ZINE #13 by Brainstorm [web] & BitFellas [web]
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popularity : 73% |
alltime top: #428 |
added on the 2008-02-29 10:57:24 by smash ![]() |
popularity helper
you're so brilliant magic ...
Guardin: rather a coincidence that I am free of work today otherwide I would be much later. But off to read.. :)
first impression is brilliant
magic: and don't forget to thumb later :D
What Chromag said. And it works on this crappy gfx card here at work \o/ Thanks dudes! :)
Awesome! :D
To be more specific, I think this issue has some big improvements over the last one:
The interface is really intuitive (though a bit slow on my machine but since Stingray gets to work it on his crappy gfxcard it might be my own personal problem..)
I think it's a good chioce to minimize the amount of articles and go for more regular releases. All of the articles were interesting (didn't read everything yet, but the headlines indeed were really inviting to spend some more time with the mag)
The design is really fresh and professional. It feels like reading a high quality paper magazine. Obviously you have some great layouters.
There is an overall feeling of nice and subtle humour inside the articles I've read so far. Ok, from time to time the humour isn't that subtle anymore. Also the english is well edited :)
Congrats upon this great issue... Looking forward to the next, which will probably be released next week.
The interface is really intuitive (though a bit slow on my machine but since Stingray gets to work it on his crappy gfxcard it might be my own personal problem..)
I think it's a good chioce to minimize the amount of articles and go for more regular releases. All of the articles were interesting (didn't read everything yet, but the headlines indeed were really inviting to spend some more time with the mag)
The design is really fresh and professional. It feels like reading a high quality paper magazine. Obviously you have some great layouters.
There is an overall feeling of nice and subtle humour inside the articles I've read so far. Ok, from time to time the humour isn't that subtle anymore. Also the english is well edited :)
Congrats upon this great issue... Looking forward to the next, which will probably be released next week.
One thing I forgot to point out: The music selection is so much better no. While I only really enjoyed Virgill's track in the last issue, I really like every track in here ...
This is really sweet! Great articles, great design, great language and great music. Also, the text-rendering and interface makes it very comfortable and relaxing to the eyes to read and browse, which is uncommon for diskmags imho
THAT'S an interface guys.
thumbs up for that alone.
thumbs up for that alone.
Hands down, the best issue of the best mag ever produced for the scene. Very nice and intuitive interface. Good music. The articles I have read so far are well crafted and balanced. Comments on individual articles will follow later, but I have no inhibitions about showing my thumb up Axel and co.'s tender butts right now. Yay!
Very nice one indeed.
It doesn't run in windowed mode here : the Zine app appears in the task bar but no actual window is being displayed, weird.
It doesn't run in windowed mode here : the Zine app appears in the task bar but no actual window is being displayed, weird.
cool date to release a mag.. :)
Big thumb up for the interface and the music, I've not read much of the content yet, but it looks to be another seriously good read :)
crashes. good job smash...
Great mag...
Is there a way to zoom in the articles even more ?
Is there a way to zoom in the articles even more ?
Great GUI, enjoyable articles (at least the ones I've read till now)
a bit difficult to read and navigate - but it's ok ...
Did I adjusted to the Zine#12 engine, did they remove it and implemented a new one :) great! Looks and feels like a real magazine. The number of articles is dissapointing, even less than issue 12. But who's counting? :)
Great music, nice design.
Where is Facet his article about graphics and LordHelmet should have written something?
All in all nice job! 7.8 out of 10 rating
Great music, nice design.
Where is Facet his article about graphics and LordHelmet should have written something?
All in all nice job! 7.8 out of 10 rating
This is fucking ridiculous. The bar has been set for diskmag interfaces. This is what the term 'intuitive' means - when you don't have to read somebody's semi-gibberish instructions and then end up relying on a combination of mouseclick-acrobatics and blind fucking luck. Great articles and music too :)
Awesome interface (yeah, even I managed to use it, and found the "howto" after reading for a long time :)
Oh, and the articles were excellent also; well written, and a throughout enjoyable experience.
But then.... can you top this ? :)
Oh, and the articles were excellent also; well written, and a throughout enjoyable experience.
But then.... can you top this ? :)
simply excellent. the article's i've read so far (maybe two thirds :) are top notch. and the interface is a big improvement - especially the text rendering engine, which seems quite solid now :)
that's exactly what i call HIGH QUALITY! excellent!
29th! \o/
29th! \o/
Booted windows for it. - Great mag. Good work from all sides. I demand a linux reader! I don't need a that fancy interface.
Mercury sends out really HUGE fuckings to the scene.org award jury. Thank you. ;]
Mercury sends out really HUGE fuckings to the scene.org award jury. Thank you. ;]
extremely nice :)
Instant win. Details later, that is in case I managed to find something that I don't like 100%. Which I doubt.
nice stuff :)
And yeah, Mercury sends out really
fuckings to the scene.org award jury. Thank you. ;]
And yeah, Mercury sends out really

fuckings to the scene.org award jury. Thank you. ;]
Excellent visual experience and great content, too. This rocks.
This is how it should be, hats off gentlemen.
very good. the tune by keito also made my day. thx!
Works with crossover on mac!
i feel mugged ;) DIE ZINE SCHMERZT!
Axel: thanx for clearing that up!
p.s. good job! :)
p.s. good job! :)
This issue rules because of so much things. The music is very good to read things with, the effects are simple but well done so it doesn't get you out of the important part - the articles. About the articles themselves, I've read a few by now: great quality!
A "dump to PDF"-like feature would be very much appreciated :)
A "dump to PDF"-like feature would be very much appreciated :)
top notch content!
Nice interfaz, excellent music and good articles.
Top quality. I'm still reading.
Top quality. I'm still reading.
after the title pic I get a load of random blocks.. (white background) ..
anyone else get this or know what it is?
anyone else get this or know what it is?
Nice Interface, good articles and smooth tunes! ;)
Great stuff!
good articles and usable interface.
go on :)
good articles and usable interface.
go on :)
the interface alone is ten thumbs up worth! ;-)
Despite the interface feeling strangely laggy (c2duo, gf 8600GT), this by far the best mag ever.
Excellent articles and presentation. Slightly slow mouse response in the interface though.
excellent stuff... impressive graphics, very well designed... nice stuff to read and great music.
wonderfull. :D
wonderfull. :D
nice stuff
axel, smash: I can hear music and see some graphics but no text or anything which could help me navigate.
I`m running on a laptop (dualcore 1.72ghz, 2gb mem, Intel 945GM Express)
I`m running on a laptop (dualcore 1.72ghz, 2gb mem, Intel 945GM Express)
nice one.. design is very clean..
lovely! nice n clean interface - nice handling - nice tunes- totally top!
could use a few more articles but well made.
Don`t have any EP articles, so thumb down.
Yesyesyes! Flawless issue!
Chromag, Fishwave, thank goodness you don´t show the really evil pictures ;)
Chromag, Fishwave, thank goodness you don´t show the really evil pictures ;)
whoa. great mag.
This is how a magazine should be done. Good selection of interesting reading and features. Also thanks for revamping the UI, huge improvement over the last issue!
Minor niggle; is it really worth packing the music in the exe? It would be nice to be able to listen to the tracks without the mag.
Burgrlovr: just unpack the .exe with winrar :)
that's what I was waiting for! The interface is excellent (I haven't thumbed the previous issue because of that), and the articles are really interesting. I found some news in the mag! Amazing :)
I just wanted to take a look at it and... I've ended up reading the whole mag in a row... damn! Great mag!
Great! Nice interface and very good & interesting articles.
diskmag redefined!! just wow! I'm sort of changing my mind on how info should be spread. Before I thought that you might aswell just knock up a page on the internet with scene stuff.
Framed in such a nice package as this it is actually a better read than what you could have done using internet (duh... :) ) I list the newly discovered diskmag advantages over traditional internets browsing style.
+ Smooth intarface which is simple and easy on the eyes. No ugly flashing, re-draw mess or waiting variable amounts of time between pageswaps because the network connection isn't up to transfering the.. yes. you know.
+ No ads or animated gifs while you try to read something
+ No desktop or browser in view tempting you to take a break from the reading to check the mailbox or see if something has happened on the internet.
+ No unneccessary links breaking up the read.
iT IS cooL!
In this format I actually found it a better read
+ Articles
Framed in such a nice package as this it is actually a better read than what you could have done using internet (duh... :) ) I list the newly discovered diskmag advantages over traditional internets browsing style.
+ Smooth intarface which is simple and easy on the eyes. No ugly flashing, re-draw mess or waiting variable amounts of time between pageswaps because the network connection isn't up to transfering the.. yes. you know.
+ No ads or animated gifs while you try to read something
+ No desktop or browser in view tempting you to take a break from the reading to check the mailbox or see if something has happened on the internet.
+ No unneccessary links breaking up the read.
iT IS cooL!
In this format I actually found it a better read
+ Articles
keito: btw, melody of the guitar of your tune reminds me strongly of some poptune, but i cant remember the title, dammit :D
Fantastic issue! Congrats to everyone involved!
It did hang up my machine :)
excellent interface, great look and feel, content feels good
is it online?
Really great articles and modern, super-stylish layout. I spent more time in reading ZINE#13 then any other diskmag before, even if there could be a few more articles. Music was not my taste - I think I'm the only one here. :-)
Finally managed to read it somewhere.. It's fantastic, great work guys, even (and i was surprised you're that good) mr fart. This is the way i wanna read my mags, brilliant!
Selfgroupvoting? bite me.
Selfgroupvoting? bite me.
crashed with a white screen with black bars on top and bottom. config: gf4mx, 256mb ram, intel celeron 2,6ghz. is my pc too lame for this? :(
anyway i can already give thumb for what i see in the screenshot. that's how i always wnated a diskmag to look like!
anyway i can already give thumb for what i see in the screenshot. that's how i always wnated a diskmag to look like!
Dip : gf4mx doesn't support Pixel Shaders.
Zine 'should work' without pixel shader
i would even buy a new gfx card just to be able to read zine, but only if i knew that its really a gfx card issue.
Kewl! Me wants more of such zine stuff :)
dipswitch : a gf4mx will be an issue for any demo in 2008, you should upgrade to a cheap 8600 or something.
..not that the other specs of dip's pc will bottleneck any demo in 2008 ;)
Interface, content, design, all excellent :)
Indeed I did not notice the 256 mb of RAM !
It's barely what it takes to run Windows XP alone :)
It's barely what it takes to run Windows XP alone :)
Just great.
I really like the new design - the page layout looks like it could come straight out of any fancy, glossy-paper magazine!
Interesting content coupled with good editing makes for a very professional impression.
The number of articles is just about right, as it is now you can pretty much read all of them, instead of getting overwhelmed by the amount of content and just skimming. Quality over quantity any day!
Interesting content coupled with good editing makes for a very professional impression.
The number of articles is just about right, as it is now you can pretty much read all of them, instead of getting overwhelmed by the amount of content and just skimming. Quality over quantity any day!
it is not working on my config too. and as far as this is a notebook, no way to change gfx card. so, fix it, please, or do an on-line version faster!
512 mb ram, win xp, ati mobility radeon 7500.
512 mb ram, win xp, ati mobility radeon 7500.
Since one article tells you how to get a machine that vastly outclasses the minimum requirements, I'd say it's just fine ^_^
Since one article tells you how to get a machine that vastly outclasses the minimum requirements, I'd say it's just fine ^_^
This is really top quality, a good looking interface, well designed page layouts and most importantly: articles that are actually very interesting. I'm already looking forward to Zine #14 :-)
as already said.: a REDEFINITION of DISKMAGz fitting a lot better into 2008....
...but also what amiga4ever said already.: i need to ZOOM into an Article even further (as in Zine #12) ...with that one funCtion reimplementeD i´d give an overall-rating of 100% ;)
is there sth like a BRS-Seal for Quality.? ;)
Stiftung Warentest 9.5/10.0
...but also what amiga4ever said already.: i need to ZOOM into an Article even further (as in Zine #12) ...with that one funCtion reimplementeD i´d give an overall-rating of 100% ;)
is there sth like a BRS-Seal for Quality.? ;)
Stiftung Warentest 9.5/10.0
Still no simultaneous online release -> auto-thumbdown
Well produced okay tracks.
Very good design.
Next time: moar content.
Still, appreciated.
Very good design.
Next time: moar content.
Still, appreciated.
Gotta admit this was good, both designwise, ui and content. Even got me reading a few articles with interest. I was going to complain about the number of entries being too low, but if this comes out more often I'll skip that :)
Candystall article was great! Interface much better. Layout was good.
Wow! The engine and design is even more impressive than last time, the music selection is outstanding and the articles have a very mature and professional style.
I would have liked to see more heated and provocative content, but that's just a personal preference.
I would have liked to see more heated and provocative content, but that's just a personal preference.
great and fantastik mag! well done!
Very cool !
Well made design.
Well made design.
I am impressed. Issue 13 improves on 12 in all respects, and 12 was already one of the best mags in recent times. For the first time in a long, long time I have sat down and read a mag from start to finish and not found a dull moment.
I think this mag proves the validity of a traditional diskmag in 2008, and as I said when I wrote about issue 12 - I sincerely hope this inspires other diskmag makers out there to do better. The bar has been set.
I think this mag proves the validity of a traditional diskmag in 2008, and as I said when I wrote about issue 12 - I sincerely hope this inspires other diskmag makers out there to do better. The bar has been set.
Very good read, especially the Candystall article. I found some of the text a little hard to read and changing the resolution didn't help. It was only really a problem on the grey on white, however.
GJN <3 Zine #13.
hi smash, how to drop you an email there is none in your profile :(
i have most likely the same problem, the start screen looks like the upper left screen on the screenshot but no font altogether, when clicking around a bit i can zoom in and see nice images (like the scene.org logo in the lower left of one of the screens) but no text altogether.
tried it on winxp both as restricted user and as admin.
do you require any non-standard font (not included with winxp) to read it?
--> plz drop me an email to zine13.mihi42 at safersignup.com thx
i have most likely the same problem, the start screen looks like the upper left screen on the screenshot but no font altogether, when clicking around a bit i can zoom in and see nice images (like the scene.org logo in the lower left of one of the screens) but no text altogether.
tried it on winxp both as restricted user and as admin.
do you require any non-standard font (not included with winxp) to read it?
--> plz drop me an email to zine13.mihi42 at safersignup.com thx
I have the same problem as Mihi on my pc at work. I can zoom but I have no text.
Maybe due to the Intel chipset ?
Maybe due to the Intel chipset ?
the fonts are actually vector glyphs so if i'd have to make a guess it would be on the assumption of 32bit indexbuffers
Boh... I prefer Hugi instead...
Haha.. just kidding! :P Nice issue. Smash: the mouse handling is a bit buggy here, rollOver, rollOut states I mean.
Then, I have this little issue with th finger on the right button that clicks the button during long times of hand inactivity, so you can imagine, *click* damn! I lost the point! ok, click again to go in the article again.. find the page... keep reading... *click* damn!!
Overall is really good, and the kerning this time is correct, was able to read a couple of articles too :) Missed MediaMolecule on the sceners at game company articles, and Pyro info was a bit (a lot) outdated I think.
Haha.. just kidding! :P Nice issue. Smash: the mouse handling is a bit buggy here, rollOver, rollOut states I mean.
Then, I have this little issue with th finger on the right button that clicks the button during long times of hand inactivity, so you can imagine, *click* damn! I lost the point! ok, click again to go in the article again.. find the page... keep reading... *click* damn!!
Overall is really good, and the kerning this time is correct, was able to read a couple of articles too :) Missed MediaMolecule on the sceners at game company articles, and Pyro info was a bit (a lot) outdated I think.
Btw, not expecting to fix the right click thing, cos is a personal thing, just to make it clear...
Oh, and... if you guys keep this interface and you want a direct online version, let me know, cos I think its doable with flash.
Oh, and... if you guys keep this interface and you want a direct online version, let me know, cos I think its doable with flash.
trace: but you shouldn't use flash cos viznut wont be able to see it via telnet.
Everything was said already... So the only thing I have to do is THUMB up!
So, when am i able to read this? When is there going to be bitfellas readable version?
It's a question of the engine not to obfuscate the datafile so that some simple text format would be available for handicapped people (be that hardware and software wise)
I agree with waffle. It would be cool to at least be able to read the text in some editor or such.
and not just to criticize a poor outdated magazine format I'm therefor willing to offer a remedy by making an alternative reader for OS X and Linux if Zine's data format is opened for the general public.
Axel: Sorry, I'm taking a finnair flight this year because I'd most likely harass Serpent too much on the flight otherwise! ;)
But yeah, the suggestion is for real so I'd be more than willing to talk about it near the good olde bonfire of Bingen at Breakpoint.
But yeah, the suggestion is for real so I'd be more than willing to talk about it near the good olde bonfire of Bingen at Breakpoint.
I loved the interface. Let's see now the content..
Very well-made! Now that the interface is clean and polished, just add more content please. :)
The behind-the-scenes stuff and general background on things is a lot of fun to read, much more so than generic email-interviews/poetry/charts, and I appreciate the effort that was put into this.
The behind-the-scenes stuff and general background on things is a lot of fun to read, much more so than generic email-interviews/poetry/charts, and I appreciate the effort that was put into this.
awesomeness guys
very nice work
The interface and layout are infinitely better than in the previous issue, not to mention the plethora of great articles.
congrats to all the team. Time t enjoy it now!
smash: yeah, I'm interested for some further specs about the file format. If you need to contact me I go by the nick of luftwaffle at IRCNet or via e-mail
oh dear lord, that e-mail address is actually a false one... mika.rautio is the working one :)
Brilliant interface and design :) A pleasure to read! Looking forward to Zine #14!
Oh yeah... perfect package and art (keito's track is particularly brilliant).
The content is entertaining and fresh, if you skip the mandatory "blablabla are coming back" - "blabla tells us about the old times" - "blblb would really like to come back but he has white hair and aching bones" - "people who quit the demoscene and got a life at this or that software house" which make me feel way older than I am :D
The content is entertaining and fresh, if you skip the mandatory "blablabla are coming back" - "blabla tells us about the old times" - "blblb would really like to come back but he has white hair and aching bones" - "people who quit the demoscene and got a life at this or that software house" which make me feel way older than I am :D
quite nice - in every way
The GUI is faster and more practical now. Some nice stuff to read. Hey, it's Ahoo in the screenshot :)
This is the most awesome diskmag I have ever seen in my life. The interface rules so much, and the articles that I have read areabsolutely top-notch. You guys are awesome! Oh, and did I mention the great music?
So much more polished and professional looking than #12.
So much more polished and professional looking than #12.
Excellently stylish design and fun reading.
@ Optimus: =))
Simply awesome.
Irokos : now you're being gay :)
Axel : worth a second thumb up, the whole mag is just excellent (apart from the pointless articles about nostalgia or the one wondering if Andromeda and others will still kick ass 15 years later).
Axel : worth a second thumb up, the whole mag is just excellent (apart from the pointless articles about nostalgia or the one wondering if Andromeda and others will still kick ass 15 years later).

There :) Can't wait to read issue #14 ! And congrats to Smash and Hyde for the interface, it's really pleasant.
Now I finally had time to read the whole mag, and as all already said, it was a really pleasant reading. Awesome articles and I actually did not find any boring ones at all. Interface were superb and easy to use, music were terrific and the gfx pleasant as in all Brs productions. Keep em coming!
Excellent layout! As for the contents, there are some gems, some good reads and some fillers in this issue. Summa summarum: I really liked what I saw, listened to and read and I believe I can fall in love with this diskmag... I just need some more dates to find out about my true feelings ;D
Nice interface and content, but I can't help to think that it would be both faster and more readable if it was all done in Flash...
kusma, that's kind of what I thought aswell... Not to mention portable and more accessible.
smash: luckily, I don't have to :)
well we had a discussion about this earlier on #ukscene and smash seemed quite enthusiastic about tatooing the articles on my back, backwards, so they can be read in a mirror, so let's see what happens!
truly fantastic - and the editorial style is just perfect!
parpete: \o/! go man go!
wow, there is so much material in here. Zine 13 looks and sounds very professional, just like reading a printed magazine. The quality is one step above everything else.
This has been a good month for discmags, first with (probably the best) edition of hugi and now this.
Kudos to Axel for all his work, and also to the guys behind the pixels and music. And greetings to Aasemoon, our fan from Canada !!
This has been a good month for discmags, first with (probably the best) edition of hugi and now this.
Kudos to Axel for all his work, and also to the guys behind the pixels and music. And greetings to Aasemoon, our fan from Canada !!
Great articles, even better design!
great mag. thanks.
Finally had the chance the check it on another machine and it looks really really stylish!
My comments seem to have been said already. Looks and sounds good, the articles are interesting, some readability issues. And maybe I had some effects missing due to driver problems or I'm just stupid, but I saw no indication of whether there would be more subpages to an article or not. Oh well, found them by clicking anyway :)
Great work everybody! Other mags should go hide in shame (or even better, try to figure out how to beat you)
Great work everybody! Other mags should go hide in shame (or even better, try to figure out how to beat you)
brief look at the layout tells me everything :>
excellent interface. don't change that usability.
For cool design and customer support ;-)
O_o--b yipes
I felt amazed, which didn't happen to me - in regards to reading diskmags - in the last 10 or 15 years.
Cheers for that!
Cheers for that!
The best scene mag that i have ever read. I felt right at home with the GUI from the start as second nature, and the tunes aswell as articles are class selection. Keito your tune is fantastic, can i have the mp3 for the pod?
Interface is a bit slow here but the content is great
bestest diskmag around!
cheers mate :)
<Steel_BRS> Uff, I better read Zine 13 before Breakpoint - I think Axel is going to give us a test, and the ones who fail buys the beer
Looks like some people know how to handle their men !!!
Maybe it doesn't run on hardware being older than 8 years but else I like it! And yes, Axel knows how to handle his men. ;-)
very well designed o/
gloom: watch what you say, it might end up on gulli!
the mother of all diskmags rocks again, thanks.
a fine mag
Link for the online edition added. Due to technical problems a new website that gets closer to the visual experience of the ZINE magazine will follow a little later. You can now read all the articles of ZINE 13 online.
okay now that the online edition is there, i still bought a new gfx card just to read zine! =)
and it's a woprthy read. really professional content and layout - thats how i always wanted a diskmag to be. congrats!
and it's a woprthy read. really professional content and layout - thats how i always wanted a diskmag to be. congrats!
i'm speechless...
great layout, great articles and....
fabulous music by Keito (i love this track!!!)
great layout, great articles and....
fabulous music by Keito (i love this track!!!)
axel, too bad we haven't talked at breakpoint after all. or have we? =)
anyway, hope to see you at evoke, and i'll try to make it to buenzli this year.
anyway, hope to see you at evoke, and i'll try to make it to buenzli this year.
A lot off nice things to read =)
i'd never taken the time to read this issue til today, such a pity! the content, the interface, the ambiant tunes, such a bliss! THANKS GUYS :))
yay onZine!
Makes me wanna print this stuff to have some reading later on.
Makes me wanna print this stuff to have some reading later on.
Good articles, great music. I´m not that happy with the interface design, though
Zine is :boobies: :)
What TS said.
The articles about Keito and Zeila are nice. Layout and handling are great. All in all better than Zine #14.
Article, design/interface and sound wise the best scene mag ever made probably, at least the latter two.
(almost) everything was said. For the effort!!!
Those two songs by el bee , gloom and keito ......
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reading now thumb later :)