Stars: Wonders of the World by NoooN
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popularity : 78% |
alltime top: #116 |
added on the 2000-09-05 00:46:00 by bp ![]() |
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The sb support still bugged??
added on the 2000-09-05 00:55:20 by bp 

gus ownz =o)
great style demo! ra rulez!
haaaaaaa, the first demo by Nooon... code Barti!+Karl, gfx by Ra and music by Moby, the best team can't do a crappy demo :)
great dzgn! ra gfx, moby msx.! .. ahh.. nooon, had the power. the demo was 1st on the charts for a 2 yrs, as i rmber :)
The demo with the classic Nooonish style!
It must be the first time that I was seeing complex 3d objects like these one (That beeee ruled my world!)
How about the gfx and the 2dfx too..
I liked it very much..
It must be the first time that I was seeing complex 3d objects like these one (That beeee ruled my world!)
How about the gfx and the 2dfx too..
I liked it very much..
Hey guys, stop smoking crack, the amazing music of this amazing demo is by <b>Groo</b> not <b>Moby</b>
groo ownz.
these guys really ownz!
but stop telling bullshits, this is not the NOOON's first prod!!
their first prod is NO
but stop telling bullshits, this is not the NOOON's first prod!!
their first prod is NO
some people seems to confuse arte and this prod ! :)
roxxorz! goes full speed on p75, aye, respect - and such a cool effects too! music is, yes it is nice and the rest - hmm, no message maybe but it is just so damn nice to see it and get impressed of what some guys can do, what some guys could do back then...
raver, this prod would have gone full speed on your 486/33/GUS! :)
here's another screeshot (the infamous bee). someone with access, please upload! :)
a classic.
Music that is funkier than something particularly funky on National Funk Day.
What a stunning tune in this one. And cool and fast effects. And stylish gfx.
Thumbs up...missed that :)
if anybody gets funked up
an all-time favorite
good stuff, good tricks, good cheats and a bunch of other things that are good (or better)
RA! Groo!
Slap bass rules :)
Gotta see this'un :)
Gotta see this'un :)
truly one of my all time favourites among demos.
Excellent! Too bad it doesn't work on my new pc :/
i couldn't count how many times i watched it...
time to give my last thumb away... =]
darn, looks like i got no thumbs left :/
I couldn't remember what it was called, and I've finally found it!!!
Together with "Dope", one of THE demos of 1995. Ra's graphical style (unimitated back then) kicks major ass, groos music does the same, and there were even one or two "unbelievable" parts in it. And design. And everything. And stuff.
I just love it.
A PC classic :-)
When I saw it on the big screen I suddenly felt like the lamest lamer in the lamoscene.
nutritive =)
this is not just a classic,
I really liked it.
i hadn't voted here yet :D
no vote yet?
thumbs up for the demo that would've made me instantly quit the scene had I seen it when it was released... luckily, I first saw it 3 years later.
thumbs up for the demo that would've made me instantly quit the scene had I seen it when it was released... luckily, I first saw it 3 years later.
Bring Your Beauty, Bring Your Family!
one of the first pc-demos i ever watched. these were the days when some things still were impossible and i remember that i was .absolutely. .shocked. when i saw it first...
this demo changed everything.
this demo changed everything.
this one really rulez
i could only fully enjoy it at a friends place because i didn't have a gus; i'm glad i got the soundtrack ripped heh ..
i want nooon back.
i want nooon back.
the parliament nooonadelic
my favorite of 1995, kicked my coder ass, Groo power
Had no words first time I saw it. Jawdropping demo, technically unbeatable.
and to think i actually forgot to thumb up this gem
Now why did I never comment on this one before?
This is one of my all-time favourites...
Runs great on a 486, really great 3d engine, both fast and accurate... and the music is... different :)
I love the face part :)
This is one of my all-time favourites...
Runs great on a 486, really great 3d engine, both fast and accurate... and the music is... different :)
I love the face part :)
Ehm. Fucking cool.
Use your right.
hé hé hé.....i remember when Ra was mading these grafx above me for this demos....and Moby was not far! Enjoy the OldSkOoL ;)
Bring you family! Watch this until the end of time.
this one _really_ knocked me out.
i can't remember another demo leaving a compareable expression in my face
i can't remember another demo leaving a compareable expression in my face
why haven't i commented this yet?
oh well, here goes:
oh well, here goes:
This is one of those few demos that when you first see it make you think "Now this is the best demo I've EVER seen!".
Sad thing that I can't watch it on my computer anymore. I need to hook up an old Pentium or something. A win32 port would be even nicer... ;)
Sad thing that I can't watch it on my computer anymore. I need to hook up an old Pentium or something. A win32 port would be even nicer... ;)
both are completely unbeatable.
both are completely unbeatable.
Kickass demo, contains everything a classic demo needs!
rules, i say! :]
So pretty after years!!
Watch this demo with your family!
Watch this demo with your family!
Good, but overrated.
this thumb down is for diamondie, who is obviously retarded
for the pc, this is most likely the best demo ever.
and still runs perfectly with my duron bootet to win98-command-line.
and still runs perfectly with my duron bootet to win98-command-line.
classic :)
The AIDS-look-alike 3D object is awesome, even today =)
Can't believe i havnt commented this yet.
A fucking killer!
diamondie should code a demo and stop complaining
gave me a cool demo-shock when i first saw it on bigscreen some years later, probably at ms98.
standing ovations!
standing ovations!
People's attitude towards DiamonDie was always a mystery to me. Ok,. sometimes it has a reason, but there wasn't even a slightly annoying thing in her comment now! Funny :)
"classic (kla-sik) - serving as a standard of excellence." Damn right. If any of my Amiga friends didn't have PCs yet at the time, this demo made them go out and buy one. Tight. 10/10.
should be on the top-10 list
Revote. not a classic for me, but the effects are good and plentiful.
I havent given it a thumb up yet? aaah bad bad bad!
kick ass
This time the common abbreviation "omg" does no justice, so I'll just say: Oh, my, god! Although it ain't a classic for me either, some... err, actually ALL of the tricks just stun me!
Good work!
Good work!
Instant kklassic. Simply rulez, nothing left to say, excellent on all fronts!
music owns..!! One of the best demotunes imho.. a bit psycho.. but that's what it makes it special..
yeah and when the face "sticks" through the surface.. this effect with the light.. is still very effective today.. together with the music this part just is nearly unbeatable.. such moments are rare in demos imho..
This is the reason I really became interested in the Scene. And what is it with people, the head coming out of the plane is soon 10 years old and still the best one ever made? Not to mention the tunnel...
Good gfx and amazing music adds this into my favourites. Added with punch of still going on strong effects it's one of the all time legends I've seen.
An excellent PC demo.
einen w32 port sil vous plait
for a 1995 PC it's good ;)
music is good too, and true gfxs
music is good too, and true gfxs
I didn't vote for this one yet? Here it is. Okay, so you unbelievers only need one really good reason to watch this demo?
'nuff said.
'nuff said.
This shit is the shit
woah.. no thumb up from me yet? gotta fix that thing right now. rulezzz!
the music kicks ass! one of the best demos of all time!
An awesome classic!
One of the best demos ever, the music rox! Groo owns.
the root of all "space potatoes"?
One of my fav old demos . Please please please a win32 port needed !
how could i seriously forget about this one? close to perfection!
a must have!
the best in 1995
Great design, and great fakes on the code (esp. the bee :)).
Now that's what I call a demo!
i haven't voted for this one yet?
Very nice scenes and crispy music.
cool style, music. rocks!
simply rulez
I expected this to be really special like Arte, but aside from about 3 stills by Ra, the visuals and design are actually really bad.
Not impressed at all by this so called classic demo.
Not impressed at all by this so called classic demo.
yeah ! another "world domination" candidate ;)
It's too bad I didn't see it before 3d accellerators. And on a limited machine, rather than from DVD. Then I could have a sense of awe that I miss from it... fantastic music and graphics, just... watch on the hardware if you can (: (goes for all demos.)
say... dual monitor support... has anyone seen it on dual monitors? That would be... killer (:
ho my god \o/
If someone is interested in a DOSBox-video-grab of it, you can get it here...
The sound is quite good, the video has a few glitches here and there.
But hey, its only 38 Megs ;-)
The sound is quite good, the video has a few glitches here and there.
But hey, its only 38 Megs ;-)
never actually liked this... sure, it's full of great parts, but it just doesn't work as a whole for me...
Great soundtrack
wow, cool!
very clever style
What a great demo!
this prod 

blah, still rocks today (just watched it)
What they said.
music, 3D objects, tunnel with heights, graphics distortions
[analytic omnicomprensive database??]
one of the greatest demo of all time because that causes a serious injury to your mind health back then.
It could still be a 2007 demo, no problem. We missed that demotouch, made of naïve but accurate design and code.
It could still be a 2007 demo, no problem. We missed that demotouch, made of naïve but accurate design and code.
1995 !
When L.C.F. was still sane!
Groo´s Musac!
Classic! Assembly '95 was also my first demoparty, and seeing this was a jaw dropper back then.
wow, that's a cool DOS demo
I remember, this was the first demo in the PC-scene after I nearly could not believe what I had seen. Absolute legendary.
My favourite part when the face morphing through the plane, the whole scene rotates, and the texture changes on the plane.
My favourite part when the face morphing through the plane, the whole scene rotates, and the texture changes on the plane.
One of the coolest.
Yep yep.
Ra. Enough said.
Pure pr0n :>
of course
Thanks Groo, for never giving up on me :)
I still ask myself how the voxel tunnel is done in this one. A classic.
Awesome bass line!
I wish *we* did this demo back than. *envy and dreaming*
(along with 2nd reality and paper 64k, my personal top 3)
Pure pr0n!
(along with 2nd reality and paper 64k, my personal top 3)
Pure pr0n!
I was 13yo.
Meh. Still doesnt get me excited at all. Good gfx though.
A true masterpiece.
Oh, yeah. Some of the first PC-stuff I saw. Completely blew me away!
Best PC demo of the nineties! Perfect in every aspect, PERIOD!
I remember being quite disappointed with this demo, when it came out. Way too much fanfare in diskmag articles let me to believe that this is the best thing since sliced bread, but it kind of wasn't that awesome. Or at least not the kind of awesome I was into, I guess.
But technically, one of the best of the 1990s for sure. That spinning voxel tunnel still rules.
But technically, one of the best of the 1990s for sure. That spinning voxel tunnel still rules.
I see so many cool effects!!!!
Totally overrated.
Still rooolz
Seen @ Numerica... Why I haven't never know about this classic?
Seen @ Numerica... Why I haven't never know about this classic?
Totally underrated
the tunnel is arguably one of the coolest i've ever seen, this just time and time again proves to be worth watching
What jumpseri said, a forgotten thumb.
Hmm no thumb yet?
Great music, great graphics, great code.
How can they do that voxel-tunnel in full framerate ??? arrghhhh ;)
How can they do that voxel-tunnel in full framerate ??? arrghhhh ;)
Very nice !
hmm. how the hell did i forgot to rulez this one?!
rules much. music especially is one of my all-time favorites.
Coders porn, some effects will never get beaten.
No way around it: A cool demo with a seriously cool theme and effects
total music ownage.. gfx+code also upperst stairs..
exactly what mad said ! RULAGE !
yeah, this is pretty good
in 1995 i was 20 :/ darn..
but now I am old enough so.... Thumb up!
but now I am old enough so.... Thumb up!
All has been said before. Thumb up for sure!
"Bring my beauty" - Make my day!!
Thumb up! Anyway, Arte on Amiga was better.
Classic :)
Pure classic !
Nice, the hulla hop part is funny! :)
Yep, rulez :)
omg missed this classic!
good demo but not as keen as thec about the music... the same samples was used by groo in Closer by CNCD and that tune is way better.

obvious thumb
sure thing
this is probably the best demo ever.
Fast pacing, good direction, strong effects, unconventional—and damn well-performed—soundtrack. A mid-90s DOS demo (hell, a mid-90s demo per se) just couldn't offer more. Amazing stuff.
Oh, go on then.
bad ass
What everyone else said. It just rules.
it's a good one.
Very good
This, it runs on 486dx/33Mhz ?! The 3d engine should be UNESCO-protected or something.
note that I made a 3D engine 50% faster with supersampling 2x in 1999...
Was it Karl who coded 3D effecs of this?
Or Bartoshe? Aka Barti.
Or Bartoshe? Aka Barti.
This demo sparked my interest in the demoscene, when I saw a screenshot of the bee in a magazine. Great effects, great music.
Siitä vaan perässä tekee twistattuu vokxeli tunnelii joka toimii 30fps tridentillä. Jotkut osaa. Noh, jmagicin kaa olitiin juhlilla...miten sää teet noi rinkulat phoglilla? Sit alko tulee sellasta matemaattista settii, et piti lähtee tupakalle. Ei ois pitäny kysyy :D
Cool style, I love the music. That heightmap tunnel is just brilliant.
Realtime voxel twistin tunnel that runs on 486 sx with shitty trident.
Multitextured morphin textured head...
Insta hard on when saw this on big screen. And i was not the only one, many ppl jerked too :D
Thanks Bartohshe, Karl and Groo!
Multitextured morphin textured head...
Insta hard on when saw this on big screen. And i was not the only one, many ppl jerked too :D
Thanks Bartohshe, Karl and Groo!
Yes, that's solid demo.
3D bee and spinny voxel for the win
ossom back then!
Somehow not my style.
More people must see this.
holy shit!
I wasn't aware of the 2014 rerelease. Awesome as always!
Solid demo back then, but it somehow didn't grab me as other demos did.
One of the best on PC at a time. I think new generation will have a problem to fully understand how exciting it was to render thousand of polygons or voxel mountains into super low-res frame-buffer. This one was especially cool on a presentation side as well - iconic credits, music, emerging face scene, the flow.
I never thumbed this up?! DOH!
Ra <3
What a great demo full of impressive effects that look stunning even today. The music was alright, but not really my cup of tea. The blue blurring face connected to the music nicely though!
Aesthetically it doesn't hold up well today but, man, those 3d routines in 1995! :O
i actually prefer this one much more than barti's newer releases.
now this brings back memories.. love it!
cool and funny. but the music creeped me out a little, tbh
A 3D face coming out of the wall was stunning back then.
dat baseline though
*Slaps the instruments*
Shame on me for never thumbing one of the greatest demos of all time!
Very long due thumb. This demo rulez so hard!
Just watching and reminiscing. This demo was so cutting edge in its day. I think only the enthusiasts can truly appreciate what is going on in this demo. Blew me away back in the day and still blows me away today.
great code, bang FX!
as Dope/Complex, the few amount of polygones betray the texts :p
as Dope/Complex, the few amount of polygones betray the texts :p
That production was very innovative and fascinating! When I saw it in 1995, I was amazed! Great effects! Excellent code! Very interesting design!
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