One Quarter by Fairlight [web] | ||||||||||||||
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popularity : 68% |
alltime top: #1104 |
added on the 2012-02-12 10:15:12 by tomaes ![]() |
popularity helper
Very nice and polished demo with great music. I especially like the various transition effects.
rulez added on the 2012-02-12 10:27:36 by StingRay 

Excellent as always!
Cool design and gfx.
A perfect demo in my opinion.
I was about to shout Amiga, but then i realized that this is C64. Awesome!!! A lot of great effects, tied together by fitting transitions and great music.
Remember raytracing is still only a dream on commodore!
Very nice!
Felt a bit bare in some places, but a very neat demo nonetheless.
Rules, especially the music in the first part.
Rulez all the way!
all the best stuff they keep for me thinks X ;-)
enojyable demo
what a blast!
not my cup of tea, but still a good demo.
Will download it and try it on my C64 first thing tomorrow. I expect greatness!
A lot's of nice effects here, lovely music, graphics, transition, fairlight quality.
Not my favorite Fairlight c64 prod of the last couple years but still filled with awesome :D
abit too coder pr0n but pretty good
not the strongest one, but enjoyable and solid!
The tune is great and so it the mood. I already say sorry here for ripping these kick-ass 2x2 fonts in the near future :-)
I really hope the alcotestresults were in per mil and not percent...
good shit + mid'90's ending raytrace anim hah.
excellent.. one more time FLT rulez!!
Very nice. I like the credit song.
Great demo.
clean design and excellent soundtrack
The dropping balls and rotating triangles-part is awesome.
Excellence as always from Fairlight C64.
Not bad, especially the rotating triangle scene. Some balls seemed to have fallen through the triangles though. :D
Are the side B SIDs available anywhere?
Are the side B SIDs available anywhere?
I guess the alcotests were in ‰ indeed :D
Nice oldschoolish demo which luckily means the music is not that shit either what trendy kids use to listen to these days :P
Nice oldschoolish demo which luckily means the music is not that shit either what trendy kids use to listen to these days :P
Nice ah it said Alchotest tough it said Algotest :p
what else
cool demo.
Some bugs (like the truncated 3d animated objects), but not bad. The triangles with bouncing balls are cool, also nice work on the transitions.
another video here:
lovely. <3
Sehr lovely!
love it
En kvarting!
Nice demo! Now, after coding the triangles with the bouncing balls, code a pinball game :)
A winner on all fronts. Especially digging the tunes on disk 1.
no. you guys could do this one 10 times a year.
Great show !
esp. love the musics...
esp. love the musics...
c64 still leads the scene! :D
nice interference+plasma thingy at the end, cool design. Nice prod overall! Not the best from the "new style" FLT, but cool.
rather weak, especially for fairlight's standards
worthy winner.
Love the soundtrack
Decent. That tune is familiar, but I can't remember what song it is!
Outstanding, as usually. Congrats! :)
great effects and i LOVE the soundtrack!
great old skool, liked those little bouncing balls..
Excellent demo - great effects and great soundtrack
very nice one!
Raw, oldschool style, different than in recent demos. But very enjoyable!
Alcotest table looks a little bit unbelievable and... scary. Are units correct?? ;-))))))
Alcotest table looks a little bit unbelievable and... scary. Are units correct?? ;-))))))
Why Fairlight's demos always rocks? :>
I'm flashed!! Wonderfull atmosphere and brilliant music!! wish i was a at the party!
What all of the up-thumbers above said!
Fantastic work !! Glad to see you still around, Pantaloon.
this demo rocks!
I definitly *NEED* the SID tunes from this demo!!! è_é
I definitly *NEED* the SID tunes from this demo!!! è_é
neat one
If I'm in oldskool mood I turn on this demo and enjoy the music. Again and again..
The SID from Danko is available in MP3 on his home page
A SID from Wiklund has been "Youtubed".
Thanks to the guy who did the audio capture.
Thanks to the guy who did the audio capture.
Great stuff!
Excellent as usual + the second part has the coolest tune I heard from a C64 for years :)
Agree, the second music track is awesome as fuck, I wish we had a slightly better quality capture...
well done
I recommend this as a tasty breakfast prod and suggest merely a little bacon
Tripping like in the good old days... Thank you guys :-)
Thumbs up for Fairlight and all the wonderful SIDs!
Another lovely FLT demo, diggin' this musix too :)
Great demo!
The most remarkable thing for me was the fact that the balls that fall on the rotating triangles are non-deterministic -- every time they are different.
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