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trolls of the world begone

category: general [glöplog]
Thraddash is great, and Utwig.. and I have a fondness for Spathi and Orz as well. Manouverability and mid-range utility, that's where it's at.

And regarding the Syreen.. well, it's probably not called the Penetrator for nothing.
added on the 2007-11-22 22:11:54 by Preacher Preacher
I nominate Seel for eviction on the grounds of yet two more useless crap-threads.
added on the 2007-12-02 18:50:18 by gloom gloom
gloom: and that's only if you ignore his dozens of previous threads being crappy spam about his websites :)
added on the 2007-12-02 18:51:09 by keops keops
some people are just so thick!! they wouldnt know a scener if she was double D
added on the 2007-12-02 18:56:23 by seel seel
if there is one thing i cant stand it is STALKERS like gloom and keops etc
fucking stalking people who are on to something pretty kewl
added on the 2007-12-02 19:01:53 by seel seel

You shall not pass!

(Or something)
added on the 2007-12-02 19:48:43 by _-_-__ _-_-__
problem solved. (yeah i went there.)
added on the 2007-12-02 20:11:52 by Gargaj Gargaj
All hail gargaj \o/
added on the 2007-12-02 22:22:21 by Preacher Preacher
*clicks on the Ban sign next to seels avatar* fixed.
added on the 2007-12-02 22:48:29 by raer raer
added on the 2007-12-02 23:05:45 by doomdoom doomdoom
seel, stfu already.
added on the 2007-12-02 23:49:11 by iks iks
I'm next :P

Now seriously: unban nitro :)
added on the 2007-12-02 23:58:08 by xernobyl xernobyl
Wow I thought I was the only one who still played Star Control 2
added on the 2007-12-04 16:36:45 by PieIlike PieIlike
Now my old logo looks even better :D

BB Image
added on the 2007-12-04 17:43:14 by xernobyl xernobyl
Here's a suggestion: add "history" to the "nickname"-field on any given user. Change your nickname? Don't worry, we'll save your old one for a rainy day!
added on the 2007-12-11 20:17:30 by gloom gloom
Good idea.
added on the 2007-12-11 20:19:23 by Archmage Archmage
gloom for göring
xernobyl: that page needs serious rewriting since the implementation of the ban "feature".
Nutman: note the "old" in xernobyl's post
added on the 2007-12-13 09:22:37 by stijn stijn
That text was his logo?

Fucked up guy.... ;)
pouet should have a new user password and a new user vote systems which were used in the old golden times of bbs era.
added on the 2007-12-13 09:33:53 by nosfe nosfe
nosfe: how did it work?
A member you (the rookie in this case) know has to vouch for you before the mighty sysop. Also, in order to either kill or revive the scene, let's reintroduce ye olde custom of download ratio ;)
added on the 2007-12-13 10:00:48 by d0DgE d0DgE
What happened if a member you vouched for started trolling? (Or, it was not really trolling, but some persons perceived it as trolling?)

Were you also banned then?
nosfe: best way to kill an already dead thing...
added on the 2007-12-13 10:23:13 by Zest Zest


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