Mayan by Red Sector Inc. [web]
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popularity : 67% |
alltime top: #1683 |
added on the 2014-06-01 18:07:53 by Baudsurfer ![]() |
popularity helper
i hear sound but no visuals under dosbox and it crashes here under xp sp3 without anything. so video please. still obvious thumb up!
Working here in DosBox with sound. Awesome work!
It rocks a lot !
v. impressed!
you RULEZ Baudsurfer :D
you RULEZ Baudsurfer :D
Not the prettiest raycaster I've seen in that size bracket. But it's the first 128 byte intro I've ever seen with sound :). Awesome work!
For people having issues running in dosbox, try this : switch cpu core to auto (dynamic does not work for me). BTW it's slideshow here on my 2500K. video please ! also : is there a .kkapture for dos ?
That is some good use of space.
I would have used the bytes for sound for a better texture, but nice nevertheless.
wow, but yeah if texture was better, is not easy to enjoy in youtube
Yeah sound!
Holy shit!
o__________________________0 wat???
Colours from hell, but it's a pretty neat package.
Fucking sick, though I think preacher is definitely right.
Raymarching! :)
Holy crap!
Cool Stuff !
My favourite of the small intros at Outline.
(cool, no [t]rsi flamewar in this prod!)
so, this is quite similar to wolf128, but even more advanced. I'm impressed!
so, this is quite similar to wolf128, but even more advanced. I'm impressed!
Nice one.
nice 128b
Awesome prod. Could someone pls upload a better 'tube so I can share it on my bloggy?
no idea why outline even accepted this for the compo.
red sector my ass.
red sector my ass.
in 128b!
Great stuff. Really amazing what you can do in 128b. Got an impression to be in the Mayan pyramid ;).
Out of the Mayan subject.
@Baudsurfer and RSI (or not) dudes:
Would it be possible guys, please, to clear that "group issue" out? Surely everyone has its reasons, but it is a little bit confusing...
Do you thumb down the production or the name! When ppl learn to make difference between that? (palmface)
Can someone of T/RSI contact the leader (or a person who is in charge of) of your group and fix it between you? If there is/was some misuderstanding about - I suppose there is nothing to be ashamed of or worried about. We are adults... (at least outside).
Thanks. Cheers...
Out of the Mayan subject.
@Baudsurfer and RSI (or not) dudes:
Would it be possible guys, please, to clear that "group issue" out? Surely everyone has its reasons, but it is a little bit confusing...
Do you thumb down the production or the name! When ppl learn to make difference between that? (palmface)
Can someone of T/RSI contact the leader (or a person who is in charge of) of your group and fix it between you? If there is/was some misuderstanding about - I suppose there is nothing to be ashamed of or worried about. We are adults... (at least outside).
Thanks. Cheers...
people are working on it.
warhead: while your anger is fully understandable, it is not the duty of compo organisers to check the group affils of every participant. there is simply no time for that.
OK. thats good.
Hummm. May I ask why "anger"? It is highly negative feeling, and personally I do not understand it (fully). Even in this case. Baudsurfer seem to be a good coder, at least from what I can see, and a nice pal. Apart of possible (if any) personal issues that could have been between him and T/RSI most probably back in the daze, I do not see why there is an anger?
We may admit that having such a coder in the group would be a quite asset, would not it?
I hope everything will be solved in a nice and good an RESPECTFUL way. T/RSI coop/existance, as human history, also has some meandres, I suppose...
Knowing that - RSI and TRSI, afaIr are differents groups, have different history, working areas and etc...
Good luck.
At this point I chose to admire this 128 beauty!
people are working on it.
OK. thats good.
while your anger is fully understandable
Hummm. May I ask why "anger"? It is highly negative feeling, and personally I do not understand it (fully). Even in this case. Baudsurfer seem to be a good coder, at least from what I can see, and a nice pal. Apart of possible (if any) personal issues that could have been between him and T/RSI most probably back in the daze, I do not see why there is an anger?
We may admit that having such a coder in the group would be a quite asset, would not it?
I hope everything will be solved in a nice and good an RESPECTFUL way. T/RSI coop/existance, as human history, also has some meandres, I suppose...
Knowing that - RSI and TRSI, afaIr are differents groups, have different history, working areas and etc...
Good luck.
At this point I chose to admire this 128 beauty!
Impressive !
very nice 128b intro!
dipswitch: yeah right, reading the group name and using half a braincell takes too much time.
sim: utter bullshit. there is no different groups. there is us and this trolling fake with a giant trolling history and his awesome nice "group" webpage.
palmface yourself please.
sim: utter bullshit. there is no different groups. there is us and this trolling fake with a giant trolling history and his awesome nice "group" webpage.
palmface yourself please.
Warhead: Well the prod-comments shouldn't be used for discussions like this.... and well if you throw that much shit can you prove the his history is wrong?
Yes . This should at least be given it's own parasite-marked group ID apart from the original RSI. And well, thanks a lot for so well educating me. Appreciated but will happen again.
Warhead: Well I prefer to discuss on a normal level and that TRSI prod-list does not proof anything for me. I was not attacking you and your sarcastic undertone does not help us to solve the case.
a one-troll band who is a kicked out ex-trsi member does not make up enough of a case sherlock.
Warhead, why are you acting like a dick towards Lotek and myself while we are potentially on YOUR side? I for once want to properly deconstruct this identity myth, but not in a way like "a TRSI leader says this and that, thus it must be the truth". Could you please stop shooting in our (and your own) legs and have some patience? You are not making the situation any better.
Baudsurfer, instead of getting all lofty, you better come up with some proper proof about your 1980s scene past. The Phrack link is no "proof" whatsoever. On which platform were you active back then - c64? And you mentioned somewhere here that "Baudsurfer" is your "first nick" that you would not let go. Ok fine, then please explain how come there is no trace whatsoever of your activity on CSDB? And the only associations of "Baudsurfer" with RSI that comes up on the internet stems from a Wikipedia article that has as a footnote - oh surprise! - the same meaningless Phrack article? And sorry, but don't tell me "the evidence is all gone, you newschool kid, everything was so different back then" etc. - I am involved in scene artifact preservation projects since over ten years and know very well about the possible losses of heritage, but also that it is rather unlikely that a scener's activity (a co-sysop's, mind you!) has vanished without trace.

Too bad such things always fill up prods comments ...
can i anyone explain the situation of all this? baudserfer released this a year ago and no one seemed to care...
i meant this...
Great prod! And I demand more popcorn, I ran out of it while reading this "thread" (and wolf128's).
good prod + scene drama = rulez
It is, imo, better to have such a conversation here or in the Wolf128. If we have opened the BBS about it, it would have to many offendings, f$#ks and etc that I prefere not to think of. Especially after seeing some ppl's way of reacting, even at theirs proper age, I dare to say.
Ha! And who would have thought what could be started by two little 128b productions =). We are creating a history here and now =).
Ha! And who would have thought what could be started by two little 128b productions =). We are creating a history here and now =).
No hard feelings, man, but you seem to be really sure of what you say. Not too humble, such a behaviour... (I try not to tell you how to behave - it is your business).
There were, indeed, a strong cooperation, but still two different groups (according to my personal observations and scene experience. Keep in mind that scene evolves, and what was the first vision of the founders of T and RSI was not the same a year of 5 later.
utter bullshit. there is no different groups.
No hard feelings, man, but you seem to be really sure of what you say. Not too humble, such a behaviour... (I try not to tell you how to behave - it is your business).
There were, indeed, a strong cooperation, but still two different groups (according to my personal observations and scene experience. Keep in mind that scene evolves, and what was the first vision of the founders of T and RSI was not the same a year of 5 later.
Holy sh*t this is Elevated level awesome :O Well done Baudsurfer!
I don't think the foremost question should be whether RSI is a separate group or not, but rather whether Baudsurfer really can claim the past he does claim. And, remarkedly, he has evaded my questions up to now.
wait, baudsurfer is kozmik? that's an even bigger lol
So who's "kozmik", what's special about him/her ?
probably has something to do with this =)
I don't think the foremost question should be whether RSI is a separate group or not, but rather whether Baudsurfer really can claim the past he does claim. And, remarkedly, he has evaded my questions up to now.
I don't see why anyone would claim a group he/she didn't belong to. It would be ridiculous. Moreover, baudsurfer has proven with his prods that he's an insanely good coder.
Really, what the point would be to claim he's in RSI if he wasn't ? For instance he really doesn't need a famous group to be famous, he is already unanimously acclaimed for his prods.
Based on that, I assume he's not lying.
What is shocking me most in this affair is some TRSI members attitude. Why so aggressive ? Why the insults ? Why refuse to talk with baudsurfer when he comes by himself on TRSI's irc channel ?
All in all I'm a bit disappointed by TRSI because I respect them for their work, but I naively thought they were kind people with grown-up minds...
flure, this would not be the first instance of such a "ridiculous" act. you seem to have a rather short scene memory. see the recent timelord vs. timelord affair. and it's exactly the point that kozmik/baudsurfer has apparently developed into an excellent coder that makes me wonder why he so desparately clinges onto some supposedly old glory - i completely fail to get to grips with this. i'm not (yet) making any accusations, i am merely asking for convincing clarification that baudsurfer has yet failed to provide.
as for the counterproductive, yet understandable attitude of TRSI members, i am surprised about the short memory most demosceners appear to have. look up all the fuzz about kozmik/"trsi" and/or nextempire to get a bit of an understanding of the tensions connected to this affair.
as for the counterproductive, yet understandable attitude of TRSI members, i am surprised about the short memory most demosceners appear to have. look up all the fuzz about kozmik/"trsi" and/or nextempire to get a bit of an understanding of the tensions connected to this affair.
wysiwtf: But what's special about Rush hour ? Sure it's cheesy, but so were many "story" prods like it before, and after.
flure you'd be surprised what kind of people there are around... ;)
Anyway, great 128b once again!
Anyway, great 128b once again!
dipswitch, I'm not a historian of the scene (I joined in 1998 and have never been very productive, except for the few last years for being part of the VIP organization).
But what bugs me most is that TRSI don't seem to want this affair to be clearly sorted out. If they wanted it, why refuse talking with baudsurfer about that, when he comes by himself on their irc channel ?
Kicking and banning someone willing to talk about a problem doesn't look like a good way of clarifying the situation. To me it's even suspicious, it looks like they prefer a public flamewar rather than an civilized agreement...
Oh and about proofs. I think it would be very difficult to prove anything that happened on some BBSes in the middle of the 80s, about 10 years before the web. And there must have been so many people in some obscure (or not) groups that no one remembers today...
My conclusion is that baudsurfer clearly adds to the fame of an old group that some would like to see dead.
Well I will stop with this affair and grab some popcorn now. I just hope that some real grown-up discussion happens.
But what bugs me most is that TRSI don't seem to want this affair to be clearly sorted out. If they wanted it, why refuse talking with baudsurfer about that, when he comes by himself on their irc channel ?
Kicking and banning someone willing to talk about a problem doesn't look like a good way of clarifying the situation. To me it's even suspicious, it looks like they prefer a public flamewar rather than an civilized agreement...
Oh and about proofs. I think it would be very difficult to prove anything that happened on some BBSes in the middle of the 80s, about 10 years before the web. And there must have been so many people in some obscure (or not) groups that no one remembers today...
My conclusion is that baudsurfer clearly adds to the fame of an old group that some would like to see dead.
Well I will stop with this affair and grab some popcorn now. I just hope that some real grown-up discussion happens.
Wat, poi doesn't know about the NEXTEMPIRE saga and why KOZMIK is "special"? The WTFs keep on coming. ;)
Impressive, but has coder's colors! ;p
killer release for 128b!!!! thumb up!!!!!
Reminds me a bit of minicraft but with colors. Both are good. :)
Thumbs up for the quality release. Thumbs down to the first person who turned this thread in to a flamewar.
I'm part of Titan! I made key fobs ... except I didn't keep any, so I guess that means I'm not. Actually I'm totally making that up. I'm not awesome enough to be part of Titan.
This is all a bit silly isn't it, though? It's not going to get anywhere if one side doesn't want to talk to the other, and it's clear that said side doesn't want to reconcile its view of history with the other, regardless of what actually happened.
If you can't settle this in a civilized manner, I suggest a representative of each show up to the next party and be set loose with boxing gloves inside an inflatable bouncy-castle. The one who walks out first with his dignity at the end wins. (So, nobody.) ;P
Thumbs up for the quality release. Thumbs down to the first person who turned this thread in to a flamewar.
I'm part of Titan! I made key fobs ... except I didn't keep any, so I guess that means I'm not. Actually I'm totally making that up. I'm not awesome enough to be part of Titan.
This is all a bit silly isn't it, though? It's not going to get anywhere if one side doesn't want to talk to the other, and it's clear that said side doesn't want to reconcile its view of history with the other, regardless of what actually happened.
If you can't settle this in a civilized manner, I suggest a representative of each show up to the next party and be set loose with boxing gloves inside an inflatable bouncy-castle. The one who walks out first with his dignity at the end wins. (So, nobody.) ;P
You could have 8 of these in a 1k
The Prod rocks!
I asked my TRSI-fellows to let you join so we get rid of this confusion once i found out there´s someone still releasing under the RSI-Label...RSI is dead, it is dead since RSI went into Co-Operation with TRS (TRiStar) in 1990, so noone was allowed to release under RSI or TRS anymore once the merge got stable resulting in TRSI!
I think you are doing more than fine in your field of very-very-tiny (<1k) demos so having let you join would have been no prob, atleast to me! ;)
But the answer i got was like: "He´s a troublemaker insisting to having been a member once, while noone ever heard of him before! He made silly Threads on Pouet aswell!", accompanied by links to these Threads!
I´ll let you know there´s an investigation going on, involving the very first members of RSI and TRS...if you´ve been a member we won´t say it ain´t so, but i guess you caused a lot of unneccesary trouble on your way, making you join a bit of a problem! ;)
For your own pleasure you should consider NOT to release under a dead groups name anymore! Your stuff is really good, why not start with sth new from scratch? You don´t need the fame of RSI to get accepted, you proved that with prods like this! ;) You don´t even have to start from scratch, as Baudsurfer is a well-known-name by now and you dont need music or graphics for your tiny-tiny-prods anyway! ;)
Hope you got i am somewhat neutral! ;) I am a member of TRSi for some years only by now...i am a follower of the scene since i am 5 years of age (1984) and did my first releases in 1991, tho! :)
Also my request about letting you join was some months ago already, the newest happenings aren´t thanks to me...
I asked my TRSI-fellows to let you join so we get rid of this confusion once i found out there´s someone still releasing under the RSI-Label...RSI is dead, it is dead since RSI went into Co-Operation with TRS (TRiStar) in 1990, so noone was allowed to release under RSI or TRS anymore once the merge got stable resulting in TRSI!
I think you are doing more than fine in your field of very-very-tiny (<1k) demos so having let you join would have been no prob, atleast to me! ;)
But the answer i got was like: "He´s a troublemaker insisting to having been a member once, while noone ever heard of him before! He made silly Threads on Pouet aswell!", accompanied by links to these Threads!
I´ll let you know there´s an investigation going on, involving the very first members of RSI and TRS...if you´ve been a member we won´t say it ain´t so, but i guess you caused a lot of unneccesary trouble on your way, making you join a bit of a problem! ;)
For your own pleasure you should consider NOT to release under a dead groups name anymore! Your stuff is really good, why not start with sth new from scratch? You don´t need the fame of RSI to get accepted, you proved that with prods like this! ;) You don´t even have to start from scratch, as Baudsurfer is a well-known-name by now and you dont need music or graphics for your tiny-tiny-prods anyway! ;)
Hope you got i am somewhat neutral! ;) I am a member of TRSi for some years only by now...i am a follower of the scene since i am 5 years of age (1984) and did my first releases in 1991, tho! :)
Also my request about letting you join was some months ago already, the newest happenings aren´t thanks to me...
tomaes: Sorry, I don't keep up with the gossip and dramas.
Yes, NEXTEMPIRE made "funny/bad" prods 10+ years ago... so... is there anything I should know other than that Kozmik turned into a size coding genius known as Baudsurfer ?
Yes, NEXTEMPIRE made "funny/bad" prods 10+ years ago... so... is there anything I should know other than that Kozmik turned into a size coding genius known as Baudsurfer ?
So so.
Awesome prod, awesome drama.
i second that. next time please upload a vid though that actually shows -something-. the current one basically is just one giant artifact.
Impressive! :D
Very cool ;)
because we _really_ don't give a fuck about your war. this rocks.
Bring on a full RSI pc or amiga demo :-)
Definitely deserves the 1st rank. The colors are ok to me, considering the size and the audio/video output. I love the Mayan aesthetic.
I won't mention the drama (do'h, I did, actually) and I honestly don't care.
Yaye, more RSi productions... can't wait to see what you can do on a good old 68000!
I won't mention the drama (do'h, I did, actually) and I honestly don't care.
Yaye, more RSi productions... can't wait to see what you can do on a good old 68000!
Darn impressive. 128 bytes. This comment is larger than the space the whole 128byter takes up. In a class of its own. Definitely both thumbs up!!!
Divide overflow under XP, ugly scanline show under DOSBox, video is total szajs. Ultimately wasted potential.
This is pretty impressive actually.
submit changes
if this prod is a fake, some info is false or the download link is broken,
do not post about it in the comments, it will get lost.
instead, click here !
P.S : prefer XPSP3 and turn volume to the maximum please
Will try to have a capture later on.