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Why do BITS still release demos?

category: residue [glöplog]
And the thumb down brigade comes up every now and then over on the "New releases" place. Successful trolling, perhaps?
added on the 2009-07-19 16:17:07 by Joghurt Joghurt
that dude isn't sane
Why don't the communists go to hell (where they live so good with paranormal powers)?
and Capitalist U.S.A. rule the Earth (where Humans learn to live in the Real World)?
added on the 2009-07-19 16:39:58 by BITS BITS

I don't have to stand so many years of robbed/stealled Life,
together with the communist/paranormal/alien/criminal minorities.

When I could be living in the broad World, programming for a good price.

Telepathy and Home siege are illegal in the North West of the Earth.

SOLO of BITS (bits.atari.org)
added on the 2009-07-19 16:44:48 by BITS BITS
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added on the 2009-07-19 16:58:28 by havoc havoc
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added on the 2009-07-19 17:08:13 by Shockwave Shockwave
here's a picture of a steak
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added on the 2009-07-19 17:28:33 by el mal el mal
Thanks for telling me Maali, I would not have recognized what this is.
Frank Chu \o/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z21kIvY6Hx0
added on the 2009-07-19 17:44:29 by button button
here's another one then!
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added on the 2009-07-19 17:44:51 by el mal el mal
Being Welsh, I'm partial to a bit of Lamb myself.

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added on the 2009-07-19 18:22:24 by Shockwave Shockwave
This thread is lame even before the 2nd page...
added on the 2009-07-19 18:31:48 by cryer cryer
Me and parapete are waiting at Sundown by the bouncy castle. If we catch him, we're gonna give him a big chinese burn!
added on the 2009-07-19 18:31:54 by rc55 rc55
Hold him down for me so I can use him when I get there :-D
added on the 2009-07-19 18:39:14 by Shockwave Shockwave
oooer :D

just what exactly are you going to "use" him for shockwave ? :D

(also nice that you're going to sundown :))
added on the 2009-07-19 18:40:56 by keito keito
just what exactly are you going to "use" him for shockwave ?

I want to make him my bitch :-)

I am totally looking forward to my £1.50 Bacon Roll keito, hopefully I can stay for the whole party this year. I booked my time off already.
added on the 2009-07-19 18:53:46 by Shockwave Shockwave
....because BITS demos are cool!
added on the 2009-07-19 19:14:20 by Exin Exin
for profit, of course!
added on the 2009-07-19 20:00:16 by skrebbel skrebbel
Because people thumb down BITS prods.
added on the 2009-07-19 21:52:05 by elfan elfan
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added on the 2009-07-19 23:41:53 by Shockwave Shockwave
BECAUSE BITS feeds us glops \:D/ *hurray* !
added on the 2009-07-20 07:28:47 by panic panic
SoLo, how many demos have you honestly sold so far? How many people have given you honest positive feedback for your productions?

...talk about minority.
added on the 2009-07-20 11:14:53 by xTr1m xTr1m


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