World of Commodore by Sanity | ||||||||||||||
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popularity : 76% |
alltime top: #220 |
added on the 2001-06-27 19:53:12 by undo ![]() |
popularity helper
this is one of the best legendary demos i've ever seen! the best demo by Sanity! I LOVE IT!
rulez added on the 2001-06-27 21:20:59 by bomber 

One of my favoritest Amiga500 demos I have ever seen! Cool music and some great fx (A great blurred rotozoomer at the beginning and I sine scroll which is distorted by the music)
Actually, it is not simply "a" rotozoomer, it is the first rotozoomer *ever* (chaos invented it for this demo :)
This alone should be proof that this demo is a must see lesson in demoscene history :)
This alone should be proof that this demo is a must see lesson in demoscene history :)
that's what i call a demo - thousands of excellent effects =)
millions of awesome effects ;)
nah, maybe not. but the music, the graphics, the code, everything is just great and that makes perfect oldskool demo. no need for wise words, this is a demo for "demoscene purists" :)
nah, maybe not. but the music, the graphics, the code, everything is just great and that makes perfect oldskool demo. no need for wise words, this is a demo for "demoscene purists" :)
Every real scener should know this demo !
And the music is one of the best examples of the classic-amiga-demo style...
And the music is one of the best examples of the classic-amiga-demo style...
yeah, the first on-bitmap effects i have see, like the first rotozoom and shrink of pictures, and off course a good music !
note the adf is here :
(use UAE and/or transADF)
note the adf is here :
(use UAE and/or transADF)
many greats bitmap manipulation on a slow processor, thats just great !
World of Commodore makes you happy being one of the people who saw it :)
I just wonder if Chaos is the same guy, who's currently at Farbrausch.
I just wonder if Chaos is the same guy, who's currently at Farbrausch.
yes he is.
y34h! sanity invented it!
Woca92 is simply a legend for all amiga freakers...
You wanna buy an amiga just to see it ;) (i know UAE but it is less rootz:))
Woca92 is simply a legend for all amiga freakers...
You wanna buy an amiga just to see it ;) (i know UAE but it is less rootz:))
yep another very good demo from sanity (the best in my opinion being roots 2.0), excellent effects, very good music and synchronisation, long without being boring! on the other side (i'm a bad guy) ppl wake up, you could see many bitmap effects by that time just remember the good old snes. i agree anyway that making this on an amiga was a real challenge but i still prefer roots's mode7 (8
My favorite demo ever , beating PC one´s !!!! This one kills any PC demo by his power and creativity , and all this just on a poor(?!?) AMIGA . I Love this computer and this demo . Amiga is creativity . World of Commodore demonstrate it . Well done guys . Hope you´re alive on the scene .
they're alive and using PCs :)
or maybe :(
ehh, :) anyway :)
only amiga makes it possible!
amiga is creativity!
amiga is multimedia!
brain is creativity
This is just the BEST ever. Anyone who wants to know 1337 must see this demo!
the fullscreen 'bouncing' and scrolling thing with morphing texture on it, it just totally blew me away... How the hell did they do that? :)
And the music especially in the first part, is very good (reminds me a bit of the Enigma soundtrack)
And the music especially in the first part, is very good (reminds me a bit of the Enigma soundtrack)
i remember when this demo was released. it caused quite a hype. Definetely one very important mark in amiga demoscene history, thats for sure. I even remember having a small bet that Amiga was THE demomachine, and a pc-owning friend of mine argued. Well.. next yeat at Asm'93 Extension was released and I won the bet ;)
høhø, ugly as ...., but fast and evil!
this demo really r0x!
I don't like the music that much, but the effects blew me away.
Absolutely groundbreaking code. One of the few demos with new and exclusive routines. First rotozoomer and the first dot tunnel (I think), both of which became standard effects in almost all subsequent demos. Complemented by excellent graphics and music, this is definitely a milestone in terms of the scene's evolution.
really great stuff, considering the fact that it consisted of yet unseen things back then. doesn't get me jumping nowadays, but i remember when i first saw it .. !.
Wait just a minute here! "Consisted of yet unseen things"? Apart from the blurred rotozoomer, weren't EVERY effect in this demo used before in older Sanity prods? Even Chaos referred to it as "Best of Sanity" in several diskmags. Well it's still a classic demo, especially the 2nd part with Bit Arts' fabulous tune.
Break: Correct. Wade: No, not the first dot tunnel... Still rules though :)
One of my favourite demos of all time. Classic.
Wasnt the rotozoomer copied from some atari demo?
stelthz: no
How do you know?
According to ryg:
It ruled, it rules. Bit arts tune was incredible, and still is.
No thumb up yet, my mistake, here it is. This one rocked.
Yes! Rules like hell
Now that's elite
nuff said
I love it!The second track is amazing!
classic! :)
pure love..
Good music
all of the above
Ryg, hitchhiker, wade and the others: you are wrong and Stelthz is right, Chaos did NOT make the first rotozoom ever, sorry.
This Atari demo made in 1990 (i.e 2 years ealier) already had one, as earx emphasized it in a recent bbs thread.
This Atari demo made in 1990 (i.e 2 years ealier) already had one, as earx emphasized it in a recent bbs thread.
keops: 1 point
rest of the world: 0
rest of the world: 0
Don't forget the Maggie 10 intro by Delta Force featuring a 1bpl rotozoom with motion blur, circa july 1992 ^__^
Nice. But the music is a rip-off from the Enigma tune "A Final Hyperbase". Liked the rotozoomer ...
many cool effects!
tuhe music sux, but it roxxx
what? i forgot to thumb this?
Great show!
mega rulez
a classic :)))
Wow! :)
Very good but Roots 2.0 is better. :)
Alltime kickass stuff!
The first part is one of my alltime favourites.
But it still is the demo with the damn ugliest dottunnel ever...(2nd part)
But it still is the demo with the damn ugliest dottunnel ever...(2nd part)
But the music is a rip-off from the Enigma tune "A Final Hyperbase".
i really don't think it qualifies as a rip... the particular genre (amiga italo demopop or whatever) is just so inbred and full of clichés that the tunes are bound to sound similar.
good job! roots 2.0 is in fact a lot better!
great oldskool demo
I love this one.
great demo!
shouldve been on first place at WOC92 :P
shouldve been on first place at WOC92 :P
This one rulez. The only bad point is the music which is far too similar to the "Enigma-tune" by Tip & Firefox. Same samples, same slowpart, same bass technique... Lame !
Chaos: insane that you are making good demos for so long on amiga and pc :)
great demo
music owns
amiga is multimedia
pure Sanity-gold
Only amiga makes it possible!
Great, of course!
One of the best all rounders.
extreme uberrulung.. man ihr habt damals schon dermaßen gerockt..
ah, memories :>
one of the demos i have seen on a real Amiga <3
wha'? I didn't thumb it yet?
What they said.
A classic. The soundtrack rocks big time & awesome 3 effects! Feel the beat, stranger !
Massive release. Even though the effects were recycled (but of course improved) the demo was nothing short of stunning.
It's awwwright
Top-of-the-line classic Amiga demo. The effects in this one continue to amaze.
Amiga Amiga Amiga
rules rules rules
rules rules rules
Top demo! Has some really kick ass stuff in it and some nice graphics and a catchy tune as well.
what pera said.
Jester & Bit Arts at is best! :)
and Chaos & Pet ofcourse ... ! Great One, and much, much better than the "Wicked Sensation"-Thing!
and Chaos & Pet ofcourse ... ! Great One, and much, much better than the "Wicked Sensation"-Thing!
great demo!
first part of the music is very similiar to firefox and tips enigma theme imo
first part of the music is very similiar to firefox and tips enigma theme imo
v3nomsoup^rs: It's intentional. (And the Enigma mod was pretty much carbon copied from Laserdance anyway ;))
Classic tunes, classic effects, classic demo.
One of the best A500 demos!
Every true demoscener knows that great music by Jester (first part). But the one composed by Bit Arts (end part) is also very good!
Lots of great effects and a very polished design.
And moreover, this is the origin of the rotozoom fever!
Every true demoscener knows that great music by Jester (first part). But the one composed by Bit Arts (end part) is also very good!
Lots of great effects and a very polished design.
And moreover, this is the origin of the rotozoom fever!
i know its not nice to ask the nice music artist to keep doing the same style of music... but man I wish Jester still made demo music.
Classic A500 demo from our german friends. :)
Classic A500 demo from our german friends. :)
Really great production!
loong time classic .)
A classic.
Great '92 vintage kick-ass A500 demo with rotozoom!! And it happily works with 512k of RAM :)
Good show. The rotozoom was great (though it's definitely not the first ever).
Good... Very good one but even top notch efx prefered "Wicked sensation" by Tristar & Red Sector Inc.
Simply awesome demo. Firsttune is also one of my favourites.
what jua said.
What everybody said
Amiga RULEZ! \:D/
Good old times! I wish I had time machine!
Of course yes.
Pure classic, Chaos made so impressive fx on this one ! It's probably one of the demo I had watched the most ! And for me the one that clearly put Chaos as the definitive amiga "god" coder.
Wow. Love the music!
Absolutely love the first part. Go do something else when the second part starts :-)
Another amiga legendary demo.
I think the Amiga classic demos are not enough well considered today. Only 114 thumbs to this classic is not very fair. :/
I think the Amiga classic demos are not enough well considered today. Only 114 thumbs to this classic is not very fair. :/
Another youtube is notified in BBS ... Enjoy it!
Feel the beat, stranger! Amiga is creativity!
Man, 90s are sure full of cheesy lines like this. :D
Man, 90s are sure full of cheesy lines like this. :D
a thumb for me, and my first - lurker for years, now posting :)
@arpz: Where is your thumb? :D
Amiga Rules! Legendary rotozoom inside! :)
Amiga Rules! Legendary rotozoom inside! :)
Couldn't believe I hadn't thumbed this one. Great demo and the rotozooming stuff absolutely rules.
One of the very best
just one word: f|a|n|t|a|s|t|i|c
another video here:
another video here:
Love the track on the first part but other than that I always thought this rather boring mix of various effects.
Awesome music and cool oldskool effects :-) Anyone got a proper HQ video recording of this gem uploaded somewhere?
Full of love.
Oh that music... And now i've got 1337 glöps, thanks sanity!
first part music!
legend never dies!
World of Commodore 2013!
Cool! :)
Forgotten thumb up!
nice "souvenir"
no offending scrolltext :(
but yeah:
but yeah:
Thumb up for a genuine classic.
instant nostalgic thumb, mainly for music
late thumb, great effect show!
Amazing demo, the only thing I don't like is that the music is a bad remix of Enigma's tune. The rest is breathtaking.
One of my all-time favourites.
Amazing demo, the only thing I don't like is that the music is a bad remix of Enigma's tune. The rest is breathtaking.
Soundy I kindof agree with Reed who posted further up the page:
i really don't think it qualifies as a rip... the particular genre (amiga italo demopop or whatever) is just so inbred and full of clichés that the tunes are bound to sound similar.
It does sound a bit similar but I really dont think its an intentional remix/rip.
Forgotten thumb. At the time this seemed like a let-down compared to the surrounding scene hype, but in hindsight, it's a classic.
i won't tinker with reed here (ofcoz), but the people with musical skill that were able to get this demo live or at least semi-live in 1992 will definitely say that the tune in here is different and kinda special. sound of an era wise.
Great music, great demo!
Complaining that the tune is a badly made rip of Enigma seems ignorant. Similar beat and lead sound, similar genre, so bad rip? Everybody was using the same samples, and that was the style of music.
Tune is one of the greatest examples of that genre (that reed tried to explain already :)) There is no ripping here.
Classic of course
Concerning the tune: It certainly has a similar vibe to the Enigma Tune, but that doesn't make it a remix. In fact Jester has made similar style mods prior to Phenomena's Enigma (check out Elysium.
Furthermore if you check the Sample info on this, you'll see that he credited Firefox for the lead sample which was taken from the Enigma Soundtrack.
So nothing wrong there, music will always be in my head. Hey and don't remember Bit Art's track in the second part, an instant early techno classic :)
Concerning the tune: It certainly has a similar vibe to the Enigma Tune, but that doesn't make it a remix. In fact Jester has made similar style mods prior to Phenomena's Enigma (check out Elysium.
Furthermore if you check the Sample info on this, you'll see that he credited Firefox for the lead sample which was taken from the Enigma Soundtrack.
So nothing wrong there, music will always be in my head. Hey and don't remember Bit Art's track in the second part, an instant early techno classic :)
Upgrading to a thumb, only for the first part music.
battlestar actual
Amiga rules!
Great first part in the typical early random-effects-no-coherence style. Second part is not that good, though.
feel the beat
Forgotten thumb!
Prefer this one over Wicked Sensation, the winner of the competition. I remember Sanity caught some flak, as many of the routines had been released before. Personally, I didn't care about that back then, a "best of Sanity 1992" was a great idea, I think. And there were some new great effects, such as the brilliant "Amiga rules" roto-zoom. Great gfx as usual. Bit Arts' tune is among his best ones.
This is one of the top 5 Amiga-demos.
Forgot to thumb this classic!
Classic thumb! First tune is obviously the famous one, but I think the second tune is also really cool
Excellent demo. Good vibe. Love the first tune. Should have won the competetion.
*competition* ;)
For many of us, the way we learned how to make demos.
I love the second part. But I do agree that dot tunnel is not the prettiest. And, it should have won over Wicked Sensation.
Overall brilliant with many novel effects. Great atmosphere. Some copycat issues with the music, but it has enough original passages as well.
Epic. Much love for this! And I love the music.
Beautiful! Could win the demoparty exactly like Wicked Sensation IMO!
awesome music and everything
In parts (topic: reusage of routines) what Kree wrote (2017-08-01
21:38:33). But on the other hand one can also argue that Wicked
Sensation shows many 3D effects/objects that others had already been
released before. I guess Sanity could have won if they had included
some filled 3D stuff they despised so much. Anyway, both demos are
really nice to watch and the music in both of them is just awesome.
And always remember what Chaos' legendary and smooth rotozoomer
is saying ;-)
21:38:33). But on the other hand one can also argue that Wicked
Sensation shows many 3D effects/objects that others had already been
released before. I guess Sanity could have won if they had included
some filled 3D stuff they despised so much. Anyway, both demos are
really nice to watch and the music in both of them is just awesome.
And always remember what Chaos' legendary and smooth rotozoomer
is saying ;-)
another missing thumb up...
This is the best technically demo for Amiga 500 before the advent of DD.
a timeless classic
Amiga rules!
I used the watch this demo a lot when it was released
Thumb of respect is over! This remains amazing! I've been obsessed with the 102 zoom and skew rotator ever since!
"An absolute classic! I love it!"
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