STS-05: Royal Temple Ball by Synesthetics
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popularity : 75% |
alltime top: #195 |
added on the 2007-07-02 16:21:35 by Gargaj ![]() |
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rulez added on the 2007-07-02 16:23:25 by el mal 

brilliant! sts for prez
Yay!.. Happy vibes from this one. I Like it a lot!
the winner.
It runs really slow on my computer (not much more than 1fps)... I need to check the videos.
First part is cool, really cool, then the 0s and 1s look a nit ugly, and the rest is a bit placeholder.
However, its great because the flow/camera work on it makes it work very well, as usual in all sts prods. Doesn't matter if you only have a cube, medicine man will move the camera around it, in sync with the feel of the tune so it looks like THE cube.
However, its great because the flow/camera work on it makes it work very well, as usual in all sts prods. Doesn't matter if you only have a cube, medicine man will move the camera around it, in sync with the feel of the tune so it looks like THE cube.
Nice little demo
sts rules :)
Whoo, really cool demoshow!! :D
damn cool!
thumbs for the title alone
This got my vote... Loved the effects!
nice one
beautiful design and transitions.
A downpart is that the scenes were displayed too long. What I mean was like:
HAI, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, KTHXBYE ;)
A downpart is that the scenes were displayed too long. What I mean was like:
HAI, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, KTHXBYE ;)
I said thumb up. ;)
The planet stuff was real cute and I enjoyed the soundtrack. Towards the end I got a real big bon voyage -feeling, though. But so not, weakish thumb up.
good demo, great mixture of different effects!
I love the yellow growing worm :)
I love the yellow growing worm :)
amazing flow. that's nothing new for synesthetics, but it's definitely worth mentioning over and over again :)
not bad, but the colors are not really my cup of tea..
<3 first scene
Runs very slow here (3-4 fps, radeon 9800) even though the infofile states that any mid-range radeon should do. Might be a driverproblem though. Anyway, the demo is not my cup of tea, I don't really like the music and the visuals don't impress me much either.
really liked this, was fun to watch.. nice use of cubes, great visuals! great!
was running at 2fps so i pressed escape.
p4 3ghz ati radeon x800pro
p4 3ghz ati radeon x800pro
WTF?! Bug of the year here - most of the demo runs in 1d! It starts with the stars and logo, no ship just some nice design style vertical lines. The cube and space warp thing work fine, then the planet appears in 2d (same great looking vertical design lines), then the sun + binary appears on a 2d background.
I'm guessing it's my shitty gf5 series card to blame, but still that's one sexy looking bug!
I'm guessing it's my shitty gf5 series card to blame, but still that's one sexy looking bug!
Great fun! Smooth as a greased piglet on my rather old 6600GT, by the way...
very very pretty! but it was crawling when i had anti alias turned on
btw psonice: get real! people use gf7 and gf8 series now...
btw psonice: get real! people use gf7 and gf8 series now...
Some cool scenes, cool enough :)
Planet Earth (I call it) is a little bit shwon to long next to this its a sts release allright!
Pitty there is this 3 minute rule :) We want more:) Thump!
Pitty there is this 3 minute rule :) We want more:) Thump!
this is a very beautiful prod and deserves to win
same effect like psonice
psonice: kkapture it! :)
Usual high standards from STS. My only issue is that it is completely indistinguishable from any other STS prod - we always follow that triangular avatar moving inside a tunnel, through clouds etc.. I expect a demo where that 'spaceship' crashes spectacularly ala deities and then lots of new effects (i.e. not recycled from 1995) appear on screen.
(I'm half joking. I enjoy STS prods regardless of recycling...)
(I'm half joking. I enjoy STS prods regardless of recycling...)
The colors, the music.....Me should make an extended version that can really TAKE OFF!
Nothing really special to me but I enjoyed watching this. Plus I like the cell/AO style shading.
Enjoyable in a cell-shadingly way.
This one is fucking AWESOME !!!
<3 <3 <3 <3 STS I'm addicted to yours demos, seriously :-D
Winner of the compo for sure.
This one is fucking AWESOME !!!
<3 <3 <3 <3 STS I'm addicted to yours demos, seriously :-D
Winner of the compo for sure.
Short, but sweet! Very sweet!!!
I hate cell shading, but this managed to pull it off in a good way. The planet scene turning to night was sooo beautiful!!
And the music...amazing!
I hate cell shading, but this managed to pull it off in a good way. The planet scene turning to night was sooo beautiful!!
And the music...amazing!
love the globe! - and what a piece of music!!!
greeble. Amazing stuff.
great! and the music is oh so shpongly <3
I love you STS - but I was really really sad that is simply just stopped when the music had started to kick... sigh... hopefully I will get my trance-needs fulfilled from you guys sooner or later :). Music rules, visuals rules, allthough the tunnel part is somewhat wellknown from you guys ;)
..and btw your STS-XX numbering does not make any sense anymore ;)
Wow... this one is my favorite for the IDC so far. Good work!
outter synch is funny! voxel joke power!
inside planet Rlz! and
has a certain oldskool taste.
cell/toon shader at will !
inside planet Rlz! and
has a certain oldskool taste.
cell/toon shader at will !
really cool, but too short. it gets to the point where you go "okay, i'm ready - hit me with the killer effect!" ..and then it's over.
My favourite of the compo. I wish it wouldn't end so suddenly.
Not bad, but STS has already done way better.
Very cool effects and flow. And the music is lovely too, reminded me of Sphongle.
The only sad thing is that it was too short, it really could have used one more part.
The only sad thing is that it was too short, it really could have used one more part.
Small thumb up. It's cute, but it feels incomplete.
I still prefer instant-zen quite more. However, that yellow-multi-cube-worm in the blue tunnel is fantastic! (in spite of the simplicity, it deserves best effect award I think)
In realtime, it's all hosed up here, everything's covered in harsh red and green artefacts. The video looks slick and shiny though. Best in the compo imho.
Same issue as tomæs, but I only blame myself for having an intel extreme.
The demo is bloody awesome though, but a bit too short.
The demo is bloody awesome though, but a bit too short.
everything outside the planet rocks. inside is yet another (nice) sts demo.
favourite O_0--b
Worked nicely on my 3 year old AMD-ATI combo.
Worked nicely on my 3 year old AMD-ATI combo.
I must say that I really like it. The intersection part between outside and the inside totally rocks :)
And I must prepare a poisounous pill for the coder because You prove me that I suck :) Deeply.
And I must prepare a poisounous pill for the coder because You prove me that I suck :) Deeply.
excellent post processing.
Clean rendering, usual STS style, music and progression, what else do you need? If it only had more (ended up early)
Very nice !
Really cool
You had me at the water.
I loved the beginning and the look.
I got vlines instead the glob, crappy gforce 5, can't wait 22 july
rulaz !
buckethead: ditto here, medicine man already knows!
the transition between the planet and the planet core was just nominated for an oscar.. now how about that... very sexy and clean (!!!) looking cartoon shading.
After watching all the entries, it's definitely my favorite in the compo :)
reminded me of the nineties...pretty well done!
My favorite with ASD's one. But this one is the most demo-ish entry of the compo.
so the origin of the Earth is alienish and the primitive form is the cube ? :)
You rule.
great planet scene but as others said, inside it's just repeating the usual extremely high quality sts stuff. excellent work as always, great syncing, but I wish you will make something more fresh in the future. Something as fresh as the planet surface in the first half of the demo for the whole show.
Quite good, actually.
I love when the night falls and the blue-ish colours take over - accompanied by strong red, yellow and green. Very stylish.
The music is quite fitting, but it somehow felt rushed?
I love when the night falls and the blue-ish colours take over - accompanied by strong red, yellow and green. Very stylish.
The music is quite fitting, but it somehow felt rushed?
music is so great, a classic by a man with no alias, and for the demo part, actually it crashed with a big nice visual studio debugging instance question but still this can't prevent me from giving you a thumby
Music is a genetically processed material mixing System7 and Hallucinogen that reminds me those cold summer mornings on the countryside drinking some hot coffee and croissants after a night of dancing in some random places, all of this back in the middle 90's. If you know what I mean. (replacing "night of dancing" by "night of demopartying" does also make sense)
Yummy, great music, great demo.
Music is a genetically processed material mixing System7 and Hallucinogen that reminds me those cold summer mornings on the countryside drinking some hot coffee and croissants after a night of dancing in some random places, all of this back in the middle 90's. If you know what I mean. (replacing "night of dancing" by "night of demopartying" does also make sense)
Yummy, great music, great demo.
fancy design!
Its ok. The very last part is really cool and the music rocks, but most of the time i was a bit bored instead of blown away.
for some reaspon did't catch me as much as other STS demos. still a thumb up for the first part and the yellow snake-thing
really great! The Earth part is a bit long, but the blue tunnel with the yellow I-dont't-know-how-to call-it worm thing is amazing
Solid STS material. I agree with fiver here - first part rocked bigtime, second part was a nice rehash of what we know from you already. And the end felt a bit out of place.
Still: At that point when everything began to sparkle, you got me sitting there thinking "oooooooh shiny". perfect. :)
Still: At that point when everything began to sparkle, you got me sitting there thinking "oooooooh shiny". perfect. :)
It was fucking good, thanks a lot :D
Wow! Clean design. Very very good!
Nice and colourful!
This brought chills to me.
Alright, but not the best one in the compo.
That outline effect combined with that sortof gouraud is really cute.
although i'm not a fan of these trancy moods, i have to admit that this one has a lot of energy. good transitions can do a lot. and yes - the furry worm thing is pretty cool.
Very cool! Synesthetics rocks again and again like it seems... Love it :)
clean demo... Synesthetics keeps the rocking!
drinking some hot coffee and croissants
Somewhere, something went terribly wrong.
Great stuff!
Great demo. The first scene is too long for me. Maybe i am missing something but I see myself rotating around that world once and once and once again and even though that it was the only effect on the demo :D
Then, inside the world (a very nice transition) i got surprised by the yellow thing at the end. Perfect shading, nice movement, and even mixing blue background with yellow and red objects worked out perfectly! Incredible :D
Then, inside the world (a very nice transition) i got surprised by the yellow thing at the end. Perfect shading, nice movement, and even mixing blue background with yellow and red objects worked out perfectly! Incredible :D
I like how the music progressed, the visuals were nice but not my taste. I think there is a bug there because I didn't noticed any world :/ But this prod is ok.
now, I have seen it correctly. good one. :D
lovely.Music super...World part super.
Nice, but too short :(
good demo
good shit.
first half of the demo rocks bigtime.
- please do a final, with a proper ending! ;) - lovely demo though, with the high quality that we've come to expect from sts!
as usual very good demo from sts
i love it. good job !
kind of hard not to be "too short" when there is a 3 minute rule, i assume :) I agree with puryx though, the ending is a bit of an anticlimax after the nice buildup..
oh well, at least you got the tree out of the watrer :P
oh well, at least you got the tree out of the watrer :P
Really great. Nothing "new" in the second half, but still great...
Still enjoyable (you are a tunell masters) but this demo has some dull moments. Still respect
The beginning reminds me a bit of "le petit prince".
Middle part is cool.
The end looks familiar compared to previous sts releases.
But all in all great stuff and good demo feeling
Middle part is cool.
The end looks familiar compared to previous sts releases.
But all in all great stuff and good demo feeling
Great. Muzax is so so but its a nice demo :)
The screenshot scene kicks some major ass, and the voxelblobs as well, but I think this was done quite quickly :) The soundtrack kicks ass though.
dub and psytrance! and a nice demo on top. with sugar. makes me happy :)
Nice! Earth part was a little too long.
fucking brilliant
man... this is like a long wet dream. thanks guys.
so... now this one has taken my coup de coeur which until now had the fr-025 demo.. damn... :D
video for the linux fags please?
nice :)
Silky smooth and fluid show - what we've come to expect from Synesthetics. I envy how you manage to pull out something like this even on a short notice. Like Navis said, the demo is missing the final punch - hopefully the series will end with a breath-taking blow!
Hopefully the Trip with Synesthetics demos does never end.. sts demos for life ;)
i liked it
is there a video?
yes click on Intel Demo Compo then on web. There is the video.
fuck yes.
i like it
i enjoyed it so much, great prod!
Synesthetics... I just love their style which I do find similar to Kewlers in some strange undefinable way. Just pure love!
I have to admit, this one really grew on me. At first it seemed to be just another typical STS prod - which it actually is, however just another great STS prod! :) so up the thumb!
One of the few demos these days that is actually beautiful.
I was a bit bored to be honest...
cool one
second half is especially nice
What an amazing demo. Set aside the Spore reference... the demo has so much style and soul, and simply put, it rulez. Peace to you Synesthetics.
PS. I love the music.
PS. I love the music.
Other than wanting more, I think this is another slick well put together Synesthetics prod. I would really love to see another long prod from them like Instant Zen.
All said, Synesthetics makes great stuff.
All said, Synesthetics makes great stuff.
Wow! A really unique and good-looking visual style, with some cool transitions and animations. I dig it.
- so, what are the odds of getting you to release a version of the soundtrack not snubbed to 3mins? :)
fan-fucking-tastic rendering.
it's always a pleasure to watch your prods
and this time again it rocks
averything is well directed
music, design , code
and this time again it rocks
averything is well directed
music, design , code
Nice! Colorful! Organic! Synchronized to music! Straight to the facts! Stylish titles!
its a pleasure to watch @ a new kind of style of demo. great work.
Flawless, but overrated.
Very nice.
1 million points out of ten possible for style.
Nice little demo
<3 shading, music, colours, outlining, camera, "distorted blob thing".
Lacks an ending, though
<3 shading, music, colours, outlining, camera, "distorted blob thing".
Lacks an ending, though
hopefully the winner - let's see tomorrow :)
seems like everybody like this demo
has not won.. too bad, but sts-05 have earned it... so great.. but there is always be a next time, good luck for you ;)
i mean sts-05 should have earned the winning :D
we have videos of the other contestants, is it possible to fix for this one plz?
Fabulous!! There is love in each and every pixel in this prod.
finally managed to see this on a computer that gives more then 2fps. pretty decent despite too short..
nice, nothing more
It is maybe the best STS demo ever!
thanks for the ride
great demo!
trax, fx, some scene flow are good.
and superb direction!
but, too short.
totaly goes up my thumb.
trax, fx, some scene flow are good.
and superb direction!
but, too short.
totaly goes up my thumb.
Great music, great demo!
very, very nice
I like it very much!
GOA-style - rulez!
GOA-style - rulez!
can't believe I haven't thumbed it up yet. This rocks so massively. Keep rocking, guys.
very nice!
It had to be short - due to INTEL's specs for the compo!
where's my thumb?!
Killer! But too short :(
Very nice !
Very fucking awesome, big thumbs up!
excellent execution.
Nice style, cool visuals.
Hot Thumb Based Action
A bit short, but great.
Too damn short!!! It just ends when the soundtrack is getting really good. :(
It rulez anyway. :)
It rulez anyway. :)
Short, but still great :)
Ah, I love the cute planet with the wobbly little trees ^^
the planet rocks
For the music and the planet
this is really nice! i wish the music didn't turn into trance during the second half, but it's just a small gripe.
thumb, i mean.
Liked it's for its stylish planet graphics.
I actually like this more than other STS prods. I like the Shpongle style soundtrack more than ther psytrance crap and I like the flow in this one. Quite a lot of standard STS effects but I haven't grown tired of 'em yet and they're cute so... Thumbs up! :D.
As some might have guessed, I rather like this demo. ;)
fantatsic rendering style and overall design. Planet is great.
let me give it the well deserved thumb!
for the style and music!
Fantastic demo
beautyful, specially when it goes dark :) btw, the trance part of the track is awesome
Synesthetics are my heroes.
Interesting design, good music and cel-shading make a nice demo!
beautiful at first, kicking later on. it builds and I wish it was longer.
This is really goddamn sexy!
Just for the visuals.
mmmh minecraft planet :p
colourful, energetic, fast paced. and a good vibe.
nice transitions
funny rendering
Like it and made a Highres Youtube Rip on my HD channel:
YOUTUBE (HD): STS-05: Royal Temple Ball by Synesthetics (1080p)
YOUTUBE (HD): STS-05: Royal Temple Ball by Synesthetics (1080p)
A really nice little demo, the first with the voxel-planet is really cute :)
nice trip.
really nice trip :)
Nice nice
Trippy demo. Usually i hate goa but this track was very nice.
yep, cool style once again, very smooth transitions!
That tune.
That outline.
That sync.
Wow :D
That outline.
That sync.
Wow :D
somewhat nice
good shit
great visuals with perfectly matching track. awesome production!
Thanks to Metapouet which led me to this gem! The first half was AWESOME, I really love the visual style, the sync, the tune, the ideas - fantastic! The second half was less original, but still good.
Great flow!
Great flow!
Demostyle made slick, who knew.
This is a rave demo done right. Synesthetics, come back. :)
Agree with Kylearan: first half is absolutely incredible, second half loses a bit of steam. As a whole, another solid Synesthetics production.
Wait a minute, el-bee == man with no alias ?? How did I not realize this?
Or maybe the pouet credits are just wrong, who knows...
yep it rocks
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