Crystal Dream 2 by Triton
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popularity : 78% |
alltime top: #137 |
added on the 2000-09-13 19:59:54 by epsilum ![]() |
popularity helper
Awesome music, and back then some of these scenes were jaw-dropping. The only serious contender of Second Reality in terms of impact.
added on the 2000-11-01 17:49:07 by Shifter 

I like their second demo very much! Technically..
Because 3d can still be boring sometimes..
Though,. there are some very interesting 2d fx too! The Fractal Zoomer! Very Innovative Coderswise demo from 1992!!! A stil very nice to watch Fractal Zoomer at 1992! Amazing! Just Amazing!!!
And the final Chess 3d part?! I consider this demo one of the most Technically Innovatest demos ever seen! Really!
Though,. I still enjoy much more to watch Second Reality than this..
Btw,. have you noticed the final Note at the end? Do you remember the C64 Note logic? Every C64 demo has a Note. It would be very cool that I would watch a "CPC,Amiga, Atari, Spectrum, Gameboy, PC, Mac, Linux, e.t.c.." demo and when the demo finsihed there would be a menu to read facts, comments, greets, e.t.c.. in a funky writer, scroller or menu!
Think about Final Notes on demos like this one! I think that Rage did a Note in Reanim8or demo too..
The logic of "Each Demo contains a Note" is very cool! I hope that I will have a Note in as most of my prods I can..
(I mean Note in electronical form, not as a txt file!)
Because 3d can still be boring sometimes..
Though,. there are some very interesting 2d fx too! The Fractal Zoomer! Very Innovative Coderswise demo from 1992!!! A stil very nice to watch Fractal Zoomer at 1992! Amazing! Just Amazing!!!
And the final Chess 3d part?! I consider this demo one of the most Technically Innovatest demos ever seen! Really!
Though,. I still enjoy much more to watch Second Reality than this..
Btw,. have you noticed the final Note at the end? Do you remember the C64 Note logic? Every C64 demo has a Note. It would be very cool that I would watch a "CPC,Amiga, Atari, Spectrum, Gameboy, PC, Mac, Linux, e.t.c.." demo and when the demo finsihed there would be a menu to read facts, comments, greets, e.t.c.. in a funky writer, scroller or menu!
Think about Final Notes on demos like this one! I think that Rage did a Note in Reanim8or demo too..
The logic of "Each Demo contains a Note" is very cool! I hope that I will have a Note in as most of my prods I can..
(I mean Note in electronical form, not as a txt file!)
First off, it's Crystal Dream 2, not Dreams.
Second, it's from 1993, not 1992.
I agree with your opinions, but get your facts straight first! :)
Second, it's from 1993, not 1992.
I agree with your opinions, but get your facts straight first! :)
Uhh,.. sorry! I always confuse the date for this demo for some strange reasons..
i like this one better than Second Reality if we are comparing'em here...
where the first demo of Crystal Dream series fail, this one compensates it completely! what a great show, and you're not bored till the end! Triton rocks (and thanks for the Fasttracker :)
where the first demo of Crystal Dream series fail, this one compensates it completely! what a great show, and you're not bored till the end! Triton rocks (and thanks for the Fasttracker :)
Agreed, this demo was really one of the best, and still is. In 1993, only Untitled/Dust and Second Reality/FC could match it, only none with regards to technology. Too bad it won't work on fast computers (TurboPascal bug...)
A kickass demo for its time. I still can remember how insanely impressed I was with that fractal zoomer that just kept on zooming and zooming.
And the 3D engine - also a great piece of code.
And the 3D engine - also a great piece of code.
A really great demo, one of the best imho. Has been my favourite for a long time, and I still like it. Great music, well-written code =) Has a nice feeling overall and doesn't get boring because of the nice changes and design.
Overall, just wonderful.
Overall, just wonderful.
I will not forget voting for this monster!
Best demo of all time.
I have long help this production (and Triton in general) in extremely high regard.
Technically, this demo is amazing (runs smooth on a 386 40!)
And the music is great (like anything that LizardKing composes for)
I have long help this production (and Triton in general) in extremely high regard.
Technically, this demo is amazing (runs smooth on a 386 40!)
And the music is great (like anything that LizardKing composes for)
Note above:
"Help" should be "held"
"Help" should be "held"
This demo was one of my favorites in its day, competing very closely with second Reality, mostly because of the music. But hey, I had a 486-33, and if they bought a 486DX-50, why code for less? ;)
Some parts were a bit slow, but overall, a great demo, with very hi-tech code for its day, amazing music (still like it and listen to it from time to time) and cool raytraced graphics. Thumbs up!
Some parts were a bit slow, but overall, a great demo, with very hi-tech code for its day, amazing music (still like it and listen to it from time to time) and cool raytraced graphics. Thumbs up!
Better then SR code- and design-wise.
Gotta give it a "rulez".
Gotta give it a "rulez".
what a massive smasher! that's a demo!
Just a vote. Great music, great code, as for gfx.. well, the raytraced pics are kinda nice. :)
Beside 'Second Reality' one of the best PC demos in the early years and a 'must have'! To bad that it refuses to run on todays machines.
Yeah, this one rocks... I always preferred this one to SR... but I liked the first Crystal Dream even more
ld (thumb),1
yeah, this was great. Catchy music. ....from what I remember. Too bad I can't see it now on modern machines.
This was the second demo I've seen, 1st was Second Reality. But I like Crystal Dream more than SR, the checkerboard scene had been my favorite for a long time. Too bad there aren't any windows ports of SR and CD2
Fu**in' MEGA thumbs up for this one!
I remember when I saw this for the first time past in the really BLASTED me away...
This is really one of the demos worth being mentioned on the same quality level as 'Second Reality'...
GREAT music (*sniff* no one does kinda funky music like this today anymore it seems!! :-( ), GREAT scenes...and fabulous design and style...
I remember when I saw this for the first time past in the really BLASTED me away...
This is really one of the demos worth being mentioned on the same quality level as 'Second Reality'...
GREAT music (*sniff* no one does kinda funky music like this today anymore it seems!! :-( ), GREAT scenes...and fabulous design and style...
Watched it yesterday on an old Pentium I set up. And it even works with sound blaster! :-)
Awesome. A milestone for the PC scene!
Awesome. A milestone for the PC scene!
I just could not handle Crystal Dream 2 without a screenshot... Apparently it's rather hard to get it with a proggy so I used a shitty camera. Sorry if that offends you... :-/
moT: great screenshot :)
moT: great screenshot :)
a true classic.
fucking cool
Hm, no one actually mentioned that this demo won The Computer Crossroads '93 to be exact.
And now i can run it again and so it will be definitly in my next demoshow, where ever I will have the next one :)
And now i can run it again and so it will be definitly in my next demoshow, where ever I will have the next one :)
Pure awesome classic! I love the music. Too bad my sound card and my motherboard can't make any DMA channel available. Got moslo132 prog to slow the CPU down; disabling L1 and L2 cache in BIOS will also work to prevent run-time error.
I will play "Trans Atlantic" nice and loud in my next LAN party! ;)
I will play "Trans Atlantic" nice and loud in my next LAN party! ;)
one of the best demos ever. excellent code, really really good music, all the elements of a killer-demo, even without the 3d-scene at the end. just a final "in your face!" to the people who tried to compete. hehe, that's the way we like it! (btw; the vectorslime is maybe my fav effect ever)
brilliant screenshot there!
and a brilliant demo of course. I think this was the first demo I saw, along with lunatic by extreme, which got 2nd at the same party (and fear/extreme complained in the pulse diskmag that the deadline was extended "just for triton"... lol)
both ran just fine on my 386sx/16. sweet nostalgia =)
and a brilliant demo of course. I think this was the first demo I saw, along with lunatic by extreme, which got 2nd at the same party (and fear/extreme complained in the pulse diskmag that the deadline was extended "just for triton"... lol)
both ran just fine on my 386sx/16. sweet nostalgia =)
this one is a real asskicker.
nowadays i only have the tunes on my HD, but listening them bring back memories of this great stuff. (the chessboard, the raytraced pictures, the fractal zoomer, ohh god, this is good.)
nowadays i only have the tunes on my HD, but listening them bring back memories of this great stuff. (the chessboard, the raytraced pictures, the fractal zoomer, ohh god, this is good.)
Very good music, very good 3d engine. Fast and accurate.
And stylish.
One of the first mature demos on PC ever.
And a true classic ofcourse!
And stylish.
One of the first mature demos on PC ever.
And a true classic ofcourse!
Killer prod !!
I still remember each part precisely, it all has so much style.. music by Vogue is incredibly dynamic and well synched with the graphics.
I still remember each part precisely, it all has so much style.. music by Vogue is incredibly dynamic and well synched with the graphics.
Contact me immediately!
Contact me immediately!
I thought i had commented this babe. Absolutely amazing. Too bad i can't have sound on my 486. Saw it on moT's pc last time with sound, sigh... Btw awesome shot moT
classic, anyone know if there is any screencapture online somwhere, as it dosent run on modern machines...?
Somehow this never had an impact on me. Has cool as fuck things and the soundtrack kicks major ass but still it rates only a pig here...
this is great! was coded by mr_h and Vouge. mr_h was my neighbour in the little village "söråker" me,martyn, loot and mr_h lived in the same hood. i think thats cool, but you prob dont care :D . this brought up so many memories!! cheers Fredrik and Magnus
still enjoy this demo alot and that says it all!
Doesn't run on Win2K :-(
ownz in every aspect
Nee ist mir zu oldskewl. ;/
legalize, well what did you expect? it's almost impossible to run in dos on modern machines :) get the demodvd, it's on it, and it ownz
Since so many of you are asking, in case you wish to see the demo again it is published on the MindCandy DVD. Here's a list of the demos:
pure nostalgia... =)
*pant* *pant*
This really ownz, I love the style, the music, I love the group =)
A veritable milestone in the scene.
This really ownz, I love the style, the music, I love the group =)
A veritable milestone in the scene.
Yeah, damn nice demo!
I didn't comment this yet ? shame on me. one of my alltime favourites !
absolutely cool fx + great tune.
runs fine here, working DOS-sup is nice =)
but when do people get things straight ? this one is called "crystal dream II" goddamit !
absolutely cool fx + great tune.
runs fine here, working DOS-sup is nice =)
but when do people get things straight ? this one is called "crystal dream II" goddamit !
Ahh, real nice chess board + music! One of the best remembered demos. Pitty I don't have a DOS setup anymore to run it!
Ahh, real nice chess board + music! One of the best remembered demos. Pitty I don't have a DOS setup anymore to run it!
No more comments on CD2? What a shame. This was after all one of the most "quoted" demos in the early and mid 90's... This and Second Reality, that is :). If you have a DOS box, be sure to watch it.
The acme of oldschool. Really.
More comments in Freax... :)
More comments in Freax... :)
That one (along with Second Reality) made me think a PC could be fun back in the early 90's
Can I get a DivX of this so I can see it?
And please don't suggest DosBOX, I have not managed to run a single piece of software on it. It just crashes immediately no matter what I do.
And please don't suggest DosBOX, I have not managed to run a single piece of software on it. It just crashes immediately no matter what I do.
Where is Win32 port?
1. It's on MindCandy (which should be back on sale in a few weeks)
2. It runs fine in DosBox. You just need to select PC Speaker for sound. :)
1. It's on MindCandy (which should be back on sale in a few weeks)
2. It runs fine in DosBox. You just need to select PC Speaker for sound. :)
2a) and you need a 5ghz cpu ;)
The first demo I saw.. I got in on the GUS CD I borrowed from a friend (must've been 1994 or something like that). I remember thinking something like "where's the game in this game demo?" :) After I'd read all the stuff found on the menu, I watched it again. And for a third time. And then I was hooked, probably for life :/
Woah :)
Simply amazing! Really great effects, these guys new their vekktors.
Aghr! Forgot that the music is really really amazing too, especially the music for the menu system made me browse the thing for hours, before I got a ripped version of the track :)
chess scene is classical.
here's my vote at last! it's amazing, actually my favourite oldschool demo!
Gotta love it
Any self-respecting scener or wannabe should see this. You can't not have seen this demo! rulez.
This demo is technically great, but I always failed to really like it. Don't know why, maybe it was technically too great for my taste.
My coup de coeur when I have enough glöps :)
I guess technically pretty good too, but my thumb goes for the music :)
triton = legends!
Along with Second Reality, one of the classical PC demos that shaped the oldschool scene in that platform.
Can't run msdos demo's :(
But hey the screenshots look cool enough for a thumb up
But hey the screenshots look cool enough for a thumb up
Spock: I'd rather say along with Unreal :)
The last time I've seen it was on the MindCandy DVD, I really should watch it again on my old PC, it was fuckin' impressive for me back then...
almost like having a nice old wine from the cellar!
geez i cant get enough of the masterly powerful soundtrack =)
and it's great to see that Triton/Starbreeze have finally accomplished a gaming hit with The Chronicles of Riddick - Escape from Butcher Bay :)
and it's great to see that Triton/Starbreeze have finally accomplished a gaming hit with The Chronicles of Riddick - Escape from Butcher Bay :)
I just love the chess scene
a real classic tho somehow a bit boring nowadays
The Vector Slime and the Chessboard Scene are still among my all time faves. And the Noter. And the Music. And... Ah F*** it, this one simply rules.
oh, and works great with dosbox here as well.
oh, and works great with dosbox here as well.
wow, what a demo. and it features one of the best mods ever, "trans atlantic" by lizardking.
I Can't believe I haven't thumbed this yet! It is one of my alltime favorite demos. Watching it at the big screen at TCC was one of my great experiences in my demoscene history.
This one is deeply carved into the history of demo programming. Never forget the moment I saw that chess scene for the first time.
A t o ni shin g! sutff ever!
this demo addicted me to demoscene.
this demo addicted me to demoscene.
Very impressive for its time on pc.
possibly the first demo i saw and still among the very best i've ever seen
ehh damn, that should have been a thumb up
hahaa tribe, that's a huge "DOH!"
This demo is and was amazing, the soundtrack is awesome, the code rules, it has a consistent colorscheme unlike many other pc demos of that period and, pardon me for using that nasty word: it has flow. Simply brilliant!
(Grabbing mindcandy from the shelf right now to watch it again :-)
(Grabbing mindcandy from the shelf right now to watch it again :-)
Can someone PLEASE tell me the name of the Lizardking MOD/XM that runs during the chessboard scene? PLEASE?
Shit, I didn't thumb this one before?
This is the PC demo, I can't believe some rate Second Reality higher than this one.
This is the PC demo, I can't believe some rate Second Reality higher than this one.
AbandonwareGirl: I can't tell you the name, but a hint is not a problem.
pixel & 3d-vector morphing. the vectorpart is really awesome. a fast and colorfull plasma. fractal-zoomer is totally awesome. cool vector slime. raytraced pictures (in their own modellers) and a awesome chess-part :) and the music rocks!
where is the windows port?
Still very cool 13 years after release! I just don't like the music (except for the one in the endpart) but still, nice demo!
The first part is really good, but then it doesn't keep my attention anymore.
The music bores me.
Still I watch it every once in a while, hoping to see what others see one day.
The music bores me.
Still I watch it every once in a while, hoping to see what others see one day.
win32 port PLEASE!!!
A Classic with great music from vogue and lizardking. I like it.
This demo is PC classic. I was into vectors at the time and the world vector crushed me. These guys also made the FastTracker and started up Starbreeze (successful game company in Sweden).
Think this is the first demo I ever saw. Absolutely classic! Big thumb!
Good chessboard scene - tough on a 486DX - or a p1.8Ghz laptop via dosbox ;-) Nice demo.
It was yesterday while implementing Mandelbrot set fractals with pixel shader’s that it suddenly strokes me: I know this part of the fractal - there was another important quite early PC demo that contains it – Cry…, Crys … yes! Crystal Dream 2! There were so many technically details right at the edge of what was possible the hardware of these days – and I loved the chess game at the end. Mega thumb up!
fonts, 3D objects, plasma, virtual scene, 3D texture mapping, raytracing, star wars scroll, chess, musics
Great demo of 1993, but the music of Second Reality beats the music of this demo IMO. :)
Forgot the thumb!
This demo means something special to me. Back in the FT2 days, I heard about a demo coming from the same guys who made FT2, so I wanted to watch it. But, as it turned out my sound card's sucky driver needed EMM386. (Dang!)
Worked ok in DOSbox.
Worked ok in DOSbox.
Classic! My favourite parts are all in the screenshot above...
good one, but there is nothing a ATARI Falcon can´t do ;-)
3D wireframe, 3D scroll with 3D starfield, 3D object, text font, plasma with music, fractalzoom, vector slime, virtual reality - spaceships in a tunnel, Raytrace - "textured toruses", texture mapped 3D objects, star wars scroller, more raytraced pictures, end screen with informational text about the demo
thumbs up
thumbs up
I love the fractalzoomer, it`s so cool even today.
hmmm.. one more obvious thumb up!
Right. Captured it, but didn't thumb it. stupid me... :)
Suberb demo. The chess part is a killer.
How the hell could I forget to thumb this?
Better than second reality. Love he soundtrack and effects.
Insanely nice graphics ahead of its time. Great music too.
I remember the moment this demo came up on the big screen at the TCC party 1993. After a few effects the whole party place was in a shocked state. It was totally quiet, everyone was holding his breath. I realised this was even bigger than my own (and Booze Design's) breakthrough in the c64-scene ;).
Those were the days :).
Those were the days :).
oldschool, i see oldschool :> a bit long, but definitely worth watching.
Epic prod ;)
How I haven't thumb up this prod before?!?
I'll do it right NOW!
I'll do it right NOW!
The music makes me come with oldskool delight and it has one of the best early 90's 3D animations ever.
Notice the "Dream" in the title--and how it challenges Second "Reality"? Easter egg or coincidence?
Notice the "Dream" in the title--and how it challenges Second "Reality"? Easter egg or coincidence?
an another classic of pc.scene
easily the best from its era
definately one of the best demos ever.
Looks good (taking into account when it's from), and I like the music.
A superb piece of demo, vastly superior to Second Reality IMHO.
I'd voted yet (old pouet crash) still nice to redo
even better than second reality!
was one of the first demos I've ever seen. I still enjoy watching it, great music and code
Another missing thumb, I adore the music.
awesome demo! luv the music. :)
Childhood fav
Thumbs weren't invented when I first saw this.
one of the "must see" PC Demo! Outstanding!
viznut/pwp ты баран
ofcourse!!! ran well on my 386.. and great music..
Love some of those still images.
graphics was nice (THE MUSIC!) and effects were good made too (THE MUSIC!) did i mention the music?
Whole the demo rocked really HARD on the PC!
As people have pointed out; the music!
As people have pointed out; the music!
first demo watched. awesome :)
A superb demo which beats the shit out of second reality.
great fractal zoomer and twisty vector routy.
totally amiga :)
totally amiga :)
It's time to wake up! One of my favorites right here.
I can't believe I never thumbed this one up...
What Joghurt said.
What everybody else already said :)
Part of the Holy Trinity of oldskool PC demoscene :)
My first.
Quite all right, especially the second half
ok, thats really nice for 92 :)
absolutely great!
I remember seeing this thing. Damn I'm old :D This prod is wonderful now and astonishing back then - intersecting objects, fractal zoomer - perfect!
18 years later I'm still regularly watching this :D
Love this demo. Second Reality had better design (and that awesome translucent icosahedron) but the 3D here is overall more impressive, and I'll never forget the 'mothership' part.
What haap said.
pc coder porn from 93
what Zavie said
Like the original Crystal Dream, this uses the super-fast hacked EGA mode 0x0D for its polyroutines.
Nice demo with great music and filled vectors.
I've always loved the checkmate scene.
I've always loved the checkmate scene.
technically on par with 2nd reality, direction however not.
late thumb up :)
legendary!! 20 years later, I still remember all the scenes and the music.
This demo totally blew me away when it was shown at the TCC. A milestone for the PC demo scene!
Thumbs up of course!
Watched this one many times at that time, and liked it very much.
Of course. Also what wysiwtf said.
this is the first demo i ever watched, and it fuckin blew me away. i was casually coding, also fractal stuff and plasma (pretty bad), and a chessplayer. it ran on a 386 DX-40, and did things i didnt think were possible. right after their plasma put mine to shame, the fractal zoom fucked my right in the brains. so here, have my ♥ you totally deserve it.
It never really got the love that Second Reality got. Some scenes just go on too long with the 3d show. Except for the chess scene and the zoomer there's really not much you remember of the demo.
This is way better than Second Reality.
Oh the memories. Watching this live on TCC was soooo fucking awesome.
Horrible pace, but otherwise a classic and still a kick-ass tune.
Whoops, wrong prod, sorry. But this is a nice classic as well, with medicore music however. :)
Great code!
CD was an inspiration from very early on. VINT stars that look amazing; planar mode for extra speed using VGA color registers to hide that fact; electro-shoegazer music in the first act. I love this demo more than I can articulate.
massive impressive
This was the frist PC-demo I saw that made a huge impression on me! One fun thing was that I was impressed by the superior sound from the PC compared to my old Amiga - and years later find out that the tune "Desert dawn" in the demo was a regular Amiga mod.
can you give me a *.mod of the infoviewer part?
polyzium: "Transatlantic"
what Hellmood and trixter said.
what Hellmood and trixter said.
one of the few early 90s pc demos to out-amiga the amiga! actually prefer it to second reality
oh YES
Still amazing
Hmm missed a thumb!
thumb up to appreciate history.
imo better than second reality, fast paced action, great music, astonoshing chess part and still the best fractalzoomer in the world :D
A revelation seeing this in 1993. Like being blasted 10 years into the future.
True classic!
nice one
this Demo IS/has been Amazingk from the day i got it on disks \o/
probably one of the first time some objects were moving in a scene
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