Hypothetically speaking, would you go to a new year's eve demoparty?
category: general [glöplog]
Well, would you?
Or well maybe...
Yup. Normally I go to ravesat NYE, so this would be a bit alike.
if it's not too far away, definitely :)
+ space
Afraid family comes first, so that'd be a no from me being i only see them a couple of times a year :(
I would, new years is usually spent at home, maybe with lee_n just playing games etc... but then again, there is usually parties to visit between xmas and newyears as well...
There's TUM one or 2 days earlier. But it's not the same! It has no fireworks.
Oh hell no.
Oh hell yes.
I usually go to some place to get drunk on new year's eve. Might as well be a demoparty then :)
come to Nurupo! D.C., NYE thru Jan 4th. \o/
If it was in Berlin.
Actually, TUM looks really nice. Scratch Berlin.
TUM is really nice. i don't need another party 2 days after it.
hell yes
I think what xernobyl means is:
Hypothetically speaking, would you go to a new year's eve demoparty in Lisbon, Portugal?
and I definitely would.
Hypothetically speaking, would you go to a new year's eve demoparty in Lisbon, Portugal?
and I definitely would.
Oh hell yes.
for sho'.
let the party place scoping activities begin....
no, i got friends 'n shit who want me on real newyear parties
anyone who tries to distract you from the scene is not your friend.
Let's just move the TUM date by two days. Nice idea though.