The Most Remarkable Album On This Entire Planet
category: music [glöplog]
Why will it be remarkable? Why only €6000?
Why? Firstly, because it says so, secondly, because it will be made with only €6000. Thirdly, ???. Fourthly, Profit!
Well good luck and have fun? :)
So, what about his grand movie career? Postponed, I guess. ;)
Die Ewigkeit nervt.
lol, iz dat sum MASAGIN?

"MOST remarkable on the ENTIRE..."
is that hyperbole really necessary? you haven't even made the thing yet.
is that hyperbole really necessary? you haven't even made the thing yet.
you haven't even made the thing yet.
That doesn't forbid you to choose the album title beforehand! :)))
Well, the title doesn't specify which planet.
€6500 for 3 months worth of coke in hamburg? sounds like a great deal to me!!!1 \o/
(someone had to insinuate it! :))
(someone had to insinuate it! :))
This Entire Planet May Now !
(someone had to make this lame joke! :))
(someone had to make this lame joke! :))
Am I the only one getting tired of these kind of "sponsor us" happenings?
no you are not.
Jah!, auf wiedersehen.

@xernobyl: i don't know why it will be remarkable, but it will be - let alone for the fact that it's entirely fan-funded, which is still rare. we (sylvia & me) will work that out along the way. our first calculation was like $20,000 for six months (a double CD album). we cut it down heavily because we were afraid we couldn't raise it.
@crosbow: thank you very much, we do need it.
@tomaes: indeed postponed. i'm turning 30 this year. this is going to be my last album, and i want to get it right this time. for once, a thought-out concept made with enough time to care about all the details. I've got no doubt i can pull that off.
@vibrator: what saga_musix said. it's just to give you an idea. otherwise you might think it's ironic.
@4mat: i will check it out and steal its repertoire ;)
@jua: THIS planet.
@rowley birkin: €6500 buys you about 65 grams of coke. that doesn't last even a month, i heard.
@puryx: sponsoring requests are usually for constructive things. you are expected to evaluate and ask questions, and in the end support the project or kindly deny.
@trc_wm: if we didn't do that you would think we're trying to hide the fact that we are german.
@calexico: someone who cares enough to make a free professional grade album is not an attention whore. an attention whore is someone who posts derogatory pictures on Pouet.
@defiance: your picture and the one above is the only bullshit i see around here.
@crosbow: thank you very much, we do need it.
@tomaes: indeed postponed. i'm turning 30 this year. this is going to be my last album, and i want to get it right this time. for once, a thought-out concept made with enough time to care about all the details. I've got no doubt i can pull that off.
@vibrator: what saga_musix said. it's just to give you an idea. otherwise you might think it's ironic.
@4mat: i will check it out and steal its repertoire ;)
@jua: THIS planet.
@rowley birkin: €6500 buys you about 65 grams of coke. that doesn't last even a month, i heard.
@puryx: sponsoring requests are usually for constructive things. you are expected to evaluate and ask questions, and in the end support the project or kindly deny.
@trc_wm: if we didn't do that you would think we're trying to hide the fact that we are german.
@calexico: someone who cares enough to make a free professional grade album is not an attention whore. an attention whore is someone who posts derogatory pictures on Pouet.
@defiance: your picture and the one above is the only bullshit i see around here.
Pretentious crap.

while reading the topic i instantly thought it must have something to do with paniq...
@cerror: don't be ridiculous. everything we do is pretentious crap.
@defiance: right. guess who's the veteran here, and who is not. now show me some more funny pictures!
@xenusion: it's telepathic!
@defiance: right. guess who's the veteran here, and who is not. now show me some more funny pictures!
@xenusion: it's telepathic!
Well, basically to put it that way: I prefer the old paniq.