Sumotori Dreams by Archee [web]
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popularity : 82% |
alltime top: #76 |
added on the 2007-04-08 20:40:00 by archee ![]() |
popularity helper
Seems to be a game that is both fun to watch and fun to play. Nice execution overall.
rulez added on the 2007-04-08 20:41:28 by DiamonDie 

teh funnay
Awesome :]
The best!
I don't think it is physically possible to fit more laughs into 96k. i laughed till my sides hurt, then i laughed until my lungs hurt. Pure genious.
I need this game now! N O W!
this one is so fucking great! i was not able to stop laughing while watching it. :D
Err... where's the download link?
Here's a hint.. don't add a production until you have a download link. That's just glöpwhoring and it creates work for the admins at pouët.
For the hidden part: On the menu, smash the blocks on the right hand corner. The second block on that side going away from the camera activates the hidden part.
how about the hidden link?
Haha, this actually had me in tears laughing.
Is the purpose of this game to find the download link?
If that is the case, I guess I need a hintbook.
If that is the case, I guess I need a hintbook.
cheat codes to unlock the download link plz
it hangs after choosing gametype.
this one hardly rocked during the live-stream.
I laughed like shit... :-)
I laughed like shit... :-)
hidden part is much more fun than the actual game :)
Amazing and fun!
So fun :). Thanks for the hidden part ^^.
Hahahahhahhaha, best shit i have ever seen and played....jhahhahaahahhaha
great fun!
hehe.. great show during the compo ;)
My favorite game of the compo, I LMAO during the compo show
100% wet pants guarantee.
Never laught so much. This is fucking cool stuff. Need a video, because it's too slow on my 3 years old Thinkpad :)
forgot to thumb ;)
This rulez so much... funny funny funny!
i never laughed harder... This one rules so hard.. it nearly gets painful :D
this is absolutely si teh roxx0r
didn't see half of the game because i tried to wipe the laughing tears away
this is absolutely great stuff. loving it
didn't see half of the game because i tried to wipe the laughing tears away
this is absolutely great stuff. loving it
they... just... keep falling! BASTARDS! =))
my stomach hurt sooo much during the compo
now i just have to test it
now i just have to test it
Wine doesn't want to load it! A problem related to kkrunchy?
funny game and mostly: _original_ !!!
My laughing nearly killed me last night - I'm not playing the game at all, but rather watching the drunk bastards...
i was just laughing my ass off..
fun as hell - especially the punish-mode!! :D
Yep, I lol'ed too. In fact, I rofl'ed.
Very funny and fun!
The novelty wears off quickly though. Would like to see these ragdolls and physics used in another more elaborate project one day!
The novelty wears off quickly though. Would like to see these ragdolls and physics used in another more elaborate project one day!
archee is a physicd good O_O--b good job!
pure fun, awesome!
I forgot to thumb up.
great entertainment
instant porrasturvat. excellent!!
i haven't played it yet, but the laughs during the compo are worth a thumbs up on its own :D
Haha, cool.
Funny game, but I doubt I'll be playing this much.
Hahaha rulezz!! Funny!!
Could not avoid tear laughing for minutes. :-D
Great job.
this smashed my midriff to pieces :`D
gameplay = mmmh.. but the idea and the presentation is great!
now i'm lucky, that i've play that great game...
but can't really play it now, cause im laughing about the funny robbots.
it's one of the best scene-games i've played in last months...
great job!
but can't really play it now, cause im laughing about the funny robbots.
it's one of the best scene-games i've played in last months...
great job!
funny and perfect code! laughed so much till everything hurts!!!
Irresistible :)
The gameplay is indeed a bit wonky and it will not last for hours. But the presentation at the party was hilarious!
This is the most funny thing I saw in ages!!!
Mort De Rire !
very nice job !
very nice job !
It was such a fun to see the presentation, good job.
a great laugh and wonderful ai/physics. but the actual gameplay ain't that good imo. still rules though.
i'm still looking for my stomach somewhere, it came out due to laughing so hard :)
it rocked big time!
it rocked big time!
what everybody said..
great stuff, thank you..
great stuff, thank you..
hahaha perfect
nuff said
Very innovative, funny and the art direction is great too. Would probably work a treat with wiimote-control :)
amazing prod - not so much as a game as improvised slapstick comedy by two spasmatic pre-kindergartener cubemen... more fun to watch than to play i guess :)
Na, itt a kert! :D
i did not like playing this game. i never found out what it takes to win. you step forward and push your opponent with one or two arms. then you or him falls down and a cube is thrown into the ring, indicating who has won.
and then the show starts: both bots try to stand up fully automatically, and fortunatly they are not really good at it. it's more like babies learning to walk. and it looks fantastic! i never saw such an amazing realtime simulation of physics and behaviour. the interaction with the brittling environment is brilliant.
if we would put all competition entries into one pot, this easily fits into the top 3.
and then the show starts: both bots try to stand up fully automatically, and fortunatly they are not really good at it. it's more like babies learning to walk. and it looks fantastic! i never saw such an amazing realtime simulation of physics and behaviour. the interaction with the brittling environment is brilliant.
if we would put all competition entries into one pot, this easily fits into the top 3.
incredibly funny and technically impressive at the same time.
congrat archee! this is awesome!
A lot of fun, and the fracturing looks cool as well :)
great stuff
Fun :)
unplayable, but fun to watch :)
Best 96k game ever! :)
funny as hell!
made me cry. what a bang!
very, very great stuff :)
What chaos said :)
Could not really fully watch it while the compo was running because I still had to code but I've seen more than enough already to give a big fat thumb! Rulez! :)
:D :D :D :D :D
Well deserved first place
Funny. I like the menus.
i was seriously sick after the presentation... i've just eaten, and then i had to laugh to tears... i could have died!
fuck game play. hooray to entertainment :)
fuck game play. hooray to entertainment :)
you're all wrong - this *can* be played for hours and hours! should be nominated for funniest release *ever* at awards next year!
Nah. It can be enjoyed for hours and hours. But after a few seconds you're not actually playing the game but just having fun with the Bronix simulator. Funny as hell though. Assuming hell is like really funny. And I also have never seen realtime physics and biped behaviour combined in such a way. Maybe I haven't looked too hard though. ;)
The only negative thing is that it would've been great fun to do be able to do more stuff with the characters, like try to navigate an obstacle course. Would be more of a game that way. I guess.
The only negative thing is that it would've been great fun to do be able to do more stuff with the characters, like try to navigate an obstacle course. Would be more of a game that way. I guess.
yes.. whp wants to be a sumo..
Have my ass laugh out!!! Funniest game ever with these clumsy figures pushing each other!
Interesting idea and of course fun to play... one to two days.
it is nice - could be two drunken scener from the party ;D
and here my thumb
I loved it! The new party game!
awesome!! physics has never been this much fun :D How about some technical details? I've never seen naything like this, how do they balance themselves (or fail to)?
Technically impressive. Rendering is very nice (how many shadowmaps do you use man, it almost looks like AO). Physics quite nice also. And the AI or whatever the characters use to try to stadn up is amazing. Plus it was extremely very fun at the party place (I son't know for the game play). Basically, the most impressive prod of the party for me, if you know how didn't make what you know.
Pure party entertainment! The game itself is pretty simple, letting you enjoy the perfect user interface.

Its cool that they can fall off the edge, but its funnier when they get their on their own in the normal game ;-)
Its cool that they can fall off the edge, but its funnier when they get their on their own in the normal game ;-)
haha :) very impressive
Not bad.
Really nice and cool game =) <3
This made me almost fail at my orga duties because I was ROTFLing all over the grandstand area. Good old slapstick never fails. Great. :)
i love the hidden part :)
with walking/balancing ai like that, you could program the next asimo! :)
let this game be a lesson not to drink too much sake before a sumo match!
let this game be a lesson not to drink too much sake before a sumo match!
Technically so impressive. Moreover, extremely entertaining. Perect. Thanks guys. I loved it.
Blockofighter feels quite boring after this :(
This is amazing and hilarious! It brings tears of laughter to my eyes!
i laughed my eyes off.
no really, the place where we were standing was drowned in tears. hard to think of anything that could top this one.
no really, the place where we were standing was drowned in tears. hard to think of anything that could top this one.
best game ever!
wow :D
waaaaaahh!!! totally awesome =)))
i'm laughing and crying right now
great fun ;)
Awesome :D
funny =)
great idea, great menu, great fun, poor drunk cubemen :D
I laughed my arse off
This is great.
This is great.
help i've fallen and i can't get up!
LMAO! This is great! :D
pure gold! made me cry laughing. Fantastic work Archee!
Cool, but on a clean install of WinXP with SP2 and latest DirectX9.c and latest nVidia drivers for 8800 GTS, doesn't run at all. On my old install of the exact same system, it ran fine. There must be a missing dll or similar that is required by it that is installed by some other apps or games I installed in the past, would be nice to know what they are!
xbox Live arcade port please.
best shit ive seen in ages.. not much videogames make me laugh this hard, i cried a few times. superb.
best shit ive seen in ages.. not much videogames make me laugh this hard, i cried a few times. superb.
bloody awesome :)
Lovely stuff, Archee! I was laughing so hard when seeing this in the BP-compo. :)
wow.. it's really the best game! mega cool and fun movies! :D
I don’t think that this one is a particular good game one can have a lot of fun playing it, but it is definitely cool entertainment watching the characters. Especially fun, physics, AI and the menu interaction idea are all worth a big Thumb Up!
didnt laugh so hard and long for ages..
would be cool to play this game online 8)
One of the funniest demogame ever. The hidden part is funny as hell, I almost pissed in my pants while laughing. Thanks a lot !!!
I LOVE this! Congrats on such a great theme. The physics engine is pretty impressive and sounds are very nicely done! I haven't laughed this much playing something new in ages. The hidden part is really funny.. Brilliant job!
Great drunk game
100 ‰ fun ;)
Crash when I select an an option (ex: Singleplayer mode), or when the little cube collide with something of the selection menu.
almost pee'd myself watching this...fantastic!
Hey, Archee: You made it to the front page of a major norwegian newspaper's website.
The article itself is here:
The article itself is here:
lol. very fun
Its nice!! Strange enough the last two times I played this game it made my PC
reboot from one second to another BOEM!
before no problem with it at all!
PC ati x700 1gb ram 3,2ghz
still.. thump!
reboot from one second to another BOEM!
before no problem with it at all!
PC ati x700 1gb ram 3,2ghz
still.. thump!
Cool prod:D
funny :)
Good for a few laughs :)
I was watching the figures trying to stand up in Pixelshow with another scener and we laughed our ass out! It was one of the rarest laughs I had in my life. I cried out of laughing. This is da shit!!!
I love it! Marry me, Archee!
LOL, nice!
Damn it! I wasted quite a lot of time on this game!
roxorr. my fellow programmers in the company were quite disappointed that you could fit some cool physics in 96k... then i've killed them with kkrieger [...] poor corporate bastards :>
fine work, all my friends (and i) rolling on floor laughing (ROFL).
Hidden part!
i just found out the semi-easy way: music by nagz.
lmao xD!!
since i tried again after almost a year and finally get how you do it, great! (before it was only darn funny)
haha this game is fun :D
a missing thumb! grrrreat!
Fuck yeah!
Had a great revival at BP'08, hahaha
This is so fucking brilliant! :D
Congrats, for another hungarian Scene Award. :)
Cute! =)
ultracrazy, yeah!
strangely compelling...
Good idea ! Fun game !
hehehe! :D
Funny game! I'd liked to play with my friends in my room! ROFL!Probably the most original concept game I ever seen!
Funny game! I'd liked to play with my friends in my room! ROFL!Probably the most original concept game I ever seen!
just awesome :D
hehe,still funny :)
The hidden part si so much fun I figured out that 7 pauses the game,8 slows it down and 9 fast forwards the game good luck!
One of the most fun games ever!
It is so much fun! Thank you.
I haven't even played it, but I admire the technical innovation, the humor value and the acquired fame outside the demoscene context.
pure awesomeness... fun to play, fun to watch the characters falling even with no reason, fun to throw cubes everywhere at the menu...
totally funny!=)
and cool
technically rules. but visuality and gameplay sux
awesome & fun! :D
First it looked promising but then it crashed my PC...
forgotten thumb, still nice to play it once in a while after having downed a fair few beers
where is my thumb? anyway, playability is low, nade a *mozgáskultúra*!
Quite cool !
Wow someone actually made a game about that joke on Conan O'Brien show!
oops, missing my thumb too.
I've never laughed so hard during a compo before (or since).
yeah, funniest prod on the scene ever - and probably that will never change! huge thumb :)
So funny indeed!
By the way, it rather looks like a "fight" between two drunk guys.
By the way, it rather looks like a "fight" between two drunk guys.
kamasutra on the ring.
Totally daft, but so fun.
Hilarious! This just blew my mind. 3D graphics, physics simulation, breaking rigid bodies, physics-based players with AI mind that make them fight, stand up and bend :D And the music... cool as 5h1+! Big thumb up!
damn... another "where the fuck is my thumb??" moment.. great prod, quite memorable
that what I called "indie" game :D
0040450C B0 01 MOV AL,1
Peter, the protection for your Sumotori dreams demo sucks.
Do better.
Peter, the protection for your Sumotori dreams demo sucks.
Do better.
Because I have zero respect for some members of the demoscene. Including those that are linked to archee, as a result....
Lamest thing I've seen on pouet in a long, long time (mudlord that is, prod rules).
Lame? You think this is LAME?
How about selling shit that used to be free. Now that is lame.
Don't like it, no one is forcing you to use that EXE modification, are they?
How about selling shit that used to be free. Now that is lame.
Don't like it, no one is forcing you to use that EXE modification, are they?
The compo version is still free. You're free to make money with your own work, aren't you?
Fucking commies.
Fucking commies.
The original product is still free indeed.
So what is lame? Earning money by your own hard work like archee? Or spitting in somebody's face and saying their hard work is worth nothing?
So what is lame? Earning money by your own hard work like archee? Or spitting in somebody's face and saying their hard work is worth nothing?
xernobyl: you are free to do so, however I want it free. Fucking anti piracy nuts.
psonice: Working for profit is NOT lame. However, expect people to steal it. Or hack it. Or keygen it, or whatever. People will always get software for free, you can't stop that.
psonice: Working for profit is NOT lame. However, expect people to steal it. Or hack it. Or keygen it, or whatever. People will always get software for free, you can't stop that.
Yeah, Armadillo's shit, EXECryptor's a waste of space, and VMProtect can be quite annoying when it comes to false positives.
Archee: indeed, I can go cause havoc somewhere else :3 why havent I thought of that before? o:
Archee: indeed, I can go cause havoc somewhere else :3 why havent I thought of that before? o:
ROTFLMFAO this is life-threatening amount of laugh
Simply the best game ever made. I watched videos of this game at BP2008 and laughed 'till I cried. Then I laughed some more. Then we watched Robot Chicken and laughed until some orga crew member asked us to keep it down ;D.
Do the fighting, and laugh!
The gameplay is good for some hearty laughs, if nothing else, but the tech behind is really damn good.
Visit for win7 compatible version.
Visit for win7 compatible version.
very nice!!!
Can't stop laughing at the cubic winos!
I had no idea how popular this had become until i stumbled onto like a million vids on youtube.
haha this was actually featured in yogscast
so silly that its awesome
Drunk sumotoris are fun to watch! :D
"Hol a fa főnök?"
long forgotten thumbs
still superb to watch the videos ... Any tips on running this on win 10?
Never played this, but this is so funny to just look at ...
Wtf, I never commented? I have fond memories of nearly choking on my beer at the partyplace when this was played in the compo. Classic.
I was about to run it, but the game crashed before it could even open because Windows 8.1 is a piece of poopoo that doesn't even have the resources or the energy to even run drunk cubemen duking it to the death. :(
Still is hilarious from the videos, I'll give it that.
Still is hilarious from the videos, I'll give it that.
masterful physics
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