8088 Corruption by Hornet [web]
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popularity : 72% |
alltime top: #1070 |
added on the 2004-09-27 02:34:39 by radman1 ![]() |
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Designed to run on an IBM 8088 4.77MHz PC, this Wild Demo was absolutely one of the highlights of Pilgrimage'04.
rulez added on the 2004-09-27 02:36:47 by radman1 

So this is what the ng posts were about.
Now what kind of a demo eats 90% of your hd space? talk about bloat.. :)
Now what kind of a demo eats 90% of your hd space? talk about bloat.. :)
nice animation player.
Hell yeah!
Trixter is BACK!!!
Weird stuff - I wonder if the digi comes from the PC speaker exclusivly? (Only tried it with dosbox.)
Sunnyboy: the sound comes out of a Soundblaster 2.0 or Pro... luckily Dosbox as well as WinXP can emulate that stuff ;)
Anyway, great stuff. Hooray for oldschool skills without oldschool crap-affinity!
Anyway, great stuff. Hooray for oldschool skills without oldschool crap-affinity!
I totally agree with kb! i'm gonna rip out my old XT when i'm back at my parents place to see if i can get it to run :)
Excellent. Nobody is credited for the visuals, are there any details? :-) But nice stuff here!
sick stuff
Not really impressive when you have got nearly 5 mhz of raw power to work with. I believe that the animation player takes nothing but a fraction of the CPU, and that the
audio player takes the rest (wtf, I think I'm tired :P)
nice showoff :)
"nearly 5 mhz of raw power" - cmon, can you say that with a straight face? :)
not to start any platform wars (still got a dvd to make, after all :), but when was the last time you saw an amiga 500, with 7mhz and hardware audio mixing, playing 16+ color, 25+ fps video - and not made of blit triangles? thought so.
not to start any platform wars (still got a dvd to make, after all :), but when was the last time you saw an amiga 500, with 7mhz and hardware audio mixing, playing 16+ color, 25+ fps video - and not made of blit triangles? thought so.
we are in 2004
(btw phoenix is true)
(btw phoenix is true)
http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=3202 ?
http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=3202 ?
xeron: 16 colors? 25fps? nope :) (i definitely had 242, sota, and 9 fingers in mind while writing that)
OK.. but surely you are not saying that an A500 couldn't do 25FPS 16 colour anims and play music? I mean, its not exactly hard for it to do that...
... in fact... just load up DPaint and a mod player :-D
Anyway, thumb for writing demos for the original PC... I think thats pretty cool, even if the hardware isn't..
xeron: of course, i won't say it's impossible (after all, that's always the word that disproved the doubters). and to be fair, the xt had a couple hardware advantages: the hard drive (but to be honest, mfm drives weren't all that much faster than floppies!), and text mode addressing. if you could hook up a hd to an a500 or a1000 (not sure if you can), it wouldn't be too hard to try.
this is really pretty cool...
You can hook up hard disks to both the 500 & 1000.
phoenix: Yes, I can say that with a straight face :P
i'd say it's more like ~5MHz of rather well cooked power..
Well, I think the mod(?) player deserves some credit.
dont like this :/
yeah! :-D
lord graga, if i get this is right the cpu does nothing except setting up dma transfers and streaming data from disk, but that's not the point.
actually doing this is what deserves credit ;)
actually doing this is what deserves credit ;)
Ph33r t3h ascii ;)
this is alright. spectrum can do it as well. 3.5mhz, 128k ram, just fdd :)
Best wild compo entry by far. Oldschool PC to the max!
like textmode-TV @ linux . . . like it
enjoyable! big ups!
A M A Z I N G !
the best thing about this? made for an 8088/4.77/cga/sb/dos, runs great on an athlon xp/radeon/santa cruz/winxp. no emulation, no compatibility mode. maybe this will encourage more 8088/cga coding? c'mon, if you're sadistic enough to code for the vic20, why not :)
btw, i got a preview this technology with an extra treat.. page flipping! 16/8-color textmode, full ascii set, interlaced.. stand back a bit and cga starts looking like truecolor. :)
btw, i got a preview this technology with an extra treat.. page flipping! 16/8-color textmode, full ascii set, interlaced.. stand back a bit and cga starts looking like truecolor. :)
Lots of credit. (Sparcus, it looks like you've got competition :))
Great! Great! Great!
wow. respect.
(works fine in dosbox 0.61 if you just say yes to the "real cga"-question, at least here.)
a video capture would be nice though =)
(works fine in dosbox 0.61 if you just say yes to the "real cga"-question, at least here.)
a video capture would be nice though =)
This was such a cool treat at the party!
Makes me want to pull out my old IBM PC Jr and start coding for Dos again. Props to Trickster for dragging a 8088 of airplanes etc, to Pilgrimage. Certainly that's dedication.
Makes me want to pull out my old IBM PC Jr and start coding for Dos again. Props to Trickster for dragging a 8088 of airplanes etc, to Pilgrimage. Certainly that's dedication.
this is cool.
makes me wanna have an 8088. :)
makes me wanna have an 8088. :)
Respect! And well, i can confirm that 8088 is extremely slow. However, see THIS!
just upgraded to an athlon64, and it no longer runs natively.. sniff.. now i have to use dosbox.. hehe. just set the gfx mode in your .conf to cga and like fox said, answer yes to the real cga. ("thanks for using a real 8088!" ;)
yay for animations
um. is this actually a demo, or just a clever use of exporting modern animations to ANSI files?
(btw, where is the pilgrimage04 winner demo?, is this it?)
(btw, where is the pilgrimage04 winner demo?, is this it?)
on a 8088 with cga, nothing is easy. and flicker-free 30fps animation is actually surprisingly tricky, even when it's theoretically "just" streaming data from disk into screen memory.
um. is this actually a demo, or just a clever use of exporting modern animations to ANSI files?
(btw, where is the pilgrimage04 winner demo?, is this it?)
Sylphin: This is a wilddemo, and it won 1st place in that category (as stated above).
The party-release version of the winning entry in the main demo compo was just published this month, Les Fleurs by The Order of K. Hopefully a final release version will be available shortly.
thumb up for getting this to run on 8088 but thumb down for only playing an strange animation :/
Can't believe I haven't thumbed this up :)
i say the same rich
Well,this is astonioshing!!!!
FYI. TYhere is a video recording of this: http://digg.com/hardware/(Video)_8088_Corruption....awesome_hack
FYI. There is a video recording of this: http://digg.com/hardware/(Video)_8088_Corruption....awesome_hack
Cool prod, reminds me of the PwP text mode demos that also run on the 8088..
Phoenix, this demo is 40x25 pixels and 16 colours. The Amiga can do this just fine on a 16 colour screenmode (even if you make it "fullscreen" by using 8x8 pixels).
Take a look at the Juggler demo from 1986 (on some early Fish disk), it streams a delta-encoded animation in the dog-slow 4096 colour HAM mode to a 320x200 screen (and not big pixels either).
Phoenix, this demo is 40x25 pixels and 16 colours. The Amiga can do this just fine on a 16 colour screenmode (even if you make it "fullscreen" by using 8x8 pixels).
Take a look at the Juggler demo from 1986 (on some early Fish disk), it streams a delta-encoded animation in the dog-slow 4096 colour HAM mode to a 320x200 screen (and not big pixels either).
very cool
Hey, why hadn't I thumbed this up yet???
Anyhow, the amazingly fast reporters of Slashdot finaly found out about this demo today ;-)
Anyhow, the amazingly fast reporters of Slashdot finaly found out about this demo today ;-)
Wow, this is very cool!
great music and unique cga visual.
anyway this is nice.
great music and unique cga visual.
anyway this is nice.
LOL ppl wake up, a c64 can do this in bitmap mode & play the digi at the same time :D altho a PC plays the role of the HDD.
isn't is just a video player?
I'm not sure if you know it but the PC is *older* than the C64 :-)
I'm nut sure if you know it but the c64 is only 1mhz and 8bit.
I'm not sure if you know but performance!=MHz. 8088 is dog slow.
So lo-fi... Yet so ho-fi... Yet so sexy...
8088 is roughly 5 times faster clocked than a 6510, looking at the cycle counts that makes roughly the same speed, except a 6510 doesnt have a lot of 16 bit regs (2 index, 1 for alu), it also doesnt have complex arithmethics and instructions, only load / stora, and extremely basic ALU (add, sub, logics). That makes the 8088 faster with good code.
plucked my heartstrings.
had let me go back to first objective.
had let me go back to first objective.
oswald, cycle counting on 8088 ain't that simple - normal cycle tables don't include instruction fetch time. on a 8086 this usually works out, but a 8088 only has a 8-bit data bus; it can basically execute most instructions a lot faster than it can fetch them from memory, and each opcode byte not in the prefetch queue means 4 cycles extra (and these penalties tend to accumulate).
OTOH, i doubt it does make any difference for this demo, which (if i understand it correctly) basically sets up a few autoinit DMA transfers while the CPU sits around trying to get bytes from the HD as fast as possible :)
OTOH, i doubt it does make any difference for this demo, which (if i understand it correctly) basically sets up a few autoinit DMA transfers while the CPU sits around trying to get bytes from the HD as fast as possible :)
Wow! Fantastic!
This is really good. 10-20fps on windows :-(.
yeah! I remember this good :)
ryg: Check out the seminar Trixter did once the video pops up on the blockparty website... in order to get the a/v synch, he's got the soundcard (the only element in the machine with a reliable timer) initiating all the video transfers. So the machine essentially has a sound card-driven OS. My brain fell out when I heard that.
Trixter's seminar was very enlightning, the soundcard trick is particularly nifty.
respect. 8088 fucking sucks. this is what i call creative coding...
but the soundblaster isn't really like XT-era hardware, is it?
guybrush: watched the video now. the encoder part was interesting :). doing all timing based on sound to get proper a/v sync is nothing new though, and neither is doing all work in an interrupt handler while the "main program" is just loading+depacking the next part :)
Funky !!!
I read the background of this challenge - so I agree the technical achievement here deserves praise. 30 fps rolling video on XT hardware (ok with a soundblaster) but using a legimate trick of CGA text mode.
there's a whole new web page here. it is now essentially a video player app, with not only this video but some others (clip from the matrix, more clips from tron, and a 60 fps clip) as well. runs like a charm in dosbox in cga mode at 1000 cycles (= 8 mhz :). word is a video converter will eventually be released as well.
NEXT UP: 8088 8ch 1080p!!
Somehow I get kicks from watching videos in textmode... VLC had one filter that butchered your movies into a glorious ASCII mess! I think it was called "caca" or something like that... =P
Somehow I get kicks from watching videos in textmode... VLC had one filter that butchered your movies into a glorious ASCII mess! I think it was called "caca" or something like that... =P
I challenge all tards like Gragaaa to show anything similar on a XT machine :->
this absolutely kicks balls
this absolutely kicks balls
very nice
8088 \o/
tres bien!
feelings & groove =)
not bad.
It's and Easter Egg on Mindcandy _ :))
Nice concept :D
cga was teh shit ;D
imagine the cost of such a machine back then (normally you only got the floppy version, the hdd sort of doubled the price)
imagine the cost of such a machine back then (normally you only got the floppy version, the hdd sort of doubled the price)
This has respawned from http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=63591 ...
OMG, No Video Credits? Trixter, Tell me what video was used in this demo!!
Good B-Boying.
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