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Eternal Dreams by K-Storm [web]
screenshot added by skarab on 2002-11-23 17:10:35
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release date : november 2002
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popularity : 66%
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alltime top: #8954
added on the 2002-11-23 17:10:35 by skarab skarab

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A nice demo (3mn - 4,7Mo)
added on the 2002-11-23 17:11:42 by skarab skarab
its to big for me to download, so im just happy with watchin the screenshoot =)
je prefere m'abstenir de tout commentaire ...
sucks added on the 2002-11-23 17:28:15 by asphyx asphyx
please, learn more.
sucks added on the 2002-11-23 17:32:41 by med med
K-Storm demo has evolved.
however, particle was bad.
You should care about texture size and magnifying power.
And was correspondence of frame rate carried out?
added on the 2002-11-23 17:41:06 by got got
Not so bad... kind of relaxing, metaball+polygonlight effect in the end was quite nice.

Btw, particle texture was very ugly.
rulez added on the 2002-11-23 18:04:05 by shadez shadez
Good job scarab, thumbs up for the improvement :)
rulez added on the 2002-11-23 18:30:47 by XteNt XteNt
Couple of things...

- I thought you promised us non-linear interpolation of the camera-track?
- The font is ghastly

Other than that, this is a definite improvement over previous work, which is good, I guess.

Um...yeah, I'm too bored to think up/steal a sarcastic quote, sorry.
added on the 2002-11-23 18:54:13 by sagacity sagacity
Ok, I've just read your comments, I'm agree with all, thanks a lot.

The esc key isn't enable, but you can use Alt+F4 the demo will stopped, or use the cross in windowed mode.
The camera use bezier-curves, but i guess with some little bugs...
The font is used only for the greetings so...

Tx all :)
added on the 2002-11-23 19:00:25 by skarab skarab
im gonna watch it, and if it's improving enough, i promise a solid improvement over fuckskarab
added on the 2002-11-23 19:06:18 by stil stil
Better visuals, but still not enough.
(I won't comment the textwriter again)
added on the 2002-11-23 20:03:54 by pan pan
youre going the right direction. still not a thumb up though :)
The music remind me of jean michell jarre, but it lack a good lead to really do impact as anything but elevator muzac.
added on the 2002-11-23 20:07:54 by NoahR NoahR
thumb up for the last sentence in the final scroller ...
rulez added on the 2002-11-23 20:08:04 by Stv Stv
good job my friend ! :)
try to make more design :)
thumb up for the effect of the screenshot.
rulez added on the 2002-11-23 22:15:07 by Bouga Bouga
not bad guys, much better than the demos you've done in the past!
added on the 2002-11-23 22:17:19 by reaktor2k reaktor2k
It was ok, a couple nice effects. Text sucked and the same particles were used over and over which removes a lot of fun.

The music reminded me a lot of Dope / Complex.
added on the 2002-11-23 22:20:55 by Jare Jare
great improvement man!
this is almost a good demo...
just some improvement on textures, and designwise and it'll worth a rulez.
anyway i like it even as it is now.
added on the 2002-11-23 22:28:47 by FooLman FooLman
link is broken,
cant download it...
added on the 2002-11-24 00:52:54 by Igoronimo Igoronimo
wait tomorrow, multimania is very slow sometimes...
added on the 2002-11-24 01:24:01 by skarab skarab
It works now, maybe it'll work a few days... I hoppe. Sorry, I'll change of server as soon as possible...
added on the 2002-11-24 11:54:48 by skarab skarab
only the music is acceptable
sucks added on the 2002-11-24 13:50:01 by spengler spengler
look's okaish, camera movement is truly bad. Music helped the overall feel.
added on the 2002-11-24 13:55:11 by ekoli ekoli
Fonts are updated and texts added.
added on the 2002-11-24 14:42:31 by skarab skarab
î wont thump up but its not bad either =)
work on the camera!
added on the 2002-11-24 15:59:12 by Kami68k Kami68k
nice to see, that your work get's better from time to time. bad is the music has no sync to the ssen stuf, and some textures are a little ugly, you may improve them //better work first on the cam movement than on the textures//. Hmm, better concentrate on coding, think it won't be that hard, to gat a grphician into skarab. anyways, thumbs UP !
rulez added on the 2002-11-24 16:04:25 by RaS RaS
RaS, to be perfectly honest I think it's going to be quite an accomplishment to get a graphician into skarab. unless, ofcourse, he's willing.
added on the 2002-11-24 17:01:23 by sagacity sagacity
It's good to see serious efforts at improvement. Definitely better than preceding K-Storm demos. And it's good to see a production which isn't another one of those dumbass art parody demos.


The camera movements are still way too mechanical, English needs work (although it's funny to read...), and it might be an idea to team up with some sort of graphic designer.
I watched it again to see the text improvement.
The text is improved, but the spacing is still wrong.

(Unluckily I noticed also how ridiculous is the splash screen)
added on the 2002-11-24 21:11:06 by pan pan
It is indeed a nice improvement over your previous works Skarab :)
There is still some bad issues though, slow speed in some parts and some textures/parts looks ugly. Use of the same particle gfx, without blending it good with each other..
Good things: Text and music. Nice glass(?!) fonts writer. Particles and the 2 balls effects. Overall feeling..
rulez added on the 2002-11-24 21:22:37 by Optimus Optimus
"Good" overall feeling, forgot one word?!
added on the 2002-11-24 21:23:51 by Optimus Optimus
The music is GORGEOUS!!, Been playing it all day well kinda hehe
Keep It Up
rulez added on the 2002-11-24 21:53:31 by Mike 3D Mike 3D
Quite ok particle effects and I really like the text effect.. oh and that metaball poly-light stuff was sweet.
rulez added on the 2002-11-24 22:53:28 by polymorph polymorph
All in all ok'ish demo with really nice sound, but I'm not thinking about DOPE when listening to it ;)
added on the 2002-11-24 23:36:37 by Crest Crest
1 FPS on my P3-750 geforce2 in 640*480 while all other demos are normally viewable (60 fps for well-coded effects, 30 others)
added on the 2002-11-25 00:04:18 by ukuk ukuk
ukuk, i've an athlon 650.
Do you think i can code effects if i can't watch it ?
added on the 2002-11-25 00:13:34 by skarab skarab
Was surely more than 1 fps on my pIII-450 with tnt2 ;)
added on the 2002-11-25 00:26:59 by Crest Crest
true, but ukuk i think you are telling the truth too, because I've receive a mail telling me the same problem, it might be fmod, the mp3 player, I'll add the "no-sound" option tomorrow, and search the last version of fmod.
added on the 2002-11-25 00:39:07 by skarab skarab
I tried to replace fmod's dll by one that works fine on other demos... does the same.
I also replaced the propaganda's fmod dll by the one from edreams, works fine...
I even replaced propaganda's mp3 by the edream's one and it works fast too (=
added on the 2002-11-25 00:55:12 by ukuk ukuk
Ok, sorry but it may be a strange thing... I don't know :( If somebody have an idea !
added on the 2002-11-25 02:00:15 by skarab skarab
now, skarab improved again a bit...
but still those cutty cameras,
the particle texture is really ugly
and the font writer ssems somehow displaced...
but, as we only had some crappy "art" stuff in the last weeks and skarab really try it to get better, ill thumb this up...
rulez added on the 2002-11-25 03:31:35 by Igoronimo Igoronimo
These 3d scene flyby -demos are just not my thing.. But this was ok to watch once. At least it wasn't as long as The Product. =)
added on the 2002-11-25 09:00:40 by break break
nice size, nothing to say..... but $creen look nice.........
added on the 2002-11-25 10:52:42 by Sadman Sadman
Hmm,. in this computer runs fine, so it was my mistake to say the code is slow. I will try it also home. Perhaps it's a strange bug for somecomputers, or these computers in that icafe didn't have that good hardware I thought. Good job again Skarab!
added on the 2002-11-25 12:38:30 by Optimus Optimus
seriously, remove all 3dscenes until youve fixed your keyframing >P

linearinterpolation is as nice as those ps demos ;)
added on the 2002-11-25 13:20:55 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
i read above its bezier with bugs.. cool..

i guess you (skarab) should learn how bezier works then ;)
added on the 2002-11-25 13:29:11 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
Stefan, if you had known how it works you won't have told me that i use linearinterpolation :)
added on the 2002-11-25 13:48:07 by skarab skarab
sorry for my english, it seems t be an alien langage for me :)
added on the 2002-11-25 14:05:53 by skarab skarab
kool. nice music! nice "metaball" effect.
rulez added on the 2002-11-25 14:34:44 by svok svok
skarab: heh, it looks like linear interpolation , its quite hard to get bilinear to look like that acctually, unless you really really try =D
added on the 2002-11-25 15:15:50 by Hatikvah Hatikvah

- go to your WndProc routine
- add:
case WM_CHAR:
if (lParam==27) SendMessage(hWnd,WM_CLOSE,0,0);

That's all.

Otherwise, nice to see you improve, keep up :)
added on the 2002-11-25 15:41:47 by kb_ kb_
Crap. I just hate horrible wannabe 3d-flybyes. Sorry...
sucks added on the 2002-11-25 18:35:44 by dairos dairos
The Demo won't go fullscreen for me. I;m using a Radeon 9700 Pro. All I get is a frameless window, and an error message: Display Mode not Compatible"
sucks added on the 2002-11-25 18:43:50 by Euan Euan
Euan, have you tried the windowed option ?
added on the 2002-11-25 21:59:56 by skarab skarab
A nice demo with some good effects, we can see a lot of improvement since the last demo. Keep up the good work =)

Crest>it is not a Fmod bug, switch your desktop to a 32 bits depth ...
added on the 2002-11-25 22:56:50 by KarLKoX KarLKoX
sorry, ukuk i mean ... :-p
added on the 2002-11-25 22:58:29 by KarLKoX KarLKoX
Yes ! Tx Karlkox, I've forget this, the demo use 32bits (will make other options in the next demo). Tx a lot :)
added on the 2002-11-25 23:00:47 by skarab skarab
i liked it. got some spirit. The music is nice.
rulez added on the 2002-11-25 23:46:39 by Duckers Duckers
Few things I liked (like the metaball thingy), a lot of flaws and music which recalls too much of Dope... I wish there was something between thumb down and pigface...
added on the 2002-11-26 08:19:30 by dixan dixan
long loading part, some low fps on my GeForce4200ti+p4-1.8Ghz !
good music but ugly gfxs as usual ;p linear cameras dont looks good
start scene reminds me old Orion prods :)
strange flashs on the floors looks bugged?
a little bit short, unreadable texts
interesting metaballs and fake particules
need more work for a thumb up, music save the prod
this demo is just slow and ugly
an horrible production, just made to waste your time :/
added on the 2002-11-26 13:39:29 by asphyx asphyx
Asphyx, i hoppe that you don't criticize my demos because you don't like me. Lamer.
added on the 2002-11-26 18:05:12 by skarab skarab
added on the 2002-11-26 19:14:56 by delta delta
And for people who doesn't think i tell the truth about the cams : I use Bezier cuves only, not B-Splines, so when one bezier curves is link with another it makes the same problem as the linear interpolation. That's all, and it's true that it looks crappy, that's why other people change of camera (like in Open Your Eyes), but using this music i couldn't do that, i think. So, see you in another demo :)

ps: Optimus thanks :) Zone thanks :) (and yes the floors looks bugged sometimes, I forget to delete all the day-night code maybe, try Gloom on my website :)
added on the 2002-11-26 19:22:50 by skarab skarab
skarab: people change the camera because they want to, not because they're hiding their bugs.
added on the 2002-11-26 19:47:53 by sagacity sagacity
Skarab, there is no problem if you link bezier curves properly (you would have known it if you had understood them).
On the other hand, you have also Catmull-Rom splines, which interpolate smoothly between a set of points. Maybe you are looking for something like that.
added on the 2002-11-26 21:50:15 by ithaqua ithaqua
sorry, didnt like this...
yes, it is an improvement, well done, however, this is still a sub-standard production in my eyes, bad cameras, bad textures, didnt like the particle fx (ugly and boring) and please, use esc to exit, alt+f4 aint acceptable.
but, no thumb down, it is an improvement and thats good to see these days
added on the 2002-11-26 23:23:50 by graffik graffik
Thx KarLKoX, my desktop was 16bits... didn't know it could slow down that much.
innovating metaballs (uh in fact i don't know, i'm probably aware of less that 1% of the demoscene literature). what would it do with more than 2 primitives ? (= 2 balls seems very few /:
hated the lightnings on the floor, looks like a first-time-i-try-to-do-that...
nice music ! matches the first scene (the outdoor one)
added on the 2002-11-27 02:06:16 by ukuk ukuk

muahahahahahahahahha ;D
i am going to guess, the title says it all?

added on the 2002-11-27 04:52:47 by raver raver

And for people who doesn't think i tell the truth about the cams : I use Bezier cuves only, not B-Splines, so when one bezier curves is link with another it makes the same problem as the linear interpolation.

No. You can easily achieve C1 continuity with bezier curves (with linear interpolation you can get only C0 continuity).

Don't remember if Cn is common, international notation, but by "Cn" I mean "Function is continue up to the Nth derivate".
added on the 2002-11-27 13:10:54 by pan pan
Prod updated : Cam and Fonts changed (but not the text, niark niark), and last effect of the metaballs updated (you can see it now).
added on the 2002-11-27 16:22:46 by skarab skarab
tremendous improvement over your previous demos!
added on the 2002-11-27 18:58:26 by jazzman jazzman
Perhaps you should leave this project and start on a new instead.
The Camera was improved but still you can squezze a little more fluidness out of it.
Should run faster than it does. Do you draw things that are outside of the frustum in the first scene?? Are all those torches calculated one-by-one or is it just one that's being copied? Are you using Vertex Arrays and have you enabled GL_CULL_FACE ?? Lot's of questions but there is something wrong, it shouldn't be this slow on a Athlon XP 1800 with a GeForce 3 Ti 500.
added on the 2002-11-27 19:39:39 by ekoli ekoli
The metaball effect was quite Good. Not the same with the rest(bad camera movements,textures etc). Keep improving
added on the 2002-11-27 20:00:18 by reality3D reality3D
mmkay, let's do the usual goodsides/badsides part:

- Jittery camera
- Few metaballs
- Skarab's english good no is! >:)
- I've seen that textwriter somewhere :)
- Some texts (especially the greets) are unreadable.
- Solid engine
- Nifty gfx, some nice textures
- Neat music, quite relaxing.

So overall a good prod with some glitches. Next time better :)
rulez added on the 2002-11-27 21:43:03 by Gargaj Gargaj
Garaj: gfx are unfinished ones ripped from 2 great french artists; no glory for Skarab, as usual.
added on the 2002-11-28 07:26:51 by asphyx asphyx
sucks added on the 2002-11-28 10:45:09 by elric elric
Asphyx : Garaj: gfx are unfinished ones ripped from 2 great french artists; no glory for Skarab, as usual.
ehm, which is ripped ? The only gfx which is in the demo is made by me (the loading picture, and the terminator).
added on the 2002-11-28 14:04:16 by skarab skarab
quiet good! :)
rulez added on the 2002-11-28 14:16:29 by alan alan

its amazing how constructive and noble this thread is - looks like skarab is now the little prince of the demoscene! amazing! i tell u mon

rulez added on the 2002-11-29 03:45:01 by raver raver
hm, really boring flybys, the engine needs to be improved A LOT and please dont use any text in your demos ;)
and its too dark for the monitor here
Really a great production. I can watch it again and again.
rulez added on the 2002-12-30 05:19:14 by scatman scatman
Really a great production. I can watch it again and again.
added on the 2002-12-30 05:21:05 by scatman scatman
wait our next prod...
added on the 2003-01-06 19:05:03 by skarab skarab
Rather average demo, but had some nice details (of course, the particle engine wasn't one of them).
added on the 2003-03-01 15:57:27 by shash shash
added on the 2003-04-07 14:31:09 by Mike 3D Mike 3D
this is cool
rulez added on the 2003-04-10 17:33:32 by Harvester Harvester
Ugly 3d.
added on the 2003-12-14 17:16:03 by zeebr zeebr
BB Image
sucks added on the 2005-02-11 10:13:03 by rez rez
pas de commentaires, comme asphyx, mais en plus, dis moi, tu dois surement savoir que c'est de la MERDE HAHHA?!
sucks added on the 2005-10-27 03:34:27 by iks iks
alan le suce boules
sucks added on the 2005-10-27 03:36:28 by r00t r00t
broken link
added on the 2005-10-27 20:47:22 by darkus darkus
sucks added on the 2006-01-22 02:25:04 by Longshot Longshot
nicec music, camera driven story
rulez added on the 2007-05-07 11:54:49 by hamster hamster

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