Photon by Fairlight [web]
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popularity : 71% |
alltime top: #618 |
added on the 2015-03-20 19:27:48 by tomaes ![]() |
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That was amazing, even on the stream! I just spent a CDC, otherwise it would have landed here ;)
rulez added on the 2015-03-20 19:35:34 by HellMood 

Stunning visuals, beautiful music... Stylish like hell, total win :)
very good concept and enjoyable demo, but somehow I found the execution a bit lacking, especially visual quality and sync
Amazingly superb! Fairlight (smash) keeps rocking on the scene. And this one is no exception! Greetz to Henrik Wann Jensen btw. ;)
Pretty good, nothing wildly stunning this time but very mature. The rendering quality was worse than I expected though (static med frequency noise, aliasing), or maybe it was just my Radeon... music was alright but too overproduced once again for my taste.
pretty cool, but music wasnt long enough? :))
Very beatiful if a bit short. Framerate was a bit low, but I asked for it running 2560x1440 :)
Hurray its photons bouncing in 3d enviroments that look like they where pulled from a PD autocad architecture cd, but there was a cube here and there so i guess it qualifie as a demo. I realise i sound harsch... but i like the tech. just not the demo. I guess it looks like shit here because i dont have 600 euro videocard in my pc.
"boring flyby. lighting was okay." – no
The concept is sooo cool. I would love if the photons would pick up surface colors and distribute like with a global illumination algorithm.
The concept is sooo cool. I would love if the photons would pick up surface colors and distribute like with a global illumination algorithm.
Excellent! Nice visuals and I also like Gloom's music, fits perfectly!
Wow! Awesome.
nice idea and nice visuals. the very nice music on top adds a lot. great.
What SaphirJD said. Loved it.
Very good. Love the illumination. The audio cuts out too soon. In fact, the whole thing could be longer.
I like opening part.
Very interesting concept.
this is awesome
tune didn't feel like it fit.
visuals fine.
visuals fine.
The softer side of gloom, wish we would hear more of that!!!
Demo itself looks really great, fits with the tune. The last scene when the light comes in is superb.
Demo itself looks really great, fits with the tune. The last scene when the light comes in is superb.
Lovely. I would've liked the photons to have interacted more with the environment (I realize the irony) but other than that it's spot-on (sorry).
Very pretty, lovely and well-suited soundtrack.
mr.swoboda ain't a crook...
nice visuals, slightly boring demo.
a bit generic track maybe (especially drums).
a bit generic track maybe (especially drums).
Prettiest debug mode I've ever seen ! :p
That looks great and that start idea is good.
brilliant visual, code, music and idea
Thumb is for the idea and the way it's presented. 3D was seriously drab tho. And ... 74MB? Where do the extra, what 69MB come from? :) Almost made me oink.
Very pretty (and technically impressive)
Lighting was very "okay" indeed ;)
More seriously, great work.
More seriously, great work.
One word: Elegance.
Elegance like a motherfucker.
Yeah. Fucking Elegance, with an capital E.
Elegance like a motherfucker.
Yeah. Fucking Elegance, with an capital E.
Elegant yes. A bit what alien^PDX said though and music was a bit short.
Short, but great.....
Pretty pretty - but it would have been so much more interesting to use this tech on some more demostylish scenes instead of the trivial architectural scenes.
looks like ikea demo :)
Looks really awesome, sounds ok - has a really great idea!
The introduction and a scene like the one, where the "Photon"-title reveals a scene with lighting is really awesome and polished.
As a whole, the demo still feels a bit empty and unfinished/unpolished.
The introduction and a scene like the one, where the "Photon"-title reveals a scene with lighting is really awesome and polished.
As a whole, the demo still feels a bit empty and unfinished/unpolished.
Glorified compo-filler.
For me it works as a tech demo but not as much as a demoscene demo. The music fits well and the visuals are polished enough, however it has little progression, and the effects are vastly under-used. Do we need a reminder that you could render this using prebaked geometry and shadow/reflections that are part of the 3D pipeline since early 2000? (and about 100 times faster, with smaller filesize maybe?)
The production has some magic that I simply dont get, it is missing an extra gear - a middle part that made bigger fairlight demos so much more captivating.
The production has some magic that I simply dont get, it is missing an extra gear - a middle part that made bigger fairlight demos so much more captivating.
What Puryx said.
This one killed my old nVidia ... (not literally, thank God)
Real-time photizzle.
hm yes, I dont disagree with that. It is a very esoteric demo for people who can understand and appreciate these things. It is still missing some extra magic ala uncovering static. I dont know what this is, maybe some csg or some rendering weirdness that is impossible with traditional pipeline. This will then sell it as a technology vs triangle rendering. I dont remember it very well but I think that it mentions somewhere while the demo is running that it is all realtime and not prebaked? the magic is to imply that - to make it obvious to anyone rather - that it is so without mentioning. Again like uncovering.
Very nice, well decorated and surpriselly fast on GeForce 760.
The file size is damn too huge, though.
The file size is damn too huge, though.
What Navis said
would have liked it even more if it were a bit longer, with more photon scenes, but still it's a very solid production. keep 'em coming! ;)
Maybe this prod just need some interactive mode ? Simply controlling the camera would do but maybe hooking it up to a kinect and displaying the viewer inside the scene and the photons bouncing on him would be very interesting.
doing something technically new
Like what? Photon mapping has been around for ages (google Henrik Wann Jensen). I implemented a photon tracer back in 2001ish.
And it's just based on the same old raytracing stuff that has been around for ages before that even.
Just because we have enough processing power to do it in realtime these days doesn't mean it 'technically new', nor impressive.
Great concept. Wish it had evolved further.
Dear oh dear, Smash... I thought you would be smart enough to understand that code aimed at 2001ish hardware is not necessarily a good fit for 2015 hardware. Heck, clearly in 2001 my stuff did not target GPUs yet, and in fact, it was not even multithreaded, since we were still solidly in single-core country back then.
Who's the one that's out of touch with reality here?
Who's the one that's out of touch with reality here?
Perhaps you shouldn't try to make such a big ego-trip out of all this.
If I want to make myself look clever, I'll just make a demo about it.
If I want to make myself look clever, I'll just make a demo about it.
Immersive ! Was pleasant to watch.. thanks
It is a very pretty demo indeed. I really like the 'bouncing' photons.
Let's face it, it's perhaps the best illumination ever done in a demo. I do however miss something - like smaller 'events' or at each scene - especially towards the end. It does get a bit of 'design your livingroom/IKEA' feel.
Also, big ups to gloom for making a soundtrack that is completely different from his usual 'bigbeat style' that _also_ works really well.
Let's face it, it's perhaps the best illumination ever done in a demo. I do however miss something - like smaller 'events' or at each scene - especially towards the end. It does get a bit of 'design your livingroom/IKEA' feel.
Also, big ups to gloom for making a soundtrack that is completely different from his usual 'bigbeat style' that _also_ works really well.
nice rendering and lighting tech - a pleasure to watch.
scali: although i oftentimes appreciate your more "controversial" attitude (linux vs. win comes to mind etc.) and non-mainstream opinions, sometimes i think you go a little overboard..
This is the first time i have seen actual realtime code that i can download and try on my own pc which really delivers quality GI scenes compareable to (early) splutterfish stuff e.g.
There was a lot of buzz about all that Caustic/ImgTech/Octane/blabla stuff- but here comes one-man coding machine smash and kicks some major ass!
scali: although i oftentimes appreciate your more "controversial" attitude (linux vs. win comes to mind etc.) and non-mainstream opinions, sometimes i think you go a little overboard..
This is the first time i have seen actual realtime code that i can download and try on my own pc which really delivers quality GI scenes compareable to (early) splutterfish stuff e.g.
There was a lot of buzz about all that Caustic/ImgTech/Octane/blabla stuff- but here comes one-man coding machine smash and kicks some major ass!
Nice rendering indeed.
nice rendering but doesn't really go anywhere.
Hehe, low framerate as expected on an standard 660 nvidia.
Mebbe my friends Fire Pro can run this ;)
Mebbe my friends Fire Pro can run this ;)
Impressive rendering & lights
I'm looking forward to demos that make more advanced use of photon mapping to do beautiful things.
I really enjoyed the beginning with the bouncy photons coming to life but I did expect it to play around with my perception of the scenes a little bit, at least for some reason it built up like something like that was going to happen. Instead it went into a kind of tech-demoish realm. So, okay. But really beautiful and fantastically realistic definitely.
I like the way scenes are discovered. Lacks probably a bit of "spicy" scenes but it's just technically and visually awesome.
I watched it on YouTube since my desktop PC is ancient. It was decent. :)
This is a demo. Technically challenging and beautifull visualy !
The only critisim i can make are for the orange cicrles generated on surface hited by photon ( should have been animated in function of the distance to the photon for a better effect... )
The only critisim i can make are for the orange cicrles generated on surface hited by photon ( should have been animated in function of the distance to the photon for a better effect... )
Coding porn. And the bouncing photons concept at the beginning
So basically it's realtime full raytracking isn't it. Impressive. Though I agree that it's a bit low on content for a demo, from that point of view I'd rather put it closer to the Apocalypse When than to the epic, say, Numb Res or Agenda Circling Forth.
BTW, I get some chequered flickering on the floor-wall edge on my Radeon R7 260X when I turn on anti-aliasing, but maybe it's a question of old drivers.
BTW, I get some chequered flickering on the floor-wall edge on my Radeon R7 260X when I turn on anti-aliasing, but maybe it's a question of old drivers.
Great lighting, and as someone said before, 'elegant'. Would like to see this technology put to use in a bigger production.
Nice and calm!
what ps said.
"hmm, nice, a superstylish new fairlight demo!" leaning back in my chair, and plopp! it's already over! what a pity!
Classy, bit a bit on the short side. Loved the music.
First thing I look for with photon mapping is caustics, but the scenes didn't seem to include any.
Are you going to do a blog post on it?
First thing I look for with photon mapping is caustics, but the scenes didn't seem to include any.
Are you going to do a blog post on it?
actually, i started to get a bit curious about whether it's really photon mapping: in some areas you can clearly see an amount of noise that reminds more of monte-carlo path tracing - in contrast, photon mapping typically exhibits blurry splotches as artifacts..
Maybe it's a combination of both techniques..
Maybe it's a combination of both techniques..
Probably my favorite FLT PC demo. Nice flyby.
some seriously realistic looking lighting in this demo. I dreamt about doing this kind of thing on Amiga 4k or something by just shooting photons from light sources and then let them light up whatever they hit (hit a textured wall, then color the texel which was hit by the photon). then after half an hour
using lights bouncing around and coloring in the scene it would become a nice scene. However I guess it would take to much time to get the final result when watching the photons travel around at 10 km/h until the scene.
Then I guess there was a Kolor 4k intro which did something very similar too and it looked nice.
However this one probably takes the idea of watching light at sub-lightspeed to the max!
using lights bouncing around and coloring in the scene it would become a nice scene. However I guess it would take to much time to get the final result when watching the photons travel around at 10 km/h until the scene.
Then I guess there was a Kolor 4k intro which did something very similar too and it looked nice.
However this one probably takes the idea of watching light at sub-lightspeed to the max!
loaderror: the process you describe is actually very common nowadays for pre-computing static lightmaps.
regarding the kolor 4k (gracchus): I don't know the details, but to me it looks to be some per-vertex technique (a variant of 'lets render the scene from the current vertex pos to a tiny viewport and then integrate').
regarding the kolor 4k (gracchus): I don't know the details, but to me it looks to be some per-vertex technique (a variant of 'lets render the scene from the current vertex pos to a tiny viewport and then integrate').
really didn't do it for me.
So funny here are so huge amount of the ones who teach smash how to code, what is almost the same as to teach fire how to burn.
OK, so this looks really good some times. But unfortunately not because of the technology. In fact, the tech is quite a bit of a let-down in this one for me:
Massive geometric aliasing when drawing the dust-particles and the trails of those photons
Popping of the trails (to round them) when they bounce. I'm sure this is a trade-off, and hard to fix, but still quite visually disturbing
Reflecting cubes with wrong orientation. Yeah yeah, you're doing the world-aligned bounding boxes of the reflected object. But even though you used cubes for both, these look vastly different from the actual geometry.
Noisy light-maps. Yes, yes, they are updated in real-time. But they don't look good. And that's a much bigger problem than the effect-cred makes up for IMO.
The photon-footprints are way too large compared to the size of the photons.
Large jaggies at some hard edges in the geometry. Probably the result of unfortunate unwrapping.
No DOF on the glass in the stair-case scene. This leads to sharp-dark lines, looking rather disturbing.
There's quite a bit of missing occlusion in the GI-solution, for instance on the ceiling-beams in the logo-scene.
The color of the photon-footprints doesn't match the general color of the indirect lighting, which makes them look more like 2001-style additive blending "design" than interaction between light and surface.
However, there's also some things that I adore:
The specular reflections of the photon footprints are just gorgeous. Very subtle, but looks damn good.
Using one of the light-sources as the "o" in "Photon"
The soundtrack, and general flow of the demo.
Generally, the look and feel of the logo-scene. It somehow looks more in uniform than the rest if the scenes, probably because the color of the photons and the GI actually match up here.
But, I'm being very harsh here. This is still a clear "rulez"-demo. It's just I expect a bit more in the polish-department from these fine gentlemen ;)
However, there's also some things that I adore:
But, I'm being very harsh here. This is still a clear "rulez"-demo. It's just I expect a bit more in the polish-department from these fine gentlemen ;)
it works in 3840x2160 ;)
The shit!
I have to admit this product made me read a bit about photon mapping and thinking about how to implement it in hardware and I can see that it isn't as straightforward as some people suggest. So kudos for the implementation. I quite like the demo as well although I am never too fond of this realistic architecture type scenes. But it works in showing of the engine so it's fine :) The music is pretty nice too.
finally someone did that!
Nice atmosphere at times.
that's the most atmospheric and impressive demo from 2015 in my book so far, great job guys, i appreciate your work
Render ALL the photons!
I will happily admit to having been skeptical about the precomputed-ness of this demo until the very end - almost like the moment in The Third and the Seventh when you realize you're actually looking at a rendered animation. Absolutely fantastic.
I will happily admit to having been skeptical about the precomputed-ness of this demo until the very end - almost like the moment in The Third and the Seventh when you realize you're actually looking at a rendered animation. Absolutely fantastic.
Very nice, realtime GI, pretty much expected from Smash :)
Smash: while i totally agree with your comment about tech being still important in demos (that's basically what differentiates us from the CG-scene), 70MB WTF?? I mean, i understand there are time constraints and lack of interest and such, but in my opinion it takes a lot away from the impressiveness.
On a related note: another reason while it's a disgrace not having size(limited) compos.
Smash: while i totally agree with your comment about tech being still important in demos (that's basically what differentiates us from the CG-scene), 70MB WTF?? I mean, i understand there are time constraints and lack of interest and such, but in my opinion it takes a lot away from the impressiveness.
On a related note: another reason while it's a disgrace not having size(limited) compos.
~eagerly awaiting Scali's implementation~
improbabilified las vegas ray crawling intersection heuristics algorithm
Ahhh fireworks in a box!! So beautiful.
nice concept
The tech is great but I can't help but feel that it's being let down by the actual demo.
breathtaking. and i don't understand a word of the tech discussion, i really just think the result is breathtaking. hats off!
awesome visuals (as expected), the music is 30 seconds shorter than it should be (still very ace, just way too calm).
The indirect lighting and the reflections look really nice, I like the music, and I like the concept. It's great to have some real GI in demos again. I do wonder why it's 70mb, what's taking up all the space?
"this is what i want to see in games soon!"
that said, i too am getting checkered blocks on my Radeon R9 as well...
that said, i too am getting checkered blocks on my Radeon R9 as well...
Might as well go for 300MB then, that gives you a good 8-10mbps x264, hey presto, full hd demo, no compatibility issues, and you can fit in as many textures as you like :)))
now I search for fireflies under my desk
shiny :)
very neat
another sublime and beautiful entry from nvscene. i love the lighting and the scene design is so very aesthetically pleasing. the music also enhances the visuals with a melancholy atmosphere, just gorgeous.
Very nice. :)
The first part is lovely - and it loses some of the magic during the room scenes. Still technically brilliant and visually pretty.
great concept, beautiful and very well executed.
Finally something a bit more hard and fast paced from Fairlight. <3
Well, fuck. Wrong prod to comment on. Oh well, I still like it anyway :D

I like the relaxed atmosphere and sound track (Tangerine Dream!). And the visuals fit to that mood perfectly.
Couldn't care less about the technical aspect, but enjoyed this one much more than Ziphead. Job well done, Gloom & Co.
Nice mood and a fast and good looking photon mapping algo.
great demo
Rendering porn
Up until the scene with the columns I thought this was awesome. I'm not sure what happened after that, but I had a bit of an "oh right, this is a demo"-realization - maybe it was the cube calling attention to how well it reflected those lights a bit too obviously ;)
I still liked it a lot, but I was a bit disappointed that the second half felt more like tech than demo. I appreciated the idea of visible photons though, I'm not big on rendering tech but it felt like a look behind the scenes as well as just a nice new effect. Great demo overall (though as a final comment I was a bit confused when the music stopped a few seconds before the visuals).
I still liked it a lot, but I was a bit disappointed that the second half felt more like tech than demo. I appreciated the idea of visible photons though, I'm not big on rendering tech but it felt like a look behind the scenes as well as just a nice new effect. Great demo overall (though as a final comment I was a bit confused when the music stopped a few seconds before the visuals).
great idea and execution - superb sound track!
Nice looking one. And Smash: Fix your shaders on AMD GPUs ;)
Love the fitting music, the idea, and it works visually for me.
I really adore how the orange/warm light fills the dark/cold Environments of the later Scenes in the Demo, but the very first Scene drops me from immersed Viewer into a conscious perception state of the the Demo (start thinking how to fake the result with lightmaps and planar projection rather than follow the Demo passively).
The issue is that the first 2 Emissions of Photons do not collide with anything, but the 3rd Emission bounces from some previously invisible Walls, which breaks the Illusion for me because you don't obey the laws of physics here and I can tell something is wrong.
Like I said, the Photons "flooding" the room is a strong candidate for "best Effect 2015" for me, but this inconsistency in the first Scene somehow kills immersion. (sorry, I cannot explain it better :( )
There seems to be another issue with the Soundtrack not reaching a Climax when the lightsource starts moving at the end of the Demo, but I cannot really judge this properly because I'm not immersed in the Demo at this point and view it in "debug mode" like someone else said before :)
Sorry if this confuses you more than it does me, but I had some "Aha!" moment when i realized why it breaks Immersion and wanted to share why (it hopefully helps you more than me).
The issue is that the first 2 Emissions of Photons do not collide with anything, but the 3rd Emission bounces from some previously invisible Walls, which breaks the Illusion for me because you don't obey the laws of physics here and I can tell something is wrong.
Like I said, the Photons "flooding" the room is a strong candidate for "best Effect 2015" for me, but this inconsistency in the first Scene somehow kills immersion. (sorry, I cannot explain it better :( )
There seems to be another issue with the Soundtrack not reaching a Climax when the lightsource starts moving at the end of the Demo, but I cannot really judge this properly because I'm not immersed in the Demo at this point and view it in "debug mode" like someone else said before :)
Sorry if this confuses you more than it does me, but I had some "Aha!" moment when i realized why it breaks Immersion and wanted to share why (it hopefully helps you more than me).
The concept is amazing and long overdue. But watching this demo I couldn't help feeling it deserved a more elaborate, polished approach. For me, the immersion broke when I saw reflections of photon footprints in the glossy floor. That just... doesn't work. And the last 15 sec or so just disconnected with me completely.
Well, thumb for getting it done at least. And for the soundtrack—it's amazing and elevates it above being a tech demo.
Well, thumb for getting it done at least. And for the soundtrack—it's amazing and elevates it above being a tech demo.
I really enjoyed this demo as nice display of real-time rendering tech.
love it
Awesome indoor architecture renderer ;) Seriously, beautiful lighting, nice scenes, and great buildup. Music was too short for my liking, which also means it was nice enough to make me want it longer =)
A lot of noise around the edges of walls and cubes on my 1060, maybe a driver issue?
also nice to be able to finally run this at a decent framerate, although i have to agree that theres little to no progression... this basically is a visually appealing tech-demo once you understand what its doing
also nice to be able to finally run this at a decent framerate, although i have to agree that theres little to no progression... this basically is a visually appealing tech-demo once you understand what its doing
how did i miss that one back then??
love it
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