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Pouët should have a group chat.

category: general [glöplog]
then again maybe i'd better shut up because as a non-developer i can't really fathom how much time and effort it would take in reality so yeah
added on the 2019-01-16 10:22:42 by nagz nagz
Let me elaborate a bit more on this: the idea for SceneID is to provide a set of services that are generally annoying to implement and can kickstart more projects, and/or aid existing projects (like Demozoo) with features where the annoying/intricate parts are taken care of: user registration is typically one of these, and PMs are another, and there's probably a few more that I didn't think of yet. The idea is always to look ahead and on a bigger picture rather than causing sites to reimplement the same feature a thousand times.

In terms of complication, I don't think it is, especially because 1) based on numbers Pouet is outnumbering other sites in SceneID users with an order of magnitude, so whatever Pouet does is pretty much the standard and 2) most of the same concerns of privacy/encryption/UX wouldn't go away if it would be a Pouet-local feature.
added on the 2019-01-16 10:32:18 by Gargaj Gargaj
got it and sorry
added on the 2019-01-16 10:35:26 by nagz nagz

saying this since not many people fill their contact info on their Pouet bio.

Maybe an optional email field on the profile could make sense?

I tend to put my email in public in every forum/site, but I just realized it was not on pouet since, well, no really incentive to do so.
added on the 2019-01-16 11:13:54 by wullon wullon

Maybe an optional email field on the profile could make sense?

I tend to put my email in public in every forum/site, but I just realized it was not on pouet since, well, no really incentive to do so.

i'd be comfortable with that ONLY IF that field would be available to logged-in users only :)
added on the 2019-01-16 11:50:38 by nagz nagz
let's use diaspora!
added on the 2019-01-16 14:33:12 by el mal el mal
FYI a demoscene slack was created in early 2016.
~80 people are on it but it's a ghost town.
I guess sceners prefer IRC in the end.

Also there are probably a few dozens of private slack/discord of groups out there.

I'm surprised there is no more interest in a public Discord.
Well let's see actually: DEMOSCENE DISCORD

First I ever heard of either, tbh. I'm guessing that widespread adoption would have to be pushed by a significant body in the scene. Off the top of my head I can only really think of Pouet or Revision that would fit the "significant enough" category.

I think a demoscene slack would be awesome, amongst other things because I can't be fucked with connecting to irc on my phone. I have tried a couple of times, but it's just too much hassle. Also, I want my notifications, simple sharing from other apps, embedded media, sharing files (no, DCC is not a usable alternative) and so on.
Slack basically provides every irc feature I care about, on every platform I use.

And even though a lot of people is still on irc, the ratio of "there, but idle" clients are ever increasing (including mine).
added on the 2019-01-16 14:57:02 by lug00ber lug00ber
Actually some additional optional contact information fields would help already, no?
added on the 2019-01-16 17:15:37 by wertstahl wertstahl
someone should bring lively back with the virtual Breakpoint room!

BB Image
BB Image
added on the 2019-01-16 18:51:04 by el mal el mal
well, we can open a sandbox game (like garry's mod) room instead :D
added on the 2019-01-16 19:15:21 by 100bit 100bit
After all those years of slack and discord usage, i switched back to mibbit irc and guess what these casual talks are best.
added on the 2019-04-18 08:33:11 by ezukax ezukax
Let's set up a Second Life/Singularity cyberspace thingy so we can finally spend our glöps on virtual furniture!
added on the 2019-04-18 08:55:39 by El Topo El Topo
There's also always the option of Telegram, of course.
added on the 2019-04-18 13:29:23 by lynn lynn
That discord link is invalid. So is there a pouet or general Demoscene discord now?
added on the 2019-11-30 03:32:58 by elend elend
irc is not a group chat?

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what is the problem?
added on the 2019-11-30 06:08:44 by gentleman gentleman
how about chatting via scrollers in prods? might help to decelerate these hectic times ;)
I missed this thread I think, but FYI I'm one of the founders of TalkJS. The express purpose of our product is making it super easy to add DM chats and small group chats to sites and apps. It includes a customizable UI, full email/sms/push notification system, message persistence, and a proper developer-friendly JS SDK.

In full disclosure: Our support for large slack/twitch/discord style group chats is currently lacking, but if the good folks running SceneID and the connected sites would like a SceneID-based direct messaging system than I'd be glad to sponsor an unlimited-usage TalkJS account. Plugging it in there should be a matter of hours, at most.

Gargaj, or whoever else is involved: contact me at egbert at our domain name if interested.
added on the 2019-11-30 11:38:23 by skrebbel skrebbel
There is no point in aimless chatter, it’s better to write a demo
added on the 2019-11-30 14:24:39 by g0blinish g0blinish
skrebbel: I'm pretty sure a link (or webirc thingy) to #revision or #pouet.net on IRCnet is more effective
added on the 2019-11-30 15:49:36 by porocyon porocyon
IRC is the greatest, says 1995-me
added on the 2019-11-30 16:22:02 by farfar farfar
Yeah. But I agree on the "sucks on mobile device" comment...
added on the 2019-11-30 22:21:28 by raer raer
That discord link is invalid. So is there a pouet or general Demoscene discord now?

https://discord.gg/MCDXrrB should still work.
added on the 2019-12-01 14:02:55 by Gargaj Gargaj
skrebbel: I'm pretty sure a link (or webirc thingy) to #revision or #pouet.net on IRCnet is more effective

Sure thing, and I'm all good with that :-) TBH I don't think I'd use either feature much. All I want to say is, should Gargaj & co decide that Pouet and/or SceneID needs a nice DM feature than we're happy to help power it, and save lots of dev time that would probably be better spent on more piledrivers. :-)
added on the 2019-12-02 09:13:21 by skrebbel skrebbel
I think pouet need some new boobs. I don't like to see my own anymore.
added on the 2019-12-02 12:17:57 by .. ..
wtf i did not wrote that!
added on the 2021-08-11 23:38:38 by .. ..


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