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few words from vbi, ukraine

category: residue [glöplog]
im not have a such news, dude
im dont have news abount
im waiting for... military tourism
and, all of this is заебло
весь цей час очікування, вся ця війна. ці вбиті друзі, ці новини - де хто і як...
весь цей телеграм постійний, який повний новинами щодо постійної перемоги, у якій ми вмираємо...
і ці 11 місяців, в яких я є військовим
яким я ніколи не хотів бути. зовсім. Абсолютно.
Я не став бойовим, як мої друзі. Ще чекаю цього, з дня на день.
І це – пиздець, друзі. Мені – 46. І я піду на війну. Обов’язково піду. Адже – я старший солдат вже.
І – я готуюсь до цього. Я – власник дрона Ево (zx Evo – наше все 😊), від аутел, дякуючи усім друзям зі сцени. Літаю, так, пілот вже сертифікований.
За цей час я дуже змінився. Мене не торкає музичка моя любима, я не веду сайти, я постійно в наряді – доба через добу без вихідних. І, коли я дома – це казка. Я пробую перемикнутись на щось інше - чат гпт, транс, демо… але – це все миттево. Адже зранку я в частині.
І це піздєц, панове.
Весь мій бізнес – зачинено. Працювати - неможливо. Тільки платиш за землю.
Всі замовлення – віддаєш. Тому що доба через добу – ти в наряді.
Життя – нема. Війна – навколо.
Але я ще не на фронті.
Але скоро буду.
Буду вбивати.
А хочеться жити.
added on the 2023-01-31 22:16:16 by VBI VBI
diver, nq, нахуя воно нам
added on the 2023-01-31 22:18:39 by VBI VBI
this is not my problem
this problem of al of us.
we all are target. all of us, dude.
russian rocket not decide who you are.

guys, war worldwide. lets stop this
added on the 2023-01-31 22:37:08 by VBI VBI
added on the 2023-01-31 22:37:45 by psenough psenough
Слава Україні! Будь сильним, друже! Нехай у вашій країні відновиться мир!
added on the 2023-01-31 22:38:36 by Defiance Defiance
я буду. але це занадто страшно
але я БУДУ.
added on the 2023-01-31 22:41:46 by VBI VBI
added on the 2023-01-31 22:42:31 by Defiance Defiance
take care.
added on the 2023-02-01 08:01:10 by nosfe nosfe
:( I hope every day reading the news that this will end tomorrow.
added on the 2023-02-01 09:29:31 by v3nom v3nom
Good luck out there, VBI. :,(
It is so damn sad to read such words on pouet, but these are the times we live in, due to damn Russia's invasion. VBI, I wish you the best of luck, so that you get back alive and there will be a Ukrainian victory. I am certain about that. Буде перемога та зустрінемся на найкращих демопатi, де Evo знову буде тилькi назва комп'ютера, а не дрона.
added on the 2023-02-03 00:18:58 by dipswitch dipswitch
Be safe and keep your sanity, VBI. <3
added on the 2023-02-03 02:23:38 by Zavie Zavie
I am maintaining a direct link with Ukraine hams over shortwave, it’s mostly for their peace of mind. We exchange messages and keep pushing experimental features out onto the node systems to enable them to access the internet via extremely narrowband and slow links.

If interested, here is the relevant info for any demo-hams that may also be in Ukraine unaware of the (lack of) restrictions:


Stay safe VBI.
added on the 2023-02-03 02:41:59 by m0d m0d
Every word you say is true. I been travelling alongside frontline for the last 2 months and it's totally fucked up. I don't see how Russia can win this but neither there's imminent Ukraine's victory in sight. This may still go on for a long time.. Wish you all the luck and power to pull thru this!
added on the 2023-02-03 07:29:46 by raver raver
I hope for a quick end of this madness. Stay safe VBI.
added on the 2023-02-03 09:34:04 by El Topo El Topo
:'( stay safe and take care of yourself!

..one day we'll make a bunch of cool stuff together after the victory of the light side...i hope
added on the 2023-02-03 10:48:06 by wbcbz7 wbcbz7
i hope your are still well and alive, VBI! please do make a short post here when you read this.
added on the 2024-08-24 21:32:02 by dipswitch dipswitch
If you must resort to violence, then you've already lost.

humanity has a screw loose in that regard and it's so sad to hear that you are drawn into this against your will.

lost for words, hope you are still around :-(
added on the 2024-08-24 22:57:02 by bsp bsp
i am hoping, too, for humanity's loose screw.
added on the 2024-08-24 23:07:16 by gentleman gentleman
«Коли ти проходиш через пекло... продовжуй!»
- Вінстон Черчилль
added on the 2024-08-26 11:12:31 by tomcatmwi tomcatmwi
Нет никакой Украины. Когда Лондон официально просит у Пентагона разрешения для ракетного удара ВСУ, говорить о том что война идёт с Украиной может только круглый идиот. Россия воюет с США и его подстилками на территории Украины. Это не прекратится пока не кончится США. Потому что когда закончатся украинцы, на той же земле будут воевать поляки, чехи и далее по списку. Воевать не за что-то конкретное, а просто с Россией. Единственный выход здесь: появление национальных правительств в Европе, которые вернут независимость своим народам. Если этого не случится, на планете останутся Китай и США. Без Европы и России. И уж, конечно, без Украины.

There is no Ukraine. When London officially asks the Pentagon for permission for a missile strike by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, only a complete idiot can say that there is a war with Ukraine. Russia is fighting the United States and its proxies on Ukrainian territory. This will not stop until the United States is gone. Because when the Ukrainians leave, then the Poles, Czechs and so on will fight on the same land. Not for anything specific, but simply with Russia. The only way out here is the emergence of national governments in Europe that will return independence to their peoples. If this does not happen, then China and the USA will remain on the planet. Without Europe and Russia. And, of course, without Ukraine.
added on the 2024-08-26 15:24:15 by aGGreSSor aGGreSSor
Aggressor (what a fitting name), а может ты просто пойдешь нахуй? Тоже мне нашел подходящий тред для своих Z-высеров.
added on the 2024-08-26 15:51:00 by dipswitch dipswitch
@dipswitch Ты даже материшься по-русски, безмозглое. Кто тебе сказал что это твой тред? =E
added on the 2024-08-26 16:12:01 by aGGreSSor aGGreSSor
Indeed, there's no Ukraine - or there is, depends how you look at it. Call it a Schrödinger's country. Their situation is somewhat similar to Hungary's in late WW2. Everybody knew "our" government was a bunch of puppets, who unlawfully overthrew the lawful government, Their orders were coming from Berlin at the time, and neither Hungarian lives nor our country mattered to them, regardless of their propaganda. We knew we weren't really fighting for our country, there will be no victory and no freedom at the end. Yet our soldiers still fought tooth and nail, because it was still Hungarian land the Soviets were invading, and it was our people who were suffering. There was no winning or losing, just duty and honor.

But I don't think pouet needs politics, particularly in this direction.
added on the 2024-08-26 16:12:24 by tomcatmwi tomcatmwi
English please.

Also, I'm pretty sure pro-colonialism exceeds the moderation tolerance, so... I'd recommend reining it in.
added on the 2024-08-26 16:14:15 by Gargaj Gargaj


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