"Fate", game by m101
category: offtopic [glöplog]
hey dudes
I searched teh topics and found that this oldskool BBS HADN'T TOPIC about awesome game "Fate" by m101. I was completely shocked & disoriented, and I decieded to open it.
Well, this project is quite old now and it's not such impressive as .kkrieger is, but... it's just funny.
"Fate" is a hacker simulator. You're playing as somebody living in bash, who have to perform some funny tasks for teh m101...
You can reach the end of missions in few minutes, if you're t3h h4rdc0r3 h4xx0r, but if you are lamer such as me, you'll need some time to beat all quests. BUT you'll recieve a lot of pleasure and even some experience in UNIX using & hacking, I'm promising it!
Some _very_ _advanced_ _guys_ may play it just for lulz.
Ahh yeah.
Teh size of game is 64kb only, and it runs under windows.
All *AMAZING FACT* for free. Source partly aviable...
Some eyecancer screenshot from offfficial site:

P.S. If you're can't beat teh tasks, read the sources and/or read information m101 providing on has site.
And yeah, his site is VERY useful and interesting for beginners in computer security.
So don't miss your chance, stop throllin' around on pouët.net and BE A LAMAH!11
P.S.№2 Pleace forgive my veryVERYvery bad English. I am damn russian schoolkiddie.
forever yours,
b0nus, the pouët.net infamous flooder
I searched teh topics and found that this oldskool BBS HADN'T TOPIC about awesome game "Fate" by m101. I was completely shocked & disoriented, and I decieded to open it.
Well, this project is quite old now and it's not such impressive as .kkrieger is, but... it's just funny.
"Fate" is a hacker simulator. You're playing as somebody living in bash, who have to perform some funny tasks for teh m101...
You can reach the end of missions in few minutes, if you're t3h h4rdc0r3 h4xx0r, but if you are lamer such as me, you'll need some time to beat all quests. BUT you'll recieve a lot of pleasure and even some experience in UNIX using & hacking, I'm promising it!
Some _very_ _advanced_ _guys_ may play it just for lulz.
Ahh yeah.
Teh size of game is 64kb only, and it runs under windows.
All *AMAZING FACT* for free. Source partly aviable...
Some eyecancer screenshot from offfficial site:

P.S. If you're can't beat teh tasks, read the sources and/or read information m101 providing on has site.
And yeah, his site is VERY useful and interesting for beginners in computer security.
So don't miss your chance, stop throllin' around on pouët.net and BE A LAMAH!11
P.S.№2 Pleace forgive my veryVERYvery bad English. I am damn russian schoolkiddie.
forever yours,
b0nus, the pouët.net infamous flooder
sudo -i
That's nothing like real hacking. Anyone who's ever seen a hacking movie knows it's all done in 3D.
[Window Title]
The version of this file is not compatible with the version of Windows you're running. Check your computer's system information to see whether you need an x86 (32-bit) or x64 (64-bit) version of the program, and then contact the software publisher.
The version of this file is not compatible with the version of Windows you're running. Check your computer's system information to see whether you need an x86 (32-bit) or x64 (64-bit) version of the program, and then contact the software publisher.
task one of the hacking is to actually make it run on a REAL os!
Maali, LOL.
fun film.
I hate everything that reminds me of that stupid Hackers movie.
I'm so understanding you. Even because I'd never seen this shitty movie, I hate it and all around it...
i'd prefer:

that's how real hackers operate/behave/look like!!

that's how real hackers operate/behave/look like!!
love that movie
so a game about security on linux only available for windows? nice..
they suggest a bash shell but, but since a lot of commands don't exists it kinda ruins the power of suggestion imho.
nemesis, yeah. m101 promiced to port Fate to other platforms but... but he decieded to fuck it :)
numtek, it's for very beginners (e.g. lamers), not for linuxoids!!1
numtek, it's for very beginners (e.g. lamers), not for linuxoids!!1
it says god sex on that lady.
I've lol'd.
I've lol'd.
I consider myself ultimately trolled

The game does not actually have an ending. This can be confirmed by diggin' the source (http://www.fatetek.net/fate.cpp), reading carefully the readme-file provided with the game, and by using the supahsecret command "saifa" to enter the "debug-mode" and trying to set the storyline variable greater than 7. (You can't get back to the irc-server which advances the story after every successful hack.)
Also the imagenary linux enviroinment is horribly fucked up, theres no cmdline-history nor proper parameter functionalities. Also the level of difficulty rises from 1 to ovah 9000 at one point. This still was a bearable experience while being enough drunk in order to be able of not giving a fuck.
Maybe I should GMADAI.

The game does not actually have an ending. This can be confirmed by diggin' the source (http://www.fatetek.net/fate.cpp), reading carefully the readme-file provided with the game, and by using the supahsecret command "saifa" to enter the "debug-mode" and trying to set the storyline variable greater than 7. (You can't get back to the irc-server which advances the story after every successful hack.)
Also the imagenary linux enviroinment is horribly fucked up, theres no cmdline-history nor proper parameter functionalities. Also the level of difficulty rises from 1 to ovah 9000 at one point. This still was a bearable experience while being enough drunk in order to be able of not giving a fuck.
Maybe I should GMADAI.
Forget me, iikori :)