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Open sourcing pouet.net ?

category: offtopic [glöplog]
Yeah come on dudes.

-You submitted data to pouet so others see it, i.o.w. so it be public.
-It actually already IS public, you could slurp it off the site if you're dedicated to do so.
-You never really submitted your stuff to a specific "owner", did you? Just to the public. Is Gargaj your audience or is the scene?

So what's public already should finally be properly public.
added on the 2013-05-11 13:42:36 by vibrator vibrator
vibrator: We're working on it.
added on the 2013-05-11 14:03:29 by D.Fox D.Fox
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added on the 2013-05-11 14:13:40 by ___ ___
dip: Just as a heads up - you can perhaps demand that all your comments/posts get deleted with your account, but the prods you added? Nope. You've got exactly zero rights to that information (because pure facts aren't copyrightable) and this is perfectly fine. Seriously, stop the hissy fits already.
added on the 2013-05-11 14:18:15 by kb_ kb_
analogue: you're just being a dick. stop being so private on stuff, and let the community benefit from your work. get over it, now, it's motherfucking time.
oh, and this one's for you. we're all on the right. don't you feel alone on the left?
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added on the 2013-05-11 14:32:41 by iks iks
Wow! 40 pages! With all the same effort put in this thread pouet 2.0 should have been finished by now ;)
added on the 2013-05-11 14:41:01 by Parasight Parasight
D.Fox: Good =) I support that!
added on the 2013-05-11 14:56:31 by vibrator vibrator
The worst part for me is the disrespectful way towards people who contributed to this site during all the years, be it maintainers, glöperators, users or whatever (means: the community). Demotivating engaged hobbyists from above feels just unnecessary. Also, what alkama said.
added on the 2013-05-11 15:07:35 by fiveofive fiveofive
so, did someone broke the prod submit thingy? getting some weird errors now
added on the 2013-05-11 16:33:46 by nosfe nosfe
"Wow! 40 pages!"
seriously. WTF. and the only posts making any sence are knoekis.
added on the 2013-05-11 17:25:29 by groepaz groepaz
groepaz wins
added on the 2013-05-11 18:17:38 by wysiwtf wysiwtf
OMG... Demo scene DRAMA :)
added on the 2013-05-11 18:31:27 by ltk_tscc ltk_tscc

I want to give my apologies to you guys -- the scene keeping pouet alive -- for having done more bad than good, while trying to do the reverse.

I reacted when I should have thought about things more, and listened more.

I'm also sorry to all the sceners that I know, you know who you are, and thank you for helping me understand what really happened here. It sure is a lesson.

I'm not gonna talk in place of other people, Garg especially, but know that things are being worked out.

If you have any concern about pouet, feel free to ask.

I hope some of you will accept my apologies.

added on the 2013-05-11 18:39:42 by analogue analogue
groepaz wins

I don't think anyone can win here.
added on the 2013-05-11 18:40:26 by Tomoya Tomoya
I guess I can already answer the db dump question, kb_ sum it up pretty well with good words:
you can perhaps demand that all your comments/posts get deleted with your account, but the prods you added? Nope. You've got exactly zero rights to that information (because pure facts aren't copyrightable) and this is perfectly fine.

Facts (demos, groups, parties, ...) can be exported without any problem, even if X don't submit a demo, Y will some day, and if it's wrong, Z will fix it. X does not own it.
But opinions, like votes, comments, and BBS posts, that's another story. I'm not even speaking about accounts, IPs and moderation logs.

But if Garg feels cool about this, he can do it, I won't interfere. I just don't feel like being responsible for this.
added on the 2013-05-11 18:41:51 by analogue analogue
Thumbs up, analogue.
added on the 2013-05-11 18:59:05 by chromag chromag
9 more posts and we end this drama!
added on the 2013-05-11 19:01:36 by panic panic
Seems like the revolution is now happening on Pouet too :)
added on the 2013-05-11 19:22:31 by vibrator vibrator
What chromag said. Thanks for listening analogue. I hope everyone else will follow your example.
added on the 2013-05-11 19:29:19 by revival revival
Analogue: please fix my account so i can add prods. Again. Thanx.
And thumbs up with à cdc for your apologies!
added on the 2013-05-11 19:39:23 by magic magic
analogue, i'm glad that you apparently have re-read the thread with a sober mind, and found the courage to apologize.

the whole debate was pretty heated, and probably i also have said things that were over the top, in which case i apologize as well.

it would be great to read a statement from gargaj on whether things have been "worked out" to his liking as well. and if so, we can hopefully get over this and move forward.
added on the 2013-05-11 19:49:26 by dipswitch dipswitch
@analogue: I accept your apology (with great relief).

Concerning the dilemma of post and comments dump, I really can't see a good reason to avoid such thing.

All that info is already public (here are all my comments in prods for instance) and you do not need to login in order to see it. So what's the problem?
added on the 2013-05-11 19:52:13 by ham ham
the point of conflict here is having the data backup? if so wouldn't be convenient to make a crawler to retrieve all data within this site??
added on the 2013-05-11 19:59:37 by panic panic
okay you motherfuckers, I'll throw myself on my sword ... here is post #998. Only 2 left!
added on the 2013-05-11 21:42:25 by farfar farfar
Short version: All the personal misunderstanding bullshit has been dealt with, I have access again, whee.

So now back to our original situation: The sources are now all open (yay?) but the DB is still a disaster, and the next-stage-development is still a bit of a blur. I would very much like to resume work on my 2.0 codebase so we can at least have the prospect of migrating and then clearing up the DB in sight, whether open or not open (in terms of crowd-sourcing) is not a factor for me and I'll leave that up to the masses to decide. Again, after we switched to 2.0 and cleaned up the DB, we'll be a lot more open towards going with newer standards, but at this point I do believe we need an intermediate step towards it, a step where we actually can cease dealing with leftover / legacy crap, the site working and adding new features not being a pain. So that's my umpteenth proposal once again.

As far as the db dumps go, I'm gonna send Netpoet an email and ask about the legalities. If he says go, I can throw one out after cleaning out the non-public / personal data.
added on the 2013-05-11 21:45:11 by Gargaj Gargaj


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