Girl Basic 2k by Red Sector Inc. [web]
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popularity : 69% |
alltime top: #8951 |
added on the 2015-06-29 21:24:07 by Baudsurfer ![]() |
popularity helper
Spread the love man :)
I am a guy but I'm sorry, I don't see why it has to be pink and be explicitly branded for girls to have to be interesting to them. LEGO worked just fine for all genders before the introduction of LEGO Friends. It's not the programming language that's the problem...
What Starchaser said. And I'm a father of two daughters who probably already have attended more demparties than the maker of this "prod" has.
It illustrates the problem neatly, at least.
I have really mixed feelings about this. The initiative is good but... As Starchaser said I just don't understand the gender based brand. It feels even a bit condescending. I did learn to code without pink background color with blinking hearts on it and I think anyone else will learn that too if they are interested and supported (and yes I'm female if that really matters).

Thumb up for 2K BASIC.
Thumb down for pink girl BASIC. I suspect its a joke, but its not a funny joke, and if its not a joke.. well... wow.
Anyway thumb down + thumb up = pig
Thumb down for pink girl BASIC. I suspect its a joke, but its not a funny joke, and if its not a joke.. well... wow.
Anyway thumb down + thumb up = pig
I guess the author had good intentions? Like giving a lollipop to a cute girl? If there's no *bear watermarked then why the hate?
ruta80: because the world needs gender equality, not gender segregation.
i want gay marriage basic in 1k!
This thumbdown is for suggesting gender segmentation. A big fat no.
ruta80: because the world needs gender equality, not gender segregation.
Maybe you can just deconstruct things on the human being and just meditate upon them. They are naked, empty, asexual.
Lol you're braindeadwashed, if world needed gender equality there would be no sexual dimorphism.
My first reaction to this prod was "wtf there's as many girls in the scene as the girls want, there's no need for artificial incentives". But then I realised it's a lollipop for some little girls isn't it?
What, you go to Kids "R" Us and spray all the barbies grey?
Here's my thumb up for "equality".
My first reaction to this prod was "wtf there's as many girls in the scene as the girls want, there's no need for artificial incentives". But then I realised it's a lollipop for some little girls isn't it?
What, you go to Kids "R" Us and spray all the barbies grey?
Here's my thumb up for "equality".
This might be a neat achievement technically, but this is prod doesn't help.
...I meant Toys "R" Us of course.
seems this bullcrap controversy finally spilled on ze pwetz / demoscenes ..
the one cool thing about boys and girls is that they are NOT equal at all.
because the world needs gender equality, not gender segregation.
Lmfao, oh god, I can't even..
Great Job :-)
* Gender Segmentation Fault in 10 *
Since when are sceners so narrow-minded. And how are comments if it's someone else than Baudsurfer releasing such a prod? ;-)
Thumb up for the idea at least.
Thumb up for the idea at least.
Girl Basic
yes because girls or women have some kind of disability and need a special 'girls only' version of basic to code... you need to give motives and opportunities to the other gender, not some kind of 'special' yet discriminating tools, you know.
neoman: Indeed, implying that an interpreter needs to be pink to get girls interested in making demos is quite narrow-minded.
Since when are sceners so narrow-minded. And how are comments if it's someone else than Baudsurfer releasing such a prod? ;-)
Thumb up for the idea at least.
I would still thumb it down even if it was a co-op between Farbrausch, Mercury and overall the top top top demogroups in the world and had the most impressive shaders and could run on a toaster and a ceiling fan. While technical achievement of making a BASIC interpreter in 2 kilo is impressive, the presentation is just... not cool.
I'd also thumb it down if it was MANLY BASIC.
Also to some other comments, don't mix biological factors such as sexual dimorphism with design choices that segregate people based on them. Knoeki loves Hello Kitty, yet he's still a guy. Some guys like cute stuff, some girls like tough stuff. But when that's the case it's called "embarassing and bad" because thank you media and commercialism.
Why do I have feeling that this is yet another shenanigan. Something related to something that's an anagram of "Experiment". ;P
neoman: Indeed, implying that an interpreter needs to be pink to get girls interested in making demos is quite narrow-minded.
Yeah, and Commodore made their interpreter blue and boys got interested because of that.
TomoAlien: I also better stop here, lol.
I have a young family member who I introduced to basic several years ago. She was very fond of stereotypically "girly" things at the time. She would have enjoyed this.
good as a start, but far from sufficient: without a pink keyboard, princess-shaped icons and the popular pouet glitter lipgloss this isn´t attractive enough yet!
Too many thumbs down on this prod. Let's try and counterbalance it.
without a pink keyboard, princess-shaped icons and the popular pouet glitter lipgloss this isn´t attractive enough yet!
now there are some great ideas for future RSI merchandising!
come together
right now
over me
right now
over me
don't mix biological factors such as sexual dimorphism with design choices that segregate people based on them
Yeah, I also think that there should be urinals in female toilets, it would make the world such a better, more funny place.
Seriously, normally I wouldn't pollute prod comments with stuff like this, but it can't really get any worse if a toy for kids gets thrashed by gender/sexually-challenged morons.
..more like Get Back To The Kitchen Basic!

What. "RSI" not man enough to have thumbs and comments enabled on the Youtube video? :)
I don't know what's funnier, the prod or the gender equality fascists :) My girls can use what ever coloured basic they want, for the older one i'd bet it would be this atm but on the other hand i dunno how lovely the colours are on the long run...
include some customizing option for the colors. this looks ugly no matter the intention. plus some help/manual would be nice. and what Թર્મેΞΞ said. weak thumbs up.
If you'd just renamed it gay basic and added a few more rainbow colors everything would have been fine.
I don't know what's funnier, the prod or the gender equality fascists :)
Definately the prod.
As the original poster, my point was sort of that. You don't need to patronize anyone to try to get them to like it. Make it interesting! However taking something that already exists and slapping pink on it? I'd think that it's largely true things people aren't interested in aren't going to be fixed with a color swap and a blinking heart decal.I don't know what's funnier, the prod or the gender equality fascists :) My girls can use what ever coloured basic they want, for the older one i'd bet it would be this atm but on the other hand i dunno how lovely the colours are on the long run...
I think this prod would be quite an achievement on its own without doing anything polarizing. It probably would have been just fine being pink, and having a rainbow, but calling it "Girl BASIC" I think was where most people got off.
Original thumb down poster*
Not sure if this is well intentioned but misguided, or just dumb. I'm going to assume the former.
Also apparently you can't say something is stupid anymore without being a "fascist"
Also apparently you can't say something is stupid anymore without being a "fascist"
What message are you thumbdowners giving to girls that like this? That like purple and blinking hearts? That it isnt okay for a girl to like what's considerate girly, that they should feel patronized even if they dont feel it. Also if you are upset about a color what about the message ? "GIRLS ARE THE DEMOSCENE FUTURE" what does that tell the boys?
Manly Basic! With added guns, muscles and beer! I'd also thumb that up.
I'd also thumb it down if it was MANLY BASIC.
Manly Basic! With added guns, muscles and beer! I'd also thumb that up.
Fuck the social issues debate, but as for the prod, it sure succeeds in bringing NEXTEMPIRE quality back to the fake RSI.
for the drama
What message are you thumbdowners giving to girls that like this?
The same message I have for people buying men's toothpaste or men's tissues - do what you want.
Also apparently people disagreeing about something is "drama" nowadays
Funny fact, AFAIK this is minded for girls aged 5 and up, to make them interested in coding.
I don't know about you, but my daughter loves everything pink, everything disney frost, and little pony and such. She is a girl, she likes girley things. But don't fret, she also plays with cars and spiderman :D
The negativity in this thread is unreal.
I don't know about you, but my daughter loves everything pink, everything disney frost, and little pony and such. She is a girl, she likes girley things. But don't fret, she also plays with cars and spiderman :D
The negativity in this thread is unreal.
So, what does this production achieve that you couldn't achieve by downloading a freeware Python IDE, setting the window background color to pink, and sitting in front of the computer with your daughter and some tutorials?
Thumb up for all the mental masturbation in the comments.
I woudl use this (including the pink color), unfortunately I'm not a girl. What now?
That kid is like 30 now.
Now we can get to the real issue! Arguing about which language is the best for beginners!So, what does this production achieve that you couldn't achieve by downloading a freeware Python IDE, setting the window background color to pink, and sitting in front of the computer with your daughter and some tutorials?
Also apparently you can't say something is stupid anymore without being a "fascist"
Yes yes, "fascist " is over the top here. Chill people :)
Girls can use real tools too, you know.
Also, what Gargaj said.
Also, what Gargaj said.

fascist?... gender?... gay?....
People. It is just a small program. Only a wavelength (colour) and some characters, leters. Look at your reactions. What are you doing.... Influenced by all the outside-real-life-manipulations and "opinions", letting spoil your minds.
Nothing changed since the middle ages... When sth "curious" was happening in the village. Aaaahh, "that witch"... I do not care. But wait! I wanna THROU my STONE. For what? For nothing. Thee wanna thy own stone too?
People. It is just a small program. Only a wavelength (colour) and some characters, leters. Look at your reactions. What are you doing.... Influenced by all the outside-real-life-manipulations and "opinions", letting spoil your minds.
Nothing changed since the middle ages... When sth "curious" was happening in the village. Aaaahh, "that witch"... I do not care. But wait! I wanna THROU my STONE. For what? For nothing. Thee wanna thy own stone too?
stupid idea imho
Arggh. Yet another "stunt prod" by Baudsurfer, marred by bugs and incomplete everything. Broken if/then, no strings, no floats, no sin/cos, no exponents, no div-by-zero handling, only one command per line, very easy to break at every corner. Now, 2k sure is not much (you are not going for another stupid fake record, are you? :D), but not even REM? A working IF/THEN? Come one. :)
I don't know if it's supposed to be a recreation of something historical (couldn't find evidence for that), but the value is low, no matter how you look at it.
I don't know if it's supposed to be a recreation of something historical (couldn't find evidence for that), but the value is low, no matter how you look at it.
fascist?... gender?... gay?....
avoid, snog, marry!!
What tomaes said. Completely pointless.
amazing, this is the first comment actually regarding the technical quality ;D
First of. I want to point out this is an ovbious case of Poe's law in action.
However i am more than pleased to see the comments have not gone in the vein the SJWs, feminazis, and by extension, the developer, would have expected.
Before i go into a rant about the moral flaws of this prod, i want to point out the actual tangible flaws of it.
1. It's effing basic, emulating both the ZX and C64. It is ridiculous and bloody useless in 2015
2. The font of choice is awful. Serif fonts were made to be read on paper, not on a computer. a sans-serif 8x8 font is perfectly possible and would have been much more appreciated for readibility, specially given we're imitating computers that were supposed to connect through RF to the target video output device.
3. Pink it is not the reccomended color for something that requires as much time as coding does. Specialy since apaprently some studies prove that red makes the human brain have much more agressive and impulsive thoughts rather than blue's calm, slow and rational ones [citation needed]
Now, with all the objective design choices taken out of the way. Let's go to the real issue, because that's why you made this tool on the first place.
Well, we not only have examples like Margaret up there ( something i wanted to have pointed out but i had to sleep ), but... Woman have always been a part of the demoscene. We've been it's past and we are it's future. I am a shy little fucker who does not hang here around much, but here is me, designing and pitching ideas for effects for Bon^2's demos, testing said demos and making multitude graphics for 16 bit machines. Then we have people like Bittin ( Princess Luna ) who spend her free time translating open source projects, then we've got folks like Sigflup, making lists of female demosceners and collaborating on their own to the demoscene.
This tool is trying to fix a problem that does not exist.
I am a woman and i don't do my own demos? Why? Maybe because i suck at the understanding of artificial language constructs and abstract entitites. Not because somehow i am inherently stupid an uninterested on programming.
Want to allow more people to make demos? Make a tool that makes easy-to-understand efficient shader code, even if the abstraction layers needed make it incredibly simple and/or limited. That's not a problem. People will either get away with things that look impossible on that tool or they'll just learn to code shaders eventually by using low-level system calls and whatot.
Extend documentation about easy and simplified languages to get people started coding on those, or better yet, make your own damm language and then incorporate it to the shader tool you've just created, then extensively document it.
Take away some of the understandment and abstract barriers that programming has as a fundamental part of it's design. document as much as you can, explore and show any and all findings you get, help others getting started on programming.
That way you'll get more people into the scene, and, surprise, MAYBE SOME MORE WOMEN ( like if we weren't plenty enough )
Making a basic interpreter and painting it pink won't fix a problem. Resources, accesibility and education will.
With this said. This prod sucks.
However i am more than pleased to see the comments have not gone in the vein the SJWs, feminazis, and by extension, the developer, would have expected.
Before i go into a rant about the moral flaws of this prod, i want to point out the actual tangible flaws of it.
1. It's effing basic, emulating both the ZX and C64. It is ridiculous and bloody useless in 2015
2. The font of choice is awful. Serif fonts were made to be read on paper, not on a computer. a sans-serif 8x8 font is perfectly possible and would have been much more appreciated for readibility, specially given we're imitating computers that were supposed to connect through RF to the target video output device.
3. Pink it is not the reccomended color for something that requires as much time as coding does. Specialy since apaprently some studies prove that red makes the human brain have much more agressive and impulsive thoughts rather than blue's calm, slow and rational ones [citation needed]
Now, with all the objective design choices taken out of the way. Let's go to the real issue, because that's why you made this tool on the first place.
Well, we not only have examples like Margaret up there ( something i wanted to have pointed out but i had to sleep ), but... Woman have always been a part of the demoscene. We've been it's past and we are it's future. I am a shy little fucker who does not hang here around much, but here is me, designing and pitching ideas for effects for Bon^2's demos, testing said demos and making multitude graphics for 16 bit machines. Then we have people like Bittin ( Princess Luna ) who spend her free time translating open source projects, then we've got folks like Sigflup, making lists of female demosceners and collaborating on their own to the demoscene.
This tool is trying to fix a problem that does not exist.
I am a woman and i don't do my own demos? Why? Maybe because i suck at the understanding of artificial language constructs and abstract entitites. Not because somehow i am inherently stupid an uninterested on programming.
Want to allow more people to make demos? Make a tool that makes easy-to-understand efficient shader code, even if the abstraction layers needed make it incredibly simple and/or limited. That's not a problem. People will either get away with things that look impossible on that tool or they'll just learn to code shaders eventually by using low-level system calls and whatot.
Extend documentation about easy and simplified languages to get people started coding on those, or better yet, make your own damm language and then incorporate it to the shader tool you've just created, then extensively document it.
Take away some of the understandment and abstract barriers that programming has as a fundamental part of it's design. document as much as you can, explore and show any and all findings you get, help others getting started on programming.
That way you'll get more people into the scene, and, surprise, MAYBE SOME MORE WOMEN ( like if we weren't plenty enough )
Making a basic interpreter and painting it pink won't fix a problem. Resources, accesibility and education will.
With this said. This prod sucks.
Would his offence be less severe if he was drunk?
Would his offence be less severe if he was drunk?
It has technical flaws and an attrocious design. It'd still be BASICally insulting for everyone.
His "offense" is that he made - likely with good intentions, mind you - a poor implementation of an idea that wasn't worth implementing in the first place. I hope that much can be said without starting some social-media-esque flamewar.
Some comments are also purple (a darker one) here, I think that should be no problem. But with the C64 content you could really offend some people. It looks stylish, however the purple one was much more stylish.
What. "RSI" not man enough to have thumbs and comments enabled on the Youtube video? :)
Now that is sexist :-P
Cute stuff baud I hope your daughter loves Girl Basic 2k :-)
If it is a real basic interpreter in about 2k, it's very awesome. [purple!=pink]
Blue for boys (only) who want to code!
The comments here make this prod look like an ingenuous work of art in comparison. Definitely worth a thumb up.
I love this discussion.
A: "Uh guys, girls can also learn to code without pink"
B: "Brainwashed Fascist! Feminazi! SJW! Something about censorship!" *drool*
Cheap thumb down omitted, this is just too insignificant.
A: "Uh guys, girls can also learn to code without pink"
B: "Brainwashed Fascist! Feminazi! SJW! Something about censorship!" *drool*
Cheap thumb down omitted, this is just too insignificant.
All this could've been avoided if he just called it "Cute Basic".
Some people wonder why this is so personal and why it's so offensive. Well I don't find most stereotypically manly stuff fancy, and I always liked cute stuff and pastel colors. This has caused quite a lot of trouble to me, as a guy. Some of these things I'd just rather forget as I had to deal with years of therapy to get over that stuff. Also, you're still reading this? Most people most likely just quit after the first paragraph! Okay back on what I was saying: I don't expect sympathy points, as I already got over it. I expect understanding and making sure that this doesn't happen to anyone else. And I know for sure that this kinda stuff also happens to gals too.
Back on topic:
Well this prod was made for the author's daughter(s) if I'm correct. I guess good intentions but questionable choices. I guess under this circumstance I'd change the rating, but for that it's too late (Hm, perhaps implement Change4Glop, where you can use up a glop gained from commenting on the prod to change your rating on that prod!)
Also... I guess this warrants it's own BBS topic actually than a big comment section. Me? I really don't like talking about it, but I believe it's important to talk about such stuff. In a respectful manner, not like those Tumblr SJWs whose modus operandi is just yelling obscenities and harassing others while spouting logical fallacies.
Anyways, I just wish you all a nice day! Let's just put our differences behind us and respect each other no matter the factors we can't control! :)
Some people wonder why this is so personal and why it's so offensive. Well I don't find most stereotypically manly stuff fancy, and I always liked cute stuff and pastel colors. This has caused quite a lot of trouble to me, as a guy. Some of these things I'd just rather forget as I had to deal with years of therapy to get over that stuff. Also, you're still reading this? Most people most likely just quit after the first paragraph! Okay back on what I was saying: I don't expect sympathy points, as I already got over it. I expect understanding and making sure that this doesn't happen to anyone else. And I know for sure that this kinda stuff also happens to gals too.
Back on topic:
Well this prod was made for the author's daughter(s) if I'm correct. I guess good intentions but questionable choices. I guess under this circumstance I'd change the rating, but for that it's too late (Hm, perhaps implement Change4Glop, where you can use up a glop gained from commenting on the prod to change your rating on that prod!)
Also... I guess this warrants it's own BBS topic actually than a big comment section. Me? I really don't like talking about it, but I believe it's important to talk about such stuff. In a respectful manner, not like those Tumblr SJWs whose modus operandi is just yelling obscenities and harassing others while spouting logical fallacies.
Anyways, I just wish you all a nice day! Let's just put our differences behind us and respect each other no matter the factors we can't control! :)
Don't worry, you're in good company son!

Dammit, i bbimaged this quote:
I always liked <...> pastel colors.
All this could've been avoided if he just called it "Cute Basic".
Some people wonder why this is so personal and why it's so offensive. Well I don't find most stereotypically manly stuff fancy, and I always liked cute stuff and pastel colors.
Yes, this. Or "pink BASIC" or whatever.
JSYK SJW's... RGB 168,0,168 --> Pantone 253C --> Purple... :)
I'm honestly surprised some people takes this as an attack on their sexual opinions :) In fact, Baud adding a blue one made me crack up!
I'm sorry, I'm not pissing on your believes, all shall believe what they will. But the hysteria man... unreal :D Atleast we got this wonderful active thread out of it :D
Love to everyone, no matter what gender, color, sexuality or whatever.
We are all equal.
I'm sorry, I'm not pissing on your believes, all shall believe what they will. But the hysteria man... unreal :D Atleast we got this wonderful active thread out of it :D
Love to everyone, no matter what gender, color, sexuality or whatever.
We are all equal.
The problem is not the pink, the problem is the segregation implied by the name "girl basic", implying that it's specifically designed to appeal to people of one gender (in combination of providing a pink color scheme, as an attempt to match a widespread social misconception), and completely excludes people of the other gender.
Gender segregation.
For what is worth, the colors pink and blue should have nothing to do with gender whatsoever. Pink and blue are colors just as green and yellow.
A tool is a tool, providing a gender specific version without any concrete physiological reason is bullshit.
Providing a "blue" skin is like painting the pile of shit with blue color. It still stinks.
Gender segregation.
For what is worth, the colors pink and blue should have nothing to do with gender whatsoever. Pink and blue are colors just as green and yellow.
A tool is a tool, providing a gender specific version without any concrete physiological reason is bullshit.
Providing a "blue" skin is like painting the pile of shit with blue color. It still stinks.
Can we add "puke basic" now? With vomit color scheme?
Also, please remove the disgusting gay nigger 6 posts ago, it makes me feel very offended!
Also, please remove the disgusting gay nigger 6 posts ago, it makes me feel very offended!
T$: Pimp bunny does not approve your comment!
lol, figures that it's the german that's hella racist!
lol, somebody please make a several bytes big prod opening a pink screen, title:
I gender segregated the demoscene
I gender segregated the demoscene
i totally agree, girls are demoscene future
Small Basic with a 2K goal including a C64 look.
idea is nice, but design...meeeeeeeeeh
Why do you want to beat old records by doing flawed and incomplete new versions? First chess that doesn't play by the rules, now a BASIC interpreter that has fewer features than the one from 1976 you try to beat? Sorry, but that's lame.
From what I've seen from you, I'm pretty sure you have the skills to really beat these records. But please, do it properly, or don't claim you've beaten the old implementations.
From what I've seen from you, I'm pretty sure you have the skills to really beat these records. But please, do it properly, or don't claim you've beaten the old implementations.
Funny concept and lol for the comments. Actually this is exactly what toy-industry is doing all the time (except more glitter like T$ said), and it kind of works, no?
I love pink things!
This prod is how it starts.
This prod is how it ends.
This prod is how it ends.
If size really matters, then I'd be ashamed to release that code. It's so bad, you could probably pull another 100 bytes out of it.
I believe the little girls this was made for are happy with it and like "gender discrimination colors" better than "coder colors"
Thumb up for the technical achievement (not for the discriminatory colors, they're too gay for me ;)
Thumb up for the technical achievement (not for the discriminatory colors, they're too gay for me ;)
I wonder how many actual "girls" complained about this.
Exin: if that's your metric, there's more of them complaining (see two above) than approving of it (zero).
Starchaser: Obviously Lego "works" for everyone, but girls generally haven't been interested. That's why The Lego Group has spent several years and a shitload of money on trying to come up with a product that will appeal to them.
That's how they came up with Lego Friends.
And it's working.
It recruited top product designers and sales strategists from within the company, had them join forces with outside consultants, and dispatched them in small teams to shadow girls and interview their families over a period of months in Germany, Korea, the U.K., and the U.S.
That's how they came up with Lego Friends.
Over the years, Lego has had five strategic initiatives aimed at girls. Some failed because they misapprehended gender differences in how kids play. Others, while modestly profitable, didn’t integrate properly with Lego’s core products. Now, after four years of research, design, and exhaustive testing, Lego believes it has a breakthrough. [...] The company’s confidence is evident in the launch—a full line of 23 different products backed by a $40 million global marketing push. “This is the most significant strategic launch we’ve done in a decade,” says Lego Group Chief Executive Officer Jørgen Vig Knudstorp. “We want to reach the other 50 percent of the world’s children.”
And it's working.
At the end of 2011, of the total number of LEGO sets purchased in the U.S., only 9 percent of them were for girls. The company now says its first half year of LEGO Friends availability "has been very successful in recruiting more girls to the LEGO building experience, dramatically increasing that number." Now, 27 percent of LEGO sets purchased in the U.S. are for girls.
"The reaction from families who have tried LEGO Friends has been fantastic," receiving "hundreds of thousands of emails and phone calls from parents,
grandparents and children sharing their thanks and enthusiasm for the collection."
The Lego Friends team is aware of the paradox at the heart of its work: To break down old stereotypes about how girls play, it risks reinforcing others. “If it takes color-coding or ponies and hairdressers to get girls playing with Lego, I’ll put up with it, at least for now, because it’s just so good for little girls’ brains,” says Lise Eliot. A neuroscientist at the Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science in Chicago, Eliot is the author of Pink Brain Blue Brain, a 2009 survey of hundreds of scientific papers on gender differences in children. “Especially on television, the advertising explicitly shows who should be playing with a toy, and kids pick up on those cues,” Eliot says. “There is no reason to think Lego is more intrinsically appealing to boys.”
The company has heard feedback describing how children using LEGO Friends have a "new-found interest in building" and go on to explore with other LEGO toy sets.
So why do we need to perpetuate that? It would be nice if people weren't influenced by advertising like that or that advertising didn't do that, but that's not the world we have. Any reason why we can't try to make the world in to the one that's nicer for everyone?“Especially on television, the advertising explicitly shows who should be playing with a toy, and kids pick up on those cues,” Eliot says. “There is no reason to think Lego is more intrinsically appealing to boys.”
K-Man gets it.
Haha. :D
I wonder if that prod will triple the amount of girls interested in programming. :D
pink is the new black \o/
Idea is good, but not new! see Windows-Themes! :p
I don´t even thumb this, as it´s a fakeprod, not made by the group it states to be made by! Needs sorting/Nuking first! 8-P
I don´t even thumb this, as it´s a fakeprod, not made by the group it states to be made by! Needs sorting/Nuking first! 8-P
Bill Gates can do better than this.
Notice that that's a very different statistic from "only 9 percent of them were bought by (or for) girls". For all we know, the non-gendered Lego sets might have been bought equally by boys and girls.
In other words: In 2011, they had an unsuccessful pink-and-sparkly girls' product line. Now they have a successful pink-and-sparkly girls' product line. That doesn't say anything at all about whether it brought more girls to Lego.
At the end of 2011, of the total number of LEGO sets purchased in the U.S., only 9 percent of them were for girls.
Notice that that's a very different statistic from "only 9 percent of them were bought by (or for) girls". For all we know, the non-gendered Lego sets might have been bought equally by boys and girls.
In other words: In 2011, they had an unsuccessful pink-and-sparkly girls' product line. Now they have a successful pink-and-sparkly girls' product line. That doesn't say anything at all about whether it brought more girls to Lego.
Nothing beats the demo scene drama! Now I want a prod written in Girl Basic! lol
i want to give another thumb for spawning drama of the year
K-Man: yet, they didn't call the product line "Girl LEGO". It is targetted at girls, which is no problem, but they don't try to make it "girls only" or so. On the contrary, the bricks are compatible with their other products so it's possible to mix different sets and everyone plays together.
That's the subtle and hair-thin margin between acknowledging the gender differences, and doing gender segregation. Because of it's name, this prod is on the wrong side (yes, the margin is really hair-thin, it's just because of an unfortunate naming choice)
That's the subtle and hair-thin margin between acknowledging the gender differences, and doing gender segregation. Because of it's name, this prod is on the wrong side (yes, the margin is really hair-thin, it's just because of an unfortunate naming choice)
How the hell did we survive as 70's - 80's kids.
They also released the Research Institute set. Even though it was pitched as a "Female Minifigure Set", the final description on the website for the actual product does not reference gender at all. The only thing one might notice is the minifigures on the box art. Was it worth it for them to produce that set? Heck yes! Do I think it's cool? Yup. Do I know women who enjoyed it? Yup. Could a guy buy it? Totally. Is it explicitly marketed at any particular people/gender? I don't think so...K-Man: yet, they didn't call the product line "Girl LEGO". It is targetted at girls, which is no problem, but they don't try to make it "girls only" or so. On the contrary, the bricks are compatible with their other products so it's possible to mix different sets and everyone plays together.
That's the subtle and hair-thin margin between acknowledging the gender differences, and doing gender segregation. Because of it's name, this prod is on the wrong side (yes, the margin is really hair-thin, it's just because of an unfortunate naming choice)
I personally would only be comfortable working in BOY BASIC (it's a version of basic where everything has an uncomfortable homosexual undercurrent)
You shouldn't have used the "I" as loop counter variable in example. It's way too phallic. Please change it so I can allow my daughter to see this.
BOY BASIC should be bigger than 2K tho..
6K should be adequate for any programming needs.
6K should be adequate for any programming needs.
whatever you write in BOY BASIC, it is done in 30 seconds
Obligatory SMBC:

The prod itself is meh. I'm just here for the drama

The prod itself is meh. I'm just here for the drama

no jokes of BASIC bitches in the comments, wtf is this
Hardly related anymore but hey, what the hell

For the girls!
i really can't believe all of you guys think it's discrimination. most of you just get shocked at nothing. yeah, nothing.
Thumb up for the prod the drama
did not think that sceners are that overly political correct.
did not think that sceners are that overly political correct.
If it was named Barbie Basic or something more meta both sexes would think it's funny, maybe Girl Basic is just a euro mistranslation that rubs pop culture the wrong way, and that picture of Margaret Hamilton I posted obviously served a purpose too
Did I accidentally ended up on Kotaku instead of Pouet?

Hey, I'm here to kick a dead horse.
Here's the short version of this discussion:
Prod is not that small, not on par with anything modern/useful and to top it all off this is more or less (I'd argue more) oppressive towards women(even if baud didn't mean it) and this discussion is turning into a random image thread.
Baudsurfer, you are a bit of a controversial guy but I do have admit that you do make fairly cool code time to time. Hopefully you make something awesome next time but this production was a failure.
Here's the short version of this discussion:
Prod is not that small, not on par with anything modern/useful and to top it all off this is more or less (I'd argue more) oppressive towards women(even if baud didn't mean it) and this discussion is turning into a random image thread.
Baudsurfer, you are a bit of a controversial guy but I do have admit that you do make fairly cool code time to time. Hopefully you make something awesome next time but this production was a failure.
This is a good thread. :)
Girl Gaysic 2k
i really can't believe all of you guys think it's discrimination. most of you just get shocked at nothing. yeah, nothing.
discrimination != segretation

**** BAUDSICK 64 BASIC -2.0 ****
1 ?"AM I DUMB? ";
2 ?"- SURE!"
1 ?"AM I DUMB? ";
2 ?"- SURE!"
Guys, you know what you remind me of? Take a look!
Just like in the playground.
Just like in the playground.
So leave the big boys alone and go play with your accelerated DirectX, killing oldschool scene just a little more every day.
Now that's hardly more intelligent than what hardy just said.
with those fixes i can now safely thumb the product (not the drama or color)
So leave the big boys alone and go play with your accelerated DirectX, killing oldschool scene just a little more every day.
Wait a minute...

I bow upon that highly intellectual sentence, just like this.

Holy shit I want one!
Seriously, I just have seen the youtube (didn't bother before). I mean, besides the pinkness, a heart for the cursor? LOL. We know already girls who are coders in the demoscene and outside of it, and they never needed a special "girly" basic to fit in.
No point trying so hard to get girls in coding and using the wrong stereotypes. It's like those 50-50% attempts to bring women in science or having 50% coders ratios in companies. Most males wouldn't like to be coders anyway because of nerdiness (I don't know if this changes with the bland stereotypical BBT, everyone is a "geek" nowadays). It was the same problem for men, you were a nerd and that was bad. Maybe a bit magnified with women, don't know why.
Afterall you get all spectacular visual for science, omg galaxies, stars, blowing stuff, beautiful visuals,.. and then all people go to science and some of them are like "What? I am bored of studying maths or logic or whatever.. I wanted fancy stuff". It's like the game development student who is like "Hey, I didn't came here to learn programming. It's boring as fuck. I came here to learn how to make games".
That's a bit out of subject though. I was thinking of BBT and the "geekness" explosion, now it's hip to be geek, but just by reading comics, watching boring Marvel movies and playing computer games. Oh, also fix your hair.
I wanted to say, like in the past, very few males would join our ranks, I used to preach everyone about the demoscene, but if they were interested they would have found it. Same with women, maybe most don't like nerdy stuff. No need for hearts or something. We neither have explosions and badass lasers in our compiler.
No point trying so hard to get girls in coding and using the wrong stereotypes. It's like those 50-50% attempts to bring women in science or having 50% coders ratios in companies. Most males wouldn't like to be coders anyway because of nerdiness (I don't know if this changes with the bland stereotypical BBT, everyone is a "geek" nowadays). It was the same problem for men, you were a nerd and that was bad. Maybe a bit magnified with women, don't know why.
Afterall you get all spectacular visual for science, omg galaxies, stars, blowing stuff, beautiful visuals,.. and then all people go to science and some of them are like "What? I am bored of studying maths or logic or whatever.. I wanted fancy stuff". It's like the game development student who is like "Hey, I didn't came here to learn programming. It's boring as fuck. I came here to learn how to make games".
That's a bit out of subject though. I was thinking of BBT and the "geekness" explosion, now it's hip to be geek, but just by reading comics, watching boring Marvel movies and playing computer games. Oh, also fix your hair.
I wanted to say, like in the past, very few males would join our ranks, I used to preach everyone about the demoscene, but if they were interested they would have found it. Same with women, maybe most don't like nerdy stuff. No need for hearts or something. We neither have explosions and badass lasers in our compiler.
But are hearts somehow inferior to explosions and badass lasers?

remove the disgusting gay nigger
Tibor, Du mieses kleines Rassistenschwein. Auf Evoke unterhalten WIR BEIDE uns erstmal über political correctness, bei einer Kiste Bier die DU sponsorst!
Tibor, Du mieses kleines Rassistenschwein. Auf Evoke unterhalten WIR BEIDE uns erstmal über political correctness, bei einer Kiste Bier die DU sponsorst!
political correctness is bombing civilians and calling it freedom.
human decency is the way to go.
politics is theater. would you want to be judged by a clown?
Thumb up for the 2k basic, thumb down for drama => pig
Aren't those who thumb down with all the anger just political correctness nazis?
I wouldn't say that I will give this prod a high vote on the party if I'd see one, but taking into consideration that this is just little nice prod without anything to prove or anybody to insult, thumb up for sure.
I wouldn't say that I will give this prod a high vote on the party if I'd see one, but taking into consideration that this is just little nice prod without anything to prove or anybody to insult, thumb up for sure.
thumb up for everything.
100x thumbs up to shut the fuck up sexist stupids. because the furious anti-sexism is the most terrible, hypocritical and dangerous sexism.
100x thumbs up to shut the fuck up sexist stupids. because the furious anti-sexism is the most terrible, hypocritical and dangerous sexism.
Woah… What a bunch of idiots, and what a sexist production…
Riotgrrl basic V1.0 ready
>10 print "No Pasarán"
>20 goto 10
No Pasarán
ERROR: Arrested in Russia
>10 print "No Pasarán"
>20 goto 10
No Pasarán
ERROR: Arrested in Russia
@Fell: wtf? :)
Sexism has no place in our society.
@wbc\\bz7 :)
I originally wasn't gonna touch this with a ten foot pole but...
OMG what a pathetic thread.
Yeah, indeed, pink is not only for girls. So what ? So pink is now forbidden to use for things aimed at girls ?
The only real problem I see is that it's a specific version of BASIC for girls. That is what's wrong, and nvm the colors.
But the shitstorm in this thread is so much more wrong... You bunch of pathetic kids.
Yeah, indeed, pink is not only for girls. So what ? So pink is now forbidden to use for things aimed at girls ?
The only real problem I see is that it's a specific version of BASIC for girls. That is what's wrong, and nvm the colors.
But the shitstorm in this thread is so much more wrong... You bunch of pathetic kids.
for margaret hamilton
omg :o
glöpping for equality
lol i forgot about this garbage
Grace Hopper wasn't even a feminist. When doors were closed she would go to the next thing available. I think Roberta Williams was also of a similar mind.
Ada Lovelace being the first programmer (or even a programmer at all) was a common misconception that is historically inaccurate. It just feels wholesome to say so.
Ada Lovelace being the first programmer (or even a programmer at all) was a common misconception that is historically inaccurate. It just feels wholesome to say so.
...and your point is, Optimus?
So (as some like to say over and over again) sexism was only a problem the scene had in the 90ies and everything has been fine since, hm?
@venom: The point, was someone posted a grace hopper comic depecting here like she ever cared about gender in her field..
Anyway, this prod sucks anyway because it's so focused on that. Women don't need to think too much about gender when it's about coding and some of the pioneers didn't care even back in the 80s.
Anyway, this prod sucks anyway because it's so focused on that. Women don't need to think too much about gender when it's about coding and some of the pioneers didn't care even back in the 80s.
Hi, here is an article, from the distant past of 2020, about sexual misconduct at Ubisoft. Of course, it's just The Guardian and not a notable source like famous IMDB user MarjonW, and I'm sure none of this would have happened if the victims just would have thought about gender a bit less.
I've watched that doc, it's not MarjonW, it's director is Gillian Jacobs (from Community) and I think she is kinda feminist and interested in the story of Grace Hopper. And near the end she was lamenting (or puzzled) that Grace Hooper never identified herself as a feminist.
And stories about sexual misconduct are coming all the time especially in the me2 era. It's always perceived that it's coming from one side, that something must be wrong with men or at least nerds in these companies, it's a bit of propaganda at this point. I think that the notion of men=perpetrator, women=victims will never die. There is always something you can find to point out and say "See, that proves that women have it worse". And since men love women and want to protect women, this notion will never die because we have the tendency to always see it like this.
And stories about sexual misconduct are coming all the time especially in the me2 era. It's always perceived that it's coming from one side, that something must be wrong with men or at least nerds in these companies, it's a bit of propaganda at this point. I think that the notion of men=perpetrator, women=victims will never die. There is always something you can find to point out and say "See, that proves that women have it worse". And since men love women and want to protect women, this notion will never die because we have the tendency to always see it like this.
thumb down because the prod is crap. qbasic gorillas was way better than this.
please stop with the sexism lynch mob, this is not constructive in any way.
please stop with the sexism lynch mob, this is not constructive in any way.
...Optimus: and you feel butthurt by a webcomic and your manhood in danger or what? Why does it even matter if she was a feminist or not, do you need to be one to be a "bad ass coder gurl"? Ever heard about Margaret Hamilton?
And I still don't get what you want to prove here by badmouthing achievements of great women in the past?
Patriarchy led Turing into suicide, after all his achievements.
And I still don't get what you want to prove here by badmouthing achievements of great women in the past?
Patriarchy led Turing into suicide, after all his achievements.
LOL thread!!
always perceived ... that something must be wrong with men ... notion of men=perpetrator, women=victims
[citation needed]
If you ever actually listened to feminists, instead of PragerU telling you what feminists think, you might find that the vast majority of them don't think that roughly half the human population on Earth are out-of-control sex beasts from birth.
Women don't need to think too much about gender when it's about coding and some of the pioneers didn't care even back in the 80s.
+++ Breaking news: Another man has once again figured out what women need and don't need to do +++
Here's the thing: You've got the privilege to ignore a problem because it's not your everyday life that's negatively affected by it and because you're choosing to not give a fuck about other people.
You are right, of course: Women should be able to focus on their work without needing to think about their gender! However, we are still paid much less (if we're hired at all), objectified and sexually harrassed in professional (and other) environments, and talked down despite having the same skillsets. We are _constantly_ reminded that we're not equal and you're saying that we need to ignore all that?
Want us to to stop thinking about our gender? Awesome. I've got a suggestion for you then: Show some decency. Start listening. Stop being part of the problem by recognizing that you have no fucking idea what it's like for us out there.
Be a support instead of telling us to shut up, will you?
Although I already put a (perhaps) more appropriate comment here a few years ago, today I want to comment again just to say hi to Optimus and also send a big kiss to all the female coders reading (or even not reading) this.
How about trying "respect" instead of a "big kiss" next time
kb: There is no need to send them my respect because they already have it. Kisses to you too.
Ok, maybe I shouldn't have reacted.
I'd like to see thing from a higher level, we are just in two different bubbles. The cultural wars is a much bigger thing than the scene but it affects all the communities anyway. What sounds crazy to you makes sense to me and the opposite. What triggers me or make me react is music to your ears, and the opposite. There are more things I could react to what was said but it would bring back more replies and I would get stuck into an infinite loop.
As a sidenote, I don't really want to bring down females achievements, I thought it was cool when I first heard the first programmer is a woman, there was no negative reaction, no hurt manhood feelings. I just don't like the social truth (what feels wholesome) over the actual truth. I think people who side on the opposite bubbles, there is a connection between personality traits and life experience and other factors that lead people to either of these bubbles. For various reasons I ended up in this one and from the outside it might look like outrageous that I would even listen to MRAs (not PragerU) and think they have something to say, while others could find disgusting I even associated with them. In the same way I find odd when I see the other bubbles people have stuck, but I try to think it's certain personality traits and experiences and beliefs that lead people to different things, that however divide the whole world. And maybe I shouldn't discuss these things, because what's there to gain than adding more oil to the fire, but here I am, is there any free will?
I'd like to see thing from a higher level, we are just in two different bubbles. The cultural wars is a much bigger thing than the scene but it affects all the communities anyway. What sounds crazy to you makes sense to me and the opposite. What triggers me or make me react is music to your ears, and the opposite. There are more things I could react to what was said but it would bring back more replies and I would get stuck into an infinite loop.
As a sidenote, I don't really want to bring down females achievements, I thought it was cool when I first heard the first programmer is a woman, there was no negative reaction, no hurt manhood feelings. I just don't like the social truth (what feels wholesome) over the actual truth. I think people who side on the opposite bubbles, there is a connection between personality traits and life experience and other factors that lead people to either of these bubbles. For various reasons I ended up in this one and from the outside it might look like outrageous that I would even listen to MRAs (not PragerU) and think they have something to say, while others could find disgusting I even associated with them. In the same way I find odd when I see the other bubbles people have stuck, but I try to think it's certain personality traits and experiences and beliefs that lead people to different things, that however divide the whole world. And maybe I shouldn't discuss these things, because what's there to gain than adding more oil to the fire, but here I am, is there any free will?
Yeah, so here's the thing, if you want people to believe that, don't throw alt-right catchphrases like "culture war" around, and don't say stuff like "(or even a programmer at all)" when the very article you're linking to pretty much says that she still was, or call Grace Hopper "not a feminist" when nobody, not even the comic you were referring to, called her that. You're fighting strawmen here with a pretty clear political leaning.
There are people who find something negative in every positive thing/message and are attached to it. People hug each other and love each other. Even if not everyone shares your opinions. Behind every opinion there is a person with feelings and very own experiences.
Ps: I like pink!
Ps: I like pink!
The thing is: the message here is not positive.
Baudsurfer inflamed many problems and this is one of them.
TL;DR .. a basic interpreter in 2k x86 assembly, great! .. but coder colors, ATARI did it better ;)
@kb: Just one thing. Unfortunately all words have political meaning now. If we can't even talk about "cultural war" or "cancel culture" which are clearly a phenomenon and we are branded as alt-right, then things like "white fragility", "patriarchy", even relatively more neutral things like the notion of "wage gap" will trigger the "Oh,. another SJW", which SJW is itself also considered an alt-right notion. There is no way to discuss these issues, and this is what I mean with "cultural war", this existing division exists and it's outside the demoscene, it's much bigger than us. If you were indoctrinated in one bubble and I am indoctrinate in another bubble, there is never a way we can have the discussion (but even the points and the propositions are opposite, one has to avoid certain terms, but it will still make the other side suspicious)
And I doubt the article is saying she is still a programmer (maybe it's saying she is still considered a programmer by many) because I even heard historians in the BBC trying politely to distil the myth.
Ok, the article doesn't say she is not a programmer at all but I heard other sources. It was simple, she received programming listings from Babbage and she re-typed them in a manual. She also found a typo/bug in one of them. But she never wrote a program on her own.
And I don't have a beef for that. Not for one moment I think "Ughh, I don't like a woman to be above me". There is zero intention like that. It could be as you say someone poltiical but not exactly. I just dislike that the social wholesome truth dominates over the actual truth in a lot of other aspects too. It's something that bothers me and triggers me to write such stuff. There is zero intention of not liking this as a fact. And, maybe I do think that a lot of feminist thought was build on lies, it's just that the social truth dominates and nobody would dare to criticize (a social suicide). It just bothers me and I write it.
And I don't have a beef for that. Not for one moment I think "Ughh, I don't like a woman to be above me". There is zero intention like that. It could be as you say someone poltiical but not exactly. I just dislike that the social wholesome truth dominates over the actual truth in a lot of other aspects too. It's something that bothers me and triggers me to write such stuff. There is zero intention of not liking this as a fact. And, maybe I do think that a lot of feminist thought was build on lies, it's just that the social truth dominates and nobody would dare to criticize (a social suicide). It just bothers me and I write it.
I'm so glad optimus is back and can follow up on this again
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if this prod is a fake, some info is false or the download link is broken,
do not post about it in the comments, it will get lost.
instead, click here !
For the eelite young daughters of demosceners...