blunderbuss by Fairlight [web]
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popularity : 79% |
alltime top: #91 |
added on the 2009-10-05 11:21:20 by smash ![]() |
popularity helper
Very moody with nice visuals and very atmospheric music...
rulez added on the 2009-10-05 11:43:15 by sim 

I really liked this!
Timing of the words was a bit too early, but I'm not sure if this was because of the live stream - have to watch it again at home.
The effect is really neat - I'd love to see some gfx/images/whatever "shaded" with the effect too (like the words).
Timing of the words was a bit too early, but I'm not sure if this was because of the live stream - have to watch it again at home.
The effect is really neat - I'd love to see some gfx/images/whatever "shaded" with the effect too (like the words).
wow, that was beautiful
Good spinoff. Advanced, simple, clean.
could've used a teeeeeeny bit more direction, but otherwise it's beautiful.
really nice
Beautiful "1 effect" show. ;)
absolutely georgeous !
proud winner of the recycled winamp plugin compo!
Lovely 10⁶ particles fluid simulation running entirely on the GPU. Progress++ imo. Now, next time do something sensible with the CPU aswell! :) I might be misinformed though...
great effect. as a it could have been abit better with a few extra touches me thinks. but i liked it alot as it was aswell :)
a beautiful combination of a great song and one very nice looking effect. love it!
really nice and stylish.
Amazing visuals! Smash's particle system really kicks ass and it was presented in a simple, yet stylish way.
As for the music...I recognise the guy can sing and has talent, but I really hate the style and found it difficult to sit through. Just taste I guess.
As for the music...I recognise the guy can sing and has talent, but I really hate the style and found it difficult to sit through. Just taste I guess.
A few hours ago when I watched this I was thinking about commenting here and saying that this time the first one to complain about vocal based music will attain a very deserved hit in the face at some future demoparty. Then I though "naaah". Seems I was wrong :)
So, I digged the music very much, and the particles are just pure beauty. Too bad Fairlight don't do demos like this :(
So, I digged the music very much, and the particles are just pure beauty. Too bad Fairlight don't do demos like this :(
Easily the most technical stuff in the demo compo, and it looks nice. Great stuff Smash.
ein video bitte, schnell!
Well, at first I was expecting a full blown demo. Thumbs for the effect and the simple execution.
Very cool stuff! Reminded me heavily of a Vimeo-clip I've seen, but then again, I'm guilty of being inspired by such things myself so I should just shut up. The music was very nice - good to see you step away from the blockbusting demos Smash.
What gloom said, to the finest grain.
made for fun you say? are you saying some of your demos are not fun to make? thats too bad smash!
anyways. this looks great! not an easy task to get me to like a "coder demo", but you did. Neat!
anyways. this looks great! not an easy task to get me to like a "coder demo", but you did. Neat!
bliss went very coldplay. i hate coldplay. :P
nice plasma nonetheless!
nice plasma nonetheless!
Brilliant! Extra kudos for daring to use such a quality soundtrack outside the typical demoscene sandbox.
Too bad Fairlight don't do demos like this :(
any chance to see a kkapture ? The screenshot looks amazing.
I loved this, especially Bliss's music, but I've loved it since I first heard it on scenesat.
kb: Yes. He does. And I'll be happy to deliver it.
i would have preferred to see the particles interacting with something since the effect seems a bit 2D as it is but it's pretty mega anyway.
Looks wonderful.
Don't care for the music in itself but it fits here, making this a nice, relaxing moment between other prods that i'm watching.
<3 coool! Nice music, overall it fits perfect.
Great visuals, music was fitting but no my style though I liked it until the vicals ;)
Yeah really sad Fairlight doesn't do demos like this. Absolutely loved it.
I've seen it before.
This was so fucking beautiful I almost cried. Thank you.
What Maali + Serpent said.
Song & vocals are Awesome , and the particles are beautifull
flt we need more stuff like that :)
flt we need more stuff like that :)
Really cewl stuff
I get quite a lot of crackling noise in the music though.
I get quite a lot of crackling noise in the music though.
A dream in music on clouds! so beautiful!
Excellent stuff!
thumb down for the complete copy from this motion graphic video :
Yes, that was what I've seen before.
thanks for reminding us all that the demoscene is dead...
copying sucks!
copying sucks!
Smash: 3 thumbs up from 3 people who recently praised a prod that was a blatant copy of a Cassius musicvideo:
Quite ironic... :D
Quite ironic... :D
3 down I mean :)
keops : sorry to said that but there's a difference between inspiration and copy. Fairlight should have done the same effect with differente color or somthing new. but here its the real same effect with the same background and so on. Seriously I don't see the intention in your link and the cassius video clip...
good artists copy, great artists steal.
this is the best demo I've seen from fairlight and for sure one of the best in the recent years.
nice to see flt using bliss music
this is the best demo I've seen from fairlight and for sure one of the best in the recent years.
nice to see flt using bliss music
i liked the original better. prettier colours and better music.
oh god that music, nooooooooOOOooooooooo
It's strange, I knew the original video and I did love blunderbuss instantly anyway, probably because of what thec said.
One of my favorite demos of 2009.
One of my favorite demos of 2009.
Ok, credits to the inspiration would have been due, but I still really like this. Including the music.
One very good effect.
Good prod. Very very good. Also, the let yourself video at vimeo - url in this prod comments - is amazing... have made me cry.
what a beauty. Pure bliss, if you like. :) you should do more demos like this Smash. Keep it up!
Copy or not, this one is great. And realtime. And beautiful. And supersweet.
Code. Music was fitting and very skillfully executed, but when doing this whole sensitive guy with guitar thing it's hard not to get compared with Nick Drake and when that happens it's equally hard not to lose.
Great effect, but maybe taking it to a different direction instead of making such a straight copy would have been better.
True shame.. The original motion piece was much better.
Extra thumb down for not revealing the source of inspiration. Well done job for Smash perhaps, though i always expected it'd be beyond his pride to do a copy like this.
Extra thumb down for not revealing the source of inspiration. Well done job for Smash perhaps, though i always expected it'd be beyond his pride to do a copy like this.
keops : sorry to said that but there's a difference between inspiration and copy. Fairlight should have done the same effect with differente color or somthing new. but here its the real same effect with the same background and so on. Seriously I don't see the intention in your link and the cassius video clip...
Then you're blind. Also - there are loads of differences between this and the Vimeo-video. In fact, it's the definition of "inspiration" I'd say, and not at all a blatant rip as you keep repeating.
I am probably blind, according to gloom, but I would like to retract my thumb up.
This has nothing to do with inspiration. It's a 100 % copy. No doubt about it. If you are seriously saying that this is just a bit inspired by the video it means it is you that has serious hyperopia.
This has nothing to do with inspiration. It's a 100 % copy. No doubt about it. If you are seriously saying that this is just a bit inspired by the video it means it is you that has serious hyperopia.
nice visualizer but i kinda expected it all the time to start doing something else too...
it really is too similar to that vimeo video...
it really is too similar to that vimeo video...
but fuck it, at least the song deserves a thumb up anyway!
Smash, come on man, it looks exactly like the video. I personally would not give it a thumbs down for this reason but I think a mention in the info would not have hurt.
wow, simply fabulous.
during the whole show i thought "and now the demoscene starts to grow up".
excellent visuals made for an exellent piece of music (with a little touch of chris martin :)).
a little bit more direction wouldn't hurt. and well, the font is kinda awkward.
i want more of these "tiny" fairlight projects.
during the whole show i thought "and now the demoscene starts to grow up".
excellent visuals made for an exellent piece of music (with a little touch of chris martin :)).
a little bit more direction wouldn't hurt. and well, the font is kinda awkward.
i want more of these "tiny" fairlight projects.
You seem to think the problem is with "ripping" the effect. It is not at all that. I love the effect and I love your realtime implementation!
It is about the artistic quality that I thought you added but was, IMO completely ripped, from that video. The background, the text on the left, the overall particle movement, the concept. Even the idea of using tranquil acoustic music.
The video you just gave is maybe the same effect but is used, IMO, in a very different way so the whole thing has a very different vibe.
It is about the artistic quality that I thought you added but was, IMO completely ripped, from that video. The background, the text on the left, the overall particle movement, the concept. Even the idea of using tranquil acoustic music.
The video you just gave is maybe the same effect but is used, IMO, in a very different way so the whole thing has a very different vibe.
This just doesn't need "more". A real revelation, and great to see Fairlight doing something a bit different. Both thumbs up.
Christ. I try to be reasonable and you obviously try very hard to not understand what I am saying.
Okay, let's keep it at that.
smash : your reference are great ( but I'm still convinced that you are too close from the let yourself feel ). Anyway for a technical point of view are you processing the particle into a pixel shader ? because 1 million seems to be to much work for a CPU ?
Simply beautiful, with a real sense of class and panache, the music helps greatly in that sense and is also wonderful in itself.
very appealing! i mean if it was up to me the colors *would* be orange and blue and there would be electro blaring instead of this, but then again, it wasn't me.
like u2, i'm also very interested to read about the rendering itself. so i'll bookmark that blog :)
like u2, i'm also very interested to read about the rendering itself. so i'll bookmark that blog :)
if it wasn't copy, it'd be the best flt demo in recent years. also, i think that you should list your "inspiration" in this case. so, it is hard to say if it rules or sucks, but i hope, smash will learn something from that, so it'll be a thumb up.
smash : Web 2.0 I see... so could i advice you to create a twitter account and then tweet about your article when it's done :))
nice stuff
smash: you should ignore poueters and keep doing what you're doing.
And, seriously, make the background a bit less dark (and the shadow). It would give more sharpness to the particles.
Although then it will look too similar to this colour scheme:

And then, poueters will cry again.
Although then it will look too similar to this colour scheme:

And then, poueters will cry again.
Ah... It feels very Memon/Statix. About time to see someone using code for not-demoscene-designed effects again \o/
Very nice! Much more appealing to me than the 'typical' Fairlight demos (although the code is of the usual high standard).
I like
I would like to thumb this up again just to counter all that crap above.
It might be very much inspired, yes. Half of the demoscene stuff is heavily inspired, you just don't know the source.
Also, it's not like you click "save as" on the effect, put some filters on it in photosop and you're done. This is realtime. It requires effort you know.
It might be very much inspired, yes. Half of the demoscene stuff is heavily inspired, you just don't know the source.
Also, it's not like you click "save as" on the effect, put some filters on it in photosop and you're done. This is realtime. It requires effort you know.
The music is totally not my taste, which ruins the demo a bit for me. But the effect is superb, and it's good to see something different, so it's still a ruler.
It is a very interesting development that because of much more mass exposure on the internet, much quicker 'rip!' is cried than before.
Back in the day demos usually contained the same effects. Everybody did plasmas, bobs, rotating cubes and what not. The starting point was not design, but speed and performance.
Now, many years later, technology has progressed to give many people a platform to express their art and ideas and the internet has given these peoples many outlets to show these ideas to the world.
Peoples inspirations are found much quicker than before and sometimes intention is forgotten.
This demo differs in so many ways from Esteban Diácono's video, but the general idea seems so the same that people will accuse of rip without realizing these differences.
So here is my care-post. If this trend progresses we will scream 'rip! rip!' at every demo ever created since we recognize inspiration from other sources in some way.
And yes, I had a much more bitter aftertaste after watching the Golden Path being a Cassius 'rip' than this being a rip. Maybe because the execution of the Golden Path wasn't as appealing to me as this is, maybe because the source was more well known to me.
Either way, I like this. Thanks for making it!
Back in the day demos usually contained the same effects. Everybody did plasmas, bobs, rotating cubes and what not. The starting point was not design, but speed and performance.
Now, many years later, technology has progressed to give many people a platform to express their art and ideas and the internet has given these peoples many outlets to show these ideas to the world.
Peoples inspirations are found much quicker than before and sometimes intention is forgotten.
This demo differs in so many ways from Esteban Diácono's video, but the general idea seems so the same that people will accuse of rip without realizing these differences.
So here is my care-post. If this trend progresses we will scream 'rip! rip!' at every demo ever created since we recognize inspiration from other sources in some way.
And yes, I had a much more bitter aftertaste after watching the Golden Path being a Cassius 'rip' than this being a rip. Maybe because the execution of the Golden Path wasn't as appealing to me as this is, maybe because the source was more well known to me.
Either way, I like this. Thanks for making it!
it looks more like an effect-show than a demo. i think it was a littlebit boring, the effect is impressive though.
I am Hyde of Andromeda, and I have been stealing since I was 13 years old.
I once managed to stay away from this way of living many years in a row, but eventually old habits kicked in and drew me back in. I am now trying to reorganize my life and make good choices, but it's hard! These days you can't even check your mail without getting some link to a nice offline rendering in your face. The temptation is there constantly, to make it look as good in realtime. It's hard. Some times I even contemplate the possibility of using hacks to get it done, which I know is terribly wrong but oh so very tempting.
So, thank you for listening. Coming here really helps me getting through the day.
I am Hyde of Andromeda, and I have been stealing since I was 13 years old.
I once managed to stay away from this way of living many years in a row, but eventually old habits kicked in and drew me back in. I am now trying to reorganize my life and make good choices, but it's hard! These days you can't even check your mail without getting some link to a nice offline rendering in your face. The temptation is there constantly, to make it look as good in realtime. It's hard. Some times I even contemplate the possibility of using hacks to get it done, which I know is terribly wrong but oh so very tempting.
So, thank you for listening. Coming here really helps me getting through the day.
I like this kind of demo ! Smooth, nice professional sounding music...
Dont cry about this smoke effect ! Smoke do allways look like smoke !
Better you start crying on all the demos with cubes as content all the time. (getting boring)
FLT (smash) keep up that good work and show the demosceners, how to make good looking realtime effects.
Dont cry about this smoke effect ! Smoke do allways look like smoke !
Better you start crying on all the demos with cubes as content all the time. (getting boring)
FLT (smash) keep up that good work and show the demosceners, how to make good looking realtime effects.
while ignoring the rip aspect its still
just a one effect show.
not enough for a demo.
piggy for the song and the cool fx
just a one effect show.
not enough for a demo.
piggy for the song and the cool fx
Disregard the ripping comments. This is awesome, and REALTIME.
Haven't people forgotten about the CODE?!?!?
Haven't people forgotten about the CODE?!?!?
Great for something inspired only a couple of days before the party, biting other work is indeed acceptable if you do it justice or exceed expectations. I am thinking the initial reactions are only due to not understanding the motive and technicalities of implementing this.
Really nice effect, and a fitting soundtrack. Too bad the sync seemed quite off (or maybe that's just youtube.. don't have actual hardware available that could run this).
One thing that would've really "done" it for me would've been to have a few larger changes in the camera angle then and now. Still a very weak rulez for the demo itself, and a rather bigger rulez for the effect.
One thing that would've really "done" it for me would've been to have a few larger changes in the camera angle then and now. Still a very weak rulez for the demo itself, and a rather bigger rulez for the effect.
crossproduct: The fact that you think "it looks exactly like that video" and that it's "a 100% rip!" excludes you from any kind of artistic or visual argument, sorry.
Good to know, thanks Gloom.
I can only agree with the latest comments. This is quite obviously more of a "code release" than a "design release" so why all the fuss about the idea not being original? I don't think anyone has done this in realtime on consumer grade PC's before, therefore rules.
Very nice effect! Great code! Average demo. The source idea does not matter :)
fuck the ripping discussion, me likes!
The old copy debate is back. :)
What I find odd is how Smash is getting trashed for using a motion graphics video for inspiration, yet there are 100s of Tron inspired demos, noise demos, cube demos and so on that go uncriticized for the same "crime".
Genuine originality is scarce these days wherever you look. Movie makers, writers, musicians and even the world's leading artists are working on a production line of tried and tested ideas. It's just a matter of who can do it in the most appealing or efficient way.
What I find odd is how Smash is getting trashed for using a motion graphics video for inspiration, yet there are 100s of Tron inspired demos, noise demos, cube demos and so on that go uncriticized for the same "crime".
Genuine originality is scarce these days wherever you look. Movie makers, writers, musicians and even the world's leading artists are working on a production line of tried and tested ideas. It's just a matter of who can do it in the most appealing or efficient way.
love it, great work Bliss&Smash
nice effect but runs pretty slow. loved the colors and soundtrack was fresh too but i got bored really quickly. was going to give it a piggie but i got a good laugh from your comments so here you go.
While I did not care for the music, this rocks. And what Pommak said - wish I could thumb this up twice thanks to the "debate" in comments :)
It's nice.
looks nice
sound nice
and the code is mighty impressive
sound nice
and the code is mighty impressive
really beautiful visuals and music
This is Pure Beauty.
This thumb goes right up those downthumbers´ envious asses.
This thumb goes right up those downthumbers´ envious asses.
The effect and music works very well together!
I'll definitely give the thumb up next time, when I'll see it in 64 kb.
I'll definitely give the thumb up next time, when I'll see it in 64 kb.
Manwe: yeah.. exactly - go and "pack" the music into 64k...
after reading all this 'rip'-drama stuff, maybe '' wouldve been a more appropriate name for the blog then? :D
Very unique and original stuff!
[quote]after reading all this 'rip'-drama stuff, maybe '' wouldve been a more appropriate name for the blog then? :D[/quote@
after reading all this 'rip'-drama stuff, maybe '' wouldve been a more appropriate name for the blog then? :D
The music is not my taste, but it looks awesome and I bet there's some evil code in there.
Very unique and original stuff!
best comment ever :))
But where are the transformers?
realtime ownage
If this doesn't get nominated for best soundtrack next year I will officially declare demoscene dead.
Very nice for 'in between' demo!
slyspy: they are in disguise ;-)
slyspy: they are in disguise ;-)
awesome sinus-dot routine! :)
(and nice blog too)
(and nice blog too)
Good music and goodlooking effect.
Superb, as always!
If you actually need an explanaition for my comment "I've seen it before": when I watch a demo I expect to see something I haven't seen before. It didn't happen with this one. I don't care about how hard it is to code the fluid effect or not. We're way past that now.
like cubes, ribbons, tunnels, flybys, balls (speres), dnb...
I don't see the point in voting with a thumb down a demo inspired in a previous video... the result is realtime, impressive, the music rocks, the colors are great and smash works very hard to bring us this prods.
Don't stop man, more! more! :D
Don't stop man, more! more! :D
when I watch a demo I expect to see something I haven't seen before.
Fantastic work. Haters be damned.
Okkie: or "when I watch a demo I expect to see something I haven't done before". Been there, done that, you know :D
2:20 of the same (cool) effect is borring
You guys are way too sensitive! Why can't I dislike your work?
sure you want a bulleted list?
Rules! more fluids pls!
but what is a blunderbuss anyway? Maybe I should use internet instead of asking a fact-question to people ever again?
A bulleted list would be fine.
xernobyl: you're not helping anyone, specially not yourself.
I actually don't agree with the sentiment 'You are not allowed to criticize unless you can do it better' since it's a downright ridiculous statement.
But Xern is not really helping his case no :)
But Xern is not really helping his case no :)
A little drawn out, due to being 1 single effect. But it's well executed, smooth and beautiful. A bit different to the usual flt productions, but then again, we'd get tired of seeing the same shit all the time.
To those saying it ripped off something or other; It's pretty much impossible not to 'rip' an idea from something. No matter how original you may think and idea is, chances are it's been done several times before you. This applies outside of the scene, too. That's like saying you shouldn't go and get a specific car, because you know someone that already has one.
To those saying it ripped off something or other; It's pretty much impossible not to 'rip' an idea from something. No matter how original you may think and idea is, chances are it's been done several times before you. This applies outside of the scene, too. That's like saying you shouldn't go and get a specific car, because you know someone that already has one.
This was really awesome, beatiful effect and soundtrack and technically impressive.
And what's with people always whining about copying ideas/tech/anything? Don't know if it is just me but this seems to be a trend especially with not so "mainstream" prods.
And what's with people always whining about copying ideas/tech/anything? Don't know if it is just me but this seems to be a trend especially with not so "mainstream" prods.
h yeah while the 'mainstream' prods which dont get whining about ripping usually have nothing original in them at all. :)
nosfe, yeah. Most of the demos are usually the same old boring polymeshes with fancy shading and unimaginative concept which everybody has gotten used to see in demos for years but nobody seems to mind that :P
Malodix: it's more like saying people should not design new cars because we already have cars.
Culture is an evolutionary process and people have inspired each other throughout history. Ideas are rarely, if ever, completely new.
I think Xem is just pure bloodyminded. I wouldn't look at a painters magnum opus and say "pfff, I've seen dozens of dudes in suits of armour before so it's bullshit!" Okkie's right but I think you at least need a basic understanding of the medium and its constraints in order to appreciate how impressive something is.
Culture is an evolutionary process and people have inspired each other throughout history. Ideas are rarely, if ever, completely new.
I think Xem is just pure bloodyminded. I wouldn't look at a painters magnum opus and say "pfff, I've seen dozens of dudes in suits of armour before so it's bullshit!" Okkie's right but I think you at least need a basic understanding of the medium and its constraints in order to appreciate how impressive something is.
Well, as it turned out, particle systems were not invented by Smash. But who cares?!
This one looks AMAZING!
This one looks AMAZING!
particlescroller :)
Its about fucking time Demos started evolving.. great mood. the effect suits the atmosphere, even if its been done before.
composition people, composition. great stuff.
composition people, composition. great stuff.
phoenix: so what? There's another track called blunderbuss?
Haha! Oh goddamn! I started looking for that song because I really, really hoped it would be a cover :D
(It's not)
(It's not)
Truely unique, emotional & beautiful!
some comments getting childish...
nice effect, music is not my cup of tea.
me likes
Great piece. Looking forward to seeing the particles again.
It's a good thing being inspired by other works, makes you work harder trying to get there. Just like many ASD demos seemingly being inspired by the 'minds eye' series (correct me if i'm wrong. love the demos)
It's a good thing being inspired by other works, makes you work harder trying to get there. Just like many ASD demos seemingly being inspired by the 'minds eye' series (correct me if i'm wrong. love the demos)
Who cares if the idea is ripped or not? Let's be honest, we all do it. Smash just got caught :D
It's still an awesome looking and sounding piece of art.
It's still an awesome looking and sounding piece of art.
Very nice
The music is amazingly elegant, its production is almost perfect and it's emotionnal. <3
I hope no particles were harm during the coding of this great work of demo art.
Thank you guys.
I hope no particles were harm during the coding of this great work of demo art.
Thank you guys.
Let's be honest, we all do it.
not the ones who don't make jack shit or keep regurgitating the same crap for years now.
"we do not make this kind of demo"
ho no! but why? it's so gay, full of heart and rainbow.
ho no! but why? it's so gay, full of heart and rainbow.
oh are we? interesting. when you get done learning how to raytrace, im sure you'll pull out some amazing fluid dynamics next!
(yes, sorry. harsh. but its this kind of person that really gets on my nerves. done nothing, seen everything, knows everything.)
phoenix: so what? There's another track called blunderbuss?
well, i'm curious, because it's by teddy thompson, and bliss's tune sounds a lot like his stuff.
one love..
Good stuff.
Simply elegant!
drama on pouet, here I am.
There are many untalented "musicians" in the demoscene, just applying the same effects, the same working chords... and people will say that at least, the tune is powerful.
Here, we have a classic "songwriter" tune (as bliss said) that is working very well, elegant, well produced, and people try to prove its not original... its like saying americana or folk isn't original.
And still, it happens.
Thank you sceners <3
There are many untalented "musicians" in the demoscene, just applying the same effects, the same working chords... and people will say that at least, the tune is powerful.
Here, we have a classic "songwriter" tune (as bliss said) that is working very well, elegant, well produced, and people try to prove its not original... its like saying americana or folk isn't original.
And still, it happens.
Thank you sceners <3
Looks good, sounds good. Let's leave it at that.
incredibly impressive.
absolutely beautiful.
incredibly impressive.
absolutely beautiful.
idearip or not, great coding! and great music
beautiful, but would be more scenes...
Bliss: don't listen to the haters. ;)
great compo, beautifully produced tune, the visuals are no tbad but the music would have deserved more.
Bliss: The tune is great in its simplicity.
Great demo to chill out too! Brilliant music and relaxing visuals!
listening to & watching this in a certain mood again, this is clearly the most beautiful experience!
and the tracks on are all worth downloading.. awesome stuff!!
I concur.
I love this, haters need to get their heads checked ... also
Wonderful! Props for the music. And the visuals. Well... everything.
It's been a long time since the last demo that made me think "beautyful"... You did it, man.
one effect? this a demo? 4k intros has more effect. Guys look for Arte, Desert Dream, edge of Disgrace etc.
Should be disqualified.
Should be disqualified.
haha, this thread just keeps on giving :D
irwin: and what the fuck have you contributed to the scene?
Dude's clearly trolling, just ignore him man :)
Smash: I have to congratulate you again for the prod AND for some of the comments that resulted here :D
@okkie - i inform you: This thread/topic is for comment and vote not for trolling and asking everyone "Why?" (you answer here 6 times!) Stop trolling - use forum
You inform me! But I disregard rules! I'm a bad bad poster! :D
Excellent music and the effect is nice to watch, yet, the choice of particles for the rendering isn't very wise..
I wish I could withdraw my thumb. I just realized that the folder contains NO LESS THAN 8 .DLL's, summing up to ~12 megs. God damnit, what's next? Last time I checked, 4k's do not require any dll's. booo.
thank you for this masterpiece.
thank you for an incredible effect and a great soundtrack.
to the haters:
i saw so many cubes in demos.
whos got credit on the first one?
you had your 15 scene minutes, now piss off.
thank you for this masterpiece.
thank you for an incredible effect and a great soundtrack.
to the haters:
i saw so many cubes in demos.
whos got credit on the first one?
you had your 15 scene minutes, now piss off.
need to say that...i wish since "memento" that more groups would have the balls to show off that they CAN transport deeper emotions, and that they CAN touch heart. And if a single effect demo is able to do this - then im more than happy and thankful for it.
I accept the particle engine.
DocD: I belive that good demos always transport emotions, no matter how. To remember a demo you need an emotional link to it. This one has created a link for me.
totally what samurai said.
I really liked the music :).
enjoyed it
Awsome stuff, but I dont look at it as a demo.
But I guess thats some of the point with it ;)
But I guess thats some of the point with it ;)
high class code-pron.
I quite liked the music tho, and of course deciding to make a prod so much inspired by other piece is a risk. Smash, I'm with you, but don't tell me you didn't expect the controversy :)
I quite liked the music tho, and of course deciding to make a prod so much inspired by other piece is a risk. Smash, I'm with you, but don't tell me you didn't expect the controversy :)
liked -> disliked :(
Neither a "masterpiece", nor a "total rip-off" (I wish we could get by without this lame finger pointing discussion every time someone's doing something that has been done before in a similar way). It's a nice, pleasant little demo. Period.
It rocks. I second that:
And I really can't understand all the complaining about "blabla...only a single effect..blabla...inspiration from...blabla...".
Sorry to say, but all this crap talk is pure bullshit.
This is a very good looking piece of realtime demo art that has a good effect and a fitting music.
If you guys have forgotten I should remind you: It was not that long ago when we all (ok, not all of us) were amazed of single effect intros that filled half an hour with a rotating glenz and a scrolltext.
So what about just enjoying the demo and stop playing "Smaland".
Too bad Fairlight don't do demos like this :(
And I really can't understand all the complaining about "blabla...only a single effect..blabla...inspiration from...blabla...".
Sorry to say, but all this crap talk is pure bullshit.
This is a very good looking piece of realtime demo art that has a good effect and a fitting music.
If you guys have forgotten I should remind you: It was not that long ago when we all (ok, not all of us) were amazed of single effect intros that filled half an hour with a rotating glenz and a scrolltext.
So what about just enjoying the demo and stop playing "Smaland".
I know why they called it this way.
Because... to haters... here's the answer:

Because... to haters... here's the answer:

Loved the music, it was moving. Awesome visuals. All up simply beautiful regardless of where the inspiration came from. I wish I could see something that great and make someone so nice.
Great stuff!
copying is good
copying is not stealing
stealing means someone has less than before
who has less than before because of this demo?
the answer is: no one
and remember: you are all copies of the humans who made you
here's a thumb for a nice prod, giving a fuck about what prior art may or may not exist
and for a final bit of criticism: the ride sorta kinda does drag on after a minute or so
copying is not stealing
stealing means someone has less than before
who has less than before because of this demo?
the answer is: no one
and remember: you are all copies of the humans who made you
here's a thumb for a nice prod, giving a fuck about what prior art may or may not exist
and for a final bit of criticism: the ride sorta kinda does drag on after a minute or so
Would have been good to see the effect or colours differ slightly on each execution. Still, made for fun and was fun to watch.
Great music and great visuals.
Bliss: If a song can evoke an emotional reaction, then you have definitely caught my attention. Though admittedly quite a few of your songs have that effect on me. Keep up the good work my good man. :D
My god, if it looks half as good on my rig as on that YT vid, I'm fucking sold!
Thumbs up, Soldier!
Thumbs up, Soldier!
Yup, fairlight should do more demos like this one (from time to time at least :)
Eagle and Horse... \o/ Great stuff!
BRILLIANT.. Oh so brilliant! Looks really amazing and I really love the song! I don't give a damn about borrowing the concept, Smash doing something that looks this bloody good in realtime is worth a thumb up.. if you don't understand that you are a retard! (yes, demos equals coderporn for me and this is some true bloody coderporn!!)
The crucial aspect is: it's done real time !
...and you only did that to impress the french chicks, didn'tya xD
...and you only did that to impress the french chicks, didn'tya xD
Rulez 100%. Wonderful! Can't find words.
liked the effect on the bigscreen.
Not bad.
sweet stuff.
i really like this style :)
nice. and cool tech.
fairlight - the new masters of drifting sand
nice music
nice music
good stuff & lovely music
Fairlight FTW!
stop whining people. This is a great piece of code and looks beautiful!
Just a big thumb up for Blunderbuss. A song I've been playing in my IPod for months and months especially in the train when going to work in early morning just like how soothing Bliss' music is. The demo itself is just beautiful.
Great Effect, really looks astonishing!
I can't believe this is in realtime. Science is happening in there.
I am not able to watch the full effect in fullscreen, it just shows the shadow. 8800gtx, qx6700, windows 7 x64 rc1, latest nVidia driver.
Good one effect demo.
Good one effect demo.
isaac: works fine for me with nearly the same setup (though final version of Windows 7, not the release candidate).
Nice work.
Out of curiosity: are you using something like "Curl Noise" for the dynamics?
Out of curiosity: are you using something like "Curl Noise" for the dynamics?
certainly looks like it :)
Essentially this fakes up a velocity field by using differentials of a perlin-style noise field to generate fluid-like eddies – “curl noise”. By layering several of these on top, combined with some simple velocities, it looked very much like fluid.
Yeah. Its slow but ok.
omg one of the best demos ever
This is beautiful! One trick pony, but very beautiful!
1 effect carried by the music and it works very well :D
Bliss could you please upload the song on nectarine?
Bliss could you please upload the song on nectarine?
This is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cool!
music sweet as candy and visuals are also
great! love it - great job henrik and matt :)
good mix of technology with a nice point renderer :)
Simple and sweet.
now theres a one trick pony with a pretty impressive trick to show off.
i like it!
Smash is The King !
This is a technical masterpiece (especially when thinking about the used graphic API).
This is a technical masterpiece (especially when thinking about the used graphic API).
Very nice work
I reckon a lot of what's done here would work in a lovely way on an upcoming architecture that I can't say very much about just yet...
most stuff works great on Larrabee :)
at least until it actually gets released...
cool but not demoish
korvkiosken, damn i love your handle :) hehehe
Any chance to see a Linux version? Wine runs really slow the demo... :(
Facing the risk of being ripped to pieces verbally, I have to say I found this just a tad boring.
I don't care if it's a complete rip off of some animation effect - if it's done using maths and presented realtime, it's officially kickass.
So, parts of it was kickass, but I found the effect to be going on for faaaar too long - and the "Felicity"-inspired (I'm guessing here...) didn't really do it for me.
Still, nice to see people do something extraordinary, but somehow I can't thumb it up.
I don't care if it's a complete rip off of some animation effect - if it's done using maths and presented realtime, it's officially kickass.
So, parts of it was kickass, but I found the effect to be going on for faaaar too long - and the "Felicity"-inspired (I'm guessing here...) didn't really do it for me.
Still, nice to see people do something extraordinary, but somehow I can't thumb it up.
what a riot over such a small prod. i enjoyed the effect. it's actually the first time i saw such a thing. i don't mind the 'theft'. it's like blaming oldschool demo crews for having a 2D joystick controlled platformer menu with a sprite. OMG THAT'S RIPPED FROM GAMES!
i like the music and style, i liked the technical aspect (the perlin noise gradient field and shading). my main critique is just that that this 1 effect is shown for eternity.
i like the music and style, i liked the technical aspect (the perlin noise gradient field and shading). my main critique is just that that this 1 effect is shown for eternity.
Seeing this I thought, now you should start getting bored, but instead loved this all the way through. Really beautiful visuals and song!
Impressive particle system - awesome blogpost! :) thx!
this is really beautiful. nice touch to bring bliss back - please make him come back for real :)
Super awesome wizzo code. Hugs to smash for some of the comments above. (Oh, and nice blog)
This was an interesting experiment, but it works.
nice work matt!
Very nice indeed.
Thumb up for this one tooo!
This prod just broke my heart. Damn you, guys.
"light+shadows, fluid dynamics"
nice, now do it agin with dark ambiance, a choptune and some flaybay . . .
Lovely. Much better in realtime than on video :)
Relaxing,calming, very very different than the usual demostyle, top3 demo os 2009..
thanks for doing something different, i hope more will follow.
thanks for doing something different, i hope more will follow.
A great effect used for a completely dumb demo
I have been dreaming about an effect like this for quite a while now. With fake perlin-fluid and stuff. And of course smash/fairlight does something better then i could imagine
What else can say except "When dreams come true"
What else can say except "When dreams come true"
oh, forgot the thumb in the last post
there is as much emotion as skills in this one
Nice! Liked the visuals but didn't like the song. Song and visuals work good together.
works well at medium quality on my oldie 8600gt
This beautiful little prod was one of the things that brought me out of a long (years) lurking period to show my face on the scene and say: this rocks. Not just the effect but the way it's executed and the music - just the complete package.
Beautiful atmosphere. Good to see a nice one-effect demo for a change. We see it all the time in 4k intros, but here it is deliberate, not just because of a limitation. And it works.
effect is awesome, lyrical music feels more personal than most demos.
thumbs for effect + idea + execution, song is very well executed too but entirely not my style
thumbs for effect + idea + execution, song is very well executed too but entirely not my style
Good Job on that just the name is wrong..
cant even see a single original Fairlight Member from the 80s...change the name please regards from AD and Autopussy and Luke and Chuck from 1989.
To bad Strider is now a lame USA Chairman.
cant even see a single original Fairlight Member from the 80s...change the name please regards from AD and Autopussy and Luke and Chuck from 1989.
To bad Strider is now a lame USA Chairman.

And here I thought at least FLT was unaffected by the oldschool kindergarden... ;)
lovely colours.
Polished, beautiful, technically impressive, and modest in the way it's presented. Nice!
One effect demo but very stylish and well executed. Lovely music score indeed.
EASY. of course.
that was pretty awesome...
that was pretty awesome...
oh, hell yes
Incredbly beatiful.
Enjoyed it a lot, simple and elegant. I can understand being turned off by the music, but I dug it. I can't even imagine how that was coded. More to learn!
beautiful idea and music
So calm and relaxing. Slightly sad. Very beautiful.
Simply beautiful.
Oh, I wanted to say that I have the feeling that it is the CPU who is singing this song.
Beautiful. And thank you for No Sound option.
It's a little bit boring and eventless demo but I enjoyed it :)
The effect is really nice, with good color schemes and the music add a very nice atmosphere.
The effect is really nice, with good color schemes and the music add a very nice atmosphere.
Really amazing particles - together with a nice Hunz track.
Made a 1080p Youtube Rip
blunderbuss by Fairlight (FullHD 1080p)
Made a 1080p Youtube Rip
blunderbuss by Fairlight (FullHD 1080p)
pouet, never change
great demo
great demo
Really amazing particles - together with a nice Hunz track.
Soundtrack is by Bliss not Hunz.
ur right, of course its by Bliss - mixed it up with ceasefire. Sorry.
Surprisingly, it worked. Simple, sincere, poetic. Nothing unnecessary; straight to the point. Nice!
Look what I found today
Regardless of the inspiration, realtime ftw and beautiful atmosphere
The start of Smash's particle madness. :-) Works well.
Nice demo, runs remarkably fluid in wine (don't recall it working so well on windows) although the particles are all black and it's very blurry.
quality made
Always had a lot of thumbs, always had a lot of thumbs, always had a lot of thumbs for you.
nice particle stuff
strange that I did not thumbs up yet. thanks metapouet! lööks gööd!
Stylish and sophisticated.
Lol, I didn't see this prod before, "nice" discussion from 2009, arrogance and pouet drama at its best! ;)
Anyway - the color scheme and artistic concept is obviously heavily inspired from the aforementioned source, although the demo itself is still pretty nice/technically impressive (even today) and music original, so overall, deserves thumb up!
Anyway - the color scheme and artistic concept is obviously heavily inspired from the aforementioned source, although the demo itself is still pretty nice/technically impressive (even today) and music original, so overall, deserves thumb up!
Just beautiful.
Really like the delicate and romantic works this coder makes.
what fogbank said
one-trick but really ambitious and the tune is pro
Still listening to this track every once a while. Would upvote again.
Would be nice if it was interactive.
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