Ocean (then named "peaceful sea" by Magellan; the passage being made via the Strait of Magellan), and the first to cross the Pacific. It also completed the first circumnavigation of the Earth, although Magellan himself did not complete the entire voyage, being killed during the Battle of Mactan in the Philippines.
Yes, i know this because i'm a Portuguese like Fernão de Magalhães ... every Portuguese know this... :P
btw... in the nfo... "music for hidden parts" where is the hidden part?! Does anyone knows?
Seems FR is currently running a "old school scifi illustrations with surreal landscapes" theme cycle. Beautiful!
The visual style is slick, but far too game'ish for my tastes.
The effects, on the other hand, are absolutely bloody wonderful! :) (yes *effects* \o/ )
The effects, on the other hand, are absolutely bloody wonderful! :) (yes *effects* \o/ )
Was this suposed to be a revision invitation? The unveiling of something new (the cloth on the ship), travelling to new universes (a new party)? It smells like it to me.
huhh excellent
i´m lovin it. btw. musica very nice is.
xernobyl: who stops you from making a (unofficial) party invite?
Chaos ! In ! Spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace !
Holy crap that was good.
what thec said
Simply stunning!
its aTom / farbrausch.
first i want to thank you for praise & criticism.
for the hidden parts have a look in the start menu options - hidden parts - pull down menu.
freeflight over the mandelbulb or ambience stuff.
if you want we can show you later some making of stuff from denmark (elitehaus), where we put all together to fininalize this demo.
creative regards & a happy new year,
aTom / farbrausch
first i want to thank you for praise & criticism.
for the hidden parts have a look in the start menu options - hidden parts - pull down menu.
freeflight over the mandelbulb or ambience stuff.
if you want we can show you later some making of stuff from denmark (elitehaus), where we put all together to fininalize this demo.
creative regards & a happy new year,
aTom / farbrausch
Loved every minute of it!!!
great demo, putting things into a new direction. great!
i <3 the first parts with the unveiling/cloth stuff and such. great! i also digg the particle hydrodynamics stuff, but i had the same feeling as archee... it had too few particles.
dunno about the soundtrack though. other ppl really love it, i just think that it doesn't fit.
but nevertheless, it's so incredible and deserves this thumb:
i <3 the first parts with the unveiling/cloth stuff and such. great! i also digg the particle hydrodynamics stuff, but i had the same feeling as archee... it had too few particles.
dunno about the soundtrack though. other ppl really love it, i just think that it doesn't fit.
but nevertheless, it's so incredible and deserves this thumb:
Impressive visual quality and amount of content. The "effects" (cloth, physics) set it a bit apart from the standard 3D-replayer story-demo. As most of the time, the story itself is quite uninteresting.
Dunno if the comparison stands, but I find 828 to be on another league. I look forward to seeing FR in that abstract setting again, with their current technology.
Dunno if the comparison stands, but I find 828 to be on another league. I look forward to seeing FR in that abstract setting again, with their current technology.
cool effects!
Oh, forgot to add: lens-flares (or should I say: Optical Flares? :) are back!
you are downthumping it just because you think it has a 3Dmark touch? there's shitload of other demos reminding me of fuckin benchmark tools.
you must have some issues, kyv :D:D:D
you must have some issues, kyv :D:D:D
Not all the way consistent in quality but overall very pleasant and polished ride, way good.
Found the keys to the meth lab again !
arent the guys from the old future crew involved in the 3dmark (by futuremark)? so maybe its the other way around and they looks more like demos :P
(ah well, there usually are a lot of game scenes in there, too).
(ah well, there usually are a lot of game scenes in there, too).
I don't understand the last post but yes they are.
This one should get a Award.
What to say.. What to type.. Atom just rulez! Keep it going! FR Domination in 2011 ? I hope so..
And Chaos world of commodore or this both rule in there own way.
And Tron, Flower Power or this one both rule in there own way ;-)
Demo or die!
And Chaos world of commodore or this both rule in there own way.
And Tron, Flower Power or this one both rule in there own way ;-)
Demo or die!
what more to say... simply great. wonderfull soundtrack
Fantastic how it all builds up to the climax on planet mandelbulb. A new journey begins.
Out of memory on ATI x4790. I havve 2x 2 gb. Fixit or be a err me :D
olen pettynyt suomalasiin koodereihi :(
Nice blobs and physics. Though I disliked the coder colours very much!
Awesome, though some scenes ran a tad slower than they were (assumingly) intended.
AMD Phenom II X4 955 (4x 3.2GHz)
2x AMD5770
8GB 1333MHz DDR3
AMD Phenom II X4 955 (4x 3.2GHz)
2x AMD5770
8GB 1333MHz DDR3
Felt abit like rove2, which is great, since i love that style. It could perhaps have been a minute or two longer given the epic feel of it, but i'm happy none the less.
Chaos come back to atari ::D
Chaos^Defjam the new standard of ST coding!!
Chaos come back to atari ::D
Chaos^Defjam the new standard of ST coding!!
Looking forward to #69 ;-)
Looking forward to #69 ;-)
awesome demo at tum 2010 loved it
New version works for me without crashing, yay!
Nice to see a demo with a good old "realistic" look to it for a change, most of the stuff today is most about the abstract.
Only minor complaint is the spaceship, which to me looked a bit plain, and something that could have been in a demo from ten years ago. More greebles please! :)
Nice to see a demo with a good old "realistic" look to it for a change, most of the stuff today is most about the abstract.
Only minor complaint is the spaceship, which to me looked a bit plain, and something that could have been in a demo from ten years ago. More greebles please! :)
v1.02 still crashes on my quadcore just where v1.01 crashed (when "music | wayfinder" is overlaid on the mandelbulb).
config: q8200@2.33ghz (4gb), geforce 9600gt (512mb+1407mb shared mem, driver version 178.15), vista home premium 32bit sp2, dx10
config: q8200@2.33ghz (4gb), geforce 9600gt (512mb+1407mb shared mem, driver version 178.15), vista home premium 32bit sp2, dx10
for me the music won't fit at the beginning but then it was a really nice ride. overall a bit too polished i think. but still a great piece.
Nice continuity tricks and an ok premise to show off confined sim effects. A very fine demo.
Knoeki: it ran ok on my box during tUM, and that was in 1080p
i5/750 (4x 2.6GHz)
8GB 1066MHz DDR3
i5/750 (4x 2.6GHz)
8GB 1066MHz DDR3
A perfect winner. It has everything you expect from a demo. It was really impressive on the big screen, especially the end. Concerning the music, I think the second part fits perfectly well (from the credits to the end), the first part just gets you into the mood.
read *greetings instead of credits.
congrats to FR again, finally some game-ish level visuals in a demo! (i'll regret this :))
however crashes here as well, same spot as in noname's post. q6600/gf8800/3gig/vista32
however crashes here as well, same spot as in noname's post. q6600/gf8800/3gig/vista32
nice to see how something like a "story" can seamlessly integrate effects into a demo.
Some really nice effects solidly put together.
great stuff, some really kewl ideas like particle greetings, fractal landscape and so on.
very nice
fucking amazing. I love it.
great demo!!! so detailed geometry in the end, and it's on PS 3.0, w/o tesselation!
what xeNusion said.
Awesome effects!
The demo was a nice trip overall, 'til the Mandelbulb appeared...
Then, all of a sudden, it became freakily amazing!
Then, all of a sudden, it became freakily amazing!
A very good demo with the quality I expect from Farbrausch. The mandelbulb is truly awesome!
loving every second of it. really awesome stuff.
music is a huge no, but everything else is yes.
This is just fantastic! The tune rocks bigtime, the lighting is amazing and all the direction stuff is simply perfect.
This product makes me very happy!
This product makes me very happy!
Hehe, nice demo. loader: ... Do each line mean core? Also, perfecting timing with my new quad-core system. F1 stuff during the demo. was cool too for debugging and statistics stuff. I kept them on! :)
Rescue from Planet Mandelbox ;-)
Cool physics but the mandel bulb was the winner for me, also great music.
Went into this with very high expectations...came out disappointed. Not bad, but certainly not worth all this hype.
Ship was really cool, as were the engine particles. *LOVED* the lens flares, but didn't really like the physical simulations (seemed low-res and a bit cheap). Mandelbulb was very nicely rendered.
Ship was really cool, as were the engine particles. *LOVED* the lens flares, but didn't really like the physical simulations (seemed low-res and a bit cheap). Mandelbulb was very nicely rendered.
Nice one! Impressive coder pr0n and stunning visuals in the end.
Well-executed theme. And best Mandelbulb in a demo so far!
Beautiful. Love the music.
Nice! But gave me BSOD when exiting..
Rove already was nice, but this one rocks massive !!! Really nice to see demo scene effects in a kind of story... I really like the effects.
Impressive prod :-)
enjoyed the show , had to wait end 2K10 to see somes fresh effects :)
but in my point of view the demos ended too early
it's too short
enjoyed the show , had to wait end 2K10 to see somes fresh effects :)
but in my point of view the demos ended too early
it's too short
quite dull with an exception of the great greetings part. better than average flyby but still feels like a boring flyby.
fucking awesome
Framerate is horrible running 1280x720 with no multisampling on a freshly rebooted Win7 with Intel Q6600, 6GB Ram, GTX280.
What are the actual requirements for decent performance for this monster?
What are the actual requirements for decent performance for this monster?
Thumbs up for a new direction and effects.. Farbuarsh always the leader.. Now it's ASD turn for something new..Thankyou farbaursh.. You made my holiday....
lug00ber: try a faster graphics card. resolution doesn't matter that much (except for the nebula/greetings part), but it does push a shitload of cpu-generated triangles (several million per frame).
Runs OK on HD4850 here (4 core + 8GB). Demo looks nice especially the space scenes and greetings. Very good job.
Fantastic effects!
Nice oldskool fiilis. Liked the bulb
Highest amount of polish I've seen in a demo in a long long time. Absolutely excellent.
I liked the open space part the best (hey, I like space) and would have liked to see the mandelbulb more. I also got the "screw it -- now I'm just going to show effects on a table with bright colours and happy music because I like it" vibe for a moment after it switched back to the colourful vectorballs. I didn't really find this to be coderporn as lots of people are saying (aside from the mandelbulb).. but maybe I'm just interpreting the term too narrowly. Seemed a little light and cheesy, but I suppose it was about time for that.
tuerie !
only great
wow, just wow! the physics engine rules, the 3D fractal rules, the whole demo rules!
did i miss the hund? :D
fantastic demo > congrats
fantastic demo > congrats
Really impressive, with a strong farbraush style, cool music and space theme, great prod!
Ryg: I'm only getting around 19 FPS in the greetings-part (Quad-core i7 (8 cores), GTX-470) -- seems oddly slow..
gloom: No, you don't have an 8 core i7, that doesn't even exist.
gloom: get 50fps on h.264 instead.
kusma: I know, which is why I said a Quad-core i7 (with 8 cores available, you know, virtual ones).
Azzaro: I prefer to watch demos real-time and without video compression artifacts, thank you.
Azzaro: I prefer to watch demos real-time and without video compression artifacts, thank you.
wow! what a beauty!
gloom: as i said earlier, that's the one scene that's fill rate limited :)
Nice demo guys. I am giving it a thumbs up. It's probably your first demo I've found technically interesting :) Greetings part could have had some love becuase FPS drop there a little.
The music is very nice ... and I am fond of space things. I love scene with the volumic many-sprite carpet that is a bit oldish as in "kings of the play...". Superb.
Rocks big time.
Wow! I am really digging this new fr style! so much better than the black embossed stillness of visualice.
Hund...Hund....errr Bullb Bullb! :)
chaos: hoping not to sound like a bitch, but.. all that threading and syncing is cool and all from a technical design point of view - sounds like you really wanted to be doing this on a ps3.. :) but the beef i have with that is it sounds like what youve done is really well optimised versions of brute force, inefficient algorithms.
as archee said a while back, imho that blob count needs to go up a bit to make it a really good effect. :)
as archee said a while back, imho that blob count needs to go up a bit to make it a really good effect. :)
ryg: Sure, I get that it's fill-rate limited, I just don't understand what makes it SO hard to make it smooth on a GTX 470. :)
v1.02 works fine for me now. Very nice :)
gloom: nothing. that scene just isn't optimized.
how do these things work anyway... is it a connect-26 spring-mass-damper network?
chaos: yes sorry I meant that part where the object looks almost solid (like it is made out of gelly). I was wondering if it is still SPH or something else (actually, come to think of it, I bet that the SPH and cloth maths have very many similarities, in effect they both propagate and dessipate energy from atom to neighbouring atom).
good tech and pretty decently fitted into the "story"
but i wouldnt really play it again. missing something :/
still, good effort.
but i wouldnt really play it again. missing something :/
still, good effort.
first time around i wasn't keen on the music. but after watching it a few times i realize it fits perfectly with the theme (ive been too brainwashed by this new recent dubstep trend in demos i think). really amazing prod all-round! just love it.
I watch the demo over and over again and I have always a smile on my face. In particular, the physics and the hidden part ambience is fantastic.
Pretty sweet. Felt a little too much like a game for my taste, but some of the stuff in here is just too cool to let my personal taste get in the way, and awesome soundtrack btw.
Nice as a tech-demo... otherwise bit boring IMHO.
Such a pretty production. Cool.
Damn I should have attended the elitehaus!! Why did I get married anyways...
I really enjoyed this release a lot. I really dig the cloth and the fractal stuff. The space ship seems to lack a little bit of detail compared to the rest. But since it is still way beyond scene average, I should stop whining.
So it looks like the scene isn't dead (yet) and we still have a couple of years left to prove that you can do something without operator stacking :-)
Ah, and thanks for greets. Makes my chest swell with pride. :-)
I really enjoyed this release a lot. I really dig the cloth and the fractal stuff. The space ship seems to lack a little bit of detail compared to the rest. But since it is still way beyond scene average, I should stop whining.
So it looks like the scene isn't dead (yet) and we still have a couple of years left to prove that you can do something without operator stacking :-)
Ah, and thanks for greets. Makes my chest swell with pride. :-)
that's some mighty cool fx going on in there! Love the mandelbulb landscape/cloth/blobs/springs etc. very nice!
Uhh. My favorite prod of farbrausch after debris.
Regarding SPH - I really wonder if that is possible to calculate milions of particles on GPU with hardware busy on decent 3d rendering in full hd.
And - I am very happy to see another release with physics in!
Regarding SPH - I really wonder if that is possible to calculate milions of particles on GPU with hardware busy on decent 3d rendering in full hd.
And - I am very happy to see another release with physics in!
Quite interesting dev blog :) thanks for that.
Spheres are the new cubes? Anyway, not my favorite Farbrausch production, but still worth a thumb.
Fantastic, well-executed demo with some brilliant effects and excellent music. The design itself is a little simplistic (compared to, say, ASD's best) but isn't overly ambitious either and so works quite well. Possibly the best production in 2010 in my book!
Nice tech. Mass Effect, anyone? :-)
First of all one needs to applaude your courage and persistence with making demos that still inspire and raise the bar. Technically this is one of the best and could have won any major party.
I'm afraid I didn't like it. It is one of those demos that I think have no purpose. I had the same issue with Rove. Maybe it is the blandness of the music, it just goes nowhere. I also didn't like the static surroundings: it reminds me of old 3Dmarks - the cliched space themes, little lighting, no shadows.
I think that it would work better if it was a purely effect driven presentation, much like those from mfx/kewlers; without any pretent of a scenario, that, in my opinion, fails (or isn't of equal quality to the rest).
I'm afraid I didn't like it. It is one of those demos that I think have no purpose. I had the same issue with Rove. Maybe it is the blandness of the music, it just goes nowhere. I also didn't like the static surroundings: it reminds me of old 3Dmarks - the cliched space themes, little lighting, no shadows.
I think that it would work better if it was a purely effect driven presentation, much like those from mfx/kewlers; without any pretent of a scenario, that, in my opinion, fails (or isn't of equal quality to the rest).
Cool one and smooth as butter on my i5 + 5750.
Great overall experience! good work!
Codeporn! :-)
Live version at the party with audince
Live version at the party with audince
great demo!
i wish u released a recent version of werkzeug =)
what bull said. I remember our conversion at Evoke. ;-)
Im getting this error when loading the demo:
.\graphics_dx9.cpp(2884): d3d error 8876017c (380): D3DERR_OUTOFVIDEOMEMORY (Out of video memory)
Stack trace:
1. ??? (EIP=4fe0fa00)
2. ??? (EIP=08ec83ec)
XP3, ATi 4870 X2 (2GB) with latest DX and ATi drivers.
.\graphics_dx9.cpp(2884): d3d error 8876017c (380): D3DERR_OUTOFVIDEOMEMORY (Out of video memory)
Stack trace:
1. ??? (EIP=4fe0fa00)
2. ??? (EIP=08ec83ec)
XP3, ATi 4870 X2 (2GB) with latest DX and ATi drivers.
sounds like you're running out of video memory.
:) ryg
What are those EIP errors? I disabled my antivirus and and firewaall. Still no go..
What are those EIP errors? I disabled my antivirus and and firewaall. Still no go..
Teh awesome! All parts are great, but the greetings are the best!

cant see the bulb :(
WOW, this is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!! THX fr!
a fine techdemo, but perhaps too generic in that sense.
Return Of The Vectorballs!
i like the quality of the demo it is so neat.
Macversion PLEASE!
Years ago somebody told me that FR will port their engine to the Mac but no Macversion of any FR-Demo seen yet...
Years ago somebody told me that FR will port their engine to the Mac but no Macversion of any FR-Demo seen yet...
r13 :)
I liked the ideas in this prod, high quality scenes. Music started out great promising Jarresque scifi but in some sections sounded like car-sales ad/corporate video/stale chillout music, I'm overstating but it let me down a little, the music got my hopes up :)
Rulez, ergo thumb.
I liked the ideas in this prod, high quality scenes. Music started out great promising Jarresque scifi but in some sections sounded like car-sales ad/corporate video/stale chillout music, I'm overstating but it let me down a little, the music got my hopes up :)
Rulez, ergo thumb.
I am Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite demo on pouët.
Overrated. Some really great parts (organic stuff and bouncing ballthingies) but most of the spaceship scenes look like a low-cost video game from 2005. Farbrausch did much better.

640x480 with default settings applied.
Buy a new video card.
Since you do not have an ability to check or even read previous post by chaos:
So it seems that there's somekind of bug when reserving memory when single X2 card is in use?
moredhel: actually, you should not run out of memory. on my 4870 (X1) 1GB everything is fine.
But may be you are trying an extreme screen resolution? That extra GB isn't doing anything because it's only for crossfire.
So it seems that there's somekind of bug when reserving memory when single X2 card is in use?
It felts very soul-less at first.... it's better from the greetings part.
Also, what Navis & Yemeth said. I don't dig this "static geometry" (which is not bad, but it's too videogamish... if you can tell the date of the 3D, it's wrong!) mixed with awesome effects, it doesn't work at all for me. However, the greetings scene is really great.
Music is good I think, you have to listen to it a couple of times to enjoy it.
Thumb up for the solid work.
Also, what Navis & Yemeth said. I don't dig this "static geometry" (which is not bad, but it's too videogamish... if you can tell the date of the 3D, it's wrong!) mixed with awesome effects, it doesn't work at all for me. However, the greetings scene is really great.
Music is good I think, you have to listen to it a couple of times to enjoy it.
Thumb up for the solid work.
Some of the effects are so impressive like the meta- and 3dballs, greetings and landscapes, meanwhile the spaceship style kind of spoils the ambiance for me. However, great demo!
after watching 2-3 weeks later again i have to say i think that farbrauschs engine seems to be outdated. some parts look like a techdemo from 2003.
Fucking stunning.
Ending fly through mandelbulb scene with that outstanding Wayfinder´s music is EPIC WIN !!!!
chaos + tron = impressive!
still i have mixed feelings bout this one, it somehow reminded me of the old odessey amiga demo by alcatraz, not by the length =) but by the feel of it all and as much as im a sucker for oldschool and amiga+c64, i can't really decide if i'm really impressed here or not. Sure, as stated by trauma0 above the end is absolutely amazing and the scenes with all the balls moving realistic with rgb lighting is just awesome, but on the other hand alot of the other stuff just seems outdated and really somehow makes it feel, well unimpressive, but still the wow effects are here, so thumbs up anyways even if i didn't make any sense :)
still i have mixed feelings bout this one, it somehow reminded me of the old odessey amiga demo by alcatraz, not by the length =) but by the feel of it all and as much as im a sucker for oldschool and amiga+c64, i can't really decide if i'm really impressed here or not. Sure, as stated by trauma0 above the end is absolutely amazing and the scenes with all the balls moving realistic with rgb lighting is just awesome, but on the other hand alot of the other stuff just seems outdated and really somehow makes it feel, well unimpressive, but still the wow effects are here, so thumbs up anyways even if i didn't make any sense :)
Can't believe this demo passed me by until today. Absolutely stunning demo. The fly-by end part with credit brought a tear to my eye. Really emotional. Great, great work by everyone involved.
The music as always from Wayfinder is excellent.
The music as always from Wayfinder is excellent.
It surely is technically impressive (though maybe not quite technically correct, as number of cores shouldn't affect the flow of a demo which is not an interactive show), but it indeed is too 3DMarkish, and not in the positive meaning of MadOnion-era 3DMark demos - it's more like the fly-by ones from todays Futuremark 3DMarks. It feels like backyard playground for something commercial, other scene-defining groups could be ashamed to release something like that, but it's Farbrausch :>
Still funny that Chaos can't ati fix that ati x2 problem. Out of memory.
my machine can not render the demo but the video is fine.
Curtain and voxel scenes were great, and a decent physics simulator :) worked flawlessly on Pentium Dual Core E6500 and Radeon HD 4850
I feel taste of next generation demos in new fb works.
Great. Keep ruling the world, boys.
Great. Keep ruling the world, boys.
had to run it again. and well. the revealing cloth simulation scene is just fucking sloooowwww. everything else could be counted as good. and the bulb is just great. so...
I love this demo. I don't really know why since it's not my "style" of a demo but it gives the feeling that I used to have when watching demos as a kid. I adore especially the creative use of the mandelbulb in the end and the general "optimistic" mood. Lovely music as well.
everything was already said.
Whoops, forgot to thumb this... The rubbery things made it for me!
It's a little incoherent in places, but overall this is a very nicely done effect demo. The mandelbulb fly-by at the end is especially mindblowing! We need more stuff like that!
Nice colors, impressive visuals, cute music. Great!
"music" vote.
And there goes my delayed thumb!
so does mine
Amazing trip! My favourites: liquid effects, cloud effects and freeflight mode.
OK, i'm getting sub-10fps on a number of parts. Which part of my computer is at fault?
GTX295 (yeah, think 260-ish)
Phenom II x6 @ 2.8 GHz
Nforce 630a mainboard with possibly slow PCI-e
I don't recall a whole lot of improvement going from Athlon II x2 and GT220 to current build.
GTX295 (yeah, think 260-ish)
Phenom II x6 @ 2.8 GHz
Nforce 630a mainboard with possibly slow PCI-e
I don't recall a whole lot of improvement going from Athlon II x2 and GT220 to current build.
it's a great demo and splendid example of wz4 mastery )
How come I didn't thumb this ?
"d3d_compiler43.dll missing". what Version of DirectX does this demo require? I have DX11 installed running Windows 8
some cool scenes, some cheesy ones, but overall pretty awesome..
A truly magnificent prod. Like the atmosphere, the coherent direction and the tight connection between audio and visual throughout the prod. Music seem a little bit rushed here and there. Can't say why I have that feeling. It just feels like it.
Somewhat cheesy concept and not that good looking or sounding. Cool code though, But overall it's a piggie.
4-5 frames/s on my 2013 computer...but still rocks visually.
This demo is AMAZING!
Also, I love the fact that you have added a mandelbulb exploration tool into here. Very nice of you :)
Also, I love the fact that you have added a mandelbulb exploration tool into here. Very nice of you :)
omg omg omg <3
Oy, that look good (except maybe for the spaceship)! Great effects, especially those connected-balls-rubber-physics-thing. The music was kinda bland and uninspired though.
lots of nice parts and the technical achievement is great, but i agree the music felt somewhat bland and its still jumpy on a current machine.
Strong theme and nice fluid/particle/metaball routine. I also like how the mandelbulb was used as terrain.
Slightly cheesy spaceship theme but it works out fine with the music for a nice relaxing trip.
so good
look like a battlefield
Holy.... how did I not watch this until today?!
One magical moment after another and wayfinder's music is so emotional.
so crystal clear in 4k uhd! <3
Game like
Love the music and planet mandelbub!
runs on my computer with 2 cpus (i guess) on a decent speed.
wish i could thumb this up again
wish i could thumb this up again
Cyber. :) Love it.
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