Random "work in progress" shots
category: general [glöplog]
URL to store?
If one buys 2, will he get the demo for free? :D
URL coming when and if they approve my designs :D
I suppose that's the "in progress" bit then :D
My Super Scatterbrained Elysium Writeup 9000 is here! Came in quite late, but hey, it's something. :)
Also some random WIP shots from [the prod](http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=68375):

Final operator graph:

Thanks again [for all the support so far](http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=68375); it means a ton, and this was a super fun project for us. Plenty more where that came from :)
Also some random WIP shots from [the prod](http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=68375):

Final operator graph:

Thanks again [for all the support so far](http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=68375); it means a ton, and this was a super fun project for us. Plenty more where that came from :)

Not sure if I should continue working on this or not.
looks good. not sure about the text though ;)

TomoAlien: This font makes it looks like it's made by Elitegroup.
Sega Master System project state machine work in progress...
I really wanted to have a system where everything is driven with a bytecode script state machine, so here's keeping it simple and trying stuff out:

I really wanted to have a system where everything is driven with a bytecode script state machine, so here's keeping it simple and trying stuff out:

I do find all sorts of structures in cellular automata. this type of 4-color automata has 3.4028~e^38 rules. this one has a simple initial condition, and the rule is choosen at random:

rudi: the second screeny you posted looks like a pyramid erupting lava! ;) This is worth a tinytro for sure! :)

A scene from "Resident Evil" with shadowmapping in *Dead Deer*. 5 minutes to set up from .obj data.

hardy: im not sure how (or if its possible) to animate it. also the rule there is lost, becayse there are so many, and i didnt store this number. maybe some time in the future i can implement into a tinytro, but i dont actually do this right now.
here's some more for experiments (these use only 1 neighbour):

here's some more for experiments (these use only 1 neighbour):

continuing on the same way, with some performing in mind:

Demos That Never Were:

This was meant to be a 64k with the theme being that it was an alien transmission full of abstract 3D objects.

A rather interesting multilayer effect. Looks really good in motion.

This was meant to be another 64k with a very limited color palette (the screenshot is pretty much what the demo's color scheme would be). It was given a temporary name of "krulik", which is an intentional misspelling of the polish word for bunny.

GEOM was meant to be a very experimental demo with a harsh polygonal look with a bit of glitch aesthetic. Inspired by Satori's INCYBER. Didn't really get anywhere with it.

"Heart of the City". Was meant to be a 64k with the theme revolving around the titular heart. Because this is real ugly I cancelled it.

This is some early stuff. You might remember that I've posted this scene in this thread a few years back.

This is also a thing I've posted here before. I was experimenting with AO in Werkkzeug1.
I actually wanted to build a demo on this, but ultimately I didn't.
Now for some non-demos, but still shareworthy pics IMO:

There's no post-processing on that picture. This object is pretty much me testing out various mesh-related operators in Werkkzeug1.

This is a model of a DJDAO FP7 EMP controller. What makes it special is that I made it only out of Werkkzeug1 operators. I made it this way so I could use it in a 64k demo.
So yeah, a bunch of unreleased Werkkzeug1 junk I did over the years.

This was meant to be a 64k with the theme being that it was an alien transmission full of abstract 3D objects.

A rather interesting multilayer effect. Looks really good in motion.

This was meant to be another 64k with a very limited color palette (the screenshot is pretty much what the demo's color scheme would be). It was given a temporary name of "krulik", which is an intentional misspelling of the polish word for bunny.

GEOM was meant to be a very experimental demo with a harsh polygonal look with a bit of glitch aesthetic. Inspired by Satori's INCYBER. Didn't really get anywhere with it.

"Heart of the City". Was meant to be a 64k with the theme revolving around the titular heart. Because this is real ugly I cancelled it.

This is some early stuff. You might remember that I've posted this scene in this thread a few years back.

This is also a thing I've posted here before. I was experimenting with AO in Werkkzeug1.
I actually wanted to build a demo on this, but ultimately I didn't.
Now for some non-demos, but still shareworthy pics IMO:

There's no post-processing on that picture. This object is pretty much me testing out various mesh-related operators in Werkkzeug1.

This is a model of a DJDAO FP7 EMP controller. What makes it special is that I made it only out of Werkkzeug1 operators. I made it this way so I could use it in a 64k demo.
So yeah, a bunch of unreleased Werkkzeug1 junk I did over the years.