Sundown 2014 - 20-22. June in Budleigh Salterton
category: parties [glöplog]
All you have to do is call!
who is pizzaboy?
He's the guy who delivered lug00ber's pizza, then stayed for half of the main demo competition :D
He sat by me at the front when the compo started, then kept asking a ton of questions and telling me he had to leave, i had no idea who he was or why he was asking so many questions and why he had to leave in the middle of the compo :D Then he stood up, and I saw the pizza delivery bag. Sooo funny :D
Just a little reminder that sundown accepts remote entries... time to dust of that half finished pic or tune and get them sent in!
Can someone invent the teleporter as their entry please?
this teleporter called "stream":)
Tonight, lug00ber arrives at Unstable towers. Needless to say the inevitable pre-party will get under way... there might even be an impromptu broadcast somewhere ;)
looking forwards to this. The anticipation is strong!
Best weather I've ever been inside a dark hall for :D
Budleigh has turned the charm knob to 11, lovely day!
Also, my bead & breakfast has a nice little dog who likes to be petted and carry a tennis ball around. Massive wins all around so far :)
Budleigh has turned the charm knob to 11, lovely day!
Also, my bead & breakfast has a nice little dog who likes to be petted and carry a tennis ball around. Massive wins all around so far :)
charm knob
charm knob
Sundown 2014 Sofascener:
@quadriga: cheers for the tatos! Much appreciated, and sooooo much better than walkers :)
Live stream:
That was a LOT of night bacon. A crazy amount of bacon. I think we brought about 2kg of pig BACK from the beach.
Big props to CGI for bringing floodlights and lighting up the cliffs for awesome atmosphere :D
Big props to CGI for bringing floodlights and lighting up the cliffs for awesome atmosphere :D
too bad the stream was a bit small and not fullscreen at the compos. but very stable and entertaining, especially the music quiz :)
is there a recording of the music quiz somewhere? it's about the only thing i missed :O

A short time-lapse of the beach bonfire last night. Thanks to cgi for converting to gif.
This was a lovely party, oh wait .. it still is! It'll be over soon, noooo! ...
Thank you Ruairi and the team for another wonderful Sundown weekend, will relive all that happened in my mind during the coach trip / flight home!
Thank you Ruairi and the team for another wonderful Sundown weekend, will relive all that happened in my mind during the coach trip / flight home!
g0blinish : if this prod was (accidentaly) disregarded by the organizers of the Sundown demoparty, what prevent you from releasing it at another party ?
(ooops, sorry, I've no idea why I posted this in the wrong thread, stupid me... :))
How bad that we couldn't come to this years party :( Anyway we'll try next year... and atleast my entry can't be forgotten to put into partymeister then :D
I REALLY do hope I'll get to it next year!
missed it was at the summerplace in Dalarna send a ping when everything is uploaded :)