Wir sind Einstein by United Force [web] & Digital Dynamite [web]
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popularity : 77% |
alltime top: #129 |
added on the 2010-04-05 02:30:45 by slyspy ![]() |
popularity helper
moral winner
All I can say: This is unique!
THE most original demo I have seen. Incredible imagination and realisation, bordering on genius!
best :-]
awesome fun to watch
A visual feast
very cool one, rocks
slyspy you syncing bastard :D
Ich bin happy. Lyrics, plz?
This was... awesome :D
As for most of the entries at the compo, utterly amazing. Sort of like the golden path 2.0, but even more original and beautiful.
RULES! Big time!
My personal favorite! smashing, kicking ass tune, funny ideas. Thanks!! :D
My personal favorite! smashing, kicking ass tune, funny ideas. Thanks!! :D
Super positive !
please edit ranking!
Awesome one :D Really enjoyed it!
Very entertaining, great concept!
Doesnt work here. Dunno why, doesn't even switch modes. Probably ATI related :/
First already!! \o/ YEA \o/
Another Golden Path, another gold medal for you!
I love you UF and DD!!! this demo was awesome! :D
Even better than the Assembly demo. A lot better actually.
works very well here on ATI HD5770 and looked even better :D congrats
Seems I'm somewhat alone here, but I didn't enjoy this prod. Perhaps this is because it reminded me of golden path too much (which I didn't like as well). And it's not that I don't like the visuals - because they are actually very nice, and the direction is well executed too. The problem is there are no surprises here. you can actually predict what is going to happen next.
Which, all in all, makes a piggy.
Which, all in all, makes a piggy.
Yes, you rule. Now for your next challenge, add a beat! :)
Very nice. Did'nt see too much Einstein stuff in it by the way.
This is what happens if you let Masagin mate with ASD productions.
Being a scientist, I can not thumb this up enough! You rule!
good good good
Wow. I don't quite know what to say other than IT WORKS! Reminiscent of Golden Path, but overall, I enjoyed it much more. Tune is awesooooome!
eyecancerous @ times, but fresh in a way.
absolutely loved this
cool :_)
too much similar to "golden path" for me, but can't resist this kind of direction
nice stuff
Awesome colours...
Haven't seen Golden Path before. I just had this at the party here and had a blast. So I'm Thumbing! :]
sind wir ein stein?
Overload to the visual and auditory cortices.
Awesome stuff. A good demoscene showcase production. Entertaining and stunning the same time, plus "understandable" for folks outside the scene.
Golden Path took too much from a previous work. With this demo, you guys have found your own voice. And it's an excellent voice.
fresh and wonderfull
wir sind boyc!
improved on the first imo, can't wait for the next!
Very entertaining.
And Now for Something Completely Different...still prefer The Golden Path but this was something unexpeceted.
This is precisely what I'm always looking for, absolutely perfect. Thank you.
This was spectacular!
Lyrics, by the way?
funny thing. Alternate look is appreciated.
Wonderful! Great soundtrack, fresh visuals and lots of action going on.
Oh to add if i tried to set it to 75Hz @1280x1024 it gave: Failed to Create Device...which should have worked as that is what i run my desktop at.
this is rockalicious!
love the pipes part in the beginning but a lot of really ugly scenes ruins this for me. music is ace though so pig it is.
Thanks slyspy, one cold beer for ya :)
Very very nice! (It also contains many of the Vimeo-videos I wanted to rip off myself. :)
reminded me of Art of Noise and Peter Gabriel's 90's stuff
Awesome squared.
yea awesome demo
Gloom: second the Vimeo bit.
I totally love this demo, it's so fresh. It could easily pass for a real music video. \o/
I totally love this demo, it's so fresh. It could easily pass for a real music video. \o/
i like that
I will upvote anything that has an eye in a pyramid in it.
Oh, and that soundtrack is the killer. Post the lyrics sometime!
Oh, and that soundtrack is the killer. Post the lyrics sometime!
I love UF <3
correction: the lyrics have been posted.
A good follow up of the Golden Path, at least just not a boring 3d flyby without originality :)
A good follow up of the Golden Path, at least just not a boring 3d flyby without originality :)
Much better then Golden Path, this one holds my attention all the way.
Upvoted for music and tons of stuff on screen that doesnt look like noise.
This was just excellent, such a great soundtrack and very fitting visuals. My second favorite of the compo.
whooptiedoo is the word!
I kept hearing "Is it lunchtime?" instead of "Wir sind Einstein". :D
Colorful, great tune !
Excellent design and music! Surprized me. Breakthough performance :)
Spiritually superior to all other productions %) Go find yourself another scene.
super fresh and positive, like the golden path was. Love it!
Needs d3dx9_40.dll btw.
I am surprised that this only got 4th place. Definatly deserved at least 3rd.
I am surprised that this only got 4th place. Definatly deserved at least 3rd.
Salinga: I'm sure this one will never be forgotten. ;) nevertheless which place.
definitely not my cup of tea. messy and average in every way.

Anything that even vaguely reminds me of peter gabriel's late 80's - early 90's stuff gets an instant thumb up. Really concise and stylistically pure stuff you guys have here. Keep it up!
Everything I like is in this demo.
trippy :D
Awesome sauce. I would heart this if I had one.
Holy crap, wasn't expecting anything like this out of the compo. You passed this research scientist's peer review.
Awesome once again, thanks for the dx tip salinga.
The Diamond Path, full of joy and positive vibes. Love it.
this is one of my favourites. outstanding piece of work.
It reminds me the best ASD 2d-demos messed with the best ASD 3d-demos. With the heart of The Golden Path.
Should be 3rd imo. Great work.
Should be 3rd imo. Great work.
The golden Einstein Path. Besser als LSD :)
In my eyes, it is not as good as Golden Path, but still very entertaining, original and well directed demo. Slyspy´s music in this product was not my cup of tea, but other his tracks rulez hard !
True winner!
does not work here (win 7 x64, gfx card ?), go play wii fit :)
United Force does it again with their remarkable, unique style :D! I love this demo but I guessed it would end up at about 3:rd place or thereabout. Tough competition!
hexogen are you fucking retarded or what?
hurray for science
It's very good, but there's something missing for me. Dunno what, since everything seems to be in place. but the mood is somehow off.. Still, extremely promising :)
i totally love it and i was very sad that this demo didn't win :(
Outstanding party-demo and kudos for the rockin track :)
awesome!!! really cool demo!!!!!
mantra porno meets előzsűri. thumbs up bazmeg!
Now I have seen the rest, I think this is my favorite from the compo. It's such a great fun, we have great laughs running this again with friends and singing the lyrics :)
so it is possible to do a demos with guitars in the soundtrack that I like.
thank you very much
This should've ended somewhere on the pedestal.
Nice and original !
Seeing this demo was like getting a giant present with endless quantities of my favorite stuff in it. Thought it was going to be on the podium!
This was fu**** great !
Hell yes !
Slyspy is on to something here..
i love slyspy.
Awesome!!! Brings back that pure demoscene FEELING...
We need more demos and styles like this... Should of WON! - most entertaining.
keep the fire burning
We need more demos and styles like this... Should of WON! - most entertaining.
keep the fire burning
This R.O.C.K.S!!!
nice show! Sly, du bist ein Stein. top3 would have been deserved.
this funky shit is sooo awesome!
Very smooth, creative and consistent. Should have been 1st or 2nd...
Alot of cool sync and ideas, but I just thought it was soooooooooooo ugly :(
I love it! Awesome song.... like Devo on extacy :)
If there would've been an alternative winner/winner of the hearts award, this would be it.
super fun, great work!
This prod is my PC Demo winner. Music is one the best I heard on a demo so far, reminds me of YELLO, TELEX, bit of YELLOW MAGIC ORCHESTRA... Good "poppin'" song, uplifting visuals, nice FX... I just can't stop playing the demo and the *.OGG. THIS PROD RULEZ!
Now this is what The Golden Path should be! Excellent!
Couldn't get the song out of my head last night, too awesome >:o
Might not appeal to the majority of the masses but for us that love this kind of stuff it's pure gold. Wish I could be as creative as boyc with his mad skills.
Might not appeal to the majority of the masses but for us that love this kind of stuff it's pure gold. Wish I could be as creative as boyc with his mad skills.
very epileptic and absolutely fun to watch! It projects so much positive energy!
i quite liked it! there were colors and everything! (THAT'S something you don't see every day in a demo!)
fun, colorful, love! think this one deserved a few places up.
The colors... I'm still dazzled!
Fun colours.
great music/vocals
great music/vocals
Of the PC demos I've seen from the compo, I think this is the one I like most.
i am a slyspy fan since mrs.pawlov and have loved every production since. this is no exception.
it will be on heavy rotation in my playlist for quite some time.
makes happy :)
it will be on heavy rotation in my playlist for quite some time.
makes happy :)
Hola. Farbenschock.
+the music
+the synch
+colorful joy
+liked the "barroque" touch.
-Has nothing to explain, just fast eyecandy
+the synch
+colorful joy
+liked the "barroque" touch.
-Has nothing to explain, just fast eyecandy
What iq said. I like the epilepsy in this one :).
These guys know what they're doing.
Like everyone says, it's Golden Path in a different direction, and with actual design.
Very good, should have come at least 3rd.
Very good, should have come at least 3rd.
Win7 / 8800 GT / Q6600 - Did not output video.
Youtube version "rocked".
Are we a stone ?
Youtube version "rocked".
Are we a stone ?
very funny & fresh - very like :)
Great !
You rarely see demos that are *fun*.
hehehehe a little bit wanna be "popular demo" but not bad at all :) keep it up.
This has so much glow that it begins to look like one of uncle-x's demos :)
nice one...
What Decipher said
nice music with nice cubes
I am sorry, this prod has so much common with previous "ingenious" Golde Path. I can't see new and surprising ideas here that would put this demo over the Golden Path.
Golden Path ruled last year and I like it most from all 2009 prods, really. That's why this demo looks piggy for me.
Golden Path ruled last year and I like it most from all 2009 prods, really. That's why this demo looks piggy for me.
Love this one.
Also fresh! Great tune, very fitting visuals. :)
Can i thumb up again? :) Made yoda, rawstyle, chaotic and myself rock hard during the compo.
I love it & his voice/the music!Colors <3 :)
ummm ... that's the golden path ... turned sideways, then backwards... with much worse effects... am I missing something?
Super! I like this style
You are missing the music, the point, maybe your whole artistic crriteria?... This demo not only kicks Golden Path, it kicks almost everything seen on this party... Music production level is high, better than most "professional" producers and products, the demo makes you feel good and it tells a history for me, the design is cute, the direction, even the lenght is right, I don't need a 3D modelled world with exploding buildings to enjoy a good demo, I left that kind of stuff for gamers... But really, I know this is a place where you can express your opinion but I can't understand how someone came to thumb down this, just because he felt "it looks like another prod..." ... But hey, exception makes confirmation! :)
You are missing the music, the point, maybe your whole artistic crriteria?... This demo not only kicks Golden Path, it kicks almost everything seen on this party... Music production level is high, better than most "professional" producers and products, the demo makes you feel good and it tells a history for me, the design is cute, the direction, even the lenght is right, I don't need a 3D modelled world with exploding buildings to enjoy a good demo, I left that kind of stuff for gamers... But really, I know this is a place where you can express your opinion but I can't understand how someone came to thumb down this, just because he felt "it looks like another prod..." ... But hey, exception makes confirmation! :)
visually weird ... but awesome mood and soundtrack.
A few of the scenes were a bit empty - NOT
Nice sync with music, every scene flooded with action. Cool. :)
Nice stuff
AMB: Now, now. Don't get too carried away.
Anyway, this was a truly refreshing demo! More not too serious, but still not sloppy demos in the future, please! Our papers are long!
Anyway, this was a truly refreshing demo! More not too serious, but still not sloppy demos in the future, please! Our papers are long!
At some points there were scenes with colors and objects that didn't fit together _at all_. Like wtf is this? :P

But overall it's pretty slick. I liked the stop-motion glowing cubes.

But overall it's pretty slick. I liked the stop-motion glowing cubes.
Good mood and overall presentation. Too cheesy and overblurred to be my cup of tea.
sind wir ein Stein?
Very Geil!
Colourful, full of dazzling entertainment. UF delivers again :-) I especially liked the oldskool elements of the music
Now I understand why every drunk hungarian scener I ran across at BP wanted me to make an announcement consisting only of "Wir sind Einstein!". I politely (or not so politely) refused. Oh what a fool I was. :D
Good. Not awesome, but fun good.
Wow, what a journey!
Deserves a lot more love than it has been receiving. My favorite track from BP10 :)
Verry nice, good music and awesome flow!
instant happiness!
Some nice design and scenes, but music is under mediocre.
what a trip. again. :D
a bit bright, flashy, and rough. music + vocals made me want to rip my ears out.
ein stein albert.
about as ugly and disconnected as the last one. sorry, but i just really dislike the style.
the music has something to it though, but it doesn't help much in this case
the music has something to it though, but it doesn't help much in this case
random objects, glow, cheap catchy music, and so on - the 1995-recipe saturated :)
Don't like this either. Style is not just my cup of tea. Music is about okayish, so piggy for the effort.
iam not a fan of that style either, but its nice technically so thumb!
somebody had to do it and I'm kind of happy it's this group combination. very fitting and the most memorable sing along text since 'we have computers'-winnerdemo!
Great party demo.
not my cup of tea. the soundtrack is quite catchy though (still don't know if I like it or hate it ;D).
deserve better than 4th place, should be in the top 3 or should have won the party... (i also like what farbrausch & fairlight have done hard to choose between them, lets just say its another style)
for me it has the same degree creativity than ASD demos (ex : Midnight Run ) and has more power than tradional flyby seen in most demo
for me it has the same degree creativity than ASD demos (ex : Midnight Run ) and has more power than tradional flyby seen in most demo
Crazy stuff, but decent.
absolutely agreed with leijaa
Has all the makings of something quite special... but... the music I think cheapens it. Still, the visuals deserve a rulez by their own merit.
You are oh so welcome. This defines awesome. As with the last one I miss some polishing here and there, but man, was that a trip. Good sync and nice transitions.
Keep doing what you're doing.
Keep doing what you're doing.
it just keeps growing on me. feels more and more like my personal winner from bp
Well yes, I still love such releases. I was watching it with my friend while we were reciting the lyrics and he says he is gonna show it to everyone at a research project he is working as a programmer, to make all the researchers there have a laugh with those fabulous lyrics and funny concept :)
When I go back to see the golden path it feels three times less awesome and if that was awesome imagine how this should be.
THE release from BP for me. (But I prefer watching Rove alone and this one with friends)
When I go back to see the golden path it feels three times less awesome and if that was awesome imagine how this should be.
THE release from BP for me. (But I prefer watching Rove alone and this one with friends)
Golden Path, now with movement along even more axes! Love it.
bored to death.
thumbs for the flow
<3 <3 <3
good mood demo.
nice to see it on breakpoint and after smooth on my pc.
good work guys.
nice to see it on breakpoint and after smooth on my pc.
good work guys.
My favourite in the compo.
not my cup of tea i guess
follow who's loud
Bright colours, music, people dancing.
No really, I fell in love with the golden path but it still lacked some finishing touches that this one has.
No really, I fell in love with the golden path but it still lacked some finishing touches that this one has.
quite cool..
This should've won.
f*cking fantastic !
.. and I love the tune!
.. and I love the tune!
I absolutely HATED "The Golden Path", but this one is actually quite entertaining, even though it's more or less the same. Weird ... but in a good way.
enjoyed it :)
it's staggering in the thin line of being amazing or being absolutely awful. luckily it's corny enough to be good =)
extra very nice !
Netter Rausch.
wie geil ist das denn
Finally a break from the usual pretentiousness that dominates these days. Fourth place my ass, namevoting ftf... keep it up guys.
Awesome on the big screen (<3 the clapping hands).
Too messy and strange progression imho but a really great prod.
Too messy and strange progression imho but a really great prod.
compowinner of <3
Graphics was very much the same style as last time. It's definately the music keeping this one alive (and what a soundtrack - awesome!!!), so making the 3rd release really is gonna be your test :)
Nice aesthetic style, but too messy for me...No real direction, everything comes from everywhere... But I always like the UF graphic style.
That's one hell of a trip!
nice and fresh ideas :)
This is great! Although the screen is sometimes a little bit too crowded for my taste, I just love the smooth flow. Amazing.
Btw, this demo got requested a LOT at Outline (ended up playing about 3-4 times), the soundtrack really got folks looking at the bright colourful screen. Still one of my favourite of this year so far.
man... i really like this. lifts me up every time.
that prod is just OVERDOSED!
proceed now please! ;D
proceed now please! ;D
Wir sind Einstein, yes You are ;)
Der Rausch. Den will ich.
sind wir ein stein?
awesomely fresh visuals, great music. brilliant !
yes. we need more of these.
Ok folks, what kind of drugs are you consuming while coding demos like this one? ;-)
god, this is fantastic! wow wow wow! i didn't think a demo could be like this just until now! continue please!
So bright and happy ;]
What, I didn't thumb this up? Fixed.
Does it for me!
Codercolors !! Boo!!
And some retro / pixel vibe for popularity.
But despite that ;) it's still rich and powerful. I thumb up only for this: "Our faeces are strong. Our papers are wonk."
Silly filename and no NFO, tsk tsk.
Big plus for slyspy's music, tibetan/used bike bell annoyed me though :)
And some retro / pixel vibe for popularity.
But despite that ;) it's still rich and powerful. I thumb up only for this: "Our faeces are strong. Our papers are wonk."
Silly filename and no NFO, tsk tsk.
Big plus for slyspy's music, tibetan/used bike bell annoyed me though :)
"our theses are strong, our research is long, we steal and lie and corrupt and manipulate, and we also humiliate, torture, rape and murder innocent children".
Push NWO agenda -> fear for your life. If I will find you on a demoparty, I'll beat you til you piss blood, boyc/slyspy/whoever else.
Push NWO agenda -> fear for your life. If I will find you on a demoparty, I'll beat you til you piss blood, boyc/slyspy/whoever else.
Commenting a bit late, but I enjoyed it a lot during the compo. Joyful and colorful good stuff :)
@s2rm: What is this I don't even
@s2rm: What is this I don't even
What Tarmil said - only that I more enjoyed it at home somehow...
fantastic !
Da bin ich doch gerne auch ein Stein!
Cool music and sooo colorful demo - like it!
Made a Highres Youtube Rip for it:
Wir sind Einstein by United Force & Digital Dynamite (1080p)
Made a Highres Youtube Rip for it:
Wir sind Einstein by United Force & Digital Dynamite (1080p)
nice music, smooth graphics - perfect!
this demo is just so totally cool. all those non-fitting elements mashed together with pseudo-fitting colors. awesome!
Somewhat similar to the Golden Path, but more entertaining.
Music rules, visuals are fun. Sometimes it gets a little over the top with the colors though. Still, thumbs up :)

Loud colors, cool music, great demo
i want the golden path 2.
Still rockin'!
I can't believe I haven't commented this yet. The lyrics are awesome, and so is the rest of the demo.
I'm a big fan of UF&DD productions :D
I'm a big fan of UF&DD productions :D
Having just heard the soundtrack again, I have to upvote this one for the nice track and visuals. Also, colors! :D
always my favourite - sound and visuals are just great!
I haven't upvoted this yet? Time to do so.
Was actually my favorite in that compo.
Was actually my favorite in that compo.
So weird and creative! I love it!
Science \o/
Although I prefer "The Golden Path", this one is almost as crazy and addictive. :)
Painful to watch
research is lust, in science we trust
The (sadly now late) Professor Stephen Hawking absolutely loved this demo; it often got played when he appeared to give talks at various places.
I do hope there is some tribute to him at Revision, Evoke or other parties this year. He deserves this for sure.
I do hope there is some tribute to him at Revision, Evoke or other parties this year. He deserves this for sure.
The (sadly now late) Professor Stephen Hawking absolutely loved this demo; it often got played when he appeared to give talks at various places.
What a heartwarming thing to read. Do you have a link?
From what I heard, at Professor Stephen Hawking's internment service held yesterday at Westminster Abbey, where he is buried alongside Sir Isaac Newton and others, the demo was played during the service. Wasn't there personally but the person who told me is a trusted friend and was closer to Prof Hawking than myself. Seriously something special and you all should be proud :)
Beat Saber map for this demo :)
research is lust
Really good! Love how the groovy music plays along with visuals! Good demo!
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