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popularity : 71% |
alltime top: #521 |
added on the 2019-07-09 00:26:06 by spkr ![]() |
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Totally unreal! What are you doing to my ST? You're turning it into a Falcon! F*cking awesome in EVERY aspect!
OMG... :) ST rulez with that one :) Thanks!
Really impressive for a ST. congratulations! I love it.
Lots of classic effects, running at high speed and with a nice colorful presentation and excellent flow, great work guys - a highly enjoyable demo!
Forgot the obvious thumbs up!
should have won considering the platform, oh yes!
Love it!
Amazing <3
Excellent in every aspect! <3
Now that is an ST winner!
Art is gorgeous, gfx bring cool effects to awesome, music is damn groovy, 505 chewing it so that it gives a real pulse to the demo.
Not to mention the code, floocking polished, fast and efficient for each effect.
That's a lot of work, congrats!!
Love the atmosphere too
Art is gorgeous, gfx bring cool effects to awesome, music is damn groovy, 505 chewing it so that it gives a real pulse to the demo.
Not to mention the code, floocking polished, fast and efficient for each effect.
That's a lot of work, congrats!!
Love the atmosphere too
Georgeous art/design and music, classic effects but big and smooth. And the attitude. Big thumb up.
Very good prod
Very good prod
Great music, nice design/transitions and good effects. Great work indeed.
A really nice one, good job guys!
Impressive in all aspects. Sophisticated code, good pixels and almost constant flow. Tune is masterpiece there. Only minor worry for me (as constructive feedback) was a bit deja vu as few parts were quite reused and presented similarly as in your previous prods. On the other hand some new parts were huge blast: double wormhole is my favorite as well as env/texture mapper (seems to be very fast and accurate for ST). They say hard work beats talent... but hard work meets talent there! Congrats:) One of the best ST demos ever for me!
That's just massively great, slickness all over on every aspect, result of an intense collaboration.
Thanks for this great show!
The mapped multi-pyramids object is just wow.
Thanks for this great show!
The mapped multi-pyramids object is just wow.
Attention to detail is obvious everywhere. Very clever transitions. Perhaps the best ST demo of the last few years. We see the real talent of 505 and m0dmate here compared to the old Checkpoint productions, since we have total integration of their work into the demo and Spkr’s cool effects. I heard all kinds of stories about the production of this demo, the results are clearly worth it.
Fantastic demo! Very colourful, great flow and music, and well done effects. The tape winding was a nice surprise!
great demo!
Wow! Just wow...
what a great demo. top notch compo this year
well done! looks really nice.
Wonderful demo.
Amazing demo, the transitions, the artwork, the tune, the effects, all just wonderful
Rocks the house!
Super awesome demo, one of the best!
Yeaah smfx is in da place ! ;)
excellence in art! just so smooth and fresh, really really impressive
awesome demo
Awesome work! Loved the transitions, effects and graphics!
absolutely rocks. well done guys !
top quality demo by sfmx!
Demo oozes style and beauty. Colours are out of this world! <3 Routines and music rock as well. IMHO the best ST demo recently.
love it. Esp. the lense sphere, and the colors choosen for the "gouraud" and "texture mapping".
Wow what a great demo! Everything is top quality, the gfx oozes style and the music is perfectly crafted for the great effects.
I particularly loved the cassette tape screen, genius!
I particularly loved the cassette tape screen, genius!
Pro prod !
the tape!
Awesome demo. C64 transitions, shitload of crazy cool effects and art.
love it!
Brilliant demo with so much details between all the screens, huge combination of code/gfx/music !
Cool flow, gfx, sound! rewind part!
What could I add ? The dream team strikes back : music, code and gfx are neat and perfect. I love the attention to details. Hail the new king in town !
Thats one awesome masterpiece of an ST-demo!
Quite cool, both in presentation and effects.
Now I need to steal few MBs from my 386, open my Atari STE, remove the annoying metal cover and upgrade memory, I see more Atari demos recently that need more than the default 1MB.
Now I need to steal few MBs from my 386, open my Atari STE, remove the annoying metal cover and upgrade memory, I see more Atari demos recently that need more than the default 1MB.
fuck atari (Im from Amiga), but the tape effect made me smile :D
Very motivating. Like gwEm said - one can’t stress enough the great work modmate and 505 added here to make spkrs effects shine and to support a coherent flow. Ace!
(Ofc bonus points for going the 1985 hard route and not giving in to the STe-customchiparoo)
(Ofc bonus points for going the 1985 hard route and not giving in to the STe-customchiparoo)
Fresh breath of Atari demoscene! Thanks a lot! It's awesome!
What a beauty!
What Buckethead said. It made me think of the smooth flow of the best C64 demos as well.
Killing FX, awesome GFX & colors and stylish Musix in a continuous flow with nice transitions, good job my friends !
One of the top ST demo ever (and STe), I didn't notice any difference between the ST version and the youtube capture (except some compression blur).
You are pushing again the level of your Pulse demo.
One critic, you only used the 2 third of the floppy space, we could have expected more then ! ;-)
One of the top ST demo ever (and STe), I didn't notice any difference between the ST version and the youtube capture (except some compression blur).
You are pushing again the level of your Pulse demo.
One critic, you only used the 2 third of the floppy space, we could have expected more then ! ;-)
Love it. Pretty much perfect design, code, lush Gfx, buzzing track. Well done boys. Bar well and truly raised.
True demo art!
What a demo ! I love every aspects : the music, graphs, colors, effects, design, ... Congrats guys.
It's time to return to code after this ;)
It's time to return to code after this ;)
A lovely creation once again. Thanks to all involved, spkr, 505, m0dmate and Excellence in Art :)
It is great to feel the love and I'm sure we are all feeling that love here :) Hope to see you all at Sillyventure 2k19 in Gdansk in December :)
Until then, take care all .....
It is great to feel the love and I'm sure we are all feeling that love here :) Hope to see you all at Sillyventure 2k19 in Gdansk in December :)
Until then, take care all .....
Waaaao ! I love it !!!
505 : what a good music !!! Thanks !
505 : what a good music !!! Thanks !
Totally great! Tough compo there, guess this could have won with much more 2D art and more content. And of course for the platform.
Awesome demo! the number of fx and transition quality is awesome. a lot of work has been put on this demo. I really loved the tape rewind animation!
Excellent! One of the best polished demos that I've seen in a long time. Lots of ideas and a great message. A must see.
so funky!
So Coooool !
very cool
Love it!
I've no idea why so many sceners scream "Amiga" when Atari ST has this much to offer. Particularly graphics are absolutely exceptional here, but the flow and sync are just as good. The idea to make a tunnel out of the multilayered checkboard zoomer is probably what surprised me most.
just thumb up
What @Soundy said :)
This has literally everything!
Code pr0n, eye candy, eargasm, slick and modern design down to the typeset and the right attitude.
Fucking stellar production!
Code pr0n, eye candy, eargasm, slick and modern design down to the typeset and the right attitude.
Fucking stellar production!
Winner in my heart ❤️
I enjoyed it a lot, a great assemblage of effects, graphics, direction and chiptune
I enjoyed it a lot, a great assemblage of effects, graphics, direction and chiptune
VERY very nice one! Nice tune, good effects, colors and syncing!
What a fantastic, enjoyable, fresh, amazing, groovy, fun masterpiece. Great stuff, really enjoyed it :) Thanks!
Fantastic demo! I was blown away when I saw this for the first time... was so sure this HAS to be Falcon. Buy boy, was I wrong or wrong? You bet your CPU I was :D
Ran so smooth on an Atari STE :D
Ace music! Epic GFX and not to mention all the transmissions! Well done? Hell no! Outstanding!!
Ran so smooth on an Atari STE :D
Ace music! Epic GFX and not to mention all the transmissions! Well done? Hell no! Outstanding!!
Just... Waouh !! Nice ideas ! Smooth & polished design...
I totally agree with Tomchi comment !
Awesome work guys oO
It's really motivating, fresh breathe in ST demoscene prods =)
I totally agree with Tomchi comment !
Awesome work guys oO
It's really motivating, fresh breathe in ST demoscene prods =)
Very nice and very well polished demo. Love that
Decent. :) Was that Portal's componanion cube? ;)
Pulse, Execution and now Motus. It feels like the perfect demo-trilogy. There must be a tremendous amount of work put down on this to reach the level of finish. Be it the handmade pixels, tracked music or assembly code, I appreciate the hard work a lot. Thanks guys for the treat!
The new standard, by which all new ST prods shall be measured against. Thank you so much for this. Close to perfection now, can't wait to see your next move!
Design wise, top job. As for the coding side quite average. But like always, design wins vs code.
Freakin’ awesome!
Awesome ST demo, top class!
lots and lots of eye-candy!
this is lovely
yep very nice demo indeed
delicious :)
so good!!
With no plans on "moving on" to the Amiga. :)
I though that "French Realtime" means no precalc, only full framerate or nothing.
This is "Swedish Realtime" :D
This is "Swedish Realtime" :D
it was already going to be an obvious thumb up.. and _then_ that cassette tape scene came along 3>
Very nice ideas and so smooth transitions between the effects synced with the music. Simply awesome!
Owesome, just awesome!
Great Demo! Good music, nice effects and a good flow overall.
Awesome! Found the palette choices a bit odd when i first saw it but rewatching it x nr of times they do look good :) otherwise; what all the others already said.
<3 with even one big plus for sharing source!
Good STuff.
Reminds me Nostalgia (oldshool to newschool, big pixels...) from Dune... I was thinking this one was the benchmark, ok we've got a new one! Congrats 505 my friend, awesome tune which fits so well. Great transitions, great gfx (I love the moving eyes/lens screen).
Thanks for your hard work!
Thanks for your hard work!
Wow, this one has flow, transitions, awesome pixels, great music and stunning effects. Big thumb!
dat moment when you upvote an atari st demo... excellent work!
Cool demo, highly entertaining - big thumb up :)
Wow! The Graphics, the sounds, the sync of both - awesome
Yep, good design on this one and nice flow.
What not to love in that one: Great flow, great color scheme, thoughtful transitions, everything works well together and feels fresh :)
I like the irony though: It's a ST demo, not STe - which is quite a feast -, but since there are pretty much no normal STs with more than 1 meg (that required an humongous amount of soldering) , it will be watched on STe anyway :D
I like the irony though: It's a ST demo, not STe - which is quite a feast -, but since there are pretty much no normal STs with more than 1 meg (that required an humongous amount of soldering) , it will be watched on STe anyway :D
Man! Love each part of it! :)
One of the best oldskool demos of 2019! Absolutely in love with the slick design, graphics and music. Awesome code and design by spkr!
Totally missed this one, excellent!
Awesome, just saw it for the first time, missed it when it was released it seems
Fascinating, amazing work, a remarkable piece of art :)
Back for the thumb up!
This should count for 2 :)
This should count for 2 :)
Excellent work !
Great stuff.
P.S. Does anyone still have source code? Current link goes to nothing (aka 404)
P.S. Does anyone still have source code? Current link goes to nothing (aka 404)
Such a pleasure to watch, you pushed design and code to a very high level !
awesome design and great execution. thanks for another slick atari release.
kewl prod!
great work !
Totally missed this one. Great work, wonderful transitions, and color choices backed by a 505 tune that makes you feel great.
This prod kicks ass in every aspects. It’s a masterpiece, really. It’s so well designed (love the graphic’s style) with a lovely music in perfect sync with all the effects and fast rendering routines. The result is very homogenous and cohesive. More important, it transmits emotion to the crowd. Love all those texts spread here and there. They link the whole thing together.
As a side note, I’ve discovered this demo in 2020 and was blown away. Was it before we started to work on our comeback demo or after, I can't remember. What I remember though, is not sharing with my teammates in crime or else I'm not sure we would have gone to the end of our prod. If I speak about Jess, when he discovered it (2021), he had already made a lot of work ;-).
We then, organized a session with our respective families to showcase this prod, then ours to benchmark what we did.
To SPKR, 505, m0dmate : awesome prod by top of top sceners.
As a side note, I’ve discovered this demo in 2020 and was blown away. Was it before we started to work on our comeback demo or after, I can't remember. What I remember though, is not sharing with my teammates in crime or else I'm not sure we would have gone to the end of our prod. If I speak about Jess, when he discovered it (2021), he had already made a lot of work ;-).
We then, organized a session with our respective families to showcase this prod, then ours to benchmark what we did.
To SPKR, 505, m0dmate : awesome prod by top of top sceners.
I discovered MOTUS in May 2021, that tells how much disconnected I was from the scene.
At that time, about 90% of the musical material of FirST Love was done.
My first reaction while watching MOTUS was that I was both blown away and instantaneously devastated. Because I didn't know that such level of sound/animation synchronization existed yet in a ST demo and I naively thought FirST Love'd be the first to provide such integration. I was so wrong, LOL.
I really love MOTUS for that. Great great work. It kicked my ears and my **s. From one chiptuner to another: 505, fantastic composition, big thumbs up!!
At that time, about 90% of the musical material of FirST Love was done.
My first reaction while watching MOTUS was that I was both blown away and instantaneously devastated. Because I didn't know that such level of sound/animation synchronization existed yet in a ST demo and I naively thought FirST Love'd be the first to provide such integration. I was so wrong, LOL.
I really love MOTUS for that. Great great work. It kicked my ears and my **s. From one chiptuner to another: 505, fantastic composition, big thumbs up!!
Best ST demo ever released, have my heart!
massive, just seen on real hw.
Well this is a good production for ST. Is it the best I've seen? Maybe it is :) Good pacing and effects. I'm still not fond of ST audio but it does its job.
nice & neat
smfx rulezzzzz :D
smfx rulezzzzz :D
super good demo, great code, nice graphics, I love the pacing, helped by the super good musics!
Atari coders can still code great demos !
And hi Jess, I'm also a big fan of your music :)
And hi Jess, I'm also a big fan of your music :)
very cool
Cool effects, catchy music, and nice graphics all glued together and
presented with excellent pace, sync, and transitions. This production
definitely belongs to the category "my favorite demos". I like it a lot!
presented with excellent pace, sync, and transitions. This production
definitely belongs to the category "my favorite demos". I like it a lot!
excellent demo - great in every aSpecT!
Really cool demo, nice ideas Atari Rulez /I\
i love atari demos
Never thumbed this up. This is one of my most watched demos on my ST.
This one flew under my radar. This is one amazing demo. Great work everyone involved!
The colors, the transitions, the soundtrack, the pace, all the small details and ideas, the spirit. What a great demo! <3
The colors, the transitions, the soundtrack, the pace, all the small details and ideas, the spirit. What a great demo! <3
oh yeah! this one rocks!
Really, really will miss Modmate and his perfect smile. Always so friendly every time i saw him. I will miss talking to him... this really hurts... Rest in peace buddy, I love you alot and i will never forget you!
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