A reply to speedfisters.
category: general [glöplog]
if bill gates is not hated by you, it is cool. he is a relative of mine!! :D
i dislike his m/s OS. that's all. well not much!
i dislike his m/s OS. that's all. well not much!
and yeah MAALI.. is there anyone you would like to be a relative to you: g.w.bush?
i am asking, just wondered how b/g's guys will react when they read this kind of links, or him self..millions of people saying he is their uncle/relative/grand dad and so on..
i am asking, just wondered how b/g's guys will react when they read this kind of links, or him self..millions of people saying he is their uncle/relative/grand dad and so on..
Hate the Hitter, Hit the Hatter, become a hitler :<
i hate your drug supplier
this is humor

NO THIS IS HUMOR! keep on going lads ;) especially coax

NO THIS IS HUMOR! keep on going lads ;) especially coax
maali- i dont use drugs. i am just into fin stuf, ah sorry, fun stuff
denial is the first step of addiction!
[02:13] <dubmood> HA HA HA
[02:14] <dubmood> Q: What do you think about group-rivalism? Does it help the scene?
[02:14] <dubmood> (dubmood) No, not really, it only create enemies, though sometimes you cant help it, all groups got their assholes and their good ppl, I cant see why it would help the scene, if all ppl could be friends it would be much better, I guess...
[02:14] <dubmood> this must be a fake quote!
[02:14] <dubmood> I sound like a hippie
[02:14] <dubmood> Q: What do you think about group-rivalism? Does it help the scene?
[02:14] <dubmood> (dubmood) No, not really, it only create enemies, though sometimes you cant help it, all groups got their assholes and their good ppl, I cant see why it would help the scene, if all ppl could be friends it would be much better, I guess...
[02:14] <dubmood> this must be a fake quote!
[02:14] <dubmood> I sound like a hippie
Too much time passed now for me to shut the hell up.
Dear demoman/Speedfisters, i still wait for some

fuckings from you, and that for months now.
When will you fullfill my dream again?
Sincerely yours.
Dear demoman/Speedfisters, i still wait for some
fuckings from you, and that for months now.
When will you fullfill my dream again?
Sincerely yours.
sorry irokos, i dont love you anymore.
i hope to see you at main, hope we still can be friends!?!
i hope to see you at main, hope we still can be friends!?!
Am I the only one getting a wee bit tired when fun-prod groups are at war?
What happened to the good old days, when fuckings where thrown back and forth like nothing and one could actually enjoy the show aswell?
What happened to the good old days, when fuckings where thrown back and forth like nothing and one could actually enjoy the show aswell?
Who's the grandiosa in the picture?
Dunno, but he has issues - with acne.
What happened to the good old days, when fuckings where thrown back and forth like nothing and one could actually enjoy the show aswell?
We grew up. At least most of us.

please buzzie, apply 2-3 times a day. u'll grow up from it too! chicks will love u! (if u loose about 50kg too)
demoman, how can we still be friends if you don't love me anymore?
speedfisters are dead anyway.
Preacher: judging from everything you hear, see and read about the scene, I would say that your claim is wrong. Also, patronizing sucks, so please stop it.
Don't get me wrong, I hate fun-prods and ironic fuckings too. Heartfelt, sincere and honest-to-God fuckings would actually be refreshing to see.
Don't get me wrong, I hate fun-prods and ironic fuckings too. Heartfelt, sincere and honest-to-God fuckings would actually be refreshing to see.
Hyde, just get used to it.
Preacher is the best, the most perfect and the most enjoyable scener around, if you listen to him. Everything that's done on pouet is bad, whether it is in the bbs or in any other part of that site. Criticizing is his better way of communication, thus making him more arrogant than any other person around. Oh, and whatever you'll do, you'll be considered as a lamer for him. Let me add one more thing : "Boohoo".
Preacher is the best, the most perfect and the most enjoyable scener around, if you listen to him. Everything that's done on pouet is bad, whether it is in the bbs or in any other part of that site. Criticizing is his better way of communication, thus making him more arrogant than any other person around. Oh, and whatever you'll do, you'll be considered as a lamer for him. Let me add one more thing : "Boohoo".
Hyde: I personally think that sending personal fuckings to people is the stuff for a schoolyard, not the modern scene for grownups. But yes, you do have a point.
If you define "whatever" as piss-poor productions from self-appointed oldskoolers, then yes. I respect and like a lot of sceners. The vast majority of them, in fact.
and whatever you'll do, you'll be considered as a lamer for him.
If you define "whatever" as piss-poor productions from self-appointed oldskoolers, then yes. I respect and like a lot of sceners. The vast majority of them, in fact.
Ah, didn't know you were THAT social.
@Hyde: I wholeheartedly disagree on the patronizing bit, because when you have a whole community just begging to be patronized you just have to give in every once in a while. It's not about sucking, it's about feeding all the little birds screaming in their nests.
@Preacher: There is a modern scene for grownups? Is it here, on pouet, hiding amongst all the not so grown up threads? If so, please direct me to it and I'll leave you all be.
@Preacher: There is a modern scene for grownups? Is it here, on pouet, hiding amongst all the not so grown up threads? If so, please direct me to it and I'll leave you all be.
Seems like preacher never noticed that pouet aint a representation of what we are _at all_. Go figure.
obviously this thread must be the place for grownups since buzzie is being picked upon for having acne
by a 35+ something longhaired no-life hippie.