on by Mercury [web]
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popularity : 75% |
alltime top: #214 |
added on the 2015-04-05 04:38:06 by urs ![]() |
popularity helper
Throws (an unknown) exception at about 60% of the loading, Win7 with R9 270
simply brilliant, one of my favourites of the compo, the music is very suited to the visuals, top work all around!
[11:41:53] <dfox|revision> just got the name of the mercury intro :)
[11:42:05] <GargajCNS> is it "On"?
Turns out...
Very good
exception at about 20% of the loading, Win7 x32 with R9 270
Well done Mercury, an excellent intro! =)
Different and well played! Loved it.
Very well done. Respect.
But no!
I really love the style in this.
super freshes zeug!
different yes
The visual quality is gorgeous, as always! Some nice "aaah" moments when it ran on the bigscreen. The concept itself... inspired by Intrinsic Gravity at times? ;-)
What I think needs improvement is the music. To me, all your intros sound somewhat the same. It's not about the composition - most musicians have a recognizable style, which is fine, and I loved the music in Luma for example. But the sound itself, the instruments... please, do some new ones next time and bring some more diversity. :-)
What I think needs improvement is the music. To me, all your intros sound somewhat the same. It's not about the composition - most musicians have a recognizable style, which is fine, and I loved the music in Luma for example. But the sound itself, the instruments... please, do some new ones next time and bring some more diversity. :-)
Krasses Ding! Blew me away!!!
Lovely and stylish.
Another fabulous "transforming shapes - kaleidoscoping" demo with great style.
I really liked final part when the circle meets the square.
I really liked final part when the circle meets the square.
Nice transformations.
awesome style and design
finally some good prod by mercury.
nice visuals, colours and hypnotic music.
nice visuals, colours and hypnotic music.
Great !
cool. especially when 2d looking fx is going 3d.
so good! This was really enjoyable! Great trip, exellent execution
great trip!
I really like that it is a completely different direction than your previous prods. The style and visuals are just stunning!
I always was like: hmm 2d, wait no it was 3d, no it can't be since it's 2d now, but that means that it couldn't have been 2d since it's 3d now, shit! Awesome intro!
Stone cold classic and the party hasn't even ended yet!!!!
My favorite in this high quality compo.
simple.. but how is it called, less is something more :)
Very very stylish :)
Very very stylish :)
You don't need drugs when you've got Mercury.
This was/is something else... Blown away...!
Simply fantastic and a more than fitting soundtrack!
That worked!
Umm, not my cup really..
Just amazing, and i really really like the music in it, just like in all other Mercury prods. Good progression, runs well, and is very entertaining, at least for me :) Thank you.
For my use there was an exception right away.
Win 8.1, Dell Latitude E6530, Intel HD 4000 and Nvidia NVS 5200M.
Win 8.1, Dell Latitude E6530, Intel HD 4000 and Nvidia NVS 5200M.
shiny! styly! designy! ^^
Very nice to watch on the big screen.
I was not taken into the production, maybe because I didn't clic with the soundtrack, I don't know.
Anyway, huge thumb up for the originality, the style and the amazing fx.
Anyway, huge thumb up for the originality, the style and the amazing fx.
Nice concept
So much style ! This was rocking on the big screen.
Amazing job !
Amazing job !
Pure love!
stylish production!
Really nice and totally different direction than I was expecting.
What a beauty! Very well executed!
great unique style demo. i wish it was a bit longer.
Nice style!
Nice minimalistic style - love it!
Absolutely massive. Beautiful evolution and build-up. I could warch it for hours and always kept me interested in looking whats next over and over again. Fantastic job, Mercury!
So simple, so good. Plenty of "Ooooooh!" moments :)
Great flow of visuals, one of the best 64k soundtracks in recent memory, all in all very sweet.
Absolutely gorgeous! I liked the transitions.
Outstanding from start to end, best light, perfect soundtrack, you watch it and know *this is it*.
whoa...what a mind bending beauty
Your design is killing it!
Nice one!
Absolutely wonderful! Everything about it just works so well together. My favourite production in a long time.
With style
Gorgeous, super super cool. Music fit the visuals perfectly.
Interesting 2D/3D kaleidoscope geometrical effects! Love that the entire thing is running with seamless transitions from start to finish.
very nice indeed!
super powerful style
One seamless shader porn transition of awesomeness
Pretty, trippy, wonderful.
minimalistic, yet very effective. i like the overall style and the trippy soundtrack!
It looks as if FR's "Rove" was a liquid which crystallized into this intro :) Some of the scenes in here are beautiful.
This was so polished. Plain awesome !
Journey to geometry.
audiovisual caramel.
This is not as good as what Still does, but it's still very good, and it works when it comes to getting the viewer confused during transitions. :)
Plus, it's cool that you stepped out of your comfort zone.
Plus, it's cool that you stepped out of your comfort zone.
best trippy morphing kaleidoscope demo I've seen in some time :)
Superb !!! Finally something which smell like "demo style". Great job !
Awesome competition, guys, we're looking forward to the next round ;)
i love this. great work.
Awesome Eye- & mindfuck!
Geiler Scheiss!
So elegant. I love it.
best concept and execution in the compo.
the blending from 2d to 3d and back was damn nice.
also less lensflares than previous intros :D
the blending from 2d to 3d and back was damn nice.
also less lensflares than previous intros :D
I so so love this.. and my personal choice of winner. 64k power-up! The transitions and fluidity from 2d to 3d is so awesome. It seems that a lot of groups have really matured in the direction and cohesion front and this is amazing!
It is indeed! ;)
words cannot describe how fckin awesome this is!
I like how this is pretty much the opposite of what most people likely expected. A calm and collected design show.
i loved this geometrical porn!
Very polished!
That was fun, lets do it again next year! :)
Love how you completely change your style and did so, so flawlessly.
Well done!
Love how you completely change your style and did so, so flawlessly.
Well done!
Something different, stylish and beautiful! It's great!
Oh, and this is just the best music in a 64k I've ever heard. Seriously.
impressive use of 2d-fx in a 3d environment and also a very good soundtrack (hi red!).
might have won if it had more greetings ;)
might have won if it had more greetings ;)
toll! my fav from the compo.
Music! Style! Design! OMG! Masterpiece! I ❤ it!
hottest shizzle from the compo
This looked awesome. I dug the variations of simple shapes and blending them. "Folding space" indeed Cupe.. ;)
Crashes here, pretty much on the 1:30 mark. The Nvidia driver throws up an error dialog about "too many error something something".
Still, I already saw it on the big screen, and it's a beauty!
Still, I already saw it on the big screen, and it's a beauty!
the soundtrack looks a lot like "take a bow" by muse ^^
due to my turn to linux due to fan effect to that system, i only got it under youtube but it's puuuuure pleasure. the dzign is great, the syncro with effects/music is perfect. another great production from mercury so thank you so much !!!!!!
So awesome. Like dreams come true. I want more of that stuff!
I also want more of this stuff. It's great!
Nice, but crashes at 1:30 (red & black bars on screen). Win7, Nvidia GTX 650Ti.
Love the perfectly executed change of style! I'm a bit sad after seeing what didn't make it in, but I guess that's part of what makes it good.
The 3D stuffs at the end blowed me.
My personal favorite of the compo. It's mindblowing!
Fantastic transitions
Abstract and awesome scene, impeccable transitions. Mercury.
Are there any YIQ or YUV to RGB palette conversions done in this prod? Great stuff btw :P
Music is very nice (like in Timeless), however the whole intro is just OK - the main problem I have is that scenes are not equally rich/good: some look a bit empty/flat, while other super cool and shiny. I understand it was mainly to build up tension (and maybe show contrast?), but the overly simplistic beginning is just not fitting to the rest (for me). Saying that, the flow is still good and it's nice to watch.
And now for something completly diffirent (from Luna and Timelesness...)
It was over too soon, I wish it was a bit longer. But that's probably a result of the great flow and flawless transitions which leaves you wanting more :)
ace. i'd add a cdc to it if i had a spare one.
such alrite organic components
I'm inclined to think that the Mercury gang took heart to Smash's comment on The Timeless and put a lot of effort to the design, transitions and stylistic coherency of this intro. It's totally ON :)
by far the best designed and most interesting mercury production so far. very well done. a few really great moments in there.
it's like they pulled back and tried to just make something simple really well rather than overstretching, and succeeded. way better than timeless imo.
(dodge: if so then fantastic :) )
it's like they pulled back and tried to just make something simple really well rather than overstretching, and succeeded. way better than timeless imo.
(dodge: if so then fantastic :) )
really nice :D
Superb intro! Colors, transitions, effects, music, everything is very nice here! And the effects are quite unusual too, rocks!
Surely best from compo, inovative with great design and direction. But abstract visuals are not crowdpleasers. Music score is awesome (somewhat reminds me a Phillip Glass works).
very cool, and this is definitely my cup of tea, errm, beer, but i think at least some parts could be executed a bit better?
even more awesome when watched a second or third (or fourth) time.
very nice 2.5D experience. raymarching seems not to be exhausted at all :)
very nice 2.5D experience. raymarching seems not to be exhausted at all :)
this was a great big screen experience.
Nice, wonderful shaderporn.
That was cool. Please, next time, force vsync on , or include config panel that allow to active it.
Pretty. :)
Tranformer shapes..
One of my favorite sceneprods ever.. stunning music and visuals. Bravo!
It's Mercury, yes, isn't Razor1911, yes?
good one
It was on!
Great! Seamless flow and nice music.
Yeah, original 64k.
You don't try to do The Timeless 2, and it was a good idea! (even if The Timeless is awesome!)
You don't try to do The Timeless 2, and it was a good idea! (even if The Timeless is awesome!)
Ultranice intro!!!
Amazing! And the music is subtle and well-composed. My personal favorite of the entire party.
High quality stuff by Mercury, as always.
love it!
Beautiful and elegant.
Very nicely done. Doesn't overstay its welcome either.
Mind melting and super polished
My personal #1 in the compo.
не запускается :( AMD ASUS R9 270x (14.12) :(
neat. nice idea, great execution. lovely oldschool/newschool mix
Great :-D
crash on R9 290 14.12 :x
Since I actually watch it over and over again - it must be something in it, a kind of "the more you watch, the better it gets effect", so yeah, thumb up :)
Hm :'( wanted to thumb this up, but can't run it.
Had to disable the antivirus, np. Starts fine but loader bar hangs halfway through, no specific error message, just the usual "Stopped responding".
Win 7 x64, 7970, G3258.
I think you just have to test it on Win 7 and you'll find the error. Or give me advice so I can run it :)
Had to disable the antivirus, np. Starts fine but loader bar hangs halfway through, no specific error message, just the usual "Stopped responding".
Win 7 x64, 7970, G3258.
I think you just have to test it on Win 7 and you'll find the error. Or give me advice so I can run it :)
rewatched this intro this weekend with my friends, I forgot how AWESOME it is \o/
great job boys! what a trip! and the music is really fabulous!
great job boys! what a trip! and the music is really fabulous!
There's absolutely nothing about this I don't love.
Used to work with driver 350.05. Now crash with new drivers with progress bar at ~75%. GTX 660 driver version 350.12.
Maybe not breaking many walls technically, but love love love the style.
I love how this is focused on pattern and transition. It just does what it does very well without trying to tick every box. I don't think this is the first Mercury prod to do that successfully, but I do think it's the best one yet.
Fix confirmed to work with latest Nvidia drivers 352.86. Thanks! :)
For me its a bit too boring - just watched it to the end because of the music.
this is one of my two favorite demos of all time.#
Smooth visuals, excellent music, a feeling of progression, good color choices, tactileness, wonderful production quality.
Right length. Chewable.
The other is Snug by Hedelmae. For different reasons.
Smooth visuals, excellent music, a feeling of progression, good color choices, tactileness, wonderful production quality.
Right length. Chewable.
The other is Snug by Hedelmae. For different reasons.
so cool!
Loads, screen flashes, then back to windows; GTX295 and latest drivers
Nice stuff.
(Y) (Y) (Y)
Great visuals. Even better soundtrack. Just awesome. Music seemed to build up to a climax that didn't really happen though.. still big fucking thumb up.
On? Up!
Must have been a hard competition if this got 2nd. O.o
Very pleasant, althou do not like the music's beat too much. Nice, well connected parts and visuals.
Colours and work
Doing the CDC rounds now and checked in again. las: still getting the loading bar 75% crash above. (Also, lower than 1080p res selected, if that's a clue that helps.) I have AMD. Nvidia only??
Cool :) Gives me a little time to reach next CDC level to have one spare for Revision then :D
So wunderbar!!
Grats on the win!! :D But don't think I'm not serious. If I can't savor and be hypnotized by your great intro on my PC, I will absolutely save my CDC. It's for the very best and I only have one left... that's the problem and also the point of CDCs... ;)
исключение около 60% от нагрузки, Win10 с HD 7790 (16.5.2)
Just a friendly heads up guys, this isn't working on current nvidia drivers either. At least it doesn't work on my rig, gtx1070 with 375.70 driver. Crashes at 60-70% of the "loading bar". Entirely up to you if you have time to investigate the problem, this is one of my favourite demos and I do love being able to watch it in realtime.
That kick drum is so unnecessary..
I feel like my eyes were made love to by this demo.
This is aging really well. Very mature style.
the best 64
geometry me beautiful & thx for the fix
Late thumb
I love the progression and the style
I love the progression and the style
My ears and eyes have just came! :O
very cool
A great reflection on the age old question: 2D or not 2D?
Conceptual and stylish!
It is so clean and airy!
sneaky cdcs
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Really cool kaleidoscopic effect with depth and soo clean!