Neanderstaller by Pittsburgh Stallers [web]
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popularity : 75% |
alltime top: #192 |
added on the 2010-08-08 00:08:58 by wullon ![]() |
popularity helper
added on the 2010-08-08 00:09:21 by wullon 

Rules hard!
instant killer!
best 4k this year
amazing work
rocked the party!
great one
great one
best 4k this year and best 4k soundtrack EVAR \o/
Get video of this asap!!! I'm gonna force the local tekno club to play this!!!! TEEEEKKKNNNOOOO!!!!
the music "feels" damn good :D
Fantastic stuff. Especially the beginning is sooo cool!
saw this on the screen which kinda fucked up all the small particle stuff. but the music is r0x. and im gonna watch it again soon on my pc (after the demo compo studio in fact ;)
original effects, but lil bit boring
(stompin') 4k of the year.
the effect doesn't appear here, only the background...
very cool!
What kusma said. GTX480 258.96 drivers...
FOR HELVETE, DWARF. Gjorde min pik hårdt!
By the way, I've got a GeForce GTX 480 (Fermi)...
Forgot my thumb.
wow, fresh visuals for a 4k
Winner. Wish it had worked at Solskogen :-)
i hate the music but the visuals are damn good.
Just like putting tinsel garland on a CRT.
You're in the jury, and you see this. You tell all your friends the Pittsburh Stallers are going to win this year. They're still impressed. That's how it goes.
Now I'm REALLY mad this didn't make it to the Solskogen bigscreen.
superb track and visuals!
This was quite impressive!
Fucking crazy!
For the music, and the effect during 20 secs..
fuck you too <3
awesome awesome awesome
Pure Staller Power In Ya Face Intro. Perfect. Instatnt Winner
amazing synth
This was really nice.
for the confettis :)
The music was a bit too extreme for my taste.
The music was a bit too extreme for my taste.
visually one of the best, soundtrack is a pest
not my (music) style, but the visuals are excellent!
I love it
Fucking heavy stuff!!! Love.
Absolutely brilliant visuals.
Yes for the visuals.
I get sound but no visuals here (black screen), ATI 5850 dual screen.
where's my big thumb when I need it... ... yes.
Nice atmospheric start, cool hairy/ribbony objects, nice technique, but that's it. Still, enough good points for a thumb up.
The single-scene "floating abstract object" thing doesn't do much for me, but the tune and sync were pretty kickass.
Sluts at work.
Holy shit - the sound. Cant comment on music quality but the SOUND quality is astonishing. The effect is simple but very well executed. I think this is a good argument for why 4ks should be a single effect done very well, not a series of scenes.
Not my taste.
Mesmerizing. Music kicked ass. Fuckin A!
Not so impressive anymore as on the stream
enjoyable !
best prod of the party. i salute you.
Massively impressive 4k!
Fuck yes! :D
good muza
Ass kicking music, unbelievable visuals and synch. The best 4k this year!
Gotta freaking love those particles. The idea behind them is so simple but yet very effective.
Awesome detail, very fluid
hell _YES_.
Very impressive effect and music, totally atmospheric.
Great 4k! Also runs very smooth despite the amazing number of moving particle-thingines onscreen.
Very good! Reminds me of Laxity's 10000 dots cube... ;p
Great synth and effect
Jesus fucking Christ!
strong visuals and great music
Everything about it!
Millions of mini ribbons! :D Excellent visuals but i had to turn the volume off ;p
Great improvement over the Candystall French fries :)
STALL! massive
Nice effects
Oh my God ! One word : brilliant !!!
This is what i call demo ! Smooth, original, colorful, creative, everything is there ! Fantastic ! At last something cool and different ! Keep on the good work !!
This is what i call demo ! Smooth, original, colorful, creative, everything is there ! Fantastic ! At last something cool and different ! Keep on the good work !!
the demoscene the way i like it
*LOL* What a ride :D. Could very well be the most epic and overall most technically advanced 4k soundtrack I've ever heard. My mouth was open and my head was nodding the entire time :). Great effects and quite a bit of variation (I've seen more contents in other intros, but this is definitely not too little :)). Awesome work! This should definitely be played in a proper sound system and be shown on a bigscreen.
Now I'm REALLY mad this didn't make it to the Solskogen bigscreen.
Oh, SCHEISSE! Was this the prod that was never shown at Solskogen :D! Hahaha, it would've totally blown everything out of the water ;). But then again, I don't know how much work was done on this prod between Solskogen and ASM. I guess the prize money is a bit better at ASM too, right ;)?
pure brilliance! The sound and the visuals are really top notch, one of the coolest songs I've heard in a 4k!
Uhm ok!?
Excellent music for a 4k and keeps it interesting all the way through.
yeah, im raving bitches!
Saw it on the stream and could barely believe it's only 4k. Kickass effect, well executed, and the sound quality is way above your usual 4k synth.
wow !
unique effects. thumbs up!
pleasure in every aspect.
one of the best asm2010 releases!
pleasure in every aspect.
one of the best asm2010 releases!
who made it actually?
great stuff
Great music, nice base effect, but seems like too little space for content (I guess that's why it's a staller prod.. ;)
only receptor still beats this !
music just rocks ! effect is a killer !
music just rocks ! effect is a killer !
fuck yieeeehh
hehe, 100th thumbup included a CDC ;)
wanted to inform you i got a black screen with music under Win7 64bit, 8800 GTS newest Driver
wanted to inform you i got a black screen with music under Win7 64bit, 8800 GTS newest Driver
good visuals
Crispy and thick sound, nice effect/visuals!
Now I'm REALLY mad this didn't make it to the Solskogen bigscreen.
Really cool and smooth effect with a soundtrack I could drop in a DJ-set any day. In 4k. Here's your thumb up.
Perfectly executed! This is how flock-systems are supposed to be used, along with shaders and motions! Totally my cup of tea!
Not bad.
Might just be my new favourite 4k.
nice one =)
no effect here. 480gtx, nv258.96 driver
really enjoyable on the bigscreen, very good job
It works!
As a sucker for in-your-face-sync techno demos and insane amount of particle-y thngs I simply cant do anything else that thumb this up very thoroughly :)
Only "downside" is that the music would really, really win if mixed properly. That should have been doable within the size limit.
Only "downside" is that the music would really, really win if mixed properly. That should have been doable within the size limit.
would've liked to have seen this at Solskogen, it would've fit right into the party atmosphere :)
Not for epilleptic people.
cool effects, but the whole things doesn't entertain me..
Wow, that was powerful. ESKALATION!
btw, seriously, you got a thumb for the visual because, seriously at 1:50, my ears bled)
abolutely awesome!
Holy Mother of God.
dunno ..
what is this about? visualisation of the schranz alike trash music? ..
(i liked the ride/percussions, tho. what a waste for this music genre!)
what is this about? visualisation of the schranz alike trash music? ..
(i liked the ride/percussions, tho. what a waste for this music genre!)
great music
entertaining.. good sync effects and synth, but yeah.. enough of the blue/orange color scheme already (at least there was some red too :)
the music is not my cup of tea, but I love the rest
Damned impressive.
Not much to say, besides the obvious fact that the music and visuals rock hard.
Rocks hard!
I was to thumb this up, except for the music, but I just realised it's a 4k. So the code gets two thumbs and the sound one, too ;)
Absolutely staggering! Maybe the best prod of the year!
(the music would sound better with less reverb though... )
(the music would sound better with less reverb though... )
Great stuff, had to keep reminding myself it was 4k :)
I don't really get all the praise this prod is getting, so I'm compensating with a piggy. After an "epic" beginning, I got disappointed by the fact that it's just a standard-fare rhythm visualizer. The music is good, and the algorithm for the object is apparently nice and produces pleasing output, yes, but that's about all of it. Nothing extraordinary.
is there any chance we could get a 640x480 version? for the lamers with bad cards. (yes I know I can just watch the video)
An outstanding experience, especially at the party place!
Allleeerrrr !!!
Torment, you dolt! Stop being so humble :)
A deepness in the sky with diamonds and shaders in 4k.
Great visuals. The music is not my cup of tea.
bum bum bum untz untz untz :D
my ears bleed ;)
my ears bleed ;)
Horrible 'music', but nice to see you guys finally got it working on a compo machine.
Can I get a 2560x1600 version, please?
Can I get a 2560x1600 version, please?
exactly what viznut said.
I have to add that I don't really like the music though.
boom goes the dynamite
Der untz!
Crashes instantly.... Win7/64bit, ATI HD...
Well deserved 1. place. Shows something new. Excellent sync. (only 1024x768version works, on AMD Phenom 4core 64bit 2.6ghz,XP64, 8800 GT)
Sound and red painted frames are great.
It looks almost like a 64k-intro!
It looks almost like a 64k-intro!
What what..
very nice :)
damn nice prod!
Btw, a 1080p version would be kewl. Or a bigger version with a launcher or something.
very nice, especially because of the soundtrack by THE DANISH MUSICIAN. the only downside is the punchy drum that hints at goa all the way throughout the tune. :)
what viznut said.
Cooooool !
Fuckin' ace!
btw, love the cymbals. are they synthesized? or streamed from some OS datafile? they're amazing.
btw, love the cymbals. are they synthesized? or streamed from some OS datafile? they're amazing.
hm ... only blackscreen and sound here...
285GTX, Win 7 64bit , 3,4 Ghz Quadcore...
but anyway ... the vid looks insane !
285GTX, Win 7 64bit , 3,4 Ghz Quadcore...
but anyway ... the vid looks insane !
Very impressive!
Easy 1st place.
Not my taste :/
awesome visuals
black screen on 5870 dual monitor, win7.
Hairy balls!
insectecutor: it's a known problem with most dx9 intros (a device reset is needed), Aero and dual screen setup. Disable Aero (ie switch to window 7 basic theme) or the 2nd screen. Otherwise Aero will invalidate the device after resolution change.
fuckin awesoe and unbelievable
super crazy cool! had to watch the vid tho cuz the ball didn't render on my gtx480
best ribbonz of 2010!
it's the sum of all ahhs
it's the sum of all ahhs
lol BarZoule +1
Das ist fantastish!
Nice, but music wasn't really my taste.
The music!!!
I'm guessing this uses (a bastardised) 4Klang right? Diving into that now, stay tuned :)
weyland: I guess it's using more or less the same thing as Candystall, way before 4klang ;)
This music rulez! Good prod.
interesting, but music
WOW !!!
Ribbon porn! :)
A very well crafted single effect demo.
A very well crafted single effect demo.
wow. Job well done
The Danish Musician totally wrecked my ears ;)
Awesome 4k
I'm jealous of The Danish Musicians' synth as well, the cymbals got my attention immediately. I thought he was pulling a 'texas', but apparently not..
uhm, and...nice object/thingie
uhm, and...nice object/thingie
AGL - I do think The Danish Musician has to much self-respect to pull a "texas" ..
Good synth, good visuals, good job.
whats next on the pittsburgh stallers menu?
Wow, amazing direction! I love the beginning. Amazingly well polished for a 4k.
changed my opinion about this! can have
now. =>

Damn, this rocks hard. Minimal schranz (or sth) ftw!
Hammer !
You guys simply made my night. And my day. And probably the night after that as well.
The pulsing at the start already got me. :)
very nice!
I just had to give this a second thumb up because The Danish Musician's techno is teh shizznizz!
Awesome !
I just saw it and think "wow, it's a very nice demo!" then I saw it was a 4KB INTRO !!!!
Awesome piece of code :D
Awesome piece of code :D
Quite interesting 4k with a stomping track!
Made a Highres Youtube Rip for it:
Neanderstaller by Pittsburgh Stallers | 4k (1080p)
Made a Highres Youtube Rip for it:
Neanderstaller by Pittsburgh Stallers | 4k (1080p)
the effect is pure sex
only little critique: it drags on just a bit too long
only little critique: it drags on just a bit too long
Party killer!
I didn't thumb this yet? Fixed.
An eyeball popper and jaw dropper in every aspect, I don't believe this! D8
fake techno.
Outstanding 4k!
Very Deepness in the Sky-ish.
Very Deepness in the Sky-ish.
I don't like the music style, but this is definitely a great production.
i actually love this sound :D goin psyche and fits the graphic structures =)
Really like this one. Great sound in a 4k and cool looking effects.
Whoa, this is seriously great! Love it!
still love.
Really good!
Omg, that's an awesome prod! Both visuals and music are amazing!
Can't stop it, I have to thumb it up.
How did I ever missed this 4K? This is pure gold!
Awesome stuff! Interestingly it doesn't work on my current PC, at the beggining the funny looking ribbons float away and never come back... (win10 64bit, geforce rtx 2060, latest driver)
love the sound
My favorite demo! Sadly it doesn't work on my PC, at the beggining ribbons float away and never come back... (i9940x, win10 64bit, geforce rtx 2080)
Broken version
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