Abandonned by One Man Group [web]
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popularity : 69% |
alltime top: #1025 |
added on the 2010-05-20 20:11:21 by Bobic ![]() |
popularity helper
First release of a new born demo group. Excellent design and music. Made with the Stravaganza demo tool.
rulez added on the 2010-05-20 20:12:11 by Bobic 

Great style! You really know how to create something called -Atmosphere-! Keep up the good work!
I can't say I like it too much because it heavily uses effects I saw many times before in Stravaganza's prods and because it is too abstract for me. But it creates good atmosphere and has nice music.
hell yeah. i liked it and the music was excellent.
Hey, hey, hey...very nice!
Loads of potential here
A wonderful production! Especially the music fits very well ... awesome for a one-man demo!
This blew me away. Excellent design and music! Welcome to the scene :D
Very nice production! The clear design fits to the good music. Excellent!
hey thats really nice for a new "rasselbande"
Yes, really nice work !!!
nice music, atmosphere, effects and good sync!
that's a great demo! content made me care about effects much less than i usually do
great stuff!
Fantastic design, music and even more impressive direction! Everything flowed so beautifully, was consistent and worked in harmony with the soundtrack.
You should be very proud!
You should be very proud!
not that original fx-wise but very well done and the music roxx. a more than worthy debut (if it really is one ;).
would be impressed if you were to get yourself a coder and apply your design ideas using your own technology, instead of just using other's peoples tools.
ok one
youtube this!
i think there should be a category in the demo scene where we could store these demos made with other peoples demomakers ...
cool and touching
solid prod.. great music and overall nice flow!! me likes!!
Solid demo.
clean and moody. a nice surprise
nice effects and excellent music. Vers enjoyable watch.
Nice for one man show and for a first prod, but other than that it's just ok imo, also what rasmus and grand arcanum said
"What is not abandoned is never completely lost."
Nice one.
Imagine what you can do if you have more than one man working on a demo (?)
I long meh.
PS! "Abandoned".
PS! "Abandoned".
demos like this make me wonder if the pouet rating system is expressive enough.
was it a good demo? nnnnnnot sure.
did i enjoy it? yes.
nothing new, but what's there is well done (at no point did i feel cheated), and really, some touches in the direction are just a sign of class.
now get a fucking dictionary. :P
was it a good demo? nnnnnnot sure.
did i enjoy it? yes.
nothing new, but what's there is well done (at no point did i feel cheated), and really, some touches in the direction are just a sign of class.
now get a fucking dictionary. :P
what gargaj said.
for music
Would've preferred it if this was made using your own coding and tools, but in the end this is just put together way too nicely :)
It was okay, and that's exactly what it was.
Atmospheric demo ... The music adds tons to it ... ( and if you're really a OMG, i know the feeling ^^ )
Love it in every way.
pretty and ejoyable
nothing original, but well done
Music is ace, atmosphere is catchy and great. Everything in this works beautifully for me. Please proceed :)
I liked the music, and the rest was pretty nice too
pretty nice
Very nice work. Great tune, consistent and nice visuals. Looking forward to more!
Gargaj, that exactly I was thinking about the voting system. This also leads me to write this.
I just like it, very well done! Also what Gargaj said.
Wow you rocks :))).
looked like it was full of style and grace but it has no requirements listed and here it ran at one frame every ten seconds so I can thumb (ati 4650, 1 Gig, latest drivers)
_can't_ thumb, uh comment fail
Very nice.
Like it. There is some poetic beauty in the visual.
I like the red glob and tune, but that's it!
This is very clean and beautiful. Great for one mans work even if there is use of tools (who cares anyway?).
nice direction, nice music, nice niceness. nice. nice!
also quite sad though...
very nice for a one man show. the tune is especially nice.
out of the dark - into the light
great design & music. enjoyed it...
Nice one !
nette musik. design ist auch nicht uebel driftet aber zum schluss ins grottige ab.
in zukunft bitte mehr...
in zukunft bitte mehr...
As always, the demoscene standards are as intricate as they are contradictory.
It's frowned upon to use someone else's demotools (which are released publicly with the explicit intent of allowing others to use them).
However, if you would get a coder that would replicate the demotool (or, better, you'd get the original coder on board), that would be acceptable.
So your actual effort as designer is completely identical, but the opinion would be inverted.
About the prod: It's cool :)
It's frowned upon to use someone else's demotools (which are released publicly with the explicit intent of allowing others to use them).
However, if you would get a coder that would replicate the demotool (or, better, you'd get the original coder on board), that would be acceptable.
So your actual effort as designer is completely identical, but the opinion would be inverted.
About the prod: It's cool :)
Nice stuff. Nothing to put down really.
You should join up with a group ;)
You should join up with a group ;)
Yes! Thats have a good Style! stylish!
Very nice one!
Pretty standard demo effects + design really, but it's well made. Thumb up.
It's frowned upon to use someone else's demotools (which are released publicly with the explicit intent of allowing others to use them).
i'm not sure where you got that idea. as you can see from all the up thumbs and the fact that this prod is "top of the month", i think the majority feel that using demotools is good. it's not frowned upon at all - it's encouraged.
only one or two feel that a demo should be more than just grabbing a generic tool and banging out a production. maybe they feel that the point of the demoscene is to form groups, develop group tech. and compete and improve your system as well as designs? but they are old outdated scene ideals. so don't worry.
obvious thumb missing here !
Nice FOV effects on solid demoengine, next time please do not use a standard scene objects like spikeballs, blobs (orwhateveritis) an do not overuse shitty poetry (lonelines vs happines without any relation to action on the screen)
still as a one man show I must give you a thumb up
still as a one man show I must give you a thumb up
Great work!
I've seen the demo more than a couple of times already and I still don't know how you made some things. I've got to take some time to load it into the editor and take a look.
From what I can see there's a lot of composition work at least :)
I like the music, and the direction shows some talent too.
Don't stop, more please!
I've seen the demo more than a couple of times already and I still don't know how you made some things. I've got to take some time to load it into the editor and take a look.
From what I can see there's a lot of composition work at least :)
I like the music, and the direction shows some talent too.
Don't stop, more please!
Clean and elegant.
Good Work !
Good Work !
nice use of the tools. maybe bit mellow, maybe bit too much scenepoetry but i've enjoyed it anyway.
Nice indeed
quite neat prod :D
what psonice said.
i fell asleep
much better than i expected from the screenshots. good flow and music.
Very coherent
stravaganzahhhhrrrr.. well done
a thumb for the music
A debut, a good track and demo ... i see a winner !.
Well done... Full respect... hats off.. nice design.. sync and the tune has great feel and emotion... Keep up the good work... Its nice to see a surprise at this time of the year when there is no releases...
You gave me motivation to get back on my own production...
You gave me motivation to get back on my own production...
I'm sensible to this one.
you rulez !
when the next one ?
when the next one ?
Very nice, keep it up :)
wow, very very nice! nice flow and great music.
that was nice
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