Artifacts by Illogictree [web]
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popularity : 73% |
alltime top: #275 |
added on the 2013-02-11 07:25:11 by eddietree ![]() |
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The introduction is pure awesomeness, very demoish, colorful, while music sync is playing a big role along the setup of this whole dreaming ambiance. Congrats for this 1st time prod and looking forward to enjoying your next prod!
Was already nice to watch on stream, watching it at home on fullscreen in realtime creates a really great atmosphere.
Love the soundtrack and especially the glitter scene ;)
Made a Youtube capture for it:
Love the soundtrack and especially the glitter scene ;)
Made a Youtube capture for it:
Ambient, clean and colorful. Somewhat reminiscent of 2005 era ASD demos.
wow. this one's really cool. great athmosphere and direction. first scene was a blast.
Super wonderful. Beautiful to watch, wonderful ambient soundtrack and just wonderfully soothing in general.
Very nice, calm mood - great connection between visuals and music!
Note that It doesn't work on an AMD 6900M graphics card
like it!
Prod of the year!
Wow! This is something rather special, I loved it :)
Wow! Great!
pleasant demo, I like it
Very, very nice. Added to the collection!
Impressive! Totally extraterrestial feeling. Japanese Demoscene is rising!
What elend said.
Your sense for sync, composition and style is amazing - it captivates me, sitting here wondering and a smile on my face.
This surely is something I'll still enjoy in ten years from now. Awesome work, love the music! :)
Your sense for sync, composition and style is amazing - it captivates me, sitting here wondering and a smile on my face.
This surely is something I'll still enjoy in ten years from now. Awesome work, love the music! :)
This is the best demo I've seen in a long time. Bra-fucking-vo.
Superb. Absolutely perfect flow here, it's polished to perfection :)
Hypnoglow is back! Excellent demo, perfect match between visuals and the music.
Awesome and refreshing looks and the mood is just great!
wow..japan is kicking our ass
Pure Style. Welcome to the scene. If there will be a PouetAward I want to nominate this for »Best Newcomer«.
fucking love it! monosugoi!
wow, excellent!
finally a demo that works with a sophisticated visuals/sound-correlation.
oh, and i like the contemporary music including these soothing vocals.
finally a demo that works with a sophisticated visuals/sound-correlation.
oh, and i like the contemporary music including these soothing vocals.
Thank you for this - just thank you! It just underlines the hope and belief one has to "see something cool" from the demoscene again!
hypnotizing! ( °-° )
Apart from that, i love it! So moody and smooth!
Apart from that, i love it! So moody and smooth!
very nice and smooth :)
Japan will save us all.
Beautiful, lovely flow all around. It's exactly what I hope that many of my demos would have been.
More .jp groups == awesome
Relaxing... pleasure to watch.
Great design and good atmosphere!
Syncing is also awesome.
Syncing is also awesome.
truly awesome demo.
Holy hell this is just brilliant. Gorgeous rendering, great visuals built from simple elements, fantastic and fairly original (!!!) music, but what really does it for me are the details in the direction; the movements, camera paths the syncing, the list goes on. Not to mention, there are some spiffy effects as well! The colors are a bit cliché at this point but they work, but next time don't play so safe with them!
Great design, love it!
yes! the mouse pointer is a bit annoying, but omg this is polished!
nice mood
Sweet stuff!
scores on every level. a perfect midrange demo.
Great ambience, CL errors here (laptop with ATI HD 4650 mobile) so I went down the mighty youtube again :)
woah, this is the best Traction demo ever! :))
pretty impressive stuff!
pretty impressive stuff!
Great watch, more .jp powah!
Really fantastic demo.
Awesome vibe. Great combination between music and graphics!
nice stuff! Nothing to bash at all ;)
nice abstractions
excellent :D
i like the "matter" added in this demo (reminds me of ASD methods)
i like the "matter" added in this demo (reminds me of ASD methods)
chilling demoshock to brain
Good choice of music. Well sync'ed for the most part(sometimes a little sudden / jagged). Overall I like the feel, direction and content. The blur / HDR was a little too much at times. Don't care much for the 1px wide lines, as they don't really mesh (no pun intended) well with the rest of the visual style.
A pleasant surprise from Japan
Total abstraction, music/fx sync to its best!
Totally awesome soundtrack! visuals are awesome too, but I didn't like the thin 1 pixel stuff being so jagged in the beginning, that should have been post-processes somehow. Do you watch these on CRT monitors in Japan or what? Flatscreen pixels are ugly. And could you at least hide the frigging mouse pointer, please!
But awesome stuff.
But awesome stuff.
This is beautiful! Wonderful music and great visuals. I only wish it was a bit longer.
Just to balance things a little, a bit overrated for my taste :)
Peaceful... nice visuals and music, made me feel a bit like watching a machine's dream. Obvious thumb up!
really cool demo.
some of the camera movements could've been more thought, IMO, but that's a minor fault.
some of the camera movements could've been more thought, IMO, but that's a minor fault.
I need more sucks at my prods. I just realized that it means that the work was excellently done! I am pretty sure the soundtrack will be at the next mix of demovibes :)
And thanks for the lines, I've been missing them. :D
And thanks for the lines, I've been missing them. :D
And yeah, it deserved a cdc because I've been missing demos like this. It almost made me feel like the first time I saw Tesla by Sunflower.
Early traction demo, is it not?
Now this was quite damn cool.
Loved it.
European fapping over Japanese demos to seem hip.. it's good, but it's not great. I'll thumb it up because it's well put together.
Left me absolutely cold.
very nice
Brilliant !
Really awesome, really liked this one!
great correlation between sound and visuals. My favourite effect is the particle smoke at the end.
Love it!
Cool demoshock to European brain!
How organic and ASMR is that! <3
smooth colorful visuals + very lovely soundtrack = ubersexy prod
Stops with a compile error here.
Win7-x64, NV GT540M
Win7-x64, NV GT540M
awesome sync, great visuals and music <3
graceful <3
really great prod
perfect mood, driver by a solid soundtrac, with nice & polished correlated visuals.
maybe the content & ideas could have more impact in a slightly shorter demo (duration).
Some effects are lovely.
perfect mood, driver by a solid soundtrac, with nice & polished correlated visuals.
maybe the content & ideas could have more impact in a slightly shorter demo (duration).
Some effects are lovely.
Exactly what Gargaj said
And that smokebox at the end seemed out of place
And that smokebox at the end seemed out of place
Now this was boring, empty and... well, boring.
But wow! This is just wonderful! Thank you for no flashing bumps to the drumbeat but beautiful and clever ..things all over it, will definitely watch a lot of times...
great stuff!
- ridiculous amounts of glow
- coder colors
- has that Adobe Flash demo feel to it (except for the smoke box)
+ well executed/polished
+ interesting music
It's not a bad production at all. But still I don't feel like thumbing it up, sorry.
- coder colors
- has that Adobe Flash demo feel to it (except for the smoke box)
+ well executed/polished
+ interesting music
It's not a bad production at all. But still I don't feel like thumbing it up, sorry.
Great demo
What Danguafer said.
Indeed it has the "tesla" taste.
Indeed it has the "tesla" taste.
this is cool really cool
not bad but too much black backgrounds.
Cool. Looks like a birth of a universe.
Fresh and cool ! Nice to have great time watching a demo. And as usual flammers have to do some demos sometimes :) ( Not only watching it )
Didn't care much for the super-glow stuff, but all in all really nice!
cherri: yes. Let's watch a demo in a completely different style and "learn" from that.
Phoenix: if you want to see unwarranted european fapping over japanese demos, head over to this instead. There is little unwarranted praise for this prod, and the fact that it's from Japan is irrelevant.
absolutely brilliant! top notch execution of great ideas, a high-end track and lovely style!
The fact that this is from Japan is 100% irrelevant at least for me as i usually dislike everything coming from the east and especially the western hip towards east. But this one i love (and old jrpg's).
I would just like to point out that gloom has leading. That is all, carry on.
There is probably a "first prod"-bias.
Still nothing to do with japan.
Still nothing to do with japan.
I watched without knowing its from japan!
thumb anyway!! Made me feel good! :] and that what counts!

That is one stylish demo. Love the smoke explosion (and the rest too ;)
nice visuals and flow but really slow music. i waited for it to kick into some more drum beats and edgy visuals. didn't happen tho.
gloom: you stupid. who cares if it's different style. it wasnt comparison. it was message (and little bit of trolling) to illogictree to stop making demos with black backgrounds. norwegians these days.
cherri: oh, I'm sorry. Of course. You meant something completely different than what you said so clearly I'm the stupid one. :) You would be amusing if you weren't such a boring douche.
girls, stfu
pitiful fools..
the demo itself is great!
the demo itself is great!
gloom: this is funny because i was sure someone take it so seriously and i was trolling. so you was a victim. as i say before it was message to illogictree to change their style in next demo, not comparison. btw fuck black backgrounds.
True, as a first group release, it is deserving of more praise than normal. I still think it's a little overrated. Maybe expectations are lower than normal in January and February, with fewer releases?
it was message to illogictree to change their style in next demo
Why would anyone ask him such a thing? O_o Seriously go make some demo instead of bashing those who do.
But anyway, keep trolling and make this page get more popularity.
Fantastic stuff. Very polished and unusual. Please don't change the way of doing demos, this was refreshing and had more concept than the usual "visuals to some music" approach.
very short and good
Maybe expectations are lower than normal in January and February, with fewer releases?
While the first two months in a year are known to be the post-oscar noms / dumping group season in Hollywood (with few and mostly shitty releases), the demoscene is doing just fine. The Datastorm output alone is pretty impressive this year. :)
very good demo ! i love it . there is a ambiance, a way of directing, suche simple and good. very good feeling and all. such good.
love it!
Sublime experience, awesome work in every department!
I liked it. :)
Wow! Beautiful, hypnotizing, awesome! And it runs super smooth on my old hardware.
Lost a bit of its pace about halfway in, but <3 <3 <3 awesome tron-like graphics! Well done!
Also, crashes on start here (ATI).
1920x1200 @ 60 hz. Driver: windib
Init OpenCL...
CL Failed: clGetPlatformIDs(1, &m_clPlatform, NULL)CL Failed: clGetDeviceIDs( m_
clPlatform, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU, 1, &m_clDevice, NULL ) - Creating CL Context...
(Sorry for triple post :)
VERY good.
I like it!
i like pixeljunk 4am so thumbs up for that.
The art of demomaking. Visuals and audio fit very well together. Synchronization was good, too.
Nice dreampoppy soundtrack with fitting visuals.
Excellent demo. Beautiful soundtrack!
very nice
nice, quite polished stuff
wow ! instant thumb up. only regret : too short, could have been twice longer without getting boring...
Nice music, nice sync and nice hypnoglow. Really pleasant to watch.
the proof it's possible to do something peacefull while not boring.
This is the most refreshing demo in ages. Great effects lovingly arranged, tightly woven soundtrack and visuals, awesome.
Pretty, but it also crashes on my old, updated Windows XP Pro. SP3 machine with an 4+ years old ATI Radeon 4870 video card (512 MB of VRAM; PCIe). for the screen shot/capture and crash dumps (related to OpenCL). for the screen shot/capture and crash dumps (related to OpenCL).
Really, really good!
Good direction and a couple of fresh ideas, but the overall look is not really groundbreaking enough to shout for miracle. Keep it up.
The whole is better than the sum of the parts, probably because of the music. I would not call it awesome, but it was good enough for a thumb :)
Good stuff!
Wow. Pure love. Maybe there is hope after all :-)
Wow, nice
good, good
quite glowy&boring, but the last part KICKED ASS
super fucking sexy glowy demoy awesomeness!!!
Wow, it's so great! Eddie - we met last year at GDC when you were showcasing 4am. I see that I completely convinced you to make a scene production :). It's really good one!
So beautiful !
great stuff!
Fantastic demo and sync. At one point I wondered a bit about the suddenly disappearance of the hexagon objects, a little detail which should prove again that I think its a fantastic demo
wow this rocks my world!
Doesn't run on my PC :(
OH F....
Init OpenCL...
CL Failed: clGetDeviceIDs( m_clPlatform, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU, 1, &m_clDevice, NULL ) - Creating CL Context...
Any idea what is going on here? (Win7-x64, NV GT540M, driver version 314.07)
CL Failed: clGetDeviceIDs( m_clPlatform, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU, 1, &m_clDevice, NULL ) - Creating CL Context...
Any idea what is going on here? (Win7-x64, NV GT540M, driver version 314.07)
Yes! More of that, please!
if rhis demo use open cl this runs only on amd/ati graphic card,because nvidia don't support it.your error is clDevice =null
null=not dectected open cl on your graphic card.
null=not dectected open cl on your graphic card.
very well designed!
Well done!
loving it!!
the nice concept of kick-ass effects on realtime, plus the cool concept of trying to show us something consistent and synched.
You did it!!
the nice concept of kick-ass effects on realtime, plus the cool concept of trying to show us something consistent and synched.
You did it!!
I so wish I could run this realtime on my ATI machine, it does run, but theres stuff missing and some rendering bugs :(
Never the less, as I upvoted before a very sophisticated demo which I love and will re-watch quite a few times :)
Never the less, as I upvoted before a very sophisticated demo which I love and will re-watch quite a few times :)
Simply beautiful, piece of demo-art.
ah!! I've almost forgot!!!
+The Size : <8 megas ?????
Thumbs up!
+The Size : <8 megas ?????
Thumbs up!
Love this!
+ non-generic sounding music
+ highly sophisticated music
+ extraordinary arrangement for an ambient track
+ sound design
+ attention to detail
+ connection between audio / video
+ visually appealing, yet very hardware friendly
+ direction
+ loving everything single bit of this prod
- i didn't do this
+ highly sophisticated music
+ extraordinary arrangement for an ambient track
+ sound design
+ attention to detail
+ connection between audio / video
+ visually appealing, yet very hardware friendly
+ direction
+ loving everything single bit of this prod
- i didn't do this
just whoa! Fantastic achievement!
yay! nice smokey fluid stuff at the end
For those with opencl issues, install, or re-install (mine was corrupted, had to re-install) the opencl cpu sdk from intel (opencl CPU driver only). Choose the 2012 version, not the opencl 1.2 2013 beta (crash in a lot of stuff).
If Geek3D GPU caps viewer opecl demo in CPU mode works (go to opencl tab and select "Intel(R) OpenCL" for your opencl device then run a CL CPU demo) then the demo should work.
Yes, it seems this demo use opencl on the CPU and not the GPU. My GPU was at 9% usage for the entire duration of the demo, no way opencl runs on the GPU.
If Geek3D GPU caps viewer opecl demo in CPU mode works (go to opencl tab and select "Intel(R) OpenCL" for your opencl device then run a CL CPU demo) then the demo should work.
Yes, it seems this demo use opencl on the CPU and not the GPU. My GPU was at 9% usage for the entire duration of the demo, no way opencl runs on the GPU.
so... shiny....
nice effects, nice design, nice music, and so shiny!
I have to say I'm not that big a fan of the music, but the direction is simply flawless. I'd have a hard time finding another prod with this tight connection between sound and visuals, and that's really a brilliant achievement. All in all, a really great prod!
Where can I download this great music?
Very nice prod, quite relaxing.
Color me a fan. I've been looking for demos like this, and Artifacts didn't disappoint at all; it achieves the goals it sets out for without fail. More!
Love the atmosphere!
Did I forget to vote? What they said.
There's no Awards to vote for anymore, so here it goes:
this was my favorite demo of 2013.
this was my favorite demo of 2013.
Wow. If I had another CDC, this would be it. It's got screens with lots of "raining" objects, particle clouds, design (lots of design!), and nice music (to which it is very well synched). It also ran native resolution (whoo!) and, unlike previous reports, the cursor appears to have been hidden. :)
Nice design, perfect flow. I love it!
advanced and simple, it's a beautiful demo
Really nice ambient thing. The sync is AMAZING and that particle effect at the end... Damn! Also, awesome design.
Gorgeous stuff!
I <3 it
This is pretty much what I hoped to see every now and then from the demoscene post >2002. Pretty good and expressive. I like the discontinuities
Very nice
awesome design, awesomes sync, awesome music = more than awesome
What a trip!
I love it.
forgot to vote this, literally an artifact
I updated the link btw with a patched version that now works on both NVIDIA and AMD. There is, however, seemingly a bug Noby spotted with the particles in one scene that just stand still that I couldn't track down that easily.
wow, just wow!
Blew my mind back then and I still love it. Clearly made by someone who understands what demos really are.
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More demos please!!