scene music stolen
category: music [glöplog]
Or at least its a nice conspiracy theory. ;)
Archmage: While that might be true, it does not change the fact that they DID go out early and said that they hadn't decided yet, and that they wanted to take some time with it. And that's the only sensible thing to do IMO.
gloom: the one is from wikinews and it would be okayish I think.. now i should just find the time to rewrite it in German.. argh :-D
Kusma: Ok. At least they ended up with the only sensible decision as well.
Btw: Strangely enough NRK has now linked to both the Solskogen and the Kindergarden webpages. JSYK.
Btw: Strangely enough NRK has now linked to both the Solskogen and the Kindergarden webpages. JSYK.
Maybe you get to sell some of those Solskogen 2006-tshirts now! \o/

Kusma: when the bylarm agent oyesten (spell?) heard about them being rippers and realised how much more hype they got from that, he decided to help them. For example, when the original artists didnt want to allow FFF to use the songs after he begged them too, he tried to find ways to see if they could really proove that they did the music first, and also made FFF do statements like "theese nerds stole our music we didnt steal theirs" to add to the hype. When nothing worked and threats about legal actions rounded up around him he gave up and abandoned them. Another reason for waiting so long before removing them from the By:larm festival (he was informed aprox 3 months with prof, before removing them) was that it helped them to get alot of gigs just by the credability of being booked at by:larm. On these gigs they performed stolen songs, took pictures of the money they got from it with topics like "rich biches" and when people stated that they made money with stolen songs they made responses like "hahahaha". The question was not for them to decide whatever they wanted FFF or not it was to see if it was possible spite all the prof of stolen material, and use the situation as much as possible in the meantime, untill it started to hurt by:larms credability by having them booked. He seems to know how to exploit a hype as much as possible.
Don't mess with the demoscene. word.
Actually, no. They didn't decide right away, because they wanted to look into the issue themselves. That doesn't mean they decided to let them play.
I never said so...
Eggesvik forklarer at de ikke umiddelbart ville droppe jentene fra programmet.
- På grunn av deres unge alder ville vi gi dem muligheten til å vise seg verdige. Det er ingen lett sak, det handler om åndsverk og opphavsrett, samtidig som Fitts for Fight har tilført låtene edge og en del interessante ting. Til slutt fant vi imidlertid ut at vi ville gi plassen til noen andre, sier han.
that's what I said :)
solskogen and kindergarden links at nrk \o/
sorry i just had to :D
sorry i just had to :D has some pretty smart people posting:
I would love to see that guy run SDI 2.0 and see if he "cn get sounds like that" working :)
what a load of bollocks. lol. how simple is that beat. im sure a 2year old could make it... ok i admit the style is similar but u cn get sounds like that off a shit keyboard. i hardly call that jackin!
I would love to see that guy run SDI 2.0 and see if he "cn get sounds like that" working :)
I'd like to see that guy run eJay trance and get ANY sounds out of it :P
I'd like to see that guy run eJay trance and get ANY sounds out of it :P
lindie: yes you did
The quote you present state more or less the opposite of what you said. Not immediately dropping them means that they needed more time to decide in my interpretation.
dubmood: This is news to me, and I've followed the case loosely, so I'd like to see some sources for your accusations.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to clear by:Larm's name in any way, but I think people tend to jump to conclutions a bit too hastily.
at first they still wanted them to play at that bylarm festival
The quote you present state more or less the opposite of what you said. Not immediately dropping them means that they needed more time to decide in my interpretation.
dubmood: This is news to me, and I've followed the case loosely, so I'd like to see some sources for your accusations.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to clear by:Larm's name in any way, but I think people tend to jump to conclutions a bit too hastily.
he did get sounds out of me, though. the sound of my head hitting my desk repeatedly in frustration.
tmb: I prefer that version =)
to me
is the same as
is the same as
at first they still wanted them to play at that bylarm festival
is the same as
Eggesvik forklarer at de ikke umiddelbart ville droppe jentene fra programmet.
Fitts for Fight har tilført låtene edge og en del interessante ting.
is the same as
lindie: I agree with you on the last part, at least ;)
excellent article by Grendel (in finnish + english summary), the web-version of the biggest norwegian newspaper has covered the case as well. (and more kg/solskogen press coverage \o/)
oldschoolers around:
where did I see that logo let's say 16~18 years ago ?

DefJam? Rebels? Spreadpoint? Fairlight? Paradox? Majic12? or an old Amiga/Atari game?
where did I see that logo let's say 16~18 years ago ?

DefJam? Rebels? Spreadpoint? Fairlight? Paradox? Majic12? or an old Amiga/Atari game?
hm nop shifter
that could be The Silents (not this one but another)...

that could be The Silents (not this one but another)...

I was just commenting on the title :)
I know, got ya :D
Lobster & Scrim (and at first I read Lobster & Scamp I swear)

Lobster & Scrim (and at first I read Lobster & Scamp I swear)