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dionysos by Calodox
screenshot added by madmanCDX on 2002-12-17 13:46:28
platform :
type :
release date : december 2002
release party : state of the art 2002
compo : megademo
ranked : 1st
  • 38
  • 18
  • 15
popularity : 68%
  • 0.32
alltime top: #3662
added on the 2002-12-17 13:34:51 by madmanCDX madmanCDX

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rulez added on the 2002-12-17 13:52:12 by stil stil
i don't have brain
added on the 2002-12-17 14:00:38 by med med
didnt http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=8283 place 1st on State of the art?
WHAT? 34MB....with ISDN i load 25meg in a hour---
sucks added on the 2002-12-17 14:09:07 by pi|| pi||
dubmood, there were two democompos at sota. "classic" one, won by cocoon, and "megademo" won by us. so, as pouet has no "megademo" category, yes it seems weird, i agree :) but it's nonetheless true.
added on the 2002-12-17 14:09:23 by shodan shodan
rulez added on the 2002-12-17 14:14:40 by jb jb
Way tooo big. You don't even see the movies properly. And There are ONLY movies. So that would belong in Wild category
sucks added on the 2002-12-17 14:21:39 by elend elend
a bit too slow on my own machine, but I really enjoyed the show on the big screen at the party place. Good visuals supported by quality music.
rulez added on the 2002-12-17 14:21:55 by neurox neurox
shodan: most people view the "demo"-category on pouet as your traditional demo-compo. if it's not from the "normal" demo-compo, don't list it here. also; 34MB?! get real..
sucks added on the 2002-12-17 14:26:08 by gloom gloom
\o/ Michel Dyonisos \o/
rulez added on the 2002-12-17 14:27:04 by alexkidd alexkidd
Rules big time! First I even thought the music was by Alec Empire until I heard Shodan made it - totally rules.

And people, get real. The compo size limit in megademo was 40Mb, and this one doesn't exceed it. What's the problem?
rulez added on the 2002-12-17 14:36:29 by melw melw
maybe this would better count as a wild demo but you shouldn't thumb it down just because it's in the wrong category.
added on the 2002-12-17 14:37:04 by dodke dodke
very nice (though i expected more for the size)
rulez added on the 2002-12-17 15:13:52 by raymon raymon
pretty much just a fancy slideshow, some scene poetry. was okay, but a bit dissapointing anyway.
thumbs-down : look at the child, he has the finger up. =)
added on the 2002-12-17 16:02:16 by dake^cdx dake^cdx

i've seen only last half of it but doesnt mean i wont stick my thumb in there!

rulez added on the 2002-12-17 16:08:05 by raver raver
Lol! Megademo compo? Does it mean a demo with no size restrictions??? Hehehe.. not like what it meaned in the older days ;)
added on the 2002-12-17 16:15:47 by Optimus Optimus
NIce thing ;)
rulez added on the 2002-12-17 16:16:58 by djam djam
nice demo. people should shut up about the size.. it complies to the compo's rules.
rulez added on the 2002-12-17 17:04:52 by superplek superplek
this rules even more than on the big scree.
Il est loin le temps de shodan le TINLU : en tout cas bien le bravo.
35 meg bonheur .... et plus c'est long ..plus .....
rulez added on the 2002-12-17 17:24:49 by nytrik nytrik
this is big for sure, but who cares, as this is very good!!
rulez added on the 2002-12-17 18:47:26 by FooLman FooLman
rulez added on the 2002-12-17 19:40:37 by skypher skypher
great prod, although it has nothing to do with the oldschoo megademos that i expected :)
Btw, I don't like compos up to 40 MB, what if every party does that now? If this happens we will only have 40 MB Compos in 1 year i believe because people get too lazy to hold the size down.
rulez added on the 2002-12-17 19:59:35 by Kami68k Kami68k
Style, design, coherence. Use of effects, videos, layers... A complete demo with a progression. Perfect.
rulez added on the 2002-12-17 20:46:48 by Splif Splif
34 mb demo rulez but better choose doing a .avi for laaaaarge demoz ?:)
rulez added on the 2002-12-17 22:31:14 by grabule grabule
mmm i have an avi version.
it's just a 150MB file... i can't crunch it more nor use the divx5 codec (in any bitrate) to keep a decent quality.
i'm working on a mini-DVD version (210MB).
added on the 2002-12-17 22:34:23 by madmanCDX madmanCDX
madman, check out nandub (install divx3.11 first tho). Sometimes it produces better results than divx5. Divx5 codec is backwards capatable so don't worry about using divx3 to encode. Then again the demo is pretty "noisy" video-wise, so there might not be any way to make it small and perfect quality. You might have to compromise

anyway, nice "multimedia"-ish demo. Definite thumbs up
rulez added on the 2002-12-18 03:17:15 by cats cats
I really liked this, but it seems more like video-art rather than a demoscene production.
rulez added on the 2002-12-18 05:05:50 by sea_monkey sea_monkey
works flawlessly on my p4 1.8+gf2mx. The style is a bit dark for me but it's very well done without any doubts. congrats!
rulez added on the 2002-12-18 07:09:06 by aXs aXs
Thanks for the screenshot which has givin me a reason NOT to download it, No productions like this ever enter my computer.
sucks added on the 2002-12-18 10:53:45 by Code Code
added on the 2002-12-18 11:11:19 by superplek superplek
Yeah! this is ART! great effort on this prod! obiously it deserves the 1st prize
rulez added on the 2002-12-18 12:31:59 by nculARTe nculARTe
god is dead and I'm alive!

this rules!
rulez added on the 2002-12-18 14:19:43 by violator violator
><> † GOD is ALIVE and so JESUS † <><
rulez added on the 2002-12-18 15:22:52 by Licht Licht
With 34Mb, I can see no reason why this is an executable.

What's also nearly unbearable is the totally crappy and clicheish "we-show-pictures-of-starving-children-while-playing-metal-music"-attitude.

Sorry, but that makes a "sucks".
sucks added on the 2002-12-18 22:06:45 by Spin Spin
because of the rendering quality shithead
added on the 2002-12-18 22:33:58 by madmanCDX madmanCDX
because of the rendering quality, shithead
added on the 2002-12-18 22:34:05 by madmanCDX madmanCDX
nice presentation and fontwork and image noise effects.. and i do understand it would be a *lot* bigger as an video-file of similar quality.. passable digital-hardcoreish music.. i'd give it a rulez if it was half the size (it is > 40 mbs uncompressed btw).. but between the bloatware and the tired "let's try to be shocking and pretend we have depth by juxtaposing images of sex and human suffering" i'm afraid i can't rate it in the positive (or negative)..
horrible. the 1990's called, they want their industrial-metal music back.
sucks added on the 2002-12-19 01:15:11 by rayro rayro
for the kid in the screenshot (soccerfans suck)
sucks added on the 2002-12-19 02:10:04 by Shifter Shifter

moron, muzik is one!!

added on the 2002-12-19 04:00:06 by raver raver
sucks added on the 2002-12-19 04:47:52 by oldaccount oldaccount
i'lll happily skip comments left by all kinds of fundamentalists (especially the "what a demo should be" ones)... if you can't find your way towards tomorrow and have to mourn for yesterday for the rest of your life, we don't really give a shit.

now about the so-called attitude question.
funny, as i never, during the making of dionysos, inteded to shock anyone. the whole thing for me was to explore the ideas of guilt, redemption/liberation and definition of identity. dyscotopia, i'm most glad to see you find such questions trivial and clicheish. yet before judging someone's mind so hastily, did it ever occur to you to question your own ? if those questions haunted all the greatest thinkers in human history (and by that i'm not pretending to be one, wise-ass), are they to be discarded with such snobbish disdain ?

and yes, soccerfans suck indeed... have you never heard of "altering meaning through juxtaposition" ? oh well, i guess a bunch of frustrated nerds will now flame me for using such complex and pedantic words...

oh well.
go watch some rotating cubes if you can't take it.

thanks for sharing anyway.
especially you, melwyn and nytrik.
heartwarming, that is :)
added on the 2002-12-19 08:24:35 by shodan shodan
somewhat coma-ish in style, good digital terror music, thoughtful selection of video material. but the presentation itself is somewhat cold. it didn't quite gave the impression of 'pure chaos' it proclaimed, at least for me.. overall feeling of protest is there, but it's the tired protest of the man who almost frogot what he protested against..

and who cares if it's 34 mb anyway?
added on the 2002-12-19 10:31:34 by bhead bhead
hey, shodan.. never said this isn't what a demo should be.. if you limit yourself to rules based on what has come before, there can't ever be evolution.. and i'm glad you're asking the unanswerable questions you're asking.. people do need to ask themselves those things, particularly with oxymoronic things going on like "the war on (other people's) terrorism".. industrial bands have been accompanying themselves with this sort of thing for a long time, and with less visual finesse and presentation expertise then exemplified here (that is an accomplishment and maybe i *should* thumb that up).. i knew there was an attempt to make some kind of point, but i found that point a muddled one that was delivered with the subtlety of a sledgehammer.. the muddled nature of the message is reflected in the title... what does this have to do with wine and orgiastic fertility rites anyways? :) perhaps you should have called it eris (the goddess of chaos)...
is it a new style ?
a spaming demo ?
no, what is that ?
big BMP files with big WAV music ?

i don't understand...
and i'm sad...
34Mo is too much for the result it gives !
sucks added on the 2002-12-19 11:24:42 by sokoban sokoban
It might be a bit too big, maybe not, but nevertheless it's great :)
rulez added on the 2002-12-19 11:47:07 by teel teel
dyscotopia, the "fundamentalist" part of my comment wasn't for you, don't worry. i'm actually glad someone wonders about the message more than the file size.
maybe i was a bit harsh too.

i think the message is unclear yes, but that's part of the chaos. perhaps you (and others) only see this as a classic expression of post-teenage angst, but (and excuse me if i sound pedantic once again) it actually has to do with Nietzsche theories (for everybody, this is the purple guy at the end...), especially his denial of christianism as a religion based upon guilt and death. the title 'dionysos' is a direct nietzschean reference, for that matter.

i could develop further, if you're interested, but i'm currently at work. but believe me, there's more here than plain dull angst and revolt...
added on the 2002-12-19 11:58:19 by shodan shodan
Music was cool. The rest. well. Is this what you decide to do with modern technology if you got 36megs to play around with? I don't complain about the size, it's just that it seems wasted. It seems like calodox are upset. About the world. About politics. Basically, the demo seems a bit too pretentious for my likings. So. Pigface. (coma did this kind of demo a long time ago, it was better, mmkay? :))
added on the 2002-12-19 12:10:47 by steffo steffo
Damn. Sorry for missing the Nietzsche part. That was actually kinda cool. Still piggy though :)
added on the 2002-12-19 12:12:48 by steffo steffo
i'm hoping this means we can anticipate a whole bunch of philosophy demos. i'm looking forward to the heidegger and the deleuze & guattari megaprods... and of course i'll be expecting shodan's next demo to be entitled "Apollo" and contain nothing but gleaming, beautifully structured, perfectly optimized code... and no music.. too irrational and dionysian! :)
i was reading the "Will to Power" when i watched this. the two together hits you even harder...
i've already gave my thumb, but BB Image here BB Image you BB Image go BB Image again. BB Image
added on the 2002-12-19 13:22:10 by FooLman FooLman
first, the demo's style, music and attitude worked all very well for me.
second, on the technical side, it's nice to see one more paja-demo, as it seems memon really put a lot of work into it, and it appears to be pretty solid now. so parts of the thumb to moppi...
question: is all this chaotic movement/flicker animated by hand or did you use custom plug-ins for that?
rulez added on the 2002-12-19 14:41:13 by tcp tcp
fool comments here, hey it's not calodox fault is there were a megademo compo at the sota, think about, if someone olet you doing what you want don't tell me you won't try to exploit every little ideas you have just since you don't wanna hurt the "scene". People like them do what they want, and that's the most important!

anyway, i wanna live the revolution of the self in technicolor too!!!!!!!!
the problem with todays society is lack of empathy.
rulez added on the 2002-12-19 17:15:40 by psenough psenough
tcp : no, only the standard demopaja plugins are used, and demopaja avi plugin has probs with divx (that's one of the reason for the 34 megs, poor video codec)

sokoban : what are those crap java applets on your homepage ? now, shut up because i don't understand either.
added on the 2002-12-19 17:51:41 by dake^cdx dake^cdx
I loved "I'm Abstract" more than this one, but it sure has attitude, and at least something to tell. Realisation is far from being bad too (except that i guess there should be a way to lower the filesize, codec choice ?).

I don't understand the thumbs down for just a matter of taste, but that's the deal with giving opinions after all =)

Big up yusself Calodox ! Peace !
rulez added on the 2002-12-19 19:20:38 by willbe willbe
stefancrs : why should we use the latest pixelshader available ? dionysos is more about visuals and messages, it's not a coder prod :) (64k's are better for this)
added on the 2002-12-19 19:55:26 by dake^cdx dake^cdx
It totally agree with ps :)
Thanks to calodox for making meaningful demos, which are pretty unusual. I love the idea that demos evolve into a form of art.
added on the 2002-12-19 19:56:15 by neurox neurox
Don't like this kind of demo... Only text on crappy movies. You don't even can see the movies under the text. Really, the 32MB don't worth this thing. Don't download it, even if you have a DSL connection.
sucks added on the 2002-12-19 20:10:35 by Torone Torone
ok dudes, demopaja does not support any kind of good codec (such as mpeg4 type, indeo 5.1 or whatever...), that's why i had to use the indeo 3.2 codec in grayscale to save space most of the time.
demopaja does not support the wire for 3d scenes (or i did not found how to use it) that's why i had to use de lattice function in max to produce huge scenes simulating wire.
there is a huge mass of photos, etc.
that's it for the size.

we did not used a specific plug for anything, everything is done with the downloadable demopaja version.

if you see only text over videos layers, you can return to your blobshaders on c64; obviously we don't have the same hobby.

you can rename the .cdx in .dmo and edit it with demopaja if you want to see what is inside.

if demo were art, i would not have to mention those sort of thingies.

next time show me what you can do.
added on the 2002-12-19 22:24:45 by madmanCDX madmanCDX
torone: "i don't like this kind of demo, so don't download it"... now how about letting people make their own opinion instead of giving taliban-like orders ?

ps: glad you thumbed up despite our little argument, although the little touch of bitterness of your comment might mean you're still mad at us (or should i say me ?). whatever, hope you're fine.

neurox: after taking a 2-year break from the scene, that's really what i want to achieve. shifting from "pure scene" productions to somewhat artistic stuff. i'm glad you, among some others, are willing and able to change your perspective :)

dyscotopia: philosophy demos ? well, why not. even though i'm not yet fully familiar with Deleuze, i know his thoughts are really powerful... theories of humans as sums of machines... and his writing is sometimes quite poetic too, like Nietzsche. but it's not only about the ideas by themselves, also the way we feel about them. that's why you shouldn't count on us for anything even remotely appolonian... it's time for chaos and guilt-free pleasure now, damnit !

you, and all those who care, feel free to pay us a visit on #calodox sometimes, it's nice talking about "something else" for a change !
added on the 2002-12-20 10:30:27 by shodan shodan
when you center a demo around text, please have something on your mind -- instead of this random babbling about rage. it got *really* cheasy at times.

but thumbs up for the demo + music (and thumbs down for the text) which equals a piggy.
Wow this must be how you raise your children, Building a reputation for yourselves right here.
sucks added on the 2002-12-20 12:46:51 by donny donny
don: sure, and reg'lar demomakers feed their kids with torii and flat shaded cubes...
added on the 2002-12-20 12:55:35 by FooLman FooLman
Agree with Don, this is insane
added on the 2002-12-20 13:13:45 by Code Code
don: why not have a look at the nfo up there ? i don't think you comply with the basic requirements...

on the other hand please go on with your brainwashed conservative bullshit : i'm in a heavy pre-holiday rush at work, so i could actually use some more of that laughter you kindly provide !

oh well. fortunately god is dead... zealots like you would push him to an embarrassed suicide anyway.
added on the 2002-12-20 13:29:10 by shodan shodan
easy, guys, easy...
added on the 2002-12-20 13:52:38 by phred phred
<a href=http://www.thetruthforyouth.com>"they lack the moral standards and values of our judeo-christian heritage</a>

added on the 2002-12-20 14:02:37 by madmanCDX madmanCDX
rha, shit!
added on the 2002-12-20 14:04:47 by madmanCDX madmanCDX
"they lack the moral standards and values of our judeo-christian heritage"

madman - you are really up to your name, great link :)
added on the 2002-12-20 14:29:25 by FooLman FooLman
this demo sucks. :)
sucks added on the 2002-12-20 15:37:10 by dake^cdx dake^cdx
math: the comment was for the critics not for you actually.
added on the 2002-12-20 15:50:42 by psenough psenough
dake: bucheron über alles :)
added on the 2002-12-20 15:58:03 by shodan shodan
I agree with Don 100%
added on the 2002-12-20 19:23:25 by Code Code
Don Read the NFO File ya bloomin Bloke
by hablacalodoxes?

the only one entry at SOTA megademo compo
requieres a p3-800
256 MB of free RAM
a GF1 (but a GF2 would be better) 32MB
a good display device

and a brain.
added on the 2002-12-20 20:20:08 by Mike 3D Mike 3D
Ok, this is a mega demo.. but i would have prefered if they used the space better.
sucks added on the 2002-12-21 12:28:47 by a_lee_n a_lee_n
dake^cdx: "dionysos is more about visuals and messages", well, wild demos are better for that :)
added on the 2002-12-21 14:56:07 by steffo steffo
my brain exploded.
rulez added on the 2002-12-22 15:09:49 by redribbon redribbon
gigantic size requirements, music (not bad in itself) drained in super-heavy distortion, scene poetry, no effects to speak of? can't help but thumb this down, sorry...
sucks added on the 2002-12-23 01:17:53 by jazzman jazzman
um, what's the point of the megademo compo anyway? just the size? i don't think 10mb is a size limit that actually hurts anyone... can somebody enlighten me here?
added on the 2002-12-23 01:24:14 by jazzman jazzman
the point ?
what about "evolution" for a change ?
... sigh ...
added on the 2002-12-23 08:49:57 by shodan shodan
shodan : I'm sorry for the agressivity of my post... Yes, that's true, I don't like this kind of demo but you can donwload it if you want... :) I think I was in a bad mood the day I wrote this post (and some others on pouet... Too much pizza I guess)

madman : I wasn't complaining about the technic but about the demo by itself. I'm not technician at all. It's just that I don't like this kind of demo like I don't like the one that won the demo compo at the Sota. That's all... nothing more.
added on the 2003-01-04 14:05:54 by Torone Torone
no thumb up/down... but good message
added on the 2003-01-09 16:08:27 by spengler spengler
the music is FUCKING HARD ... not sure about the rehashed video .. oh ok iit rulez
rulez added on the 2003-01-17 17:45:36 by Zzed Zzed
not my taste
too dark
hard use of the paja engine!
horribly slow on my machine. seems to require lots of ram.
added on the 2003-04-11 14:24:11 by dairos dairos
Just wonder, would people like it more and bitch less about the size, if it was in 'wild' category ?
added on the 2003-06-15 04:29:13 by Speed Speed
the compo was the "megademo" compo, which was "kind of" a wild compo.
added on the 2003-07-16 13:27:17 by _-_-__ _-_-__
sucks added on the 2003-08-02 07:35:05 by mrdoob mrdoob
nothing more. nothing less.
rulez added on the 2004-03-07 23:04:08 by kimi kardashian kimi kardashian
RESIST !!!!!

rulez added on the 2005-12-29 21:03:22 by Trauma Zero Trauma Zero
I actually hadn't seen this one before but I have to say that it whas ok. No more no less. I meen it was nicely put together and the whole production seem to stick to one idea/theme wich is nice, but somehow it didn't do it for me...

And about the size issue: Who f-cking cares about the size.

Also, Nietzsche had way to much spare time...
added on the 2006-04-20 09:33:32 by wix wix
Awesome, just awesome.
rulez added on the 2006-08-25 21:00:59 by Aasemoon Aasemoon
rulez added on the 2006-09-23 12:56:56 by HerrV HerrV
rulez added on the 2006-10-20 13:27:27 by bzz bzz
This rocks hard !
rulez added on the 2007-07-02 21:15:14 by Drunken_Poet Drunken_Poet
still as great as it was on the big screen
rulez added on the 2007-12-01 13:23:00 by skrebbel skrebbel
Wow! I watch this one again and I really like it. Not exactly a demo more like a wild demo. I would probably thumb it down in the past days but now I like it! It has some atmosphere, theme and dark color/music that really fit together!
rulez added on the 2008-02-19 17:24:19 by Optimus Optimus
I have question. What resolution demo has?
rulez added on the 2023-08-21 19:58:58 by devy2 devy2
its very good demo
added on the 2023-09-21 19:07:38 by devy2 devy2

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