Stuff we've seen on ASMtv
category: general [glöplog]
you don't need beer to appreciate evilpaul and sir garbagetruck. but you can appreciate a beer with them.

The Extreme Graphics Compo Studio was marvelous! I've always felt that that compo was utterly senseless, and I was really surprised that they repeated it for this year after last year's fiasco. But I could not have expressed it more clearly than Truck did. Thank you Truck! :-D
Next year we'll have Extreme Demo Compo. 4k, 64k and full demos on all platforms in one single compo! \o/
Happy birthday Keops, we love you. Thank you okkie and Truck :D

i vote for extreme extreme compos.
graphics, music, animation and intros/demos - old and new hardware alike - in one.
that would be 4-5 times the fun!!1
graphics, music, animation and intros/demos - old and new hardware alike - in one.
that would be 4-5 times the fun!!1
yeh, happy birthday keops.. 40 next year will be quite special!

ted: ... that'd be the compo

tomoya screenshotted the sign best
how about some stuff we've heard on ASMtv? been trying to find the tune (chip sound sort of) played before and after the old school demo compo. anyone?
I really like the yellow'ish intro for the things.
FYI: The tune that's playing along to the "yellowish intro" (that's maybe also what komox means) is "Miriel" by nightbeat.
thx Saga!
You're welcome. This intro has actually been used in the past year(s) as well and I found the module coincidentally a few months after the last Assembly.
Incidentally, for those who didn't ask if you could crash at my place during Assembly:
My apartment is undergoing plumbing renovation for the next several months and water is cut off regularly. In fact, next week, I won't actually HAVE a bathroom.
So I can't really shave that often.
I have heard from many folks I should just keep it, but I'm trying to figure out what I'm gonna _do_ with it... I'm thinking horizontal Kerry King stripes or Muttonchoppage/Fu Manchu. Dunno yet.
My apartment is undergoing plumbing renovation for the next several months and water is cut off regularly. In fact, next week, I won't actually HAVE a bathroom.
So I can't really shave that often.
I have heard from many folks I should just keep it, but I'm trying to figure out what I'm gonna _do_ with it... I'm thinking horizontal Kerry King stripes or Muttonchoppage/Fu Manchu. Dunno yet.
Shave it and donate it as a prize to one of the smaller parties...
It fits you well, sexy boy.
Oh, yes. The music played this year on is all from scenesat radio. It's our 320kbit mp3 stream. You can get more info at - and you can also download our past shows - and all upcoming shows (including the one I'll do later about Asm/Bzm.)
I don't know how much of a delay the feed is on, but if it's close to realtime, you should be able to get the
We try to feature stuff from the scene as well as from netlabels related to the scene, like Kahvi, Petite and Joilie, Camomille, Enough... etc.
Anyway we're happy folks are liking it (:
I don't know how much of a delay the feed is on, but if it's close to realtime, you should be able to get the
We try to feature stuff from the scene as well as from netlabels related to the scene, like Kahvi, Petite and Joilie, Camomille, Enough... etc.
Anyway we're happy folks are liking it (:
you should be able to get the NAME of the TRACK.
I go to BED now I am TIRED. That was the ORIGINAL plan anyway. WHY did I decide to see if I had to explain... oh yes the message from Maali about my looking like... someone other than J. Mascis.
I go to BED now I am TIRED. That was the ORIGINAL plan anyway. WHY did I decide to see if I had to explain... oh yes the message from Maali about my looking like... someone other than J. Mascis.

Bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha - suits you SIR!
things I've seen:
1. businessmen selling gated-communities for developers.
2. finnish audiences afraid to ask anything
1. businessmen selling gated-communities for developers.
2. finnish audiences afraid to ask anything
Yeah, point 2 definitely seems to be the case. "Do you have any questions?" Blink-blink. Stare. Silence. Applause.
They did ask questions last year and the year before (iirc). Maybe all those "businessmen showing business simulation commercials" sessions are simply not that interesting. =)