If you do not post in this thread you are going to get sick!
category: general [glöplog]
Its true! Its the curse!
We are all sick already.
...what if i'm sick already?
You are getting sick++!
You're all sick bastards anyway (not to even mention about sick dutch fucks)
to be sick kicks ass.
To be sick is to kick ass?
a pozt-a-day keepz teh doctor away?
my life is sick, i hope it'll change with that post. *prays*.
I'm sick already.

+5 karma!
better safe than sorry...
I'm already hiphop ill...
you guys are sick.
now if you started reading this dont stop its really scary!ok send this to five other videos in 143 minutes. when you are done press F6 and your crushes name will appear on the screen in big letters this is weird because it does work. If you break this chance you wont have a crush in the next five years
This is sick.
scene is full of sick fucks
I didn't know you were a healer as well, stealthz!
Please wave your hands over me to let your healing vibes cleans my soul and body!
Please wave your hands over me to let your healing vibes cleans my soul and body!
I don't want to be a sick vulva.
Now I'm a sexy vulva.
protect me
or give me a gun !
superstitiousness or die.
Oh but now there's another curse in play.
If you open any other threads started by Sealthz you are going to get explosive diarrhea for a whole year!
If you open any other threads started by Sealthz you are going to get explosive diarrhea for a whole year!