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Amour by Orion [web]
screenshot added by tomaes on 2002-08-18 14:03:41
platform :
type :
release date : august 2002
release party : Buenzli 2002
compo : pc demo
ranked : 1st
  • 93
  • 14
  • 2
popularity : 70%
  • 0.83
alltime top: #881
added on the 2002-08-18 13:56:39 by tomaes tomaes

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this demo is so silly, i could almost thumb it up :) nice work on graphics and character animation. but i thought there was a rule that french people aren't allowed to speak english? ;) on the other hand, the lousy speech fits the concept quite well, so i guess it's ok like that :)
added on the 2002-08-18 14:33:03 by robotriot robotriot
it's too funny and too big for a demo :)
should be a wild or something imho
added on the 2002-08-18 17:04:16 by deemage deemage
Amour is like a big damn cyclotron
rulez added on the 2002-08-18 17:35:44 by Danube Danube
Please note that the current version is the Party Release. A size optimized and without synch problems will soon be available. If you exprience this synch problem, make sure you run the demo in 16bits color depth.

Stay tuned !
added on the 2002-08-18 17:51:32 by JaYLeE JaYLeE
har har :) starts out like a parody of orion's old kitschtravagantic 3d flythrough epics like nightfall or purple, ends up completely warm&fuzzy. I enjoyed this, orion c'est les funny :)

some quibbles:
1) get a dictionary guys - "amour is pneu" isn't exactly english, and it's annoying for those who don't read french
2) at 17 megs, you could make this a prerendered anim as mpeg4... :/
added on the 2002-08-18 17:59:42 by saffron saffron
Stay connards !
rulez added on the 2002-08-18 18:23:58 by stil stil
amour is connard
rulez added on the 2002-08-18 18:27:49 by chewbacca chewbacca
rulez added on the 2002-08-18 18:31:03 by Sheena` Sheena`
ahhhhhhhhhhhhh mais c trop bon !!!! :)
rulez added on the 2002-08-18 18:41:25 by Stv Stv
c super dites donc !!!!!
l'amour c toujours le peage avant tout !
rulez added on the 2002-08-18 18:43:50 by med med
On va eviter le commentaire 'bob ricard' :)

rulez added on the 2002-08-18 20:36:39 by yes yes
Amour is rose
Amour is Orion
rulez added on the 2002-08-18 23:55:41 by p01 p01
Very big demo (16mb is quite something for 64k isdn), but excellent looking scenes and not any speed problems on my pIII-450. For sure a winner!
added on the 2002-08-19 00:41:33 by Crest Crest
Ok, even if it's not in english I'll thumb this up! After all french is the language of love =)
rulez added on the 2002-08-19 11:51:50 by pan pan
rulez added on the 2002-08-19 11:52:40 by dixan dixan
je suis sur que le perso principale est en realité une femme a barbe...
rulez added on the 2002-08-19 12:05:46 by u2 u2
amour is allleeeeezzz
rulez added on the 2002-08-19 13:36:23 by dake^cdx dake^cdx
amour is Büenzli : AlleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzZzzzzzzz !!!!
rulez added on the 2002-08-19 14:19:31 by _G-Hell_ _G-Hell_
amour is (aussi) suce ma bite
rulez added on the 2002-08-19 14:30:54 by analogue analogue
ca envoie trop du bois sa mere!
added on the 2002-08-19 18:25:57 by alkama alkama
ah, j'oubliais le thumb..
rulez added on the 2002-08-19 18:26:17 by alkama alkama
this is a completely fucked up story that finally makes senses in a very insane way ...

as saffron stated it's kinda making fun of the previous orion big 3d demos.
and the french (swiss french speaking actually) accent of sear gives a very special touch to the demo with those so senseless texts =)
yeah keep it frenglish, anybody can understand what they say with the graphics..

keep on being insane dudes.. if it wasn't that insane i would probably hate such senseless 3d scenes put together ..

and ++ for the great modeling work .. finally one of those rare 3d demos that i like ..
rulez added on the 2002-08-19 20:40:56 by florent florent
"amour is pneu" isn't exactly english, and it's annoying for those who don't read french

Neither were any other "amour is ..." statements, and I *think* that was deliberatly done ;)

Brilliant. It's slick, sick and has a longer appeal than Glon 243 for instance. The size is a bit of a pickle, but that's where ample internet connections save the day.

More of this.
rulez added on the 2002-08-20 14:08:12 by Shifter Shifter
i wish it was longer, and a liiittle more 2d effects.. then it could easily have been one of my favourites. as for now i just like it.
and i promise that we wont party at the same time as buenzli next time.. (imma trsac-orga).
rulez added on the 2002-08-20 14:30:18 by nic0 nic0
3x \o/ for nico. It really sucked that the parties overlapped.
added on the 2002-08-20 14:33:20 by Shifter Shifter
funny shit :-)
rulez added on the 2002-08-20 14:39:22 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
"Cannot find any 3D Hardware accelerator."
this is funny, cause there is a 128mb gef4 ti in there.. or maybe it escaped? where did it go to? weirdness squared.
added on the 2002-08-20 17:09:52 by shiva shiva
I like this prod. Orion rox. Keep up the good work.
rulez added on the 2002-08-20 23:15:06 by sunhp sunhp
sorry.. no :(
sucks added on the 2002-08-20 23:30:57 by mrdoob mrdoob
why not ?
added on the 2002-08-20 23:52:03 by shi shi
Is there a "connard" in the room ?
added on the 2002-08-20 23:59:34 by NiaKoOL NiaKoOL
you guys are sick :D
rulez added on the 2002-08-21 08:30:36 by _-_-__ _-_-__
the concept 'le peage des gens heureux' (happy guys in peage) is now done ! thank you Danube & Splif! (and the others of course)
i hear this crazy idea last year at Vip3 party for the first time.

i love this 'betonneuse' (in east of France, we call this machine 'betonniere'). modeling and textures roxx!

'mise en scene' (photography of scenes) is good, suspense is here

Deemage : a demo is realtime calculated exe file, dont care about size or style.
Shiva : i own GeF4 ti4200 128 and all runs perfectly... and in 1024x768x32bits :-)
rulez added on the 2002-08-21 10:51:50 by Zone (leZone) Zone (leZone)
shifter: but saffron maybe means that this deliberate choice is a bad idea :)
added on the 2002-08-21 14:17:30 by stil stil
This demo kicks ass ! :-)
Keep up the good work guys !
rulez added on the 2002-08-21 14:24:18 by Matt Matt
c'est moche et ca rame et le rythme est trop lent mais la chute est coolos. et pis c'est mes copaings alors ca passe.
added on the 2002-08-21 14:55:44 by piaku piaku
sucks added on the 2002-08-21 15:19:24 by boik boik
A strange idea :)
added on the 2002-08-21 15:38:35 by cyb0rg cyb0rg
l'idée roxxx pas mal !
rulez added on the 2002-08-21 15:44:41 by _OverFlow_ _OverFlow_
Learn to code or use the Direct3D debug runtime - crashes here with the following error:

Direct3D8: (ERROR) :Can specify D3DLOCK_DISCARD or D3DLOCK_NOOVERWRITE for only Index Buffers created with D3DUSAGE_DYNAMIC

ok, watching it now with the retail version ;)
added on the 2002-08-21 16:09:33 by kb_ kb_
Whoa. That saved my day. I never thought Frenchs trying to speak English could actually sound CUTE :)

Nice modelling job (though a bit too low-poly perhaps ;) and great Storytelling. And i just love this really senseless kind of humour ;)

Ok, I'll show it to Yoda later who spent >30h on french motorways in the last days, let's hope I'll survive.
rulez added on the 2002-08-21 16:17:56 by kb_ kb_
kb_ you're correct, i didn't try the dxdbg version during the party... I tried this to desperately find a workaround for some shitty weird bug on ATI boards... and i didn't remove it :) it will be removed in the final version.
added on the 2002-08-21 16:27:01 by JaYLeE JaYLeE
Amour is betonkeverő!!!!!
a bit too cheesy for my taste, but rulez, rulez, and what? rulez.
And +1 point for the Iron Maiden trenchcoat :))
...rulez. rulez. rulez. rulez....
rulez added on the 2002-08-21 19:47:53 by FooLman FooLman
Very good. Altough it would be better with some more "real" effects :)
rulez added on the 2002-08-21 20:27:53 by teel teel
ca envois du bois!
rulez added on the 2002-08-22 06:17:23 by kenet kenet
Ha, this is some funny cheese. But I kinda expected the guy to be a necrophile as he was looking for love in a graveyard.
rulez added on the 2002-08-23 01:26:12 by sea_monkey sea_monkey

added on the 2002-08-23 01:28:30 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
Bouah, ca rox grave du style !
Really a fun demo :)
rulez added on the 2002-08-23 14:45:45 by Sanx Sanx
finally got to watch it. wickid :D
rulez added on the 2002-08-23 14:54:42 by shiva shiva
nice demo :)
added on the 2002-08-23 15:34:43 by boxow boxow
Yeah, it's just good and funny !
What one would ask more ?
rulez added on the 2002-08-25 21:33:30 by kohai kohai
ca rulez another nice demo from orion :)
rulez added on the 2002-08-28 00:07:02 by gruiiik gruiiik
As we already knew, "Orion is connard".
Now we know that "Amour is péage".

Btw, maybe people complaining about the fact that the demo is not 100% english didn't understand very well the spirit of it.

Well well, qu'est-ce qui bouge le cul des Andalouses ? C'est L'AMOUR.
rulez added on the 2002-08-28 01:07:56 by alexkidd alexkidd
Cute, less disturbing than Easter Egg at least :). English version coming out anytime soon? (I guess PÉAGE means tollbooth or something like that?) Hmm, random french humor. :)
rulez added on the 2002-08-30 02:08:19 by phoenix phoenix
Here is the final release.

This release includes some bug fixes, including the support for latest radeon based video cards.

Orion loves you :)
added on the 2002-09-19 22:35:58 by JaYLeE JaYLeE
i think i'm in love.
rulez added on the 2002-09-20 13:25:43 by skrebbel skrebbel
it is fun, but not fun enough to just give it a rulez for that, and the size pretty much pisses me off (even though the content is rather nice), so.... piiiigfaaace!
added on the 2002-09-20 21:07:37 by ryg ryg
rulez added on the 2002-09-27 20:27:51 by psenough psenough
rulez added on the 2002-10-21 01:07:56 by bizken bizken
RULAZ !!!!!
rulez added on the 2002-12-31 23:04:40 by venire venire
too big demo, but too fun :)
rulez added on the 2003-01-02 05:06:20 by cykocator cykocator
I think,guy, if you say that Orion's team should buy an english dictionnary, you are wrong. You should buy a french dictionnary :P
This demo rox. modeling, GFX, sound, and betonneuse ... :)
I use a ATI RADEON 7500(64DDR)
and no problem for running.
Je devrais peut etre en acheter un de dico d'anglais moa.
added on the 2003-01-23 13:56:12 by dol-b dol-b
optimus, go watch this and cheer up :))
rulez added on the 2003-02-12 11:38:41 by jar jar
I like it.
rulez added on the 2003-02-20 12:24:24 by reality3D reality3D
Fucking good thinggie !
rulez added on the 2004-07-21 09:56:28 by AbcuG! AbcuG!
16 MB is really much but the demo is too lovely for bashing it. :)
rulez added on the 2004-07-22 16:46:35 by René Madenmann René Madenmann
amour is lobster
rulez added on the 2004-09-16 19:58:10 by Gargaj Gargaj
amour is Tania
amour is orion
rulez added on the 2005-02-22 01:58:47 by Zest Zest
orion is la creme
de la crêpes!
rulez added on the 2005-05-21 18:37:53 by el mal el mal
so sweet
rulez added on the 2005-06-06 20:59:42 by mizc mizc
J'aime cette démo. Elle est très mignonne et unique. Maintenez le bon travail, et pardonnez svp mon mauvais français.

BB Image
rulez added on the 2005-06-06 23:09:48 by rio702 rio702
nice 3d
rulez added on the 2005-06-09 00:38:49 by jimmi jimmi
C'est très bien! I love this demo!
rulez added on the 2005-08-20 12:47:09 by chock chock
kind of spunky
rulez added on the 2005-10-09 08:21:42 by Gaia Gaia
Nice graphics and funny vocals in the beginning. :)
rulez added on the 2005-10-09 15:12:36 by StingRay StingRay
what a sick demo :)
rulez added on the 2005-10-09 16:14:03 by anesthetic anesthetic
rulez added on the 2005-10-09 22:43:26 by scg_ scg_
Coolos :)
rulez added on the 2005-10-10 09:21:01 by Buckethead Buckethead
rulez added on the 2006-02-05 08:29:14 by blackpawn blackpawn
rulez added on the 2006-02-27 13:34:19 by iks iks
Haha fuck, this had me laughing out loud at work :D Especially the cementmixer did it for me.. ace work :)
rulez added on the 2006-07-03 13:34:26 by okkie okkie
...love is a toll? Or what it's called...

rulez added on the 2006-10-19 19:50:07 by xernobyl xernobyl
rulez added on the 2006-12-08 00:55:03 by genox genox
Cool demo. Weird message.
rulez added on the 2006-12-09 19:43:05 by Aasemoon Aasemoon
rulez added on the 2007-07-11 21:04:53 by s7ing_ATZ s7ing_ATZ
Completely wacky. Orion-style humour, big time. :)
rulez added on the 2008-01-24 12:47:18 by TomS4wy3R TomS4wy3R
Loosing your heart does not imply that you should design a creepy demo out of it
added on the 2009-01-10 17:42:10 by T$ T$
I've just seen it on demoscene.tv and it deserves a thumb up! :)
rulez added on the 2009-05-09 13:19:58 by Lazarus Lazarus
Lovely :)
rulez added on the 2009-05-09 14:06:02 by Hexogen Hexogen
rulez added on the 2009-05-09 14:17:18 by v3nom v3nom
added on the 2009-08-16 00:10:29 by nosfe nosfe
A lot of old connards in there ;)
rulez added on the 2009-08-16 00:11:19 by keops keops
rulez added on the 2010-05-27 12:11:37 by seρρjο seρρjο
c'etait quand meme le bon temps
rulez added on the 2010-05-27 12:34:00 by nytrik nytrik
rulez added on the 2010-06-20 19:38:40 by wullon wullon
rulez added on the 2010-07-08 16:19:54 by Gʀɪʍʍy Gʀɪʍʍy
fuck love, EMO 4 life!

Frogs speak english weird. Why is that Kermit?
rulez added on the 2010-08-12 15:24:51 by tFt tFt
Cte demo complètement barrée <3 I miss this sort of prod in nowaday's compos... :)
rulez added on the 2010-08-12 15:32:51 by xtrium xtrium
Those guys are mad... I like it...
rulez added on the 2010-08-12 21:39:23 by baah baah
oh my god. how good is this.

but: what on earth does that stupid customs building have to do with PEACE? is that a joke? peace comes when you bring down these buildings. :)
rulez added on the 2010-08-13 12:08:00 by vibrator vibrator
"La crème des connards!"
rulez added on the 2010-08-13 13:11:36 by rez rez
Amour is I forgot the thumb up.
Amour ;)
rulez added on the 2010-08-15 20:35:33 by raer raer
I love demos with story.
rulez added on the 2010-09-23 13:19:57 by jack-3d jack-3d
AMOUR is Betonneuse \o/

Nice music and interesting concept :)

Made a Youtube for it on my HD channel:

rulez added on the 2011-09-09 09:01:56 by anni anni
Strange conception of love but nice demo :)
rulez added on the 2011-09-25 17:33:23 by ok3anos ok3anos
Til og med demoscenen har blitt rammet av bomringpropaganda
rulez added on the 2011-12-14 20:55:48 by Frequent Frequent
Massive 3D work back then, plus an overall design that is really consistent.
Powerful audio!
Thumb up!
rulez added on the 2014-08-24 02:44:37 by fra fra
well i didn't expect that, that was awesome, never seen this before today, i really love the french touch in the demoscene, they have a style thats hard to beat!
rulez added on the 2014-08-24 03:13:28 by keito keito
Seems like I missed some great stuff during my absence...nothing in there not to like
rulez added on the 2014-08-25 00:05:58 by Triace Triace
Love Amour. Say, anyone still have the final version? Link to orion-amour.zip is down.
rulez added on the 2015-11-29 22:36:25 by seism seism

rulez added on the 2016-06-24 13:54:51 by noby noby
Nice french animation demo saw this on MDT9k aswell

rulez added on the 2016-07-14 19:51:46 by Queen_Luna Queen_Luna
rulez added on the 2020-04-24 23:41:43 by SiR SiR
Still good
rulez added on the 2023-09-05 11:18:56 by Moerder Moerder
rulez added on the 2024-11-29 06:39:02 by provod provod

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