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a deepness in the sky by mfx [web]
screenshot added by robotriot on 2002-12-15 17:57:30
platform :
type :
release date : december 2002
release party : state of the art 2002
compo : pc demo
ranked : 2nd
related :
  • 200
  • 29
  • 24
popularity : 78%
  • 0.70
  • 2
alltime top: #170
added on the 2002-12-15 17:57:30 by robotriot robotriot

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well, the music here wasn't exactly fresh or interesting, but the effects sure were.
rulez added on the 2002-12-15 17:58:22 by robotriot robotriot
whoa. 1fps over here, but looks great. :)
added on the 2002-12-15 18:12:30 by tomaes tomaes
Great stuff. Effects and music are wonderful.
rulez added on the 2002-12-15 18:13:27 by dairos dairos
rulez added on the 2002-12-15 18:18:11 by Zafio Zafio
It reminds me of Medium from Einklang.
mfx definitely lack of inspiration this time. That's the reason why they only came 2nd.
Well the demo is well executed but i can't feel any vibes.
added on the 2002-12-15 18:26:16 by daddyvx daddyvx
Very good! Visuals are fantastic, music is so-soish but on the big screen the show must have been incredible.
rulez added on the 2002-12-15 18:34:04 by Jare Jare
Really nice and shiny. A bit long.
rulez added on the 2002-12-15 18:36:19 by Shifter Shifter
It started out nice.. Interesting rendering technique... I was thinking "Variform meets 32 Degrees In The Shade".
But after a while it became obvious that this was the ONLY thing in the demo, and it started getting boring quickly. The music was horribly bland and repetitive aswell. Probably won't watch it again.
added on the 2002-12-15 18:45:40 by Scali Scali
Another "winamp-plugin" kinda demo that gets boring after the first 30 seconds.
sucks added on the 2002-12-15 18:49:19 by Wain Wain
Medium by Einklang meets Autechre GantzGraf DVD.
fast-paced and shiny all over, but somehow it doesn't entirely work right (I'm not talking technical issues here, it's the groove that's missing).. furthermore, ir really smells of winamp-plugins a bit..
to sum it up - a pig is in order for you today, mr. unkle-x 8))
added on the 2002-12-15 19:10:50 by bhead bhead
fx are great, but it's very boring...
added on the 2002-12-15 19:12:30 by spengler spengler
nice, too long perhaps yes
rulez added on the 2002-12-15 19:18:55 by ileaardbei ileaardbei
very very very kewl !

lovely rendering meeting very powerfull techno..

congrats dudes for bringing different demos to french democompos !
rulez added on the 2002-12-15 19:24:16 by florent florent
To similiar to Einklang.
added on the 2002-12-15 19:25:30 by Slumgud Slumgud
i can't help it.
it's so beautiful.
rulez added on the 2002-12-15 19:25:36 by raymon raymon
yeah it's a bit too long but wow it's fresh,nervous and have good rendering and synchs. EXCELLENT
rulez added on the 2002-12-15 19:25:46 by u2 u2
good vj-fodder.
but likening this to gantz graf.. good grief man are you blind
rulez added on the 2002-12-15 19:46:21 by distance distance
how can a demo be too long ?

admit you don't like it and you were about to press escape .. then it's your taste and not the demo which is too long.

making a long demo is imho quite hard.

respect to mfx and kewlers who made their recent demos last over the 6 minutes bar (variform, a fire upon the deep & this one).
added on the 2002-12-15 19:47:15 by florent florent
so fukkn good, though, music aint that good, but it does what it need to, eh =)
rulez added on the 2002-12-15 19:50:25 by JUVENiLESHiTHEAD JUVENiLESHiTHEAD
rulez added on the 2002-12-15 19:51:53 by pandur pandur
yes yes yo
rulez added on the 2002-12-15 19:55:01 by coat coat
A damn good track, and a damn good winamp-vis >:))
rulez added on the 2002-12-15 20:16:47 by Gargaj Gargaj
Ahhm,. my eyes! But sort of I liked to be hypnotized again by another weird demo. Liked the abstract messy chaotic howtosay flashy objects..
rulez added on the 2002-12-15 20:31:43 by Optimus Optimus
boooring and the music is awful.
sucks added on the 2002-12-15 20:37:24 by pwyll pwyll
this is just great!
rulez added on the 2002-12-15 20:38:59 by warp warp
my mind is glowing
rulez added on the 2002-12-15 20:40:32 by brioche brioche
this demo simply ownz!
realy nice art work. i love you :)
rulez added on the 2002-12-15 20:42:46 by kenet kenet
That music almost drove me insane. Ugh. The visuals were kinda interesting, but too much of the same. Would've made a nice 30 second demo.
sucks added on the 2002-12-15 20:50:36 by sea_monkey sea_monkey
Wow. Nice one . I like it.
rulez added on the 2002-12-15 20:53:39 by Nrg Nrg
Poah. ~_~ Nice Effects and stuff. Too bad the music is not my cup of tea, so it get's boring after 2-3 Minutes.
rulez added on the 2002-12-15 21:05:03 by elend elend
rulezcdc added on the 2002-12-15 21:27:46 by psenough psenough
the music is okay for my taste. The Rest is pretty good!!
rulez added on the 2002-12-15 21:34:13 by Kami68k Kami68k
wow! but whats that strange sound in the middle? i took off my phoneheads to listen cause it soundz so real. good stuff!
rulez added on the 2002-12-15 21:59:38 by faor faor
see it twice on the sota huge screen, saw it twice on my own screen............and i just can't get enuff!!!!
very nice one, I love your render :)
rulez added on the 2002-12-15 22:21:10 by blaine blaine
rocked. quiet medium alike.
rulez added on the 2002-12-15 22:27:56 by protectin'myhive protectin'myhive
bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang

request your local big screen owner for the real spectacle!

(wasn't satisfied altogether by the tune, not progressive enough and certainly lacking many different climaxes, but the rendering style and the uniqueness of the demo makes it a thumb up)
rulez added on the 2002-12-15 23:26:27 by _-_-__ _-_-__
rulez added on the 2002-12-15 23:48:32 by cp_ cp_
i liked it a lot, especialy on the big screen. Energized.
rulez added on the 2002-12-15 23:51:49 by willbe willbe
rulez added on the 2002-12-16 01:10:14 by alkama alkama
goddamn! fresh!!
rulez added on the 2002-12-16 01:28:02 by gloom gloom
Stunning visuals and music that fits well. I was surely blown away!
rulez added on the 2002-12-16 01:32:07 by obi1 obi1
very atmospheric abstract effects.. music is done well for its style even if it's not my thang.. good syncing.. lack of anything resembling a framerate actually enhances the effect a bit..
rulez added on the 2002-12-16 01:35:08 by dyscotopia dyscotopia
great !
rulez added on the 2002-12-16 01:58:07 by nakudoh nakudoh
Well, not really enjoyable on my machine. They have done better stuff and it runs to long. The sound is pure techno - ok.
added on the 2002-12-16 02:14:14 by Crest Crest
I won't rate it as a demo, it's just an effect that should be about 30 seconds of a real demo, however that effect is fantastic... really great.
still not a demo though.
added on the 2002-12-16 03:01:06 by Nuclear Nuclear
u guyz kick major ass with this demo!
rulez added on the 2002-12-16 08:07:36 by Panda Panda
To experience what this demo is really about you need:

1) A fast computer (gf3/4 preferred)
2) A big screen
3) Massive soundsystem

For those who don't have any of the three elements above available wait for a final & high quality release as divx which Droid promised to release so also the people without sufficient hardware can watch it properly.
rulez added on the 2002-12-16 10:02:40 by melw melw
wtf should a divx fix about a nonexisting bigscreen and sound system? :)
i'm gonna watch it on a regular 19" now. with headphones.
added on the 2002-12-16 10:23:19 by shiva shiva
shiva, it helps with the point 1) - as i don't think majority of the people have gf3/4 but just about anyone should be able to play video files.

nevertheless you should still get the big screen and sound system :)
added on the 2002-12-16 10:30:50 by melw melw
sound system certainly helps
rulez added on the 2002-12-16 10:34:08 by cats cats
so.. watched it. in the middle of watching i got a phone call .. then came back and there was still the same object. :) anyway, nice music and a cool object.
rulez added on the 2002-12-16 10:35:06 by shiva shiva
well the rendered stuff is really nice actually, but imho it just takes too long and eventually gets boring as a demo. perfect vj material tho.
added on the 2002-12-16 11:13:06 by superplek superplek
:((( boohoo, this would have been SO much better if it would just have a bit more progression in the music and the accompanying visuals.

(it's a fucking great demo though, thumbs up!)
rulez added on the 2002-12-16 11:25:19 by sang-soo sang-soo
i like mfx prod, i like a lot little bitchard musics.. i like the style, i liked it at the partyplace.. but.. was a bit boring..

now.. is really boring.. sorry :( it needs more progresion.. or more parts)..
sucks added on the 2002-12-16 11:29:18 by mrdoob mrdoob
rock hard.
rulez added on the 2002-12-16 13:06:03 by skrebbel skrebbel
I like how the "spaceship" changes its form over and over. Too bad the faster-than-MTV cutting makes it hard to appreciate :(
added on the 2002-12-16 13:16:28 by cats cats


Its a one effect demo, but not boring at all: i could not blink my eyes when watching it !

It's a gem of hardware demos: when i see this super-complex object/effect, i think secretly: maybee one day, i will code an hardware demo too :o)

A big thumb up for the coder. Even today, a pure coder's demo can compete against the very graphist-dependent demo trend.
rulez added on the 2002-12-16 13:27:10 by Colas Colas


Its a one effect demo, but not boring at all: i could not blink my eyes when watching it !

It's a gem of hardware demos: when i see this super-complex object/effect, i think secretly: maybee one day, i will code an hardware demo too :o)

A big thumb up for the coder. Even today, a pure coder's demo can compete against the very graphist-dependent demo trend.
added on the 2002-12-16 13:35:05 by Colas Colas
It looks a littke bit like einklang.net-prods,
the effects and syncs are very good, giving
it with the music a cool kind of flow.
rulez added on the 2002-12-16 13:47:32 by reaktor2k reaktor2k
Very impressive trippy demo. excellent ryhtm.
remind me of einklang.net's medium which is one of my prefered ones.
Mfx unlike some other quality CP winning groups try to innovate in each demo they realize. I have to congratulate them for their efforts.
rulez added on the 2002-12-16 13:53:54 by neurox neurox
visuals : FANTASTIC
design : booooooring because of the music
format : as an intro it would be very good, as a demo it's not.
30 seconds of this noize are enough, only renderign keep my eyes on the screen (not very true, during the show we was a lot to go to the toilets).
Doesn't really like my GFX card (as in it doesn't run and I suspect that's the reason), but the music I got to hear before the crash sounded quite different from what I expected. Have to try it on some other computer when I get the chance.
added on the 2002-12-16 15:14:54 by DiamonDie DiamonDie
music is not really good, demo is not neither.
in fact, this demo would be good in an effect category. a 6 minutes effect is not a demo... its borring
btw nice effect
added on the 2002-12-16 15:17:15 by voxel voxel
I didn't say it takes some huge references from Gantz Graf or anything.. but watch it a few times and you'll notice a few slight resemblances..
added on the 2002-12-16 15:18:50 by bhead bhead
The M-effect you don't expect!

(ehm, actually it's only ONE very complicated effect, that's the bad point)

But still... up!
rulez added on the 2002-12-16 15:19:05 by pan pan
What a trip! Stop thinking about a demo as something that need to be made of parts.

Just forget about the computer, lets your mind flow on this one!

If it's really last "too long" from you, press escape!
rulez added on the 2002-12-16 18:11:22 by aXs aXs
Lobotomy is good for you. \o/
rulez added on the 2002-12-16 18:27:59 by Splif Splif
nice sync and music.
rulez added on the 2002-12-16 18:45:15 by got got
Grrreat demo!
effects are impressive, dezign is kool!
but music is boring... and also the demo, too long.
However, it's cool and deserves my thumb up. And my vote.
rulez added on the 2002-12-16 19:48:55 by byos byos
effectS? :-)
added on the 2002-12-16 20:03:04 by superplek superplek
Well, I don't know how this demo will be the second (o third etc.) time I watch, but the first impression was just INCREDIBLE!
The rendering of that single effect is awesome, and the synching is great.
I normally like more 'traditional' demos, but this one totally rocked.
Will be interesting to see what I think of it after watching it a couple of times..
rulez added on the 2002-12-16 21:58:19 by Sdw Sdw
it crashes on my AMD2K+ATI radeon8500, will there be some kind of final version working on all PCs ? Anyway I like the music :D
added on the 2002-12-17 00:01:40 by EviL EviL
rulez added on the 2002-12-17 00:02:12 by svok svok
too fucking short!
rulez added on the 2002-12-17 00:46:28 by PigPen PigPen
boy, this takes the meaning of the word "hectic" to a new dimension. effect looks cool, music fits rather well (although i don't like that goa style). could have been shorter and/or use more variation though.
rulez added on the 2002-12-17 01:16:54 by jazzman jazzman
trendy shit with commercial potential. :-)
added on the 2002-12-17 01:27:58 by nosfe nosfe
This is good techno. Really good. You only have to like that sort of music to understand how good it is.

The effect is 'medium' meets 'variform' in my eyes and it's awesome. Although I also felt the demo lasts rather long.
rulez added on the 2002-12-17 02:25:09 by moT moT
As club VJ footage, rules. As a demo, sucks. (you've seen/heard it all after 10 seconds) So, a piggy. It's a killer MP3 plugin. :)
added on the 2002-12-17 02:29:15 by phoenix phoenix
just to make sure i had followed the "mp rules", i used the following to watch this demo:

- Athlon XP 1700+
- GF4 Ti4600
- 1600 ANSI Lumen Projector opening a 4x4mt screen
- 8 JBL Control 28 speakers connected to two 600watts Ecler amplifiers (on a 50 sqmt room)

After that, I ran it on my monitor with small Logitech speakers, and guess what, the impression is the same: nice effect, but boring after 1 minute. Gets a pigface for the nice "crystal blurring" effect

(tip: if you got a logitech keyboard with thsoe multimedia keys and its drivers installed, try to change the volume while on the demo, you'll get the blurring effect on the volume bar too, hehe :D)
added on the 2002-12-17 09:31:30 by Jcl Jcl
"(although i don't like that goa style)"

goa style? go buy a pair of ears dude ;)
added on the 2002-12-17 09:46:20 by superplek superplek
you seem to pay a lot of attention to my wording, superplek ;) well, it's certainly techno, and goa's a variation of techno, so i can't be too far off. not trying to imply i'm an expert (i'm not). what style do you think it is then?
added on the 2002-12-17 12:49:24 by jazzman jazzman
techno techno techno techno. kick ass kick ass kick ass.
rulez added on the 2002-12-17 13:05:42 by soulis soulis
rox !
btw. goa is a variation of trance, not techno... and this one is hard-techno according to a dj who is mixing/playing that style !
rulez added on the 2002-12-17 13:08:53 by Stv Stv
It's a good demo, but it doesn't rulez, the demo is loud and boring after 2 minutes, even if it's beautiful to see.
added on the 2002-12-17 14:43:29 by cyb0rg cyb0rg

yeah ofcourse its techno demo and damn good one!

great abstract visuals and they change a lot too.. demo IS envolving all the way - really great and so rare! no way it is too long i even didnt notice it was 6 mins as people say here..

cant recognise anything like goa there if only number of bpm, though i must admit i didnt like tune as much.. was really too basic, didnt have any weak points etc but somehow i didnt get this techno feeling of repeating melodies and slight disharmony inbetween making really abstract sound you have got many entry and destination points making up an abstract and hypnotic trip .. i really dig techno being a huge fan for over 10 years but this one is not my pick

muzik doesnt ruin an overall great experience tho, not at all, it just stays background

rulez added on the 2002-12-17 17:07:09 by raver raver
And while watching I was thinking "this reminds me of Einklang, but I like this..." (I didn't like Einklang at all.) The rendering is very cool.
So darn sweet!
rulez added on the 2002-12-18 17:04:02 by ekoli ekoli
I love the way the last 2 mfx demos evolve. This is an instant favorite of mine. And i want too see some of Little Bitchards tunes out on 12" soon.

Big up Mfx, you and Kewlers are IMO the most innovative crews on the scene atm.
rulez added on the 2002-12-18 18:20:48 by NoahR NoahR
cold, explosive, subliminal, technoïd, synchronized, deep, hypnotic, undeground, clean, cool, nice, great job, yeaaah men !
rulez added on the 2002-12-18 23:26:41 by sokoban sokoban
nothing but fuzz and a lousy soundtrack
sucks added on the 2002-12-19 04:35:42 by oldaccount oldaccount
Music sucks though. 10-15fps on 1800 and gf4 quadro >:/ - looking forward to seeing this demo on a 4+GHz and a biiiig gfx-card.

rulez added on the 2002-12-19 11:39:18 by hornet hornet
It ran about 5fps on my computer (gf2, duron900), but it looks great. And music is great too :)
rulez added on the 2002-12-19 11:51:44 by teel teel
Not my kind of track ( jumpy-jumpy ), but some def. great looking scenes !
rulez added on the 2002-12-19 14:18:00 by kohai kohai
High quality dix version - Note! it's ~250Mb big, this kind of stuff doesn't pack very well with traditional video formats so we had to use very high bitrate to encode it. Sorry, modem/isdn users. :) Anyways now at least people without high end graphics cards can enjoy watching the demo...
added on the 2002-12-19 17:02:41 by melw melw
matti: but wasn't the idea NOT to make a version for people with crap gfx-cards but to make a version to show what it was supposed to look like?
added on the 2002-12-19 17:08:04 by raymon raymon
Wow! The screenshots are really nice, worth waiting for the 1.5 MB downloading time. I like them more than the demo itself. Maybe it's because the screenshot page doesn't have the epileptic-seizure-causing flashing and the boring music. Thumb up for the visuals, thumb down for the music. So pig face for the total audio visual experience.
added on the 2002-12-19 20:29:54 by no1 no1
sounds cool, looks cool, what more do you want?
/me likes very much mfx music demos :)
(if this term exists...)
rulez added on the 2002-12-19 20:48:44 by deemage deemage
rules. feels like a remix of "medium" by einklang.net :D
rulez added on the 2002-12-19 22:27:40 by sobec sobec
another demo that ceased to work after installation of those bloody xp detonators (tried 41.09 and 30.82, both failed). I guess it's divx version for me..
added on the 2002-12-19 22:45:18 by bhead bhead
i really like the new vj-shit mfx release lately, gives me a reason to believe in the progression of the so-called 'demoscene'

a bit monotonous on the visuals, however it's still a great watch, and listen :)
rulez added on the 2002-12-19 23:11:43 by jelly jelly
rules. feels like a remix of medium by einklang.net
added on the 2002-12-19 23:19:28 by sobec sobec
bhead: it works fine on me with both these drivers. If you have an older nvidia card (geforce or TNT2) you should try older drivers. The new ones only fix stuff for Geforce3/4 and probably break things for the older chipsets...
added on the 2002-12-19 23:38:34 by moT moT

the screenshots clearly show how different this demo actually is. i tell u what man this is a classic! i'm gettin wet to watch it again

added on the 2002-12-20 00:05:26 by raver raver
moT: I got a gf3ti200.. there's something terribly wrong with my setup I guess.. 8(
added on the 2002-12-20 08:05:55 by bhead bhead
rulez added on the 2002-12-20 09:15:37 by java java
mfx = bij(1FX,1DEMO)

but they don't need anything else.
rulez added on the 2002-12-20 22:26:32 by madmanCDX madmanCDX
those screenshots made it even more interesting I think!
added on the 2002-12-20 23:14:55 by ekoli ekoli
Good hard tehno track and solid visual effect

better than an x-mix dvd
rulez added on the 2002-12-21 09:53:58 by iTeC iTeC
evolutive and ecstatic.
almost as good as sex ;-)
go mfx !
rulez added on the 2002-12-21 10:53:32 by shodan shodan
well, it did look good for the first 10-15 seconds... after that it just got boring.
added on the 2002-12-21 12:20:33 by a_lee_n a_lee_n
very medium indeed (with a touch of variform).
and similar to the einklang.net demo the sound prevents this from being a true classic. not that the track itself is bad but you really have to like this kind of techno style. which i don´t.
anyway. the visuals where the most stylish since... well - yes - since medium. so .big. thumbs up for this production.
rulez added on the 2002-12-22 17:12:35 by fiver fiver
rulez added on the 2002-12-22 17:28:09 by kusma kusma
don´t like the music. and i also prever some slow parts in it. to fast video geschraddel. but it looks good.
rulez added on the 2002-12-23 15:14:34 by diver diver
bra data!
rulez added on the 2002-12-25 17:29:53 by danb danb
rox !
nice fx, nice music
rulez added on the 2002-12-27 17:13:10 by jaia jaia
One of the few not-realtime-quality demos.
It's sad there is only one scene, but what a scene, I want more of that :) The other thing is that it goes really slow :/ Thanks for the divx btw :)
rulez added on the 2002-12-28 11:52:36 by Sanx Sanx
Ok, as said up there : quite repetitive (music and visuals), a little bit too long ... But : holy shit how insanely fucking good-looking !!

(thanks for the avi release, as it should probably runs at a negative framerate on my machine :) )
rulez added on the 2002-12-29 03:32:57 by alexkidd alexkidd
ok, i didn't really like the soundtrack. But my god it looked beautiful, shi-nyyy!
rulez added on the 2003-01-02 21:41:16 by zeroic zeroic
This is definitely too long and it also makes me sick after a short while (not only because of the visuals, but also because of the music). At least it's kinda innovative, so I won't thumb it down.
Rave on! Great tenkodemo, but after about 4 mins it gets a bit boring.
rulez added on the 2003-01-03 12:11:06 by kuree kuree
Nice and Precise Great Beat Thats Neat
rulez added on the 2003-01-03 15:59:45 by Mike 3D Mike 3D
2 words:
rulez added on the 2003-01-10 16:47:00 by rp rp
The music was simply GREAT. I haven't heard such an asskicking tune in a demo since Amoeba. The visuals are neat too, but more variation would've been nice. Anyway, this is good shit. Go Finland! :)
rulez added on the 2003-01-11 17:15:36 by break break
original & impressive but why does it have to run for 10 minutes?
rulez added on the 2003-01-17 16:41:19 by Zzed Zzed
Insane demo ! I loved it, really punchy and beautiful ! (and the music is YUMM!!!)
rulez added on the 2003-01-20 13:08:12 by ks ks
firm.. firm but fair
rulez added on the 2003-01-20 14:39:04 by superplek superplek
Rocked on bigscreen
rulez added on the 2003-01-23 23:52:00 by shash shash
rulez added on the 2003-03-09 02:47:42 by skypher skypher
A bit too long for my taste but hey, that's what the esc key is for.. :)
rulez added on the 2003-03-09 04:40:32 by noid noid
sorry. i don't get it.
effects are GREAT but demo is too fast, too chaotic , too long (and where is synchro?).
music rocks (Millssi.mp3 - Jeff Mills inspired??)
smashing and excellent.
return of the ravedemos plz ;)
rulez added on the 2003-03-18 01:41:01 by lug00ber lug00ber
I like it. This is the best demo of 2002 year. Effects are fukkin great!
rulez added on the 2003-03-18 13:36:02 by night_ night_
although my set is not nearly fast enough, Ile showed me an Avi version (anyone knows where to find it _again_ ? my set crashed a few days ago)

The avi version was very VERY good.
Also nice what that special dutch cake ;)
rulez added on the 2003-03-29 12:07:18 by sjaak sjaak
rules big time !
(I could've guessed, but i thought the avi was custom made by someone else)
added on the 2003-03-30 13:40:53 by sjaak sjaak
added on the 2003-04-08 19:03:27 by donny donny
definately rules.
could have been even better with a less monotonous sound...
parallels to "grantz graf" are obvious.
rulez added on the 2003-04-18 20:49:12 by hfr hfr
where's my vote?
rulez added on the 2003-04-30 13:27:34 by shadez shadez
rulez added on the 2003-04-30 16:39:22 by Korvkiosken Korvkiosken
where is my thumb?
rulez added on the 2003-04-30 16:53:50 by chaos chaos
Now here is a demo for the MTV generation. The demo looks nice, but it gets boring quick and is epileptic. Every shot lasts a maximum of one second each.

But the music definitely rocked. LB knows how to make music. I need to hear more of this guy.
added on the 2003-05-03 10:45:17 by Kootal Kootal
Now watched with a more decent card (GF2 Ti) it was really enjoyable with excellent visuals, but it fails to catch me for the whole running time.
added on the 2003-05-18 01:00:59 by Crest Crest
fett! i love it ;-)
rulez added on the 2003-07-03 02:34:30 by RufUsul RufUsul
YES!! melw The Sound Quality to the mfx_dis_divx.avi Is 100% Better than the exe version.
added on the 2003-07-07 01:51:07 by Mike 3D Mike 3D
This is cool!
rulez added on the 2003-07-22 00:07:59 by emoon emoon
crashed on 8500 but now it works on ati9000pro, it rulez !!! :D
rulez added on the 2003-07-30 16:05:21 by EviL EviL
Finally watched the divx (not got good enough gfxcard now).


Only thing I would change is the music - drop the repeating snare for a simple bumbuimbum techno beat, keep the breaks in, would give it that extra inch of steel.
rulez added on the 2003-07-30 16:29:42 by psonice psonice
This group is very Savant or Elite in order to code something so powerful as this.
rulez added on the 2003-08-22 04:02:30 by Scroller Scroller
Yes I really luuurve trancy sort of demos that make you drift away and this is one of the best of that style!

rulez added on the 2003-08-22 04:06:15 by Tongue Tongue
EXCELLENT demo!...excellent design and excellent code...a lot of stretching cubes, laser-beams and flashes driven by mathematical paths in a psychedelic way! (everything is synchronized with the music beats...features a VERY very interesting rendering-style...very innovative IMHO...stop thinking of demos as a slideshow of 3d-scenes and effects...this demo is definitely a piece of digital-art
rulez added on the 2003-11-04 12:59:06 by phnx phnx

Is there some rule you can't keep a camera angle for more than half a second? I got a headache.
sucks added on the 2003-11-10 01:20:33 by crusader crusader
In retrospect: Da bomb and as good as it can get in the VJ-style category. Pathbreaking.

And yes, better watch the divx if you don't have a gf4.
rulez added on the 2003-11-10 18:42:29 by tomaes tomaes
Oh Tom, I've only a Radeon9600.... ;) Seriously I was a bit dissapointed. Good gfx and good music but the same again and again the whole demo? Gets boring, could be use as screensaver. For watching the demo isn't interesting enough.
mfx quality release for sure
sucks added on the 2003-11-26 13:49:38 by termos termos
this is live from the streetparade or so.. great technoish demo.. something new for sure..!
rulez added on the 2003-12-02 08:10:00 by phred phred
It makes the behinds of my teeth hurt. Which is a Good Thing(tm)

For some strange reason, I often put it on while I cook food.
rulez added on the 2003-12-02 12:42:52 by Preacher Preacher
damn, this is fucking great!
rulez added on the 2004-02-10 06:00:21 by coma coma
rulez added on the 2004-02-13 11:16:53 by bzz bzz
Finally watched the avi. I kept thinking that this is way too stylish stuff for the juvenile demoscene in their degenerated world of 3d fly-bys and goblin soundtracks. For me this demo makes sense. Inspirational.
rulez added on the 2004-03-03 15:39:28 by jugi jugi
I agree with Phoenix. this stuff is a living thing! not just a series of various effects. Thank you mfx!
rulez added on the 2004-03-29 10:49:38 by Duckers Duckers
catfucking style, but too long....
rulez added on the 2004-06-02 19:02:54 by quisten quisten
rulez added on the 2004-06-02 19:14:41 by asasel asasel
very nice graphic effects...

but terrible music
rulez added on the 2004-06-02 19:17:12 by 0x$$ 0x$$
rulez added on the 2004-06-03 21:27:31 by EvilOne EvilOne
I was very when this demo ended. The effect is really quite impressive, but it was on screen far too long. Plus, the music and the flashing lights nearly gave me a headache. This demo is just not for me.
sucks added on the 2004-06-11 08:24:44 by s_tec s_tec
re-viewed, i update my comment
in fact i like it, specially the rendering
rulez added on the 2004-06-23 16:34:50 by Zone (leZone) Zone (leZone)
great effect, boring music. that's all.
rulez added on the 2004-06-29 14:27:47 by meCh\bps meCh\bps
Sorry, way too boring.
sucks added on the 2004-07-04 04:00:02 by Sesse Sesse
Sorry, way too boring.
added on the 2004-07-04 04:00:06 by Sesse Sesse
rulez added on the 2004-07-04 14:48:35 by titanstar titanstar
i like the style and the setting. nice visuals, but a bit boring in the long run. i give them thumbs up for originality, though.
rulez added on the 2004-07-04 14:56:06 by rabbit rabbit
very good visuals, but as rabbit said, a bit boring. still rulez.gif
rulez added on the 2004-07-04 16:12:15 by neon neon
rulez added on the 2004-07-05 20:59:46 by yenzen yenzen
rulez added on the 2004-08-05 01:08:19 by legalize legalize
rulez added on the 2004-08-27 14:55:36 by doh doh
i just want to say
rulezcdc added on the 2004-09-03 17:40:34 by lithis lithis
the 'effect' is nice, but the demo needs more different stuff, imho.
boring for me. :(
sucks added on the 2004-09-15 17:20:03 by Grover Watrous Grover Watrous
repetitive but "cool"
rulez added on the 2004-10-01 14:11:40 by keops keops
The music is bad and the whole thing is too damn repetitive.
sucks added on the 2004-10-06 15:51:28 by 0xtob 0xtob
Truly a classic, maybe best one of mfx.
rulez added on the 2004-10-22 12:53:36 by blueflame blueflame
I didn't really like the "music", although the effect itself looks really cool. If the music were better, and the effect not stretched out as much, this would really have been a killer demo.

Sceners have Attention deficit dammit, don't make demos this stretched out =)
rulez added on the 2004-10-22 13:01:30 by Nezbie Nezbie
pretty, i like the music, but as the others say, too long .. good to play in the background though to give something to look at.
rulez added on the 2004-11-05 17:01:52 by witeshade witeshade
no comments
rulez added on the 2004-11-18 22:23:01 by zomb zomb
After seeing that one at several birthday parties I've changed my opinion about this one a bit, there it fits the audience a bit more than alone in front of the pc and *watching* the demo. Still no thumb, maybe "somewhen". :)
I just love techno music! :D
Visuals are a bit repetitive though (for a demo)
rulez added on the 2004-11-30 14:06:08 by VJmile VJmile
it's like x-mix just much more boring...
added on the 2004-12-27 19:19:23 by blala blala
rulez added on the 2004-12-27 19:21:52 by skarab skarab
it rocks... maybe a bit more minimalistic next time ... it can never be enough!
rulez added on the 2004-12-27 19:56:18 by dwarf dwarf
one of the most entertaining prods ever.
simply gorgeous on a 22" screen
rulez added on the 2005-01-02 16:41:00 by keith303 keith303
best minimal demo ever.
rulez added on the 2005-01-02 16:48:53 by Mr Twist Laser Mr Twist Laser
rulez added on the 2005-03-17 04:19:58 by ninja ninja
too short in seconds, too long to watch. so boring.
sucks added on the 2005-04-27 16:53:55 by anesthetic anesthetic
rulez !!
rulez added on the 2005-04-30 15:48:38 by bLa bLa
This means using gfx hw in a creative way.
Totally hypnotic.
rulez added on the 2005-05-31 11:59:48 by bdk bdk
Great stuff. Looks good on the projekktor.
rulez added on the 2005-07-21 09:17:27 by d3pth d3pth
sweet - I leave it loopin at the end scene just for eye candy - trippy
rulez added on the 2005-08-13 10:47:05 by marxcel marxcel
indeed, with a heavy sound system and a really big screen it must be awesome
rulez added on the 2005-08-14 07:22:05 by p01 p01
painful music.
sucks added on the 2005-08-18 01:20:45 by flexi flexi
rulez added on the 2005-08-18 06:52:25 by zeebr zeebr
not my cup of tea
sucks added on the 2005-08-21 18:46:52 by v3nom v3nom
My first MFX demo. Made me a biiig fan!!
rulez added on the 2005-08-21 22:57:58 by EarlGrey EarlGrey
Cool Cool! Oioki okoko lukuiku!
rulez added on the 2005-08-25 08:29:29 by Simon^CPU Simon^CPU
Although better than probably every other demo that tries to pull off this style, doesn't mean it wasn't repetitive.
i pressed esc in the finish, despite the blue.
added on the 2005-10-10 06:47:30 by Gaia Gaia
was fascinating on big screen!
rulez added on the 2005-10-24 12:06:42 by Zest Zest
rulez added on the 2005-10-29 16:31:34 by wie8 wie8
rulez added on the 2005-11-08 03:15:08 by Quarryman Quarryman
Neat visuals lack variation/design.
The music wasn't my cup of tea either.
added on the 2005-11-28 08:48:17 by ALiEN^bf ALiEN^bf
BORING BORING BORING! Did I mention that this is BORING yet? The effects are ok, but this is BORING! Even the music is BORING!
added on the 2006-01-27 00:54:16 by StingRay StingRay
Nice :)
rulez added on the 2006-01-28 00:07:19 by Sapphire Sapphire
rulez added on the 2006-02-16 03:48:15 by wb wb
techno! it's just two effects or something but cool enough for sure!
rulez added on the 2006-02-16 19:18:37 by earx earx
brilliant. i love the filter things that are going on here. no idea how it looks so quality ;)
rulez added on the 2006-02-16 19:26:04 by dila dila
I love you.
rulez added on the 2006-02-17 12:31:10 by kelsey kelsey
awesome. a bit too intense throughtout though.. would be nice if it calmed down for a bit then went nuts again.
rulez added on the 2006-02-22 09:03:47 by blackpawn blackpawn
It's a pity that it crashed here.
added on the 2006-03-19 21:35:45 by Cj Cj
Fuckings to shit music.

Lovings to the visials.

Too repetitive. Piggie.
added on the 2006-04-15 11:54:06 by Intrinsic Intrinsic
Umza Umza.
rulez added on the 2006-06-05 13:59:18 by nobbi nobbi
[-]music is too repetitive
[o]visual are nice but DAMN it hurts the poor gollum's eyes :'(
[+]idea is not bad
[+]impressive coding

rulaiz but now i need glasses
rulez added on the 2006-06-13 12:14:42 by SilkCut SilkCut
boring. Too repetitive. But nice filtereffects. anyway:
sucks added on the 2006-08-10 17:34:31 by Kauto Kauto
rulez added on the 2006-08-17 13:52:33 by hardi hardi
techno bang-bang music, not shit demoscene pop-chiptune-soundish usual lameness. this still rocks. fuckings to all techno haters
rulez added on the 2006-10-12 09:23:02 by uns3en_ uns3en_
rulez added on the 2006-12-18 21:06:21 by el mal el mal
kickin vast track. would work as a vj set but its too repetitive in the effects.
rulez added on the 2006-12-18 21:53:37 by gentleman gentleman

BORING BORING BORING! Did I mention that this is BORING yet? The effects are ok, but this is BORING! Even the music is BORING!

and in my book it sucks because it's ... well you get it.
sucks added on the 2007-02-06 22:52:19 by d0DgE d0DgE
rulez added on the 2007-04-28 09:02:55 by puNky puNky
Bit repetitive, but... no actually I wasn't bored a single second. And the soundtrack is massive.
rulez added on the 2007-06-18 18:52:34 by Drunken_Poet Drunken_Poet
WTF!? No thumb?
It looks repetitive but it really is not!

I've just noticed the .nfo!

Maybe a 64kb version for the 5th aniversary? December 2007?
rulez added on the 2007-08-22 03:10:56 by xernobyl xernobyl
forgot to thumb UP this beauty!
rulez added on the 2007-08-22 03:22:47 by substrate substrate
Saw this for the first time today.
Loved it. Music is a bit repetitive.. But so is my mind! :)
rulez added on the 2007-12-21 22:10:44 by vame vame
rulez added on the 2007-12-21 23:25:10 by kb_ kb_
iii wiil noot buy thiss reccord, because it ihis scratched. and it skips and skips and skips and...
added on the 2007-12-22 00:08:19 by raer raer
improved version is here
that, i can understand...
added on the 2007-12-22 00:10:01 by raer raer
electronic house music,
and a figure, of 3D copper cubes, metallic, falling through a tunnel of black squares,
rays of blue light

a fight?
rulez added on the 2008-04-02 05:10:42 by BITS BITS
a religious experience.
added on the 2008-04-06 23:33:59 by _-_-__ _-_-__
Boring crap
sucks added on the 2008-04-11 19:58:56 by Cosmocat Cosmocat
A classic that lasts the ages...
rulez added on the 2008-04-15 13:38:59 by untel untel
rulez added on the 2008-05-10 16:28:52 by #535 #535
I was sort of hypnotized watching this one. I didn't really care for the music, but I think overall the effects and music make it a solid prod that is much different from all the other cookie-cutter demos out there.
rulez added on the 2008-06-16 22:24:01 by [HamsTeR] [HamsTeR]
kickass as usual
rulez added on the 2008-06-17 07:02:41 by thec thec
what stingray said
sucks added on the 2008-06-18 01:07:11 by relias abardon relias abardon
auto-thumb up for schranz techno :)
rulez added on the 2008-06-30 00:45:50 by Alpha C Alpha C
rulez added on the 2008-06-30 00:59:18 by texel texel
one long and pretty scene. the camera changes too frequent to actually see what is going on. music isn't super, but color+theme is.
sucks added on the 2008-07-26 15:57:00 by neoneye neoneye
OK first I think And did it just as well in 4k. So demo - hmmm not necessary. Nontheless on the big screen this would simply kick ass.

For me, mentor, iq and uncle-x are the coding gods of the scene and any production by one of them is awesome.
rulez added on the 2008-07-26 16:33:45 by auld auld
rulez added on the 2009-03-13 23:59:10 by T$ T$
Hell yes. Long overdue thumb
rulez added on the 2009-03-15 23:35:31 by evilpaul evilpaul
rulez added on the 2009-03-20 16:59:13 by steam steam
rulez added on the 2009-03-24 19:06:18 by SiR SiR
Looks fantastic and the effects are great, but what kills it is that it's soooooo boring both direction and the music.
added on the 2009-05-15 15:06:24 by noby noby
i already liked it years ago, but now i really understand it. it rules.
added on the 2009-05-15 15:08:10 by cp_ cp_
rulez added on the 2009-05-15 16:00:19 by maytz maytz
Music & effects are nice.
Lasts a bit too long with the same effects for an upper though.
added on the 2009-06-05 22:04:48 by Zweckform Zweckform
rulez added on the 2009-07-14 18:38:16 by PENETRATOR PENETRATOR
forgot to thumb this up years ago :)
rulez added on the 2009-07-26 23:17:02 by leijaa leijaa
me too =P
rulez added on the 2010-01-15 21:02:27 by qwesza qwesza
No,not at all.
sucks added on the 2010-01-16 16:25:05 by Scooter Scooter
What Gargaj said =)
rulez added on the 2010-05-11 13:53:00 by wysiwtf wysiwtf
rulez added on the 2010-08-02 17:58:33 by preston preston
rulez added on the 2010-08-08 23:11:06 by 4mat 4mat
instant love
rulez added on the 2010-10-10 18:06:42 by TheStiffGimp TheStiffGimp
still completely amazing. could've been released now and have just the same impact.
added on the 2010-12-04 21:47:55 by skrebbel skrebbel
music is instant not love
sucks added on the 2011-02-27 11:19:41 by provod provod
Great track
rulez added on the 2011-05-13 15:37:52 by phobium phobium

Show it on TV and the world will belong to sceners :)
rulez added on the 2011-07-24 23:10:34 by closed closed
untz hard :>

Made a youtube rip for it:

rulez added on the 2011-09-09 11:52:20 by anni anni
anni: sure, but why you felt the need to entitle it "demoscene demo state of the art 2002 SOTA" is beyond me.
added on the 2011-09-09 12:32:38 by gloom gloom
gloom: cos there's where it was released :)
added on the 2011-09-09 12:35:38 by Gargaj Gargaj
gargaj: I will proceed to eat my words now :) (still, a "Released at:" would have made it way more parseable)
added on the 2011-09-09 12:54:50 by gloom gloom
Finally a nice quality YouTube version. Even though the fast pace rapes the compression algorhythm quite a bit.
added on the 2011-09-09 13:05:41 by elend elend
just to correct my previous statement :)
rulez added on the 2011-09-09 13:21:39 by noby noby
Still kicking
rulez added on the 2011-12-17 13:33:10 by Frequent Frequent
rulez added on the 2012-01-16 00:38:33 by rez rez
Almost 10 year old. Do try to release a 10 year anniversary edition at TUM ;)
added on the 2012-03-12 08:11:08 by xernobyl xernobyl
Now with a better 10 year anniversary screenshot. :)

One of the very few demos from that era that still look fresh and up to today's standards.
added on the 2012-03-20 17:36:37 by tomaes tomaes
A proper screenshot for the masterpiece!
added on the 2012-05-27 15:12:36 by closed closed
wait, this is actually not bad at all :o
rulez added on the 2013-02-07 15:26:09 by msqrt msqrt
Wait what... 10 years already? Holy shit... :Q
added on the 2013-02-07 17:32:40 by elend elend
rulez added on the 2013-02-07 19:05:33 by sensenstahl sensenstahl
Didn't work for me; got bored to the point of pressing Esc not even half way through.
sucks added on the 2013-06-07 13:29:47 by Zavie Zavie
nice banging track but colours are awful and overall this demo depress me.
don't know exactly why but it's one of my most hated prods. maybe beacuse it's just soulless.
sucks added on the 2013-06-07 14:38:43 by kimi kardashian kimi kardashian
"ten year already" appreciation comment!
Or how this prod burnt my eyes live at SOTA and how I wanted more at the same time.
Fantastic!!! Best MFX prod !
rulez added on the 2014-05-05 00:46:28 by Black Dragon Black Dragon
still one of my favourite demo!
added on the 2014-08-15 21:08:11 by norecess norecess
rulez added on the 2014-11-13 22:06:10 by ɧ4ɾɗվ. ɧ4ɾɗվ.
Hate that kind of music and got bored quickly by the monotonous visuals, even though the effect itself looks good.
sucks added on the 2015-06-26 23:37:20 by Kylearan Kylearan
This is one of those classic rave demos that you would just turn on at a party, project onto a wall, turn the bass up, and it would work. Or put it on a big screen. In front of the monitor... it's not that good, really.
rulez added on the 2015-10-07 19:53:40 by moozooh moozooh
Forgot to thumb this up
rulez added on the 2019-06-21 14:28:28 by Queen_Luna Queen_Luna
childhood memo
rulez added on the 2020-12-16 22:02:38 by hydracicada hydracicada
what made you go this visual direction with this kind of music?! and I somehow love it so much. weird but it works very well on me. I agree that it's tad boring
rulez added on the 2021-04-08 15:07:14 by FMS_Cat FMS_Cat
One of the bestest demos ever.
rulez added on the 2021-05-04 13:28:34 by iks iks
I love this demo!
rulez added on the 2023-11-22 09:06:51 by Breiti Breiti
Nice one indeed!
rulez added on the 2023-11-22 10:49:09 by Mystra Mystra

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