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Evoke 2024 | August 16 – 18 | Cologne, Germany

category: parties [glöplog]
okkie: Tomcat is not a Nazi. For calling a person with such good manners as he has a Nazi, you ought to pay a fine.

I don't want to derail this *party* thread even more, but do you mean such good manners as shooting another person in the face with a gas pistol? Or shaving another party visitor's head while asleap?
added on the 2024-08-19 17:03:26 by v3nom v3nom
Thanks for yet another fantastic edition of Evoke with great compos and great atmosphere, with hopefully many more to come.

The new party system still seems to have a few kinks, so I'll put here what I remember:
- Not having a "who's here list". I really love scrolling through those lists to see if there's someone on the list that I'd like to meet but haven't seen at the party yet.
- When uploading files, there are two checkboxes if the file is meant for downloading and/or previewing. The status of those checkboxes is cleared upon upload, and has to be re-applied manually afterwards by editing the file. This probably lead to far more entries not being previewable than intended.
- Graphics entry previews on voting pages didn't seem to work at all.
- Minor: All voting pages have a HTML title of simply "Voting", making it a bit confusing if you open several voting pages in tabs. Maybe the compo name could be added to the HTML title.
- The feature of showing the original slide text on the vote page is awesome, but I think it should take far less space - (working) previews should be bigger than the slides.
- Slide previews were not rendering line breaks, but they were rendering HTML. It was not clear at all if this was intentional and if slides would show up the same way on the bigscreen. Especially annoying with the line breaks.
- The slide design should be tested with some at least average-sized slide texts. Two paragraphs of text were already enough to overflow the slide, sometimes causing (potentially important) information to not be shown. And from what I remember, at least in my case the slide preview didn't show the text being cut off, amplifying that particular problem even more.

All of those are fixable, and I know the party system is new, so I hope we'll not run into those issues again next year.
Apart from that, it was a top-notch party!
Thanks for another great Evoke!

A few little nitpicks about live voting:
* Loading of new entries often didn't work on iOS, though reloading the page was an easy workaround
* Live voting should be active for a little longer after the compo ends (at least it's easy to navigate to the respective compo instead)
* "You voted X for Y" is a great idea to resolve confusion! I just hope that this is server-triggered and not just done by the client javascript to confirm that the server actually took note.
* New entries popping in just under your finger the moment you're voting can be a little confusing... but no idea what a better solution would be that won't cause issues elsewhere (I want to see new entries as they appear too...)
added on the 2024-08-20 11:53:25 by Kabuto Kabuto
>I don't want to derail this *party* thread even more, but do you mean such good manners as shooting another person in the face with a gas pistol?

I see this place is still swarming with self-righteous leftist pricks who have no clue, but ready to judge. This kind of animal is unfortunately very common these days everywhere.

Yeah, here's the story for you, asshole. And all the other assholes. Fucking offtopic, but I'm fucking fed up with idiots spreading bullshit about me, just to validate their shallow egos.

Ten years ago I was head of operations of an organization which practically shut down bicycle theft in Hungary. Idiots like you couldn't shut up about "Nazis", because stopping bicycle thieves is obviously a hallmark of Nazism. There's a whole YouTube channel of us with over 40,000,000 views (yes, that's fourty million) if you care to see what we were actually doing. English subtitles are provided.

One day, an elderly lady approached us, asking for help. Her house was taken over by a violent criminal, who was dating her stupid daughter. He wasn't a tenant or anything, he literally just walked in, threw her out, and that's it. Later he also assaulted and beat up the lady several times. The police refused to help, because there was "no evidence", and they said she has to go to court to repossess her home, because, uh, "rights".

So the lady came to us, and we had an idea. As the guy never had any legal right to the house, but the lady was still the lawful owner, she could rent it out for us. So we rented it, and went there, some 20 of us. The guy still came out, acted tough, got shot in the face with a tear gas patron. A brief police investigation followed, which determined that I acted perfectly within the law, standing my ground against an unlawful attack. I still have the documents, if you want to hone your Hungarian.

The police still refused to help the lady, and she kept receiving threats from the criminal. She eventually left Hungary, and went to Australia, to live with her other child, a son. To my knowledge, she passed away a few years ago.

And somehow I'm a Nazi now. All right, retard.

>Or shaving another party visitor's head while asleap?

Yeah, sleeping on my ware piss drunk, refusing to move. This happened 20 years ago, at a Breakpoint. We all had a laugh. Now I'm a Nazi for it.

Seriously, you guys need therapy.
added on the 2024-08-20 13:37:10 by tomcatmwi tomcatmwi
And now you are complaining when other people are annoyed by something that you are doing. You tell them to just ignore it and stop being bothered so much. And then you tell them consent doesn't matter, stop being a snowflake triggered zoomer, etc. Consider some self-reflection.

I literally didn't even say what bothered me, but you're jumping on conclusions. You do this because you want it to be about you. You want to be the hero of the moment who calls out evil and saves the day. Hope you feel validated, but if not, your fellow halfwits are always here to comfort you.
added on the 2024-08-20 14:11:46 by tomcatmwi tomcatmwi
And somehow I'm a Nazi now. All right, retard.

btw. I never called you a Nazi, but commented on your manners. You just proved the point, thanks. Have a great day and no, I'm not interested in what bothers you.
added on the 2024-08-20 14:27:38 by v3nom v3nom
No, you were just talking mad shit about me, and now you're offended that I put you in your place. You can discuss your stunning victory with yourself under the shower, if you ever go there.

And with this, I return the stage to those who wish to discuss a great demoparty, instead of seeking validation for their petty existence.
added on the 2024-08-20 14:37:41 by tomcatmwi tomcatmwi
Thank you for a wonderful Evoke. On a side note, did *every* trophy that went through CGN get pulled for a swab? :D
added on the 2024-08-20 17:03:04 by Fell Fell
Thank you for a wonderful Evoke. On a side note, did *every* trophy that went through CGN get pulled for a swab? :D
most likely!
Thanks to all the visitors for bringing fantastic releases and great vibes to evoke. It really felt magical!

In case you haven't seen yet: Our After-Party Roundup is online, with more links to hopefully follow soon. Have you found more stuff not listed? Then please send us the link(s) via our contact form. Thank you!
added on the 2024-08-22 15:51:55 by darya darya
The video quality was very bad for entries running in 50Hz. It looked like everything was shown in 60Hz, which was terrible and jerky.
added on the 2024-08-25 14:00:47 by bifat bifat
bifat is right! show 50Hz demos in 50Hz!
added on the 2024-08-25 14:34:08 by bodo^rab bodo^rab
I can't but agree with Bifat.
added on the 2024-08-25 16:34:02 by ok3anos ok3anos
Everything that was 50Hz was indeed shown in 50. I am unsure what you are referring to.
added on the 2024-08-25 21:02:51 by kb_ kb_
I don't know where things got messed up. It looked like a rate mismatch. The Vectrex emulator looked perfectly smooth to me, if that's any indication.
added on the 2024-08-25 21:55:10 by bifat bifat
Fabulous Evoke this year, thank you for the great event!
50Hz stuff on 60Hz displays ruins everything. Looked smooth on Twitch. Hmmm…
added on the 2024-08-27 19:05:09 by Depeche Depeche
That stream is definitely 50 Hz upconverted to 60 (every sixth frame duplicates the one before it). I don't think Twitch generally supports variable frame rate?
added on the 2024-08-27 22:56:57 by Sesse Sesse
Yeah, the stream ran at 60 throughout, we only switched the stuff in the hall.
added on the 2024-08-27 23:48:50 by kb_ kb_
50Hz entries were captured and shown in 50Hz. Not sure where y'all watched the compo... I can upload the original captures to somewhere, if someone insists, I have them right here on my laptop. As kb wrote, the stream was not switched over, but the main screen in the hall definitely was. There was still the occasional frame skip, because nothing retro is exactly 50Hz... And that still needs to be accounted for. But that's not a 60hz vs. 50hz "jerk".. So there's that. But this year it was largely the same capture and playback tech we use at Revision, and by the same people...

(Fun fact: Evoke used to just show everything in 60Hz, for many years, including PAL retro systems... So the fact that we even _try_ to switch things _some_ things over to 50Hz these days, is an improvement.)
added on the 2024-08-31 23:09:51 by Charlie Charlie
Not sure where y'all watched the compo...

Well, presumably on the stream? Not sure if I get this insistence that everything was shown in 50 Hz, and then “oh, and of course the stream was 60 Hz” as if that doesn't count :-)

Not that having a 50 Hz stream would help that many people; I don't actually know how well browser video playback does with FreeSync or similar, and the number of people actually switching their monitors/TVs/CRTs to 50 Hz has to be pretty slim. Would probably look better on e.g. a 120 or 144 Hz screen, though. (The Solskogen stream back in the day was VFR, which was fun to do, but I'm not sure if I would recommend doing it unless you have a special interest in the subject.)
added on the 2024-08-31 23:52:06 by Sesse Sesse
Well, presumably on the stream?

The complaints above are from people who were at the party.
Then I am equally puzzled, unless the projector used had no native 50 Hz mode and just upconverted to 60 (which I guess only the Evoke organizers would know).
added on the 2024-09-01 21:41:58 by Sesse Sesse
As said, no idea what happened, if anything happened. The projector certainly supports native 50Hz (I know that because our monitors don't, and we always have to look at the big screen to make sure stuff is fluid).
added on the 2024-09-01 22:29:11 by kb_ kb_
My next demo, if I ever make one, will use the classic 1024x768 @ 43 Hz Super VGA mode to annoy compo organizers and video capture people everywhere.
added on the 2024-09-01 22:33:43 by Sesse Sesse


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