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Astral Blur by The Black Lotus [web]
platform :
type :
release date : march 1997
release party : The Gathering 1997
compo : pc demo
ranked : 3rd
  • 84
  • 18
  • 5
popularity : 74%
  • 0.74
alltime top: #647
added on the 2000-04-23 10:44:48 by analogue analogue

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A very good work from tbl, and really nice gfx.
added on the 2000-09-16 22:41:49 by jb jb
this prod is ugly.
added on the 2000-12-05 13:52:42 by PigPen PigPen
this prod isn't actually ugly, i think, but repeats some standards that tbl have done before.
i really like the metaball effects like in jizz and stash, but
the 'shrooming parts and psychedelic landscapes somehow suck (although they are niceley rendered).
nevertheless, tbl is a great source of inspiration for me, still today.
added on the 2001-01-14 23:39:18 by rac rac
TBL Demos are good but they are the same and the same again, they repeat their psychedelic style. I mostly love their 64kb intros Stash and Jizz. From this demo I loved the pics of the girls of course =)
added on the 2001-02-20 11:29:16 by Optimus Optimus
a good production from tbl, nice 3d scenes, great graphics, too bad some of them are copies (http://www.kameli.net/nocopy/noc106.htm). The soundtrack isn't exactly Azazel's best mod either...
rulez added on the 2001-06-18 20:50:59 by fractalgp fractalgp
a nice demo in my humble opinion. nice gfx, nice music, fast-running effects, good syncronisation. a good demo!
rulez added on the 2001-07-09 23:31:11 by oldaccount oldaccount
It looks to me like TBL can't make PC demos.

Astral Blur is nothing but an insult to their name.
sucks added on the 2001-07-10 01:16:21 by Wade^Hjb Wade^Hjb
Yo wade:

That's perfectly okay, Haujobb is perfectly capable of making complete utter crap as well. TBL PC made a couple of earth-shattering advancements in the demo scene (Neural Wave, Stash, Contour), and just because their PC debut doesn't suit you, well err...'boo-hoo'.

Has a couple of nice things in it, not their best, but certaintly commendable. At the time their metaballs were a legendairy effort.
rulez added on the 2001-08-25 01:41:07 by Shifter Shifter
wtf legendary effort???
added on the 2001-08-25 09:45:17 by _-_-__ _-_-__
As I recall it was fudge and xtacy (both danish groups) that were first on the marching cubes wave.
i think the first "occurence" of marching cubes was 95 or 96 in a nooon demo, but i'm not sure.

anyway, 97 was the year EVERYONE started using it.

but a bit more ontopic now: astral blur featured nice code and gfx, but wasn't really designed and didn't really feel complete, so neither rulez nor sucks here :)
added on the 2001-08-25 13:55:39 by ryg ryg
Why download 4MB(or how much they are?)when you can see the same and cooler stuff in their 64kb intros???
Thumbs up though just for the girl with the tits :) (And the other cute one in the woods =)
rulez added on the 2001-10-24 12:53:37 by Optimus Optimus
The same psychedelic stuff from TBL.
added on the 2001-11-14 23:53:14 by zafos zafos
Man... Optimus ur a true pervert. U giva thumbs up for the girls and not the prod itself. No offence intented but if u want porn check out chickswithdicks.com :)
Of course I'm just jokin' around considering how bored I am, and that I currently don't have anything else to do, and am just wastin' my life away, and blabla.
Oh yeah, and about the demo itself, I would have to agree with rac(way up).
added on the 2001-11-23 06:44:19 by Nezbie Nezbie

Take a look at Tint, Goa and Captured Dreams on the Amiga. They were legendary efforts; this looks more like their recycled leftovers.
added on the 2001-11-26 21:21:20 by Wade^Hjb Wade^Hjb
Some of you are a bit tough with this prod. Okay it's not perfect but I have fun watching it and it's not boring like many wannabe conceptual demos...
That's true too TBL prods on Amiga are more outstanding :)
rulez added on the 2001-11-28 14:55:38 by exocet exocet
Old, but still good. :-) (Even runs on Linux with the port of the iXalance loader ;-) )
rulez added on the 2002-01-05 17:18:06 by Sesse Sesse
it was terrible crap already when it came. goddamn ugly.
sucks added on the 2002-01-06 10:50:40 by droid droid
love it.
rulez added on the 2002-01-17 16:12:43 by got got
not my taste I guess.
sucks added on the 2002-01-17 16:16:16 by sang-soo sang-soo
Really cool demo. the tunnels however act strange on mmx/PII machines. It works well with standard issue Pentium 166/200 nonetheless.
Nice music and good 3Dplasmas
rulez added on the 2002-02-05 23:57:23 by sjaak sjaak
Great eye- and ear-candy for that time. The ripped graphics suck (and switching screen mode to view them), but anyway, thumbs up here.
rulez added on the 2002-02-21 17:07:32 by tomaes tomaes
I love this desogn !!!
rulez added on the 2002-04-11 08:02:42 by SirKew SirKew
design, even..
added on the 2002-04-11 08:07:11 by SirKew SirKew
TBL is good.
rulez added on the 2002-04-11 12:17:28 by Gargaj Gargaj
i like all TBL prods :)
rulez added on the 2002-04-30 12:07:31 by BadSector BadSector
Although I prefer their intros, this is a must see TBL production.
rulez added on the 2002-05-13 04:32:05 by shash shash
nice.. but tbl amiga is better.
rulez added on the 2002-06-10 18:57:14 by a_lee_n a_lee_n
stash is _SO_ much more appealing
sucks added on the 2002-06-24 13:54:06 by gekko gekko
i liked it at its time because it was colorful and bright, early burps of the so-called ".nl trend" colorscheme. About the MC, I think it's optix/valhalla who first introduced them in a 64k but that's not important :)
rulez added on the 2002-06-24 21:45:58 by dake^cdx dake^cdx
i love the tunnel
rulez added on the 2002-07-20 16:37:12 by gloom gloom
I think it's OK, but nothing special comparing to revolutionary Jizz or Stash. At the times I was watching it, the 3d-engine was slow like like hell, and my 14'' monitor wasn't able to display 800x600 correctly (girls images :-) so... but I like the fact I can watch it on my Linux box. It's ok.
added on the 2002-07-29 00:21:37 by argasek argasek
most of it is damn ugly, but there were couple of effects that i liked. so, no thumb down.
added on the 2002-08-17 03:21:50 by nosfe nosfe
the code was above average, the colorscheme almost pokes your eyes out (something jace always manages to do), and the music is trippy 604... tbl in a nutshell :)
i must admit that stash is better indeed.
rulez added on the 2002-08-17 18:47:09 by superplek superplek
Well, not much to say - it's a classic :)
rulez added on the 2002-08-24 01:06:56 by yenzen yenzen
the music is nice

but it's ugly as shit
I like it! :)
rulez added on the 2002-10-17 16:05:33 by carsonix carsonix
Good one, impressive on the big screen! Nice code, good music, some great gfx. It's a classic, whatever you think about it.
rulez added on the 2002-11-05 19:09:12 by sprocket sprocket
I like it =)
rulez added on the 2003-05-12 20:19:21 by dairos dairos
Was just wondering what the number 1 prod was :) This was OK, stash and jizz were better and only 64kb, so this gets a pig from me. Plus i remember it took hours to download on 28k modem from slow server back then!
added on the 2003-07-25 13:13:21 by psonice psonice
Curious, I have never watched which prod has the number 1 here ;). Atleast a very solid demo. DOS version doesn't run anymore, but luckily there is the Windows port :)
added on the 2003-07-26 01:17:14 by Crest Crest
rulez added on the 2003-07-26 05:14:40 by blz blz
Great prod.
looks like shiny colored snot
rulez added on the 2003-11-15 17:46:03 by Glopper Glopper
this was quite nice
rulez added on the 2003-11-16 17:11:52 by fishbone fishbone
aaah is the first production on pouet..? A good one indeed!

Anyone noticed if one enters which=0 the production shown is picked by random or smth?
rulez added on the 2003-12-11 08:02:23 by phred phred
even though i hate these kind of demos nowdays. at the time it really ruled hardcore.
rulez added on the 2004-02-05 06:57:53 by psenough psenough
great demo.
rulez added on the 2004-03-10 22:31:01 by lazyone lazyone
this demo is the dogs bollocks.
rulez added on the 2004-03-15 22:52:08 by Bagpuss Bagpuss
dutch pride !
rulez added on the 2004-03-15 23:30:40 by Weyland Yutani Weyland Yutani
Shifter: This is not the TBL pc debut, some Fins made this pc intro in 1996.

Comparing this thing to TBL's intro's is not entirely fair since those intros were released after this demo, not before.
rulez added on the 2004-04-25 18:35:09 by sparcus sparcus
Linux support
sucks added on the 2004-06-13 09:46:20 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
Linux support
rulez added on the 2004-09-24 05:48:02 by mconstant mconstant
rulez added on the 2004-10-17 16:03:03 by las las
Nice effects, but as a whole, this demo is in my opinion still way overrated.
added on the 2004-10-17 16:05:48 by Preacher Preacher
simply the best of older days :)
rulez added on the 2004-11-01 20:35:21 by Mr Twist Laser Mr Twist Laser
yes, what dominei said
rulez added on the 2004-11-01 20:57:47 by el mal el mal
can't complain.
rulez added on the 2004-11-05 22:31:05 by witeshade witeshade
Tint, release by TBL on Amiga a year earlier is a lot better, but I might be biased towards Amiga demos :)

Not downright bad, but not exactly good either. Piggy, then.
added on the 2004-11-25 11:18:25 by grip grip
pretty cool. why do people thumb things down and give "linux support" as a reason, btw? are they paid agents of m$ or something?
rulez added on the 2005-02-01 21:32:56 by madcrow madcrow
ugly but okeyish
added on the 2005-02-21 04:42:57 by stonda stonda
rulez added on the 2005-05-30 09:34:09 by apricot apricot
I love that, it was the 1st demo I've ever downloaded together with Inside (56 Kbps modem...) from Hornet in 1998!
. the music is great
. fx are nice, expecially the bump mapping
. Danny & Louie's Angel is lovely
. ixalance is really great

rulez added on the 2005-06-03 04:15:26 by bdk bdk
It was a great demo, maybe a little overlooked.
rulez added on the 2005-07-25 09:41:13 by d3pth d3pth
rulez added on the 2005-10-16 20:21:02 by Quarryman Quarryman
rulez added on the 2005-11-03 01:06:12 by chavez chavez
great one. TBL <3
rulez added on the 2005-12-11 01:53:50 by iks iks
nice code... some recycled pics from captured dream... nice music... yah thumb up :)
rulez added on the 2006-03-07 23:47:50 by winden winden
arf, where's my thumb? you can't stop the shrooms!
rulez added on the 2006-09-07 07:38:57 by blackpawn blackpawn
rulez added on the 2006-09-13 07:53:09 by zeebr zeebr
can i change my thumb pleeeeeeeease?!
added on the 2006-11-17 19:58:30 by chavez chavez
broderick: yeah, the music is great, but it's a shame that some of the best parts are directly ripped from "man with no name". just check out the tune "evolution" from his first album.
added on the 2006-12-08 10:10:44 by gloom gloom
kickasss, glory to the music and visuals in whole considering when it was made and so forth, lovely
rulez added on the 2007-03-07 07:50:37 by rising rising
<3 TBL
rulez added on the 2007-05-24 22:35:55 by BackSpace BackSpace
tunnels, wobbly sines, 3Ds, music
rulez added on the 2007-08-01 05:14:15 by BITS BITS
who needs shaders? :D
rulez added on the 2008-11-04 21:03:05 by qwesza qwesza
For the music.
rulez added on the 2008-11-26 13:34:46 by ham ham

For Windows XP
added on the 2008-12-06 16:24:54 by Acharad Acharad
p.s. : Requires iXalance to run
added on the 2008-12-06 16:27:28 by Acharad Acharad
For the coding effort.
rulez added on the 2009-07-28 19:53:23 by datsua datsua
nice demo
rulez added on the 2009-07-29 01:27:49 by Queen_Luna Queen_Luna
for the pixelled gfx
rulez added on the 2010-03-08 23:00:57 by SiR SiR
for the awesomeness
rulez added on the 2010-05-15 23:36:08 by zeroshift zeroshift
for the demo
rulez added on the 2010-07-16 11:41:21 by Defiance Defiance
for the bump
rulez added on the 2010-08-16 00:26:30 by rez rez
First demo on Pouet btw :)
added on the 2010-08-16 00:39:09 by Optimus Optimus
How come I never thumbed this one?!
rulez added on the 2010-08-16 00:40:19 by kusma kusma
For the same reason I didn't.
rulez added on the 2010-08-16 00:44:08 by mrdoob mrdoob
rulez added on the 2010-08-16 01:15:58 by raer raer
I very like the music.
rulez added on the 2010-08-31 01:57:40 by jack-3d jack-3d
its #1 so why try harder?
rulez added on the 2010-09-10 03:16:37 by wysiwtf wysiwtf
Classic one !
rulez added on the 2010-12-16 19:19:59 by skp skp
Uber elite #1 on pouet and its also TBL :)
rulez added on the 2010-12-28 16:38:12 by magic magic
I see the linux label, but I don't see a linux download...

Saw the video however
rulez added on the 2011-01-05 00:45:30 by joooo joooo
Everything except the music
rulez added on the 2011-11-17 20:04:47 by Frequent Frequent
great (especially the music)
rulez added on the 2012-01-07 01:46:29 by T$ T$
What T$ said (+ what, no thumb yet?)
rulez added on the 2012-01-07 01:47:26 by Saga Musix Saga Musix
Good muzak.
rulez added on the 2012-08-16 21:55:07 by trc_wm trc_wm
Ok, now how bad YouTube video it is possible to make out of perfectly good demo? I think this is one kind of a record:

First you take a demo and record the YouTube video out of it using camera... and you do it free hand... while not having very steady hand... Not bad enough? Ok, you use old CRT travel television as display... and record music with the camera mic... you don't actually run the demo, but you take the video out of video... that has been downloaded from YouTube... and converted at least 2 times... With very poor quality... ending up to 256x192 resolution... and 16 colors... and then you take 25-years old (MSX2) computer and play the video on it...

Sounds bad? Yes, it is!

rulez added on the 2012-10-15 19:10:26 by NYYRIKKI NYYRIKKI
what wysiwtf said.
rulez added on the 2013-05-21 20:58:32 by sensenstahl sensenstahl
TBL rocks!
rulez added on the 2013-07-14 00:05:35 by zeitpunk zeitpunk
I like this classic demo
rulez added on the 2013-11-06 15:10:16 by Tronix Tronix
what else ?!
rulez added on the 2014-04-26 18:15:21 by Black Dragon Black Dragon
Same as skp.
rulez added on the 2017-08-10 15:37:30 by eppogabber eppogabber
rulez added on the 2017-08-27 23:42:15 by venex venex
this is neat! also, prod nr. 1 on pouet :)
rulez added on the 2019-03-08 19:28:36 by nagz nagz
rulez added on the 2019-09-18 22:49:11 by baah baah
This demo is cool not just because it's the first prod added to pouet, but because of the soundtrack and some graphics.
rulez added on the 2019-12-23 19:05:17 by vitalkanev vitalkanev
Sweet old stuff!
rulez added on the 2021-07-16 19:11:29 by El Topo El Topo
rulez added on the 2022-01-12 01:05:47 by provod provod
Kickass, great demo.
rulez added on the 2022-09-15 14:21:39 by tjahzi(aka Jimi) tjahzi(aka Jimi)
rulez added on the 2023-06-13 01:02:29 by bitl bitl
outsss outsss outsss outssss! Amiga music, amiga design :p
rulez added on the 2023-12-07 08:01:07 by roudoudou roudoudou

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