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Riots in Hungary

category: general [glöplog]

So, Conspiracy guys and the rest of the Hungarian scene: How are you holding up? Is there a revolution going on or just a bunch of angry people destroying stuff?
added on the 2006-09-20 12:52:55 by Betong Betong
The later it seems from the news...

I hope the riots spread to the demo scene! :)
added on the 2006-09-20 13:31:40 by El Topo El Topo
Come to Portugal, and release at Inércia!

Is that the only thing people can do to express their feelings? :|
added on the 2006-09-20 13:48:08 by xernobyl xernobyl
damn i hope it will calm down 'til function :(
added on the 2006-09-20 14:06:14 by decipher decipher
Tomcat is in custody.
added on the 2006-09-20 14:14:01 by d-lee d-lee
Really? :|

T-Shirt activists go to jail in Hungary?
added on the 2006-09-20 14:18:19 by xernobyl xernobyl
According to his own blog, Tomcat took an active part in destroying stuff.

But El Topo is right, the destroying is only done by a bunch of anarchist football-hooligans, the majority of people is holding a peaceful demonstration in front of the parliament.
added on the 2006-09-20 15:06:01 by zoom zoom
Is there a revolution going on or just a bunch of angry people destroying stuff?

The latter. Few thousands people, with an extreme right-wing core. Although they are doing it pretty seriously, setting things to fire, throwing rocks, temporarely seizing the national tv station, etc... The police is using tear gas, water cannons, horses...

some videos:
http://index.hu/politika/belfold/2006/elkurtuk/videok/?vid=sodi (this one is homemade, very low quality)
added on the 2006-09-20 15:10:21 by blala blala
Why a riot? what's happening?
added on the 2006-09-20 15:15:53 by iks iks
nothing is happening, except people rioting...

the prime minister told his own party - back in april! -, that they really fucked up, and they lied way too much, and now it's fucking time to finally do something.
then the recording of the speech leaked out (nobody knows who is responsible for the leak, it is possible they did it themselves), and some right-wing people are angry. meanwhile the rest of the people don't know whether they should cry or laugh.
added on the 2006-09-20 15:26:41 by blala blala
lol the Hungarian people are kinda naive if they have just discovered that politicians are professional liars ;)
added on the 2006-09-20 18:30:31 by Zest Zest
Perhaps the rightwing folks think they can repeat the uprising from 1956? Except there won't be any secret NATO support this time...
added on the 2006-09-20 19:14:37 by El Topo El Topo
To be honest, the moral of the city (Budapest) hasn't changed visibly. At least on the parts I roam.

But hey, flight tickets might be cheaper to Function now.
added on the 2006-09-20 21:28:52 by Gargaj Gargaj
so is there a chance people will overthrow the government and spread the riot to nearby countries and this stuff will turn into a world revolution?

oh. you said they were rightwingers. |:
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added on the 2006-09-20 21:47:13 by waffle waffle
there are two types of crowd, the bigger crowd protests 'normally', and the riots == a bunch of football hooligans. the riots do it only becase they enjoy the fight and the mess with the police, setting cars on fire and ruining the town is fun for them...

anyway just like in 911 I couldnt believe my eyes when seeing the news at morning that how the TV was attacked. :-/
added on the 2006-09-20 21:47:44 by Oswald Oswald
But hey, flight tickets might be cheaper to Function now.

Yes, that's what I'm waiting for
added on the 2006-09-20 21:53:53 by waffle waffle
lol the Hungarian people are kinda naive if they have just discovered that politicians are professional liars ;)

It's pretty hard to explain the situation (or more generally, the "culture") in hungary; but basically there's a really wide and deep gap between the left and the right. So while people are more-or-less aware that all the politicians are lying (also not doing anything useful), there's a world of difference between "THEY are lying" and "ok, OURS are not telling the full truth, but that's just for everybody's interest..."
added on the 2006-09-21 01:59:35 by blala blala
Sounds kinda like the United States. I have a feeling that most of the animosity (that perpetuates the red-state blue-state thing) is really just people a.) not understanding the reasons why someone else thinks the way they do (even if you don't agree with their reasons) and b.) not listening because the other guy is automatically wrong.

Of course, it takes a lot for someone to admit that THEIR side might actually be wrong about something. (never mind that the other side might be right).
added on the 2006-09-21 06:03:59 by crusader crusader
blala, also in a way ppl are utterly stupid they only vote for liars, and anyone saying the truth is a straight looser in any election.

I think this is the consequence of the 40 years communism, where ppl learned to believe that everything is for free (education, medicals, etc) and now they cant live up to the fact that they should be responsible for themselves. They want the good ol' paternalism.
added on the 2006-09-21 07:09:06 by Oswald Oswald
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added on the 2006-09-21 09:44:28 by kurli kurli
- yeah, he who says the truth is doomed to lose

- but please note that we kids grown up in the Warsaw Agreement countries didn't live in Communism!
It was a form of Real Existent Socialism; that's a big difference (f.e. there was still money around).

Hungary in fact has a brave history of resent against unwanted regimes like in November 1956.
And they did a great job in helping the GDR people to bring down their regime in 1989 (kthx :D ) by opening the border to Austria for Tourists.

So now the people got ahold of a tapped innerparty speech of "their" president saying "we lied day and night..."
speech follows the TV station raid scenes.
I wonder what would happen if such a goodie appears in germany....moaning, ranting, finally getting along with it.
So I think it's good that hungarians are standing up, but it's bad that yet again some wicked folks take this as an opportunity to smash shit in pieces.
added on the 2006-09-21 12:21:49 by d0DgE d0DgE
lol, yeah I only used the term 'communism' since the right wing says that day and night to paint the left wing as black as possible.
added on the 2006-09-21 13:11:49 by Oswald Oswald


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