Memento by Conspiracy [web]
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popularity : 74% |
alltime top: #315 |
added on the 2006-04-16 20:56:50 by BoyC ![]() |
popularity helper
awesome design, great music and great effects. Gargaj, come to me please, asap, i'll offer you a beer ;)
rulez added on the 2006-04-16 20:58:06 by iks 

The Thumb
that was great! \o/
excellent show. respect in all aspects.
Flowers are almost real! And you changed the style, guys, congratulations!
Simply breathtaking.
I don't want to look like a sissy but those roses are beautiful!
I don't want to look like a sissy but those roses are beautiful!
enjoyable, very polished intro
I am sorry, but I found this intro a very mediocre. If there will be not that hanging cheap black and white frame, it will be ordinary intro, simple scene after scene intro with sleepy music. Living pictures of modern art ? No, i don´t thin so....
Still no thumbing this down, so piggie from me.
Still no thumbing this down, so piggie from me.
Very nice. Shiny, slick and quite a feast for the eyes. A bit rough around the edges (fairly slow, some rough geometry, no MSAA) but still an outstanding prod.
very awesome
Interesting unusual presentation, but not really my taste of view
Excellent work!
OMG! I like originality!
You've got the point... THUMB UP!
You've got the point... THUMB UP!
i can't say that i like it :/
great watching this at the compo!
Thumps up!!
Thumps up!!
Rather boring and the border seriously needs anti-aliasing! It could have been more interesting of it had been done in a 3d gallery with lots of picture frames per effect instead of one frame for all effects.
No thumb either way. I prefer the earlier Conspiracy intros personally.
No thumb either way. I prefer the earlier Conspiracy intros personally.
It looks like it might be wonderful but I have <1 frame a second on 2gig PC with 6200 TDH. Again I guess you are using full screen captures at non-power of 2 resolutions and making textures. This is dog slow on many cards.
srácok csináljatok több ilyet, ez gyönyörű szép lett. abszolut esélyes a cdc-mre :)
and please add antialasing in the final version!!
and please add antialasing in the final version!!
forgot my thumbup
Nice. I liked the thematic presentation stuff. Although I'm wondering why the picture frame didn't have 45 degree joints at the corners...
At any rate, great stuff, and it runs fine (excepting a few very minor graphical glitches) under WINE. And bonus points for the 5:4 aspect ratio option!
At any rate, great stuff, and it runs fine (excepting a few very minor graphical glitches) under WINE. And bonus points for the 5:4 aspect ratio option!
OMG, this demo has soooo much style
i just love it <3
i just love it <3
beautiful !
at least it has a concept and doesnt look like random mixed up 3d effects.
overall very clean design.
overall very clean design.
irokos you will never stop to lick will you?
Not for me....
irokos you will never stop to lick will you?
damnit u juvenile dubmood will never stop to look for shit everywhere.
this prod simply rockz. congrats.
dubmood, would you at least now get a clue, and explain the whole demoscene why you just are looking the shit everywhere it's not present? You're surely in need of some fresh penis enlargement, just get a girl for that dude, and stop wanking in front of your comment you make on pouet, cause i'm something like 1999% sure you get horny in writing that kind of shit. Get a life please, and admit the fact that i'm not licking any ass, but that you're just trying to get ppl attention by talking as if you were the center of the world, and as if everybody followed you.. which is not the case i guess? respect the facts. that demo kicks ass. stfu.
clean and nice.
very sweet prod.
Very nicely done! Put some AA in final :)
esp. like the idea behind it, congrats!
Nice, but a bit boring.
really great and nice idea... but i missed some aa, too. really good color composition.
Beatiful idea, well executed. Yep I agree, antialiasing for the masses!!!
stylish and nice concept. tree part is great
Slow, but charming. "Joy" part is my fav. And music is veeeert nice.
great style.
and nice concept.
and nice concept.
Very nice one.
Very nice. But why did you show that big shitty frame all the time? disturbs the complete demo concept (takes 20% - 30% of the screen). please, release a version without it! so just a piggy here. angain, less could be more.
stunning optical quality
Exept for the scene in the screenshoot, none of them really touched me, pretty cliche really. The idea with the frame etc was nice. The flying comets or whatever it is in the background of ,I think it was the passionscene, looked like the stuff from Bits salad 1 & 2, actually very cool. It also ran in less than 10fps here =( . The music was really bad, so bad I wount watch this prod again. But good work with the rest, especially the smooth 7hevenstylecomposition! We get bored of blue+orange sometimes. ;)
irokos: My comment was refering to your comment, not the intro. now please rephrase your attempt to diss me without sounding like a kid who just enterd puberty kthanx
Bull: Was I talking to you?
irokos: My comment was refering to your comment, not the intro. now please rephrase your attempt to diss me without sounding like a kid who just enterd puberty kthanx
Bull: Was I talking to you?
an extra thumb up for being able to induce a titan-flame even on your prods
an extra thumb up for being able to induce a titan-flame even on your prods
really nice work!
I really like the idea, and most scenes look great!
very pretty visuals, thoug a bit slow paced. but the SOFTSYNTH seriously sucks big time (sounds ugly and lo-fi) and the music is so boring that it ruins the whole experience. sorry guys!
Very cool! Good effects and good ambient
very, very beautiful.
the touch!!! the touch! omfg, the touch! i like cheese, but not this.
Very disappointing. Quite boring and the awful aliased frame ruins it all (I would call it the perfect antidesign exemple...).
Where have the impressive CNS intros gone?
Where have the impressive CNS intros gone?
Wow, grandious work :)
a little too slow-paced for my taste, but the conception was really cool. as others have stated, the aliasing of the frame was a distraction bordering on a major flaw.
so cute colorsheme and design.
The tree scene reminded me of some Sigor Ros video ;)
The tree scene reminded me of some Sigor Ros video ;)
It's nice to see a 'calm' production once in a while :)
what?! no planets? :-P
Beautiful and refreshing. Very nice indeed.
not interesting at all in my opinion, and the brain control intro totally deserved 2nd place over this
yeah, thumb up for changing the style and for quality. animated paintings reminds me "jam" by f0x, and i'm sure, that this idea is much older ("art" by hjb, etc.) the flowers are really beautiful, and all the visuals is so tochy!
hm, ok.. now i'm ready for a post-compo comment ;)
the aliasing and uncutted edges of the frame ruined it, and this was quite disturbing. scenes were nice, but were sometimes too simple ('the touch'). 'the sorrow' was just great to me. maybe less scenes would have done better this time.
anyway, great work! ty (:
the aliasing and uncutted edges of the frame ruined it, and this was quite disturbing. scenes were nice, but were sometimes too simple ('the touch'). 'the sorrow' was just great to me. maybe less scenes would have done better this time.
anyway, great work! ty (:
very nice.. pleasant visuals.. tune was good.
and I really dont care about AA so lucky for me ;)
and I really dont care about AA so lucky for me ;)
nice code
nice music
nice colors
a bit sluggy between transitions
nice music
nice colors
a bit sluggy between transitions
strange . i don't like it very much, just respecting the work behind...
while i often envy your clean + efficient design, this is too cheesy, seriously, and it's 2006 now :) .. addict2's rendering does _not_ cut it anymore. i really hope you put that thing down and do something really good this year.
the sad part is that you made 2nd place with a quick prod, trying not to win, and and nearly-3-year-old tool :)
the sad part is that you made 2nd place with a quick prod, trying not to win, and and nearly-3-year-old tool :)
Replay did it better.
my personal favourite of the compo.
too bad your synth and technical aspects of your visuals dont really cut it to the modern standards. still, at least you guys put enough effort in making the content of this prod look slick and complete, unlike this year's winner and fuck it.. you still got 2nd anyway, so you guys still rock :)
too bad your synth and technical aspects of your visuals dont really cut it to the modern standards. still, at least you guys put enough effort in making the content of this prod look slick and complete, unlike this year's winner and fuck it.. you still got 2nd anyway, so you guys still rock :)
beacuse of smash's comment ill have to watch this on a monitor before giving it a thumb, looked OK on the bigscreen tho.
I don't doubt it Bojzcie :)
and I'm looking forward to them.
You know the story, The Precious shall soon be ours ;)
and I'm looking forward to them.
You know the story, The Precious shall soon be ours ;)
nope dident do it to me.. seen it before, time to change gear dudes...
Design/colors are nice, nottin special at all, and music was terrible, sounded terrible too:(
I really enjoyed the overall style
Beautiful intro. Every detail is well polished (except for the lack of antialiasing at the frame :)
nice one.
beautiful things
excellent implementation!
boyc: well, it's good to remind you about it now and again in the hope of providing more motivation :)
ok, i agree with smash, this has really bad materials. other than that there wherent any usually annoying conspiracy bugs (polygon intersecting etc) wich is good, so a weak thumbie.
An up-to-date engine is an important feature but don't make it incompatible with gfx hardware which doesn't support the newest shader version. I really enjoy the compatibility of CNS and FR creations with older hardware.
dull shit. and please, use gargajs 4k-synth instead, it sounds way better ;)
Only the clean visuals saves this from a thumbdown. So pretentious it hurts. Did give me some good laughs during the compo thought, but I guess that wasn't the intention...
it wasnt bad but it wasnt all that impressive either.
atleast they sticked with some sort of concept design, but it did feel abit pretentious here and there... i'll save the thumb for later after some rewatches...
atleast they sticked with some sort of concept design, but it did feel abit pretentious here and there... i'll save the thumb for later after some rewatches...
IMHO the first really good Conspiracy intro.
Nice intro! Also first time I think I kinda liked the music in your productions.
Great music and super design but the demo was a little bit too static to my opinion.
Still a thumbs up though.
Still a thumbs up though.
yea, replay did it better
music was good for once
it saved the prod :)
overrated at party imho
it saved the prod :)
overrated at party imho
You've made it! Very calm and nice.
not bad, but not really breathtaking and a bit boring.
not really a fan. sorry :(
music below average, visuals above average, overall boring, so piggy...
I like the emotion behind it.... the cheesiness and all that. Guess i'm a sucker for that :) Great job, folks!
looked good, but what the fuck is wrong with you? why ruin a perfectly good intro with this 'in your face - look at me im suffering' content? and the cheap looking frame? why piggy why? i loveded you, i loveded you....
Clean and clever, maybe a little bit slow for me, but... rules!
Polished and solid, but not as top of the line as I would expect from CNS.
this was great, very clean intro
Wow!! I love it! I loved the idea of the slow moving frame picture area.
i had tears in my eyes when "the memory" was shown... too much memento for me ;)
conspiracy did it again!!
great sound/music and lovely gfx!!
great sound/music and lovely gfx!!
In a certain way this remembers me 96 by damage, wich is a good thing.
Nice piece and nice music.
Nice piece and nice music.
Wonderful !
one of the most beautiful presentations i´ve ever seen.
due to my personal family situation this prod means much to me.
this production really shows that a demo can be much more than code and effectblasting.
first time that a demo helped me drop some tears.
due to my personal family situation this prod means much to me.
this production really shows that a demo can be much more than code and effectblasting.
first time that a demo helped me drop some tears.
awesome concept and design. i didn't exactly expect something like that to come from you guys - at least not after having seen the more active stuff you previously got out.
uhm, my thumb got lost...
music sadly was the weak point. pulls down the whole thing.
I love it.
for a change music is great
imho it misses some AA and transitions could be more polished
I think a final would be welcome
but wth ? it was a great intro at bp :)
imho it misses some AA and transitions could be more polished
I think a final would be welcome
but wth ? it was a great intro at bp :)
Awesome code - but it still lacks the kickassness of 'Meet the Family' ...
at least on first watch. High quality, but i don't see what everyone's on about. it gets a pig (until i watch some more)
Another cool intro!
Cool music and wonderful gfx!
Cool music and wonderful gfx!
really nice =)
Good style, like the music. Very good as usual
cute ;)
gfx,music all ..
very good.
very good.
sorry gargaj..
deserves a coup de coeur but i don't have one :(
great work..
this is the feeling of ..... what ? hemroids, crystal clear confusion, absolute inebriation, truth ... u decide .. L.O.L. Great stuff. - - MiLEStONE - - not minestrone ;))
Perfect for the rainy days.
nice atmosphere, but the picture frame really needs to be antialiased...
Great one, original, powerful, a must !
Ahh, something different.. I enjoyed it, but could have some AA though. Good stuff overall.
atmospheric 64k with very nice graphics and music
Thank You.
One of the great 64ks. Beautiful and elegant, good concept, great execution. Could be improved with antialiasing for the picture frame and no "sperm" on passion which was a little too much realism in an otherwise great 64k series of metaphors. Love it!
wonderful music
Very good ! can somebody tell about how do you make these prods ? I am new here and have already started liking this stuff a lot . Would love to try it myself too !
Very stylish and atmospheric!
sort of boring, and uses too much system resources, imo
i start to dislike these plastic music..
nice 64k, Gargaj did also some very nice music for this demo.
This is beautiful, very touching and very sad at the same time. Anyone who has ever loved and lost can relate to this. Great work
very nice, but what's with 4:3 target?
Bravo!!! Haven't seen this before... great! When I watch demos of this kind I often ask myself what people think is so special about debris...
Gut gemacht...
Aber das fehlende antialiasing fällt sehr Negativ auf -.-
Aber das fehlende antialiasing fällt sehr Negativ auf -.-
shitty music.
Wow! I nearly forgot about this one. Nicely directed and presented. Feels personal somehow. I really like it.
Not bad.
I really like it!!!
Beautiful work & great synth tune
Love it.
Very, very nice.
nice presentation and design. cool picture frame design.
prods like this convince me that it makes sense to create demos... this is more expressive than writing a book or talking for hours about the topic
Nice !
A little bit corny but so unusual. I liked it!
Fuck yeah!!!
Really beautiful the passion did by making this demo... I've liked really much "the Passion" and "the Joy" in it.
Btw, this is a beautiful production!
Btw, this is a beautiful production!
Too boring for my tastes. But nicely put together.
It is quite boring, but a lot of work has gone into the design and any production of this quality deserves a vote.
great concept, clean execution.
great concept.
I deeply liked the idea of this one. The design is awesome and the visual representations felt really nice. Inspiring.
wow !
i like everything about this beatiful 64k-demo :)
i like everything about this beatiful 64k-demo :)
All that in 64k? Geeze.
64k in this = gods hate all others.
Beautiful work. The end of the music is a bit abrupt.
Very nice and soothing. :)
very nice design, a little too bright for my taste but hey still a beauty!
beautiful. i realy liked the soundtrack
Calm intro, nice design and music.
unexpected but I instantly loved it :)
Really like this one - great soundtrack and a bit like going through a museum :)
Made a Highres Youtube Rip for it on my HD channel:
YOUTUBE: Memento by Conspiracy | 64k (1080p)
Made a Highres Youtube Rip for it on my HD channel:
YOUTUBE: Memento by Conspiracy | 64k (1080p)
Very nice
Delayed thumb up, lovely production!
Beautiful, up to this day.
I could have watched the sorrow part forever
well crafted
Oh , this one ......
good memories watching this on the big screen 😍
i dig this
Brilliant metaphors and allegories. Work of true beauty and art.
I like it
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