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Sofa World by Poo-Brain [web]
screenshot added by numtek on 2020-04-13 13:26:57
platform :
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release date : april 2020
release party : Revision 2020
compo : wild demo
ranked : 1st
  • 47
  • 4
  • 0
popularity : 63%
  • 0.92
alltime top: #3151
added on the 2020-04-13 13:26:57 by numtek numtek

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rulez added on the 2020-04-13 13:28:09 by numtek numtek
mixamo ?
rulez added on the 2020-04-13 13:29:30 by Xyl2k Xyl2k
say cheeeeese ;-)
rulez added on the 2020-04-13 13:30:04 by RufUsul RufUsul
Absolute respect for the guys pulling this off in such a short time in such incredible detail.
rulez added on the 2020-04-13 13:45:18 by Gargaj Gargaj
This really made me feel being there. Good work :)
rulez added on the 2020-04-13 13:46:04 by neoman neoman
this is awesome!
rulez added on the 2020-04-13 13:46:31 by waffle waffle
i hope Scid will be enough re-hydrated for the Outline weekend!
rulez added on the 2020-04-13 13:49:34 by el mal el mal
I got a moustache!!!
rulez added on the 2020-04-13 13:50:55 by okkie okkie
You saved Revision. Literally. I can't express how grateful I am for this release, because it just improved the quality of the weekend by at least 1000%.
rulez added on the 2020-04-13 14:07:45 by Saga Musix Saga Musix
Thank you for uploading numtek.
Website to stay tuned.
Thanks to everyone for participating, I've missed you all but it felt real enough at times :) We are humbled by the nr of people that joined and the overwhelmingly positive response during the party.
this is what the existence of poo-brain was built up to fulfill
rulez added on the 2020-04-13 14:16:06 by noby noby
for pee&puke !
rulez added on the 2020-04-13 14:17:16 by Kuemmel Kuemmel
include support for meatspace terminals for VR Interaction :D
This prod rulez!
rulez added on the 2020-04-13 14:17:53 by neuralnet neuralnet
Only needs a distance-based voice chat feature and it will be absolutely perfect.
rulez added on the 2020-04-13 14:21:32 by uncle-x uncle-x
this was just perfect. i wasn't there as much as i should have been, but thank you so much for this <3
As far as i remember this is the ONLY networked game at revision that actually worked at revision-scale and didn't completely break down when half the party joined.
rulez added on the 2020-04-13 14:22:55 by fgenesis fgenesis
This is really peak demoscene spirit in action. Impressive stuff!
rulez added on the 2020-04-13 14:25:34 by rloaderro rloaderro
Nearly perfect execution :) The only thing I am missing is our 5711/haujobb/braujobb beer tap. And Ozan's BBQ tent :)
rulez added on the 2020-04-13 14:27:46 by mAtt^haujobb mAtt^haujobb
rulez added on the 2020-04-13 14:27:56 by RbR RbR
what everyone said
rulez added on the 2020-04-13 15:20:48 by wullon wullon
i am out of words here
rulez added on the 2020-04-13 15:21:17 by SiR SiR
Almost felt like being at the party :)
rulez added on the 2020-04-13 15:25:10 by britelite britelite
So great. Partyfeeling and fun ! Thank you for this!
rulez added on the 2020-04-13 17:12:44 by Chainsaw Chainsaw
Theres aprox 100 things how this could be improved and taken from a "fun PoC" to "serious tool" but of course you know this and for the time you had this is still incredible. So many details and references and I had a fun time looking for Okkies =)
rulez added on the 2020-04-13 18:29:20 by wysiwtf wysiwtf
Give us Mac version please!!!
rulez added on the 2020-04-13 21:21:17 by Adam Bazaroff Adam Bazaroff
rulez added on the 2020-04-13 21:24:46 by ferris ferris
I never tried it but this is obviously marvellous.
rulez added on the 2020-04-13 21:25:49 by Preacher Preacher
such a nice initiative!
rulez added on the 2020-04-13 21:36:41 by gentleman gentleman
Amazing idea and a lot of fun - also for my sons :-)
rulez added on the 2020-04-13 21:38:08 by Bobic Bobic
it felt like coming home. strangely immersive! meeting people you know, at places you know, at the right time. I struggled finding all the okkies, but I guess didnt really try hard enough.

rulez added on the 2020-04-13 21:50:34 by HellMood HellMood
Didn't try this, but based on the video seems to contain a lot of stuff.
rulez added on the 2020-04-13 21:55:23 by Nupo Nupo
As others have said, the amount of detail in this is just incredible! So much fun! Sadly the ingame bigscreen stream stuttered for me which is why I had to revert back to watching the party on Twitch, but that says more about my crappy internet connection than Sofa World! Hiding tiny Okkie statues everywhere was a neat touch and reminded me much of the crystal hunt during Guild Wars 2's festive season of the winds challenge. Believe I have spotted 15 so far! :D

Would totally love to see VR support and voice chat in this (although Teamspeak works just fine alongside it), I'd probably spend way too much of my time at virtual E-Werk as a result, haha!
rulez added on the 2020-04-13 22:50:05 by SunSpire SunSpire
Thank you so much for having done that. Defeating the melancholy of not being able to attend by making it totally fun. I wuv you all poobrainers so much.
rulez added on the 2020-04-14 12:16:04 by alkama alkama
I wish there was a macos version. I know that you had to get this done fast, so I understand. Rules nevertheless.
rulez added on the 2020-04-14 12:19:50 by teel teel
this. yes.
rulez added on the 2020-04-14 17:40:17 by jeenio jeenio
Amazing work Poo-Brain! Especially indeed all the details! I loved watching this through your shared screen sessions TropicalTrevor! And I hope to see a Linux and macOS version publicly available soon!
rulez added on the 2020-04-14 17:48:05 by spiked-maniac spiked-maniac
oh mai!
rulez added on the 2020-04-14 17:58:29 by sensenstahl sensenstahl
thoroughly bonkers in so many good ways
rulez added on the 2020-04-14 18:11:32 by d0DgE d0DgE
maximal respect!
rulez added on the 2020-04-15 16:12:18 by blala blala
Revision Online wouldn't have been the same without it!
rulez added on the 2020-04-16 20:49:49 by Steltek Steltek
With all respect i want to encourage all this talent that i don't have, be used to help orphans and widows in their distress and keep unstained from the world. Why aim at encouraging us like the world at being wasted and throwing up all over the place? I have lived in houses where a son almost beat out his father's eye from getting drunk. I wanted to make something to try and counteract this https://youtu.be/Tsq42u2osFM but since it was not shown, how nice it would be if someone who is skilled at this all would prefer good things. Alcoholic drinks, pee and vomit aren't necessarily bad. Peeing is helpful like vomiting is good when appropriate, like when poisoned. I can see alcohol being ok if you are able to take it in moderation, to help water be sanitized, when it doesn't make people stumble to see you consume it, since even Jesus drank some wine. I drank enough for lifetimes of moderate drinking, i don't want to claim my goodness, i just would have avoided a lot of hardship if it was said that 'drinking and all this other stuff (fornicating, vanity, pride in posessions, slandering and bad words, porn, oriental religions, etc ) is just what you are supposed to do to have a happy cool fulfilled life'. No it leads to death and madness and all kinds of terrible things, even if they may seem pleasant outwardly for a short time.
I write this after writing on a production i worked on https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=85354 and believe it appropriate to share here as well. Again i am far from perfect, but i want other people to encourage me to do what is right through Jesus Christ so treat others as i would want to be treated, and we all fail at this but we can get up and give our lives to doing this because of Jesus Christ.
There is something much more important than everything else. The party theme of "Welcome Home" to me is a reminder to those of Hebrews 11:16 who desire a better country, or home, than what is on earth. Now while we should try to take care of this place when here, God had made a heavenly home for us and having that perspective is helpful.
I believe Jesus is totally reasonable: i could go on about whale skeletons found in the Sahara desert, or the Smithsonian reporting on soft tissue in dinosaur bones https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/dinosaur-shocker-115306469/, that Job says that God stretches out the Heavens, or the fact that images can seem alive now as in Revelations 13 and people are buying and selling with chips in their hands based on a number that would turn off their ability to do so through some central authority with people claiming there are plans to do so https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x38pr91 :(. The Euphrates has been drying up in places as in Revelations 16. There are not examples of millions of transitional fossils between non-reproducing kinds of animals yet it has become a powerful delusion as mentioned in 2 Thessalonians 2. Disasters are increasing etc, etc. It is not that these are necessarily the end marks right now, we need to be consistently ready like the prudent virgins with extra oil in their lamps, but these signs seem to point that the end is ever more approaching.
I can go on about being healed of schizoaffective bipolar disorder, or that my dog here had been healed of cataracts by the day after praying. I have been off all meds even coffee for over five years, prophesied who i was engaged to, my dad here praised God in perfect Arabic without an accent without knowing the language, saying "I loved you more than my very eyes". This was explained by someone else who knew Arabic nearby and explained while astounded. On and on i would have to disavow reason to deny the obvious that not only i have witnessed, recently i was even fortunate enough to see this https://youtu.be/Pw9iSO7rUUY which was also attempted to be shown in the event, knowing it may not be the most adequate i am trying to do what i can with what i have had available. Now Jesus said blessed are those who haven't seen and believe, and yes there are many wolves in sheep's clothing, and maybe i may be one but how do you measure anything?
Now there are nice church gatherings while none are perfect, but thanks to the Bible i was able to get free of some churches with demonic teachings trying to have us serve money, and demonic teachings that claim we are God like Jesus is which is not at all true. Or demons that tried to say that Jesus was just a myth, yet the Bible says that any spirit that doesn't claim Jesus came in the flesh is not of God in 1st John 4, or spirits that try to claim a different gospel in Galatians 1. Or that try to force us to be right with the law as a basis instead of true love through faith in Christ.
I don't want followers of me, i am imperfect and do not claim like Paul 'follow me like i follow Christ' in 1st Corinthians 11 at this point, though it is no excuse. Even Jesus seems to have felted burdened in Luke 9:41 and i am far from being like Jesus Christ, through whom all things were created, i would say it would be a burden to me to be followed but to follow Jesus Christ. Because of the knowledge i see i have, i am also kind of responsible to do right by it. Now I like demos, and i care about you guys but not like Jesus does. Jesus died for us while yet His enemies. The point is, love Jesus Christ.
Again Jesus loves you to the point of dying for you on a cross. That is not hippy 'free love', but costly, or the love we have for fish when we fry them up and eat them. While sorry i can't please everyone with my speech and life, even Jesus was unable to do, i do this out of love for Truth. Jesus was offensive like i guess our parents are to us because He told people they were wrong, even though he gave us life and tries to help us know what is good for us. My problem is thinking i am good, even while i had been pirating, lying, engaged in porn which is adultery in Jesus eyes, as well as physical adultery which led to aborting the baby without me knowing. So very sad, murdering an innocent child. I am amazed that God has been so patient with us with all the damage we are doing to the most innocent, holding back things like satan unleashing the Covid virus for so long.
When things like the Covid virus are sent, like Hulk Hogan reminded https://twitter.com/HulkHogan/status/1245513106891190272 our response should be repentance. Let us not do as Revelations says will happen in the end times where people will get angry at God instead. Now I have broken all the commandments being angry at people for no reason, which Jesus groups with murder, greedy which is idolatry, breaking all the commandments. God would be unjust to not punish me.
A murderer will not get off for good deeds, or for saying sorry or please forgive me, the judge would seem corrupt to do so. Since God is absolutely perfect, any sin has permanently distanced me from God and captured us into hell, but God loves us so much, so He could be just in justifying us, He paid off our fine through sending us Jesus Christ. So as Jesus said in Mark 1:15 let us repent and believe in the Gospel, the Good News. Jesus made everything possible to change from hatred and living for death and selfishness, to grow in living for Holy Love, in Jesus Holy name. If we truly believe in Him it will show in fruit, though let us know ultimately God is judge, but nothing will take us out of His hands.
Respectfully yours in Christ, you can write me if i can help with anything by the grace of God. in Christ Jesus, whose will for us is good, pleasing and perfect, and we are invited to taste and see that it is good. Anyways great production value and it was nice to somewhat see what the event area looks like. Sorry just doing what i can, eyes on the Lord Jesus the only begotten Son of God, He comes soon.
added on the 2020-04-17 22:07:36 by loveJesus loveJesus
that was my first time to visit e werk! was really a good place, wanna visit again. five stars
rulez added on the 2020-05-02 21:34:25 by FMS_Cat FMS_Cat
@lovejesus: That was single-handedly the most epic prod comment I ever read on this BBS. And yes, I read the entire thing.

Jesus still loves you and the Covid Virus simply happened b/c some of us are stupid f*cks. Be humble, love your neighbours, be kind to animals, and rock on !
rulez added on the 2020-05-02 22:03:47 by bsp bsp
* walked in
* yellow particled into the toilet tunnel
* went out

worth the 5 minutes! :D
rulez added on the 2020-06-07 01:16:36 by T$ T$
missing must thumb for keeping the scene spirit alive!
rulez added on the 2021-02-07 21:46:13 by dwarf dwarf
When we are all old and cannot go to parties anymore we can still meet in Sofa World. :)
rulez added on the 2021-02-07 22:22:31 by gaspode gaspode
It's almost that time of the year again <3
rulez added on the 2021-04-16 10:05:09 by wobble wobble
Why is the server down?
http://sofaworld.net/ Down....
Server is down...
No server, no game :(
rulez added on the 2024-05-20 07:46:38 by thomas^sd thomas^sd

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