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Where is Sceen Issue 2?

category: general [glöplog]
I really liked the first issue and I'm sure there's lots of work behind this, but right now I'm really glad I didn't pay for the other issues in advance :)
added on the 2006-12-11 15:06:43 by teel teel
I'm quite positive that it will be out right after New Year... Just be patient and/or offer your help to Monroe.

so we not only have to pay for the magazine, we have to make it aswell?
added on the 2006-12-11 16:51:08 by hollowman hollowman
the problem isnt that it is delayed really, the problem is that they keep telling us dates that they can't hold.
that makes me pissed atleast.
added on the 2006-12-11 16:56:02 by bzz bzz
buzzie & all others:

be pissed. you have any right to. i'm pissed, too. superpissed, actually. for this one consuming so fucking much of my time, nerves, ressources and ruining the reputation of one dedicated project that started out rather well. i'm out of words, patience ... and excuses anyway. i sincerely apologize to all who supported sceen through their appreciation and subscription.

how can this issue take so fucking long? well, you can plan and schedule an issue like mr hadden, but it doesn't really help, if you rely on people delivering articles, interview feedback, translations or proof-reading services -- and you have no budget to make them do so. and you're extra fucked when you're stubborn and fussy about the approach, content and quality standards. and heck, i am. ask uncle-x or navis ; )

however, there's no one to blame but i for being insane enough to give in to this subscription thing before having a certain back catalogue of like four issues on time. you know, that sort of consistency and routine. well, lesson learned.

so what's the actual status? at the moment we simply wait for the last input to return to finally patch it all together. we were damn sure to get to that point in november. we didn't. life sucks.
assuming that we'll get all the content floating around out there within the next two weeks, we'll have it printed between front and verso in january. after that we press RESET and do a complete REBOOT on the project. so i will never be in the awful position again, to explain delays here. it's the worst ...

selectanovel: thanks for doing anger management, pal. but this is really a fucked-up situation. the guys are right: we do the work, they donate and enjoy ... we mess up, they object. that's how it usually works.

over and out.
added on the 2006-12-11 18:50:37 by monroe monroe
I think it's just a matter of scaling back as well. Sticking to deadlines is more important than having to put everything in.
added on the 2006-12-11 20:42:15 by _-_-__ _-_-__
added on the 2006-12-11 20:47:10 by monroe monroe
any news as to when it'll be released?
Sure ;)
December 2005 :D
added on the 2007-01-19 04:40:03 by xernobyl xernobyl
Monroe: Mail me if you need any help, okay?
added on the 2007-01-19 13:54:36 by ghandy ghandy
added on the 2007-01-19 17:17:45 by elkmoose elkmoose
What bugs me the most is that I signed up (and paid for) a years subscription, I had seen the first issue and liked what I saw so I thought I might aswell subscribe.

Now, I'm starting to want my money back. Who do I turn to if I want to cancel my subscription?
added on the 2007-01-19 20:36:50 by a_lee_n a_lee_n
I would like to report that my issue #2, #3 and #4 of the magazine are respectively 20, 17 and 14 months overdue.

Any news on the matter?
added on the 2007-08-15 14:04:30 by mentor mentor
the people behind sceen have escaped to bahamas?
added on the 2007-08-15 14:05:59 by nosfe nosfe
scam of the century :D
added on the 2007-08-15 14:12:07 by okkie okkie
this is getting kinda ridiculous already :)
added on the 2007-08-15 14:24:55 by dodke dodke
I've pretty much given up on it already... :)
added on the 2007-08-15 14:26:07 by visy visy
how many subscriptions have been made after all? =)
added on the 2007-08-15 14:53:27 by dalezr dalezr
from sceen.org

"we never give up on you"

you gotta appreciate that irony :DDDDDDD
added on the 2007-08-15 15:12:46 by sofokles sofokles
It better be a big fucking fat magazine when it arrives! Phonebook style!
added on the 2007-08-15 15:21:18 by xernobyl xernobyl
xernobyl: would a 100 pages do? including cover and backcover, that is. however: i know that giving a(nother) date is anything but appropriate -- but for fuck's sake: it's scheduled for printing next week.
added on the 2007-08-15 15:54:22 by monroe monroe
sceneboylove update is also happening just about next week.
added on the 2007-08-15 16:03:25 by nosfe nosfe
nosfe: as far as the bahamas thing goes -- kinda like the idea. unfortunately i'm still in depth with a couple thousand euros from the first issue and the next thousand is coming right up. needless to say: i've never seen a cent from any copy sold. don't know what people think how this thing works ... but anyway, in case the scale tips someday, i'll so do that bahamas issue!
added on the 2007-08-15 16:12:24 by monroe monroe
Sceen#2 will be and entertain you. Trust me!
added on the 2007-08-15 17:03:41 by novel novel
Next bit of the scandal: They lost all our addresses!!

(no, seriuosly, they didn't - but....imagine the outrage) ;)
wait a second... an 18-month old thread that hasn't been pouetized yet?!

something tells me i need to get online more often.
added on the 2007-08-15 21:14:59 by havoc havoc


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