WorldCharts #15 by The Silents [web] & Scoopex [web] & Hoodlum [web]
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popularity : 72% |
alltime top: #1244 |
added on the 2002-12-28 00:43:44 by barock ![]() |
popularity helper
so... what you're saying is that Fairlight is the #3 pc demogroup, Razor 1991 is the #4 pc demogroup and that Plek is actually a *member* of Razor?
you people are as accurate as something wholly inaccurate.
still, cute interface.
you people are as accurate as something wholly inaccurate.
still, cute interface.
Nice interface and nice songs to listen to while reading!
co0l to read, nice layout and music :)
awesome like the old issue be4!
why is this so fucking slow ?
anything else may be good & graphics & musix are nice, but its toooooo slooooooooooowwwwwww...... argh
anything else may be good & graphics & musix are nice, but its toooooo slooooooooooowwwwwww...... argh
All in all this was an awesome production. It did run slow for some reason on one of my 500MHz Windows 2000 PCs, not sure why. Can't wait for #16.
well, nice diskmag and all, but heck, if a diskmag is slow as fuck on a duron 800 with a radeon 7200, something's WRONG. :)
(it got really slow when there was uh, text on the screen, which baffled me even more)
anyway, i'm not giving a thumb to this! ha ha! just because remorse wasn't the #1 ansi/ascii group! damn that sac!
(it got really slow when there was uh, text on the screen, which baffled me even more)
anyway, i'm not giving a thumb to this! ha ha! just because remorse wasn't the #1 ansi/ascii group! damn that sac!
its awesome to see these kinda things still going, but one thing i was abit pissed about, plek was number 10 on most hated scener but he was listed /razor1911, when he is in bypass.
Thanks to everyone who voted for me as most hated scener, maybe next issue i can make it to the top 5, and from there, anything is possible!.
and remember kids, we made the superrfucktro for you!
Thanks to everyone who voted for me as most hated scener, maybe next issue i can make it to the top 5, and from there, anything is possible!.
and remember kids, we made the superrfucktro for you!
great production, with great ambiant songs making it pleasant to spend some time in... Just love it :-)
bloody hell, someone even voted my site (A.D.A.) into the charts and it wasn't even me :)
Anyway, i love this...very nice music and presentation. Great work!
Anyway, i love this...very nice music and presentation. Great work!
Yeah, plek tried so HARD to make it to the most-hated-sceners charts pole position and he's still so far behind macaw. ;)
Presentation was very good, liked that. No speed problems over here. Probably you should extend the fun charts with new questions and/or vary them a bit.
Presentation was very good, liked that. No speed problems over here. Probably you should extend the fun charts with new questions and/or vary them a bit.
sagacity,we all know fairlight is #1 so there must be some serious problem with the votes.
Very Good prod. all is Perfect !!!
Sagacity - u suck... i will vote next time for u as most hated! muhahaha... 8)
Sagacity - u suck... i will vote next time for u as most hated! muhahaha... 8)
looks nice, but it still seems like there has been some cheating. especially on the ascii charts. unless people have a really bad taste :)
a goodlooking joke :>
Nice intro, great title picture, amazing music and the charts aren't bad either.
Seriously though, good work!
Seriously though, good work!
nice mag, nice songs. as alwas, keep it goin bk!
The interface is good, if it only didn't lag like hell on my Athlon 1800 XP (yeah, my GFX card sucks, but still). Many of the chart positions were tad surprising (like Razor's rank in the best groups, Distance not among best musicians and how high Finnish parties ranked, also it seems some great groups have been totally forgotten recently).
sehr hübsch und klingt gut. pc group charts are a bit fucked, but whatever... noticed no speed problems.
still that cute interface indeed.
- weird voting (for once diamondie is right)
- 'warez scene' (= criminal fuckfaces)
oh and for your information, i'm not in razor 1911 ;) (but cheers for the attempt to humor!)
- weird voting (for once diamondie is right)
- 'warez scene' (= criminal fuckfaces)
oh and for your information, i'm not in razor 1911 ;) (but cheers for the attempt to humor!)
Grrr... something went very wrong with my greetings. First I said I wanted to send my wishes to some very few good scene friends of mine, like to texel, variat, shr and 2-3 others (may forget now). And then I wrote something to the greek scene that was lost and sent few greetings to them too. But the first greets to the foreign people were lost and the message too and then there was only the greets to the greek people left :(
Ugh.. what I felt then is called "Xeneroma" in greek :P
Don't know if they found my message quite big or something happened with the online submission....
Want say anything about the mag itself, don't have any mood now.. just keep it going...
Ugh.. what I felt then is called "Xeneroma" in greek :P
Don't know if they found my message quite big or something happened with the online submission....
Want say anything about the mag itself, don't have any mood now.. just keep it going...
i don't have any decent opengl on my laptop, and my geforce-card is broken. anyway, data.pak is a rar-file with date.png as password :P
Anyways,. I will recent the few special greets to the few special scene friends for the next issue ;-P
Neon: You damn cracker :)
Nice interface, graphics and music.
Nice interface, graphics and music.
Nicely done, good job!
Well, I was actually surprised to see this issue so soon, rather than so late. Again the music is excellent. A slightly changed interface or font might've been nice but they're allright. I'm a bit annoyed by the warez/ansi/ascii influence in the PC charts. FLT/RZR/TRSI/SCX could've been in the Amiga oldschool group chart, but *PC*? gimme a break. Maybe there should be a Best Oldschool Group chart added to the Warez section. Also, over half of the best PC musicdisks are *chipdisks*? C'mon guys, the PC is capable of a little more than chip tunes. It's a bit embarrassing compared to the Amiga. Finally, just a suggestion, it doesn't make sense to split the Best Wild Demo chart by platform, since the whole point of wild demos is to be platform independent.
All in all, I still want to thumb WC up for hanging in there and keep this whole chart thing alive. Just don't cling TOO much to old legacies.
All in all, I still want to thumb WC up for hanging in there and keep this whole chart thing alive. Just don't cling TOO much to old legacies.
Good stuff, I always enjoy reading a good scenemag.
Very nice job again. I noticed some interesting things in the charts:
1) the razor/fairlight thing that everyone else have already mentioned.
2) there weren't any exploder's intros in the amiga 4k charts. Have people all of a sudden stopped voting for them, or what? :)
Music rocked again and the graphics were excellent. Keep it up!
1) the razor/fairlight thing that everyone else have already mentioned.
2) there weren't any exploder's intros in the amiga 4k charts. Have people all of a sudden stopped voting for them, or what? :)
Music rocked again and the graphics were excellent. Keep it up!
great gui, kool muzax specially first.
Nice charts.
Amiga legacy RULEZ YOU ALL.
Nice charts.
Amiga legacy RULEZ YOU ALL.
very good magdisk, i like a lot ! really nice gfx, congrats. greetz to all tsl members.
gooooooood work :o)
gooooooood work :o)
Nice chartmag. Altough I disagree with many of the charts :)
Graphics are nice and text is much more readable than last time. Didn't like the intro that much, last one was better.
Graphics are nice and text is much more readable than last time. Didn't like the intro that much, last one was better.
hmmm...nice gfx, cool efx, chillout msx :) but where's the ansi/ascii artist chart ?? or some cover artists charts?
The graphics, both in the intro and the panel-interface is nice. But this is too damn *slooow* if you do not use a geforce class graphics card. My computer at work use a TNT2 and it is dead slow but at home with my Geforce4 everything is fine.
Please turn off that effects going on in the background or make it an option so that you can enjoy the mag on a lesser pc. A good example is PAiN which is running fine even on my ageing 233MHz laptop!
Please turn off that effects going on in the background or make it an option so that you can enjoy the mag on a lesser pc. A good example is PAiN which is running fine even on my ageing 233MHz laptop!
come on, it works ok even on an ati rage mobility
the voters suck
really good one again.
just wondering sometimes about some votes (especially ascii votes! totally wrong :))
it runs very good on my machine, but i think for general it would be cool if you can decide for yourself before sc-start what effects/resolution you want to have.
just wondering sometimes about some votes (especially ascii votes! totally wrong :))
it runs very good on my machine, but i think for general it would be cool if you can decide for yourself before sc-start what effects/resolution you want to have.
I think the reason for all the "totaly wrong placings" is that there is still way too few voters. And about the ascii charts, well, the artscene speaks for it self, hehe,
btw, wtf, why did u remove the porn? =)
and please add courier charts in the warez part.
great work!
btw, wtf, why did u remove the porn? =)
and please add courier charts in the warez part.
great work!
oh yeah, the waiting has been worth it... got it on cd at the TUM party, old copyparty style..=)
but it's really a pitty that some categories lacked voters.people, please support this GREAT project !
...and the plek/rzr1911 joke was good =)
but it's really a pitty that some categories lacked voters.people, please support this GREAT project !
...and the plek/rzr1911 joke was good =)
cool magazine! Everyone go vote, i did :) I don't like the intro that much btw but who cares since this isn't a demo :)
If selfvoting was not allowed I think it would improve a lot...
is this hosted on a 28.8 modem? i get 1kb/s or so.
i had good speed like 5 Minutes ago... so i think it is not the servers fault... who knows :)
Congrats guys! A great issue!!! Maybe some people have weird ideas when it comes to their votes but that is not the fault of Barock & Co.
A text version would be very useful, but the one you've linked to appears to have truncated alot of important text past the 70th column. :(
A text version would be very useful, but the one you've linked to appears to have truncated alot of important text past the 70th column. :(
For what a text file ??? Print out and wipe off u'r A*s? 8)
Charts MAG on a Plan Text is damn sh*t... here is the *DEMO* scene.. not Textfile Scene 8)
Charts MAG on a Plan Text is damn sh*t... here is the *DEMO* scene.. not Textfile Scene 8)
RaD Man: whoopsie :) fixed :)
_nice_ interface!
hmnn - have a notebook. can't read it... but music seems to be very good.
rocks!!! Nice interface. nice Sperma particle Effects and nice Music!
lalalala bald ist weihnacht wieder da... *träller*
nice intro. good issue.
the results were abit fucked up though.
razor and fairlight on top10 pc groups for example..
i respect them and all but i dont really think they been doing their best lately.. not better then some other groups with a lot less and higher talented members.
thumbs up to worldcharts people, keep improving. :)
the results were abit fucked up though.
razor and fairlight on top10 pc groups for example..
i respect them and all but i dont really think they been doing their best lately.. not better then some other groups with a lot less and higher talented members.
thumbs up to worldcharts people, keep improving. :)
well, nice to have this worldcharts in this next issue, but it was waaaaay too slow, the idea of turning off the backgroundeffects is nice! what the hell is in your code which needs THAT power? :)
anyway awaiting the amiga issue and of course issue #16. :)
anyway awaiting the amiga issue and of course issue #16. :)
I've now tested it on about 6 different machines. The magazine is excellent but for some reason it is only bareable to maneuver on 2 out of 6 boxes, all running at speeds 500MHz - 1.4GHz.
It would be nice if there were a patch or re-release which has an option to disable whatever is slowing things down. :)
It would be nice if there were a patch or re-release which has an option to disable whatever is slowing things down. :)
Works swell on my 2 GHz, barely usable on my 1 GHz. Still, great work with the charts!
Looking forward to the next one already, but first of all, please support Pain everyone.
Looking forward to the next one already, but first of all, please support Pain everyone.
disable selfvoting.
I thought those votes would be discarded?? Oh well, I am so naive.
I would guess the reason Razor/Fairlight are ranked in the PC Charts is because warez scene people are voting, and warez monkeys take no interest in the demoscene.. but they know that Rzr/Flt are big names in warez, so...
Could be wrong, but it makes sense to me. Just another reason for people to NOT post links to (or wherever the new site is moving to) on isonews/etc. Either that or make it painfully clear that people should only vote in categories they actually know stuff about.
Oh, and prod rulez. Presentation is top notch, good speed, no complaints here.
Could be wrong, but it makes sense to me. Just another reason for people to NOT post links to (or wherever the new site is moving to) on isonews/etc. Either that or make it painfully clear that people should only vote in categories they actually know stuff about.
Oh, and prod rulez. Presentation is top notch, good speed, no complaints here.
good prod again =) best charts mag of course..
on the voting:
yeh, i think we all (even us fairlight guys who benefitted from it) realise that the chart positions on best group charts are a little bogus.
i dont think its so much warez sceners or self voting (surely nobody does it? far too lame) as perhaps a lot of friends of the groups voting.
but that said, if you're unhappy about it, the best thing to do is a) go and vote yourself and b) spread the word to all the sceners you can find, and get them to vote too. the more sceners that vote, the more representative and "accurate" the voting is. if you dont do that.. then.. not much room to complain, is there? =)
on the voting:
yeh, i think we all (even us fairlight guys who benefitted from it) realise that the chart positions on best group charts are a little bogus.
i dont think its so much warez sceners or self voting (surely nobody does it? far too lame) as perhaps a lot of friends of the groups voting.
but that said, if you're unhappy about it, the best thing to do is a) go and vote yourself and b) spread the word to all the sceners you can find, and get them to vote too. the more sceners that vote, the more representative and "accurate" the voting is. if you dont do that.. then.. not much room to complain, is there? =)
the thing about warez voters is wrong, I think, because there aint that many votes in the warez section at all, or is it? I think there is just lots of sceners who dont know what groups are good at the moment so they vote the big old names? =)
@Mtl: But "Real" Warez-Sceners ( from Major Groups ) DON'T like *public*-platforms how Isonews/etc. That is the reason none linked to ... and that is also better like that... or u will get mega-more fake/shit votes from none-scene-knowledge Lamers !!!
most boozed party
most unclean/stink scener
most bullshit talker
most unclean/stink scener
most bullshit talker
Good stuff, I'm getting flashbacks from the old days with Eurochart etc. :) Now if you'd just fix the text-makes-everything-slower thing and get rid of some bizarre topics like "oldschool group"..
interesting read..
warez dudes shouldnt be voting for the demogroups indeed, although both FLT and RZR did put out quite a lot of demos lately and well, why shouldnt people like these?
as usual.... IT ROCKS!
bug for mouse, i dont see any cursor
simple intro, but efficient
the rest is like others issues, i prefer Pain ;-p
simple intro, but efficient
the rest is like others issues, i prefer Pain ;-p
World L33T Domination
again, i loved to read the charts and seeing people continueing good stuff. rock on, RaS
nice design
but it crashed my work PC (crap 3d crad there)
Maybe you could do online version (flash maybe) to avoid copatibility issues ? (speaking on behalf of mac and other systems people)
but it crashed my work PC (crap 3d crad there)
Maybe you could do online version (flash maybe) to avoid copatibility issues ? (speaking on behalf of mac and other systems people)
Where is #16? :/
I've never seen any sense in making scene charts but this chart mag was pretty cool, would like to see more of it. To bad it's dead now.
Flawless presentation, and great music.
Really stylish, although it ends up being rather annoying to have to wait each time for the text to display.
Anyone know the password for the archive? ;)
Really stylish, although it ends up being rather annoying to have to wait each time for the text to display.
Anyone know the password for the archive? ;)
It rocks.
Great presentation <3
Good tunes/gfx
Good tunes/gfx
man, that interface is so intense, it made me nut in my pants! keep it up!!!
Was nice to see the another issue.
Some major mouse issues in win10, but thumb for style.
submit changes
if this prod is a fake, some info is false or the download link is broken,
do not post about it in the comments, it will get lost.
instead, click here !
Finally its here... Hope u like it as we do ! Many of your suggestions added... some more to come ! Amiga & C64 Versions will follow in the next days... ;) Thx for all support - keep this up !!! You make our day... Next Issue end of january/beginning of february - voting open soon ! Bugreports & any kind of ideas/suggestions VERY welcome !!! cu guys...